IrfanView (64-bit)

最新版本 IrfanView 4.40 (64-bit)

IrfanView 4.40 (64-bit)

IrfanView 4.40 (64-bit)
IrfanView 64 位是 Windows 中最受歡迎的圖像瀏覽器之一,它創建的時候佔用的空間非常小,使用戶能夠訪問各種各樣的工具,這不僅使新手和收藏家感到高興,想要輕鬆訪問可執行批量轉換,圖像處理(裁剪,旋轉,更改格式,大小,更改顏色範圍,優化顏色)甚至簡單的圖像編輯器(繪圖,添加文本等)的工具。使用外部插件的用戶可以大大擴展 IrfanView 的能力,包括播放音頻和視頻文件的能力。

第一版 IrfanView 是由生活在維也納 Irfan Skiljan 的波斯尼亞程序員於 1996 年 6 月初創建的。今天超過 15 年的市場,這個偉大的應用程序支持 Win95 和 Win8 之間的 Windows 的每個版本,使任何人輕鬆做出這個輕量級的應用程序(只有 1.5MB,沒有插件,這是小於 10 MB)成為他們的主要形象查看應用。 IrfanView 64 位支持所有流行的圖像格式,它可以創建屏幕保護程序,支持 TWAIN 設備,如掃描儀,它可以截圖,預覽文本文件,動畫 GIF,通過縮略圖瀏覽圖像庫,等等。

IfranView 是非常快速,小巧,緊湊和創新的 FREEWARE。它試圖使用起來很簡單,對於初學者來說很簡單,對於專業人士來說也很強大。它具有許多功能,其中一些是:
許多支持的文件格式簡單,直觀的界面翻譯成許多語言幻燈片支持(幻燈片可以保存為可執行文件,屏幕保護程序或刻錄到 CD / DVD)Adobe Photoshop 過濾器支持最支持圖像格式縮略圖視圖快速目錄視圖(通過目錄移動)批量轉換 / 重命名工具(圖像處理)各種圖像效果打印選項無損 JPG 旋轉還有更多...


檔案版本 IrfanView 4.40 (64-bit)

檔案名稱 iview440_x64_setup.exe
檔案大小 3.18 MB
系統 Windows XP64 / Vista64 / Windows 7 64 / Windows 8 64 / Windows 10 64
軟體類型 免費軟體
作者 Irfan Skiljan
更新日期 2015-08-05

What's new in this version:

- The 64-bit version of IrfanView is now available
- The 64-bit version is faster for very large images (25+ Megapixels)
- Option to support IrfanView by installing "Amazon 1Button App" (OPTIONAL !)
- Support for animated PNG files (APNG)
- EXIF date (taken) sort menu added to main window sort menu
- New Sort dialog option: Sort by EXIF date (date taken)
- New toolbar item: Zoom box with common values (Properties->Toolbar)
- (You can also write a new zoom value and press Enter)
- New PDF PlugIn (enable in Properties->PlugIns->PDF)
- New in Thumbnails window: Export image tiles for selected files (batch mode)
- Load cursors and bitmaps from EXE/DLL files (Thanks to Jason Hood)
- Option to set a custom font for TXT loading (Properties->Browsing/Editing)
- Option to use left mouse button for fullscreen scrolling (for touch screens)
- The 2 GB limit for EXE/SCR-Slideshow files changed (now: 4 GB, Windows EXE limit)
- New Fine Rotation method/option added (faster for very large images)
- New option for the Red-Eye-Correction effect (dialog): Set gray intensity
- Some fixes in the Paint PlugIn
- New hotkey: CTRL + SHIFT and '+' or '-' to change GIF/ANI/PNG animation speed
- New hotkey: CTRL + SHIFT + mouse click: Create selection based on clipboard image
- New button in Batch processing dialog: Pause/Resume
- New button in Advanced batch dialog: Get current selection for cropping
- You can Drag&Drop (or Send To) multiple files to IrfanView shorcut or window
- PlugIns "Metadata" and "JPG-Transform" included in the IrfanView installer
- New command line options
- Several PlugIns are changed/updated, please install the newest versions

IrfanView 4.40 (64-bit) 相關參考資料
Download IrfanView (32bit) 4.40 for windows

2015年8月5日 — Version 4.40. The 64-bit version of IrfanView is available; The 64-bit version is faster for very large images (25+ Megapixels); Option to ...

Downloading IrfanView 4.40 (64-bit) from

A compact, lightweight and powerful photo editing program for Windows · IrfanView 4.40 (64-bit) · Key details about this download. The file will be ...

IrfanView - Microsoft 應用程式

IrfanView is a very fast, compact and innovative FREEWARE image viewer/converter for Windows. IrfanView is fast and small, with very low system resources ...

IrfanView - Official Homepage - One of the Most Popular ...

IrfanView graphic viewer · Fast and compact ( just 6 MB ) · Freeware for non-commercial use · Supports Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10 and 11 · 32 and 64 bit version ...

IrfanView 4.40 - Download

... 64 bit version. It offers multi language support. IrfanView Shell Extension is a free Shell Extension Dll that adds the ability to call some IrfanView ...


IrfanView 4.40 for 64-bit Windows released

2015年8月4日 — Faster for very large images (25+ Megapixels, loading or image operations); Runs only on a 64-bit Windows (Vista, Win7, Win8, Win10). Advantages ...

IrfanView 64-bit version

Starting with IrfanView 4.40 there is also a 64-bit version available. · Runs on a 32-bit and 64-bit Windows · Loads all files/images for normal needs (max.

IrfanView PlugIns

EXR Plugin (4.67) - ZIP (32 bit) or ZIP (64 bit) - Improved gamma value on loading. Available PlugIns and current versions: AltaLux - (version 1.08): allows ...

Older versions of IrfanView (Windows)

Download older versions of IrfanView for Windows. All of the older versions of IrfanView have no viruses and are totally free on Uptodown.


【重灌狂人】 - 版本更新:[下載] IrfanView 4.40 免費看圖軟體

版本更新:[下載] IrfanView 4.40 免費看圖軟體,比ACDSee 更快、更好用(繁體中文版) 可支援Windows 10 , 提供32/64 位元版本,在處理大圖時的速度更快了!