jEdit 歷史版本列表 Page1

最新版本 Grids 6.1.4 (64-bit)

jEdit 歷史版本列表

jEdit 是一個成熟的程序員的自由文本編輯器與數百(計時的開發插件)人 - 年的發展背後。要盡可能快速和輕鬆地下載,安裝和設置 jEdit,請轉至快速入門頁面. jEdit 雖然功能和易用性都比眾多昂貴的開發工具都要優勝,但它是以免費軟件形式發布的,具有完整源代碼 GPL 2.0 的條款。 jEdit 核心與大量插件一起由全球開發團隊維護。 jEdit 免費下載 Windows PC 的最新版本... jEdit 軟體介紹

jEdit 5.6.0 查看版本資訊


Grids 6.1.4 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


Grids 6.1.3 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


Grids 6.1.2 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


jEdit 5.5.0 查看版本資訊


jEdit 5.4.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Bug Fixes:
- Add NSSupportsAutomaticGraphicsSwitching to JarBundler so that jEdit does not drain the battery unnecessarily on OS X
- Bug fixed, related to resolving symlinks of buffers and checking for updated buffers
- Syntax highlighting broken if non-visible lines change
- Macro Keywords_to_Upper_Case fails to find class
- Macro Display_Shortcuts show no/wrong results
- Select All checkbox initially disabled
- Filename completion prefered longest filename when no match with exact length was found. Prefer the first one
- Beanshell do-while loop bug
- Fix Java_File_Save macro: accept text after class name
- Better choice for text area corner colors
- Gutter lines not aligning with text area lines
- Issue with non-capturing groups in regex search and replace
- Changes to mode files are not detected when ~/.jedit/modes is a symlink
- Cannot change alpha value of a color in the syntax highlighting settings
- Issues with move lines up and down macros
- Documentation bug about where auto-saved files are saved
- Null pointer exception in ChunkCache
- Add missing source and target version to compile-installer task to not accidentally get an installer that needs a newer Java version than jEdit itself does
- Use new version of JarBundler that also sets LSApplicationCategoryType and NSHighResolutionCapable
- Set default colors for foreground and background in syntax highlighting style editor
- Fix plugin crashes on JDK9. Don't pre-connect the returned URLConnection in jeditresource: protocol handler
- ConcurrentModificationException in ProperyManager
- Too short horizontal scrollbar after view resize
- InvocationTargetException with negative printing tab width
- Printing range bug
- Delete a user mode from the catalog even if the mode file is missing
- Plugin Manager: fix missing newline between released and description for plugins without dependencies. Add extra newline for clarity
- Next Char macro doesn't work

UI Improvements:
- Feature Request #520 Environment variables in Find dialog Directory
- UI clean up, button spacing, borders, etc.
- Implemented feature request #493, ask for confirmation before closing all buffers
- Refactor editing option pane into several tabs, allow user editing of modes lists, similar to editing the encoding options lists. This also fixes feature request #515
- Updated NumericTextField to allow decimal numbers and only allow negative sign at the start of a number

- Updated printing system with jEdit specific printer dialog, accurate page range printing, current page printing, printing of selected text only, ability to show page breaks in the text area
- The plugin manager now uses a different URL scheme where the mirror is a URL parameter and not part of the hostname anymore and follows URL redirection properly. This way a file can always be downloaded as we get redirected to a mirror that has the requested file available. Now dead mirrors do not cause the download to fail anymore due to unknown hostname and files that are only available on few mirrors (seldom downloaded files are only available on one mirror sometimes) also work properly. The selected mirror is just the preferred one that is used if the file is available there, just as the label always suggested anyway

API Changes:
jEdit now requires/can make use of Java 1.8 language / libraries. new org.gjt.sp.utils.GenericGUIUtilities class, containing bits of org.gjt.sp.jedit.GUIUtilities suitable for the standalone TextArea package; all methods kept but deprecated and proxies
- refactor Help table of contents loading code to a separate class (HelpTOCLoader). Make relevant members public, so the help TOC is accessible to other code, e.g. the HelpServer plugin

- Batch mode updates
- Unicode brackets
- Updates for objectrexx mode
- Mode for m4 macro processor language
- Drawj2d edit mode
- Rust edit mode raw string fix
- Mode for Mavscript 2.0
- New mode for swift
- New mode for Java 9 files
- Updated CSS mode provided by AdamS

jEdit 5.3.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- EditBuffer.isFoldEnd() was unable to detect the fold end when it was the last line
- More accurate wrap margin calculation
- Fix AWT thread-safety issue in VFSManager.error()
- Order of unsorted buffers now preserved in View.getBuffers()
- Support for negative line spacing
- Fix bug #3671: autodetect text file encoding in HelpViewer
- Fix bug #3881, non-capturing lookahead in regex search didn't work
- Fix bug #3184: File browser completion dives into wrong directory
- Fix bug #2833 Plugin jars dependencies not removed
- Fix bug #3911, text area was scrolling to the left when saving
- Fix bug #3599 Key typing in Install panel. Search Field gets focus on show and when one types '/' or a letter in the list
- Fix bug #2877 "Hide installed" checkbox in Install panel. Don't re-install unloaded plugins

- Handling of NUMPAD keys cleanup
- Scalable GUI for tip-of-the-day
- Scalable ColorWell icon according to UI font
- Proper L&F font for syntax style table
- Proper row height default for JTable, JTree with 4K displays
- More font size choices for 4K and higher-res displays
- EOL marker character is a localizable property (view.eolMarkerChar), and an arrow (↩) instead of period (.)
- Proper button margins for Nimbus L&F
- Floating dockables as JDialog
- CompletionPopup should accept TAB for completion selection
- Separated sorting of Buffer Sets and Buffer Switcher
- Font properties were not applied after change in Appearances settings
- Allow columns to be rearranged in FSB
- Align gutter numbers with lines when using additional vertical line spacing
- Added option to hide open files from recent file list
- UI adjustment to allow adding new mode files by point and click
- No error message when PluginManager doesn't find a file to be removed and show files to be removed in alphabetical order
- Plugin Manager Manage Panel sortable on all columns and all directions

- New Korean translation file
- Resize performance improvement
- Properties are sorted when saved
- Configure the JUnit task to fork off the Ant process, with manually adding the needed Ant libraries. This ensures that there are no unwanted classpath entries during test execution

- View now sends ViewUpdate message on EditBus when full screen mode is toggled
- This is useful to plugins that may need to adjust their appearance when the screen mode is toggled. Close-all sends BufferClosing events on EditBus for each buffer closed.
- This is useful to plugins that record closed files. org.gjt.sp.util.StandardUtilities#compareStrings accepts null Strings

- Updates to Clojure mode
- More conventional color scheme for diffs and changesets
- Updates to Scala Mode
- New mode for rust
- New mode for Kotlin syntax
- Updates to cfscript mode
- New mode for ANS Forth 1994
- New mode for mustache templates
- New mode for Antlr 4
- Updates to properties mode
- Updated Go mode
- Allow editing, but not saving, of read only files
- Added Markdown mode from Peter Lynch
- Better mode selection for files that match multiple modes