IceCream Screen Recorder

最新版本 SEO SpyGlass 6.45.6

SEO SpyGlass 6.45.6

SEO SpyGlass 6.45.6
IceCream Screen Recorder 是一個免費的應用程序捕獲任何屏幕上的活動,並將其保存為視頻文件或截圖。由於許多強大的功能,用戶可以記錄屏幕創建視頻教程,捕捉攝像頭,記錄遊戲或流視頻,採取選定區域的屏幕截圖。該程序可以根據用戶的需要捕捉屏幕的任何區域:可以選擇全屏,1024x768,720p 等預設參數,也可以手動簡單地對區域進行裁剪,以去除多餘的區域,僅記錄感興趣的區域。記錄區域的最小尺寸是 30x30 像素。屏幕截圖可以保存為 JPG 和 PNG 文件,保存到剪貼板或通過 URL 上傳(用戶可以通過短鏈接獲取截圖)。下載 IceCream Screen Recorder 適用於 Windows 的脫機安裝程序安裝程序提供了大量自定義工具,以根據用戶的特定需求調整視頻或屏幕截圖。因此,可以通過錄製系統和麥克風聲音對視頻進行評論,使用繪圖面板將圖形添加到視頻或屏幕截圖中,隱藏桌面圖標,顯示或隱藏鼠標光標並將其高亮顯示,禁用屏幕保護程序,設置最小磁盤的限制空間和最大文件大小。所有這些選項都提供了出色的用戶體驗,並可以記錄任何屏幕上的活動。可以將預定的錄製任務添加到程序的任務列表中。請注意,在錄製過程中,屏幕保護程序和 Windows 睡眠模式將被禁用。 IceCream Screen Recorder 支持與幾個顯示器一起工作。應用程序是精心設計,並具有用戶友好的界面,立即得到處理。隨著 IceCream Screen Recorder,捕捉屏幕的艱鉅任務變得容易和大驚小怪.

IceCream Screen Recorder 產品特點:

選擇您想要截屏的屏幕區域或製作一個視頻在一個單一的點擊。  繪圖面板

在進行屏幕截圖的同時繪製,輪廓並在屏幕截圖或視頻中添加箭頭或文字。  項目歷史


添加自己的水印到屏幕截圖。  添加 webcam

添加 webcam
錄製網絡攝像頭以及錄製屏幕。  視頻質量


更改麥克風的音量和系統聲音。  Clipboard

將截圖保存到剪貼板,並通過 Skype 或電子郵件即時分享.

隱藏光標或桌面圖標,並在屏幕截圖期間禁用屏幕保護程序(如有必要)。  屏幕截圖至 URL

屏幕截圖至 URL
單擊即可將屏幕截圖發送至 IceCream Apps 服務器,獲取簡短網址並與任何人分享。下載 IceCream Screen Recorder 用於 Windows 的脫機安裝程序安裝.


注意:10 分鐘的記錄時間限制。您只能將錄音保存到 MKV.

也可用:下載 IceCream Screen Recorder 為 Mac


檔案版本 SEO SpyGlass 6.45.6

檔案大小 243 MB
系統 Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10
軟體類型 未分類
作者 IceCream Apps
更新日期 2020-01-24

What's new in this version:

SEO SpyGlass 6.45.6
- Some minor issues have been fixed in SEO SpyGlass

SEO SpyGlass 6.45.5
- A few minor bugs have been fixed

SEO SpyGlass 6.45.4
- Some performance updates and bug fixes have been implemented

SEO SpyGlass 6.45.3
- A few minor bugs have been fixed

SEO SpyGlass 6.45.2
- A few minor bugs have been fixed

SEO SpyGlass 6.45.1
- A few minor bugs have been fixed

SEO SpyGlass 6.45
- The new Historical Data module has been released in SEO SpyGlass: check out how many backlinks your website earned and lost in different periods of its history

SEO SpyGlass 6.43.5
- The problem of calculating Domain Strength for new projects and a few other minor bugs have been fixed

SEO SpyGlass 6.43.4
- A few minor bugs have been fixed

SEO SpyGlass 6.43.3
- A few minor bugs have been fixed

SEO SpyGlass 6.43.2
- Some performance updates have been implemented

SEO SpyGlass 6.43.1
- The Bulk Analysis module has been updated and improved in SEO SpyGlass: now you may collect domains' organic traffic stats and find out how many keywords your competitors are ranking for in Google

SEO SpyGlass 6.42.3
- Some performance updates have been implemented

SEO SpyGlass 6.42.2
- Some performance updates have been implemented

SEO SpyGlass 6.42.1
- A few minor bugs have been fixed

SEO SpyGlass 6.42
- Some performance updates have been implemented

SEO SpyGlass 6.41.2
- A few minor issues have been fixed

SEO SpyGlass 6.41
- Some performance updates have been implemented

SEO SpyGlass 6.40.15
- Change log not available for this version

SEO SpyGlass 6.40.14
- New settings added to SEO SpyGlass Preferences
- Misc. Global Settings: let the software minimize into tray when performing scheduled tasks
- A few minor bugs have been fixed

SEO SpyGlass 6.40.13
- A few minor issues have been fixed

SEO SpyGlass 6.40.12
- A few minor bugs have been fixed

SEO SpyGlass 6.40.11
- The Whois database for domains IPs has been updated

SEO SpyGlass 6.40.10
- A few minor bugs have been fixed

SEO SpyGlass 6.40.9
- The problem of opening projects from SEO PowerSuite Cloud has been resolved in SEO SpyGlass

SEO SpyGlass 6.40.8
- A few minor bugs have been fixed

SEO SpyGlass 6.40.7
- A few minor bugs have been fixed and some performance updates have been implemented

SEO SpyGlass 6.40.5
- Minor bug-fixes and stability improvements added

SEO SpyGlass 6.40.4
- The problem of connecting proxies to SEO SpyGlass has been fixed and other minor bugs resolved

SEO SpyGlass 6.40.3
- A few minor bugs have been fixed and some performance updates have been implemented in SEO SpyGlass

SEO SpyGlass 6.40.2
- Some performance updates have been implemented

SEO SpyGlass 6.33.5
- A few minor bugs have been fixed in SEO Spyglass

SEO SpyGlass 6.33.4
- Fixed the problem with SEO SpyGlass modal windows on MacOS that opened under the main window

SEO SpyGlass 6.33.3
- Improved UI for minimized interface view and for screens with low resolution and some other minor bugs have been fixed in SEO SpyGlass

SEO SpyGlass 6.33.2
- Fixed duplicated dates for the Backlink Summary graph in SEO SpyGlass

SEO SpyGlass 6.33.1
- New SEO SpyGlass version with improved memory utilization algorithm for 64-bit Windows machines

SEO SpyGlass 6.33
- Several bugs have been fixed and UX improvements implemented in SEO SpyGlass

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