jAlbum (64-bit)

最新版本 cURL 7.81.0

cURL 7.81.0

cURL 7.81.0
使用 jAlbum 64 位,您可以使用這個屢獲殊榮的軟件,從您的數碼照片或任何文件中創建網絡相冊,就像您想要的一樣。 jAlbum 具有用於基本圖像重新觸摸和文件處理系統的內置圖像編輯功能。波蘭你喜歡的照片,並刪除壞的。這只是一個拖放的問題。

使用稱為“皮膚”的靈活模板來創建 HTML,Flash 或任何其他格式的自定義相冊。添加購物車,音樂等更高級的功能。新的皮膚不斷添加到 jalbum.net 的創意 jAlbum 用戶,供您下載。一定要檢查出來。

將您的相冊發佈到 jalbum.net 上的免費託管或 jAlbum 內置 FTP 支持的任何站點。分享您的相冊,並在 jalbum.net 上收到反饋。小工具是有趣的工具,添加功能,您的 jAlbum 64 位,如評論照片和輕鬆瀏覽您的相冊。

j 相冊功能:

使用強大的 jAlbum 軟件來創建任何網站專業的在線相冊。從數百張專輯皮膚中進行選擇,並根據您自己的個人風格進行定制。只需點擊一下按鈕,jAlbum 就會批量處理您的圖片,為您的圖片進行縮放並為您創建網頁.

您將立即熟悉 jAlbum 的類似瀏覽器的用戶界面。使用拖放來添加新的照片和視頻。創建文件夾以更好地組織您的相冊。使用右鍵菜單(上下文菜單)訪問最常用的功能,如排序,旋轉,編輯或選擇為文件夾縮略圖。在縮略圖下方添加字幕。

您可以上傳您的相冊到互聯網上的任何地方:到您自己的網站或博客。您甚至可以直接從您的硬盤共享一個專輯。如果您不擁有網站,請使用 jalbum.net– 我們的社區網站 - ndash; 專門用於存儲,共享和展示專輯.

jAlbum 優化處理巨大的圖像量,並可以使用您當前的文件夾結構。這意味著您可以立即用更多圖片或新功能更新您的網絡相冊。一個普通的 jAlbum 畫廊有 70 個圖像,並且在一個有組織的網站上只有幾個點擊就可以找到有 10.000 到 100.000 個圖像的畫廊.

支持 video
jAlbum 不僅僅是呈現圖像,它同樣擅長處理視頻。 jAlbum 可將超過 160 種不同的視頻格式轉換為適合在各種瀏覽器和設備上進行網頁呈現的格式。只需拖放,創建驚人的視頻專輯

金屬插件 jAlbum 決定生成的相冊的佈局和功能集。有些皮膚很簡單,容易修改,而另外一些則具有高級功能,如 Google 地圖集成,視頻播放或購物車集成等等。 jAlbum 附帶大約 10 個皮膚,您可以從我們的皮膚部分安裝數百個新的部分


使用 jAlbum,銷售圖像(或其顯示的項目)真的很容易。只需要幾分鐘就可以設置一張配有購物車的相冊(僅由某些皮膚支持)。您決定要銷售的定價和產品。 jAlbum 目前與 PayPal,Google Checkout 和 Fotomoto 集成(也可以為您處理打印和發送).

jAlbum 提供了一系列幫助保護圖像的方法:可以對圖像進行水印處理,並將您的標誌批量打印到其上。您可以將版權聲明添加到圖像的元數據中。可以將圖像縮放為“僅適用於網頁”尺寸,並且可以在尊重該提示的瀏覽器上禁用鼠標右鍵來保存圖像(僅由某些皮膚支持)

創建來自 Lightroom
的網絡圖庫立即從 Lightroom 創建 jAlbum 相冊這個方便的插件。選擇要放入相冊的圖像,選擇 jAlbum 插件並按發布。該插件將在您的相冊位置準備一個 jAlbum 相冊。所有你


檔案版本 cURL 7.81.0

檔案名稱 curl-7.81.0.zip
系統 Windows XP64 / Vista64 / Windows 7 64 / Windows 8 64 / Windows 10 64
軟體類型 未分類
作者 JAlbum AB
官網 https://jalbum.net/en/
更新日期 2022-01-05

What's new in this version:

- mime: use percent-escaping for multipart form field and file names

- asyn-ares: ares_getaddrinfo needs no happy eyeballs timer
- azure: make the "w/o HTTP/SMTP/IMAP" build disable SSL proper
- BINDINGS: add cURL client for PostgreSQL
- BINDINGS: add one from Everything curl and update a link
- checksrc: detect more kinds of NULL comparisons we avoid
- CI: build examples for additional code verification
- CI: bump job to use mbedtls 3.1.0
- cmake: don't set _USRDLL on a static Windows build
- cmake: prevent dev warning due to mismatched arg
- cmake: private identifiers use CURL_ instead of CMAKE_ prefix
- config.d: update documentation to match the path search
- configure: add -lm to configure for rustls build.
- configure: better diagnostics if hyper is built wrong
- configure: don't enable TLS when --without-* flags are used
- configure: fix runtime-lib detection on macOS
- curl.1: require "see also" for every documented option
- curl: improve error message for --head with -J
- curl_easy_cleanup.3: remove from multi handle first
- curl_easy_escape.3: call curl_easy_cleanup in example
- curl_easy_unescape.3: call curl_easy_cleanup in example
- curl_multi_init.3: fix EXAMPLE formatting
- curl_multi_perform/socket_action.3: clarify what errors mean
- curl_share_setopt.3: split out options into their own manpages
- CURLOPT_STDERR.3: does not work with libcurl as a win32 DLL
- digest: compute user:realm:pass digest w/o userhash
- docs/checksrc: Add documentation for STRERROR
- docs/cmdline-opts: do not say "protocols: all"
- docs/examples: workaround broken -Wno-pedantic-ms-format
- docs/HTTP3: describe how to setup a h3 reverse-proxy for testing
- docs/INSTALL.md: typo fix : added missing "get" verb
- docs/URL-SYNTAX.md: space is not fine in a given URL
- docs: add known bugs list to HTTP3.md
- docs: address proselint nits
- docs: consistent manpage SYNOPSIS
- docs: fix dead links, remove ECH.md
- docs: fix typo in OpenSSL 3 build instructions
- docs: Update the Reducing Size section
- example/progressfunc: remove code for old libcurls
- examples/multi-single.c: remove WAITMS()
- FAQ: typo fix : "yout" ➤ "your"
- ftp: disable warning 4706 in MSVC
- gen.pl: improve example output format
- github workflow: add wolfssl (removed from zuul)
- github/workflows: add mbedtls and mbedtls-clang (removed from zuul)
- gtls: check return code for gnutls_alpn_set_protocols
- hash: lazy-alloc the table in Curl_hash_add()
- http2:set_transfer_url() return early on OOM
- HTTP3: update quiche build instructions
- http: enable haproxy support for hyper backend
- http_proxy: don't close the socket (too early)
- insecure.d: detail its use for SFTP and SCP as well
- insecure.d: expand and clarify
- libcurl-multi.3: "SOCKS proxy handshakes" are not blocking
- libcurl-security.3: mention address and URL mitigations
- libssh2: fix error message for sha256 mismatch
- libtest: avoid "assignment within conditional expression"
- lift: ignore is a deprecated config option, use ignoreRules
- linkcheck.yml: add CI job that checks markdown links
- m4/curl-compilers: tell clang -Wno-pointer-bool-conversion
- Makefile.m32: rename -winssl option to -schannel and tidy up
- mbedTLS: add support for CURLOPT_CAINFO_BLOB
- mbedtls: fix private member designations for v3.1.0
- misc: remove unused doh flags when CURL_DISABLE_DOH is defined
- misc: s/e-mail/email
- multi: cleanup the socket hash when destroying it
- multi: handle errors returned from socket/timer callbacks
- multi: shut down CONNECT in Curl_detach_connnection
- netrc.d: edit the .netrc example to look nicer
- ngtcp2: verify the server cert on connect (quictls)
- ngtcp2: verify the server certificate for the gnutls case
- nss:set_cipher don't clobber the cipher list
- openldap: implement STARTTLS
- openldap: process search query response messages one by one
- openldap: several minor improvements
- openldap: simplify ldif generation code
- openssl: check the return value of BIO_new()
- openssl: define HAVE_OPENSSL_VERSION for OpenSSL 1.1.0+
- openssl: remove `RSA_METHOD_FLAG_NO_CHECK` handling if unavailable
- openssl: remove usage of deprecated `SSL_get_peer_certificate`
- openssl: use non-deprecated API to read key parameters
- page-footer: add a mention of how to report bugs to the man page
- page-footer: document more environment variables
- request.d: refer to 'method' rather than 'command'
- retry-all-errors.d: make the example complete
- runtests: make the SSH library a testable feature
- rustls: read of zero bytes might be okay
- rustls: remove comment about checking handshaking
- rustls: remove incorrect EOF check
- sha256/md5: return errors when init fails
- socks5: use appropriate ATYP for numerical IP address host names
- test1156: enable for hyper
- test1156: fixup the stdout check for Windows
- test1525: tweaked for hyper
- test1526: enable for hyper
- test1527: enable for hyper
- test1528: enable for hyper
- test1554: adjust for hyper
- test1556: adjust for hyper
- test302[12]: run only with the libssh2 backend
- test661: enable for hyper
- tests/CI.md: add more information on CI environments
- tests/data/test302[12]: fix MSYS2 path conversion of hostpubsha256
- tftp: mark protocol as not possible to do over CONNECT
- tool_findfile: updated search for a file in the homedir
- tool_operate: only set SSH related libcurl options for SSH URLs
- tool_operate: warn if too many output arguments were found
- url.c: fix the SIGPIPE comment for Curl_close
- url: check ssl_config when re-use proxy connection
- url: reduce ssl backend count for CURL_DISABLE_PROXY builds
- urlapi: accept port number zero
- urlapi: if possible, shorten given numerical IPv6 addresses
- urlapi: provide more detailed return codes
- urlapi: reject short file URLs
- version_win32: Check build number and platform id
- vtls/rustls: adapt to the updated rustls_version proto
- writeout: fix %{http_version} for HTTP/3
- x509asn1: return early on errors
- zuul.d: update rustls-ffi to version 0.8.2
- zuul: fix quiche build pointing to wrong Cargo

cURL 7.81.0 相關參考資料
7.81.0-1ubuntu1.13 : curl package : Ubuntu - Launchpad Bugs

2023年7月19日 — libcurl is an easy-to-use client-side URL transfer library, supporting DICT, FILE, FTP, FTPS, GOPHER, HTTP, HTTPS, IMAP, IMAPS, LDAP, LDAPS, ...


7.81.0-1ubuntu1.14 : curl package : Ubuntu - Launchpad.net

2023年10月3日 — libcurl is an easy-to-use client-side URL transfer library, supporting DICT, FILE, FTP, FTPS, GOPHER, HTTP, HTTPS, IMAP, IMAPS, LDAP, LDAPS, ...


curl 7.81.0 with Daniel Stenberg - YouTube


curl downloads

curl-library curl-users IRC / chat Mailing lists Everything curl [book] ... 7.81.0, 2.97MB · 3.99MB · 2.37MB · 6.02MB. 7.80.0, 2.94MB · 3.97MB · 2.36MB · 5.99MB.



The cURL package contains an utility and a library used for transferring files with URL syntax to any of the following protocols: FTP, FTPS, HTTP, HTTPS, SCP, ...


curl_7.81.0-1_amd64.deb Ubuntu 22.04 LTS Download

curl is a command line tool for transferring data with URL syntax, supporting DICT, FILE, FTP, FTPS, GOPHER, HTTP, HTTPS, IMAP, IMAPS, LDAP, LDAPS, POP3, ...


Details of package curl in jammy

Other Packages Related to curl · dep: libc6 (>= 2.34): GNU C Library: Shared libraries · dep: libcurl4 (= 7.81.0-1) [not amd64, i386]: easy-to-use client-side URL ...


Releases · curlcurl

A command line tool and library for transferring data with URL syntax, supporting DICT, FILE, FTP, FTPS, GOPHER, GOPHERS, HTTP, HTTPS, IMAP, IMAPS, LDAP, ...


[RELEASE] curl 7.81.0

2022年1月5日 — Buy commercial curl support from WolfSSL. We help you work out your issues, debug your libcurl applications, use the API, port to new platforms, ...
