軟體下載 Symfony 4.4.20

檔案名稱 v4.4.20.zip

Symfony 4.4.20 軟體下載

檔案版本 Symfony 4.4.20

檔案名稱 v4.4.20.zip
更新日期 2021-03-05
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軟體介紹 & 更新資訊

Symfony 4.4.20
Heimdal PRO 使用互聯網流量掃描,以防止勒索,金融木馬,數據竊取惡意軟件和其他威脅,防病毒無法檢測到的安全。 Heimdal PRO 保護您免受防病毒無法阻止的攻擊!保護您的計算機免受第二代惡意軟件侵害 如今,75%的網絡攻擊都是全新的,並且在防病毒數據庫中未列出。它們也被設計用來潛入你的殺毒軟件並感染你的電腦.確保你的互聯網流量阻止惡意流量.當你的電腦已經受到感染時,你不需要幫助。您... Heimdal PRO 軟體介紹

What's new in this version:

- [Translation] deal with indented heredoc/nowdoc tokens
- [DependencyInjection] fix parsing calls of methods named "method"
- [Serializer] zero parts can be omitted in date interval input
- MockResponse total_time should not be simulated when provided
- [Cache] Add server-commands support for Predis Replication Environments
- [HttpKernel] Configure session.cookie_secure earlier
- [Translation] Make name attribute optional in xliff2
- [Cache] Fix Redis TLS scheme rediss for Redis connection
- [Routing] fix conflict with param named class in attribute
- [Cache] fix setting items' metadata on commit()
- [Form] Ignoring invalid forms from delete_empty behavior in CollectionType
- [Intl] fix Locale::getFallback() throwing exception on long $locale
- [PropertyInfo] fix resolving self to name of the analyzed class
- [WebLink] Escape double quotes in attributes values
- [Console] fix QuestionHelper::getHiddenResponse() not working with space in project directory name
- [PropertyInfo]  use the right context for properties defined in traits
- [Translation] Allow using dashes in locale when linting Xliff files
- [Console] Fix PHP 8.1 null error for preg_match flag
- [Form] keep valid submitted choices when additional choices are submitted
- [HttpFoundation] Fix PHP 8.1 null values
- [DependencyInjection] Definition::removeMethodCall should remove all matching calls
- [PropertyInfo] fix extracting mixed type-hinted property types
- [Finder] Use a lazyIterator to close files descriptors when no longer used
- [FrameworkBundle] Fix freshness checks with boolean parameters on routes
- [FrameworkBundle] fix registering "annotations.cache" on the "container.hot_path"
- [FrameworkBundle][Translator] scan directories for translations sequentially
- [HttpKernel] [Kernel] Silence failed deprecations logs writes
- [DependencyInjection] fix tracking of changes to vendor/ dirs
- [Mailer][Mime] Update inline part names with newly generated ContentId
- [HttpFoundation] Setting REQUEST_TIME_FLOAT when constructing a Request object
- [FrameworkBundle][Translator] Fixed updating catalogue metadata from Intl domain
- [SecurityBundle] role_names variable instead of roles
- [Doctrine] Restore priority for EventSubscribers
- [ErrorHandler] fix parsing return types in DebugClassLoader
- [ErrorHandler] fix handling messages with null bytes from anonymous classes
- [PhpUnitBridge] fix reporting deprecations when they come from DebugClassLoader
- fix validator when we have false returned by the current element of the iterator
- [Mime] Fix case-sensitive handling of header names
- [Finder]  use proper keys to not override appended files
- [ErrorHandler] Fix strpos error when trying to call a method without a name
- [Serializer] Prevent access to private properties without getters

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