Hide.me VPN

最新版本 Remote Utilities - Viewer

Remote Utilities - Viewer

Remote Utilities - Viewer
世界上最值得信賴的 VPN 提供商,Hide.me VPN 現在擁有超過 500 萬的下載量,現在為所有使用 Free VPN 的設備和操作系統提供了最新增強的 VPN 應用。這很容易 123,沒有註冊,不需要登錄。只需下載並享受世界上最快的 VPN。 hide.me 用於桌面應用程序的 VPN 提供 Wi-Fi 安全性,在線隱私,以及訪問所有被阻止的內容& 應用。 hide.me VPN 在全球 24 個不同的國家提供 100 多台服務器。它提供了最好的安全功能來保護用戶的隱私和設備免受各種在線威脅。 hide.me 用於 PC 的 VPN 維護自己的專用服務器網絡,以確保快速的速度和絕對的隱私.

當網絡世界被窺探和海量數據收集為主時,該怎麼辦?當你的數據出售時?在這種情況下,只有一個 VPN 可以幫助你提高你的在線安全和隱私。 VPN 代表“虛擬專用網絡” - ndash; 最安全的方式連接到互聯網,而不會冒你的在線身份,隱私和個人信息的風險。 VPN 使用功能最強大的 VPN 協議創建安全隧道,隱藏你的原始 IP 後面的一個自己的 - ndash; 加密所有的通信,並通過安全通道,讓您自由和匿名瀏覽網頁。

Hide.me VPN 為您做的事

我們通過加密您的數據來保護您的 Internet 連接,因此無論您是在家裡,工作還是公共場所,您都可以安全地上網衝浪.

Absolute Privacy
私下衝浪互聯網,同時保持真實 IP 隱藏。保持你的位置匿名,並停止你的互聯網服務提供商的監視你.


VPN 的好處

用匿名的方法替換您的原始 IP
當 VPN 最初設計時,本發明的唯一目的是在遠程計算機之間創建遠程訪問隧道。而且,它成功實現了。但稍後,VPN 更常用於在不同位置的 IP 之間切換。到目前為止,VPN 的唯一目的是通過簡單的隱藏自己的服務器來保護用戶的原始 IP 地址.

VPN 是加密的最佳工具。當你通過互聯網傳輸你的數據時,它會以數據包的形式傳播。這些數據包很容易被互聯網上的簡單工具攔截。以公開信的例子。如果你把信放在信箱裡,而不把信封在信封裡,那麼會發生什麼?任何能夠接手的人都會閱讀。但是,如果你放棄同一封信,完全封閉在一個信封裡,那麼沒有人可以閱讀。加密就像您的在線通信的信封.

快速增加審查和減少言論自由的權利,提高 VPN 的需求。在世界的許多地區,你不能表達你的想法和意見。 VPN 是避免審查的最佳解決方案。如果您所在的國家嚴格禁止表達您的意見,您可以連接到一個 VPN,選擇一個國家的服務器,以較少或沒有互聯網限制,安全地訪問網站,並表達自己的想法。享受安全的互聯網訪問與 VPN.

Protect& 保護您的 WiFi 連接
當您使用公共 WiFi 熱點時,連接到該熱點的整個瀏覽活動都可能受到監視並被窺探。坐在你旁邊的下一個人很可能很容易閱讀你的交流。你知道,壞人製造惡魔雙 WiFi 熱點是多麼的容易。魔鬼雙胞胎就像原來 WiFi 的鏡像副本,讓你感到困惑,但實際上卻是一個陷阱。當連接到公共的,不安全的 WiFi 網絡時,大部分數據 - 可以被同一網絡上的幾乎任何人記錄和監視。通過強大的加密和安全的隧道,VPN 可以幫助您提高在線安全性並使您的 IP 隱形.



檔案版本 Remote Utilities - Viewer

檔案名稱 viewer6.9.msi
檔案大小 14.9 MB
系統 Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10
軟體類型 未分類
作者 eVenture Ltd.
官網 https://hide.me/en/software/windows
更新日期 2018-10-22

What's new in this version:

Remote Utilities - Viewer

- Added authorization methods — Single password, RU Security, Windows security and Custom Server Security — can now be enabled simultaneously using checkboxes
- Added 2-step verification has been added. You can use Google Authenticator or any other similar app to receive the security code when connecting to a remote Host
- Added The self-hosted server can now be protected with a PIN-code against unauthorized use of the Internet-ID feature by strangers who happen to find out or guess the server's address and port
- Added You can now remotely restart the Agent as administrator (provided you know the credentials) in order to perform the necessary tasks during a remote session, such as installing programs and interacting with UAC prompts
- Added The use of the self-hosted server's Internet-ID feature can now be restricted to authorized users only (i.e. permission-based use of the Internet-ID)
- Added Single-password security is now more clearly separated from Remote Utilities Security in connection properties on the Viewer side. Namely, the password and username/password can be saved separately for each of these two authorization methods
- Added Data encryption protocol has been changed to a more modern TLS 1.2
- Added Host authority is now verified automatically based on certificates. If Host certificate has been changed the Viewer receives a warning
- Added New and more streamlined Host settings interface with a Dashboard that summarizes the most important details
- Added The remote screen transfer speed of dynamically changing content (e.g. videos) over slow connections has been increased
- Added New "Log off on disconnect" option added to connection properties
- Added "Force custom server security" option can now be enabled for a user account on RU Server. This option, when enabled, forces this specific user to connect to Hosts using Custom Server Security only (provided the user is signed in on the server)
- Added Left-hand mouse support
- Fixed Remote Utilities monitor driver (the one used for blanking remote screen) now works on Windows 10 with secure boot enabled
- Fixed Data transmission protocol for the remote sound feature has been updated. The new protocol is not backward compatible with older versions
- Fixed A bug that would cause a folder in an address book to disappear when dragged onto itself
- Fixed A bug that would cause the notification panel to stay on the desktop even after remote connection was closed or terminated
- Fixed A bug that would cause the address book file to get corrupted in some cases after closing the Viewer
- Fixed A bug that would cause the Viewer to show a warning when trying to unbind hotkeys in Viewer options
- Fixed Minor fixes and improvements

Remote Utilities - Viewer

- Custom Host installers built with the MSI Configurator can now be digitally signed

- Minor fixes and improvements

Remote Utilities - Viewer 相關參考資料