軟體下載 Inkscape 0.47

檔案名稱 Inkscape-0.47-3.exe

Inkscape 0.47 軟體下載

檔案版本 Inkscape 0.47

檔案名稱 Inkscape-0.47-3.exe
檔案大小 37.01 MB
更新日期 2009-11-25
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軟體介紹 & 更新資訊

Inkscape 0.47
Inkscape 是在 Windows,Mac OS X 和 Linux 上運行的專業質量矢量圖形軟件。它被全世界的設計專業人員和愛好者用來創建各種各樣的圖形,如插圖,圖標,徽標,圖表,地圖和網頁圖形。 Inkscape 使用 W3C 開放標準的 SVG(Scalable Vector Graphics)作為原生格式,並且是免費的開源軟件.Inkscape 擁有復雜的繪圖工具,其功能堪比 Adob... Inkscape (32-bit) 軟體介紹

What's new in this version:

# Important improvements

* Timed autosave: no more lost work
* Spiro splines: an exciting new way to work with paths, fully supported in Pen, Pencil, and Node tools
* Auto smooth nodes: a new type of node that keeps the path as smooth as possible as you move it or its neighbors
* New modes in Tweak tool: pushing and jittering whole objects, scaling/rotating objects, deleting and duplicating using the "soft brush"
* Reworked, much more usable snapping system and a Snapping toolbar
* New path effects, including sketch, hatching, envelope deformation; effects can be stacked and assigned to groups
* A huge collection of preset filters in the new Filters menu
* New cairo-based PS and EPS export: improved quality, more features supported, fallback rasterization for filters and transparency
* Spell checker for text objects in a document
* Many new extensions: restacking, calendar, printing marks, cartesian and polar grids, interpolating attributes
* Optimized SVG code options, now with their own Preferences page
* Many other improvements, usability tweaks, memleak stops, and misc bugfixes

Inkscape 0.47 相關參考資料
Inkscape 0.47 - macOS

None - 蘋果的macOS 系統.


Inkscape 0.47 的所有平臺

Inkscape 0.47 的所有平臺. 這會列出所選發行版的所有平臺。它會顯示各個可用平臺的對應下載數,但不會列出所有未填滿格子的對應平臺。舉例來說,如果有顯示出Windows ...


Inkscape 0.47pre0 的所有平臺

Inkscape 0.47pre0 的所有平臺. 這會列出所選發行版的所有平臺。它會顯示各個可用平臺的對應下載數,但不會列出所有未填滿格子的對應平臺。


Inkscape 0.47pre2 的所有平臺

Inkscape 0.47pre2 的所有平臺. 這會列出所選發行版的所有平臺。它會顯示各個可用平臺的對應下載數,但不會列出所有未填滿格子的對應平臺。


Inkscape 0.47pre3 的所有平臺

Inkscape 0.47pre3 的所有平臺. 這會列出所選發行版的所有平臺。它會顯示各個可用平臺的對應下載數,但不會列出所有未填滿格子的對應平臺。


下載 Inkscape 0.47

Reworked, much more usable snapping system and a Snapping toolbar; New path effects , including sketch, hatching, envelope deformation; effects can be stacked ...


下載Inkscape 0.47pre0

Prerelease version. Please see release notes for Inkscape 0.47. Note: The download files for this Inkscape version are provided for historical reasons only. As ...


下載Inkscape 0.47pre1

Prerelease version. Please see release notes for Inkscape 0.47. Note: The download files for this Inkscape version are provided for historical reasons only. As ...


下載Inkscape 0.47pre3

Prerelease version. Please see release notes for Inkscape 0.47. Note: The download files for this Inkscape version are provided for historical reasons only. As ...


下載Inkscape 0.47pre4

Prerelease version. Please see release notes for Inkscape 0.47. Note: The download files for this Inkscape version are provided for historical reasons only. As ...
