
最新版本 LaunchBox 11.3

LaunchBox 11.3

LaunchBox 11.3
IPVanish 是世界上唯一真正的頂級 VPN 服務。這意味著它可以提供最好的 VPN 速度,最安全的連接和最具競爭力的價格。 VPN 網絡跨越 60 多個國家的 450 多個服務器上的 40,000 多個 IP,讓您能夠匿名瀏覽,並訪問全球每個角落的無限制互聯網.

IPVanish 為日常網絡使用提供安全的環境。一旦建立 VPN 連接,所有在線數據(電子郵件,即時消息,數據傳輸,網上銀行)都將通過加密隧道.

IPVanish VPN 特性:

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IPVanish 是保護自己免受網絡威脅和不安全的 Wi-Fi 熱點的最佳方式.


最好的 VPN Network
IPVanish 為 60 多個國家的 450 多台服務器提供了 40,000 多個 IP 的安全連接。虛擬地從世界任何地方訪問網頁.

注意:需要.NET Framework。無法在未註冊版本中更改您的 IP .

也可用:下載 IPVanish 為 Mac


檔案版本 LaunchBox 11.3

檔案名稱 LaunchBox-11.3-Setup.exe
系統 Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10
軟體類型 未分類
作者 IPVanish Team
官網 https://www.ipvanish.com/
更新日期 2020-09-14

What's new in this version:

- New Feature: Alternate names are now downloaded from the LaunchBox Games Database when importing or downloading metadata for your games, and they are editable in Add/Edit
- New Feature: New fields have been added for Max Players, Release Type, Video URL, and Wikipedia URL, downloaded from the LaunchBox Games Database when available
- Improvement: LaunchBox and Big Box have been upgraded to .NET Core 3.1, which brings with it many advantages, such as no longer requiring a .NET Framework installation, better performance, increased security, and potential cross-platform support
- Improvement: The LaunchBox options screen has been overhauled to remove the "legacy" portion and organize everything much more cleanly
- Improvement: The Installed, Games Database ID, Application Path, Max Players, Release Type, Video URL, and Wikipedia URL fields have been added to the LaunchBox list view
- Improvement: Date formats should now more closely reflect the Windows settings
- Improvement: Using custom fields in the sidebar now supports multi-string fields similar to Genre and Series
- Improvement: Plugin developers can now perform a search in Big Box using PluginHelper.BigBoxMainViewModel.Search(string query)
- Fixed: Rare image cache reading error
- Fixed: Screenshots pulled from GOG were sometimes cut off
- Fixed: Some games imported from GOG were not using DOSBox correctly

LaunchBox 11.3 相關參考資料
11.3 install error - LaunchBox no longer opens ...

Quit install and now Launchbox wont open at all. Reinstalled fresh copy of 11.3 then copy/paste new files in my original install directory.


Download - LaunchBox 11.3

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LaunchBox is a portable, box-art-based games database and launcher for DOSBox, emulators, and PC Games. Download it free!


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LaunchBox 11.3 - MajorGeeks.Com

LaunchBox 11.3. Author: Jason Carr Date: 08/25/2020 02:24 PM Size: 262 MB License: ...


LaunchBox 11.3 - 下载

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Launchbox 11.3 got released on 8/24. My launchbox is not finding the update. Anybody else having the same problem ? Any Ideas how to get ...


LaunchBox Latest Changes

LaunchBox 11.3 Released! ... Version 11.3 - Released August 26, 2020 ... been updated to 3.0.11; Improvement: The included version of CefSharp/Chromium ...
