
最新版本 CudaText 1.94.0 (64-bit)

CudaText 1.94.0 (64-bit)

CudaText 1.94.0 (64-bit)
HDCleaner 為 Windows 下的系統維護提供了一個全面的工具包。無論您是清理硬盤還是註冊表,加密數據,拆分文件,刪除使用痕跡,備份註冊表,碎片整理或搜索,並使用超快速搜索算法替換註冊表項,值和數據 - 在清晰的“工具箱”中總是找到正確的工具來加快您的 PC 和優化。下載 HDCleaner 為電腦現在!

HDCleaner 產品特點:
插件清理 - 刪除 Internet 痕跡,Windows 跟踪和程序跟踪。支持超過 700 個插件。一鍵式維護和自動維護 - 可以與“自動維護”和“一鍵維護”自動運行多個優化步驟,以確保一個整潔,可靠和快速的操作系統註冊表清理 - 清理註冊表,消除錯誤,優化電腦的性能。注意:所做的設置適用於“一鍵維護和自動維護”在您的 PC 上騰出空間 - 刪除不需要的文件優化服務 - 禁用不必要的服務可降低後台活動,贏得系統資源和剷除內存,可用於對於其他程序查找重複的文件 - 及時在硬盤上積累的各種重複,這不必要的佔用空間,可以降低整個系統 AntiSpy - 禁用 Windows 中的設置,這將自動聯繫互聯網。 DiskDoctor- 列出並糾正磁盤上的錯誤碎片整理註冊表 - 分析和優化註冊表數據庫 DirToHTML - 將所選目錄的內容輸出為 HTML 文件備份& 還原 -   完整的備份和恢復註冊表.. DLL Cleaner- 從不必要的和舊的 DLL 文件釋放系統 Hive 備份備份和恢復註冊表瀏覽註冊表 - 以渦輪模式瀏覽註冊表創建和編輯系統還原點擦除文件和文件夾,擦除空閒磁盤空間,使用偽隨機數據擦除完整的分區或完整的驅動器。


檔案版本 CudaText 1.94.0 (64-bit)

檔案名稱 cudatext-win-x64-
檔案大小 11.96 MB
系統 Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10
軟體類型 免費軟體
作者 Kurt Zimmermann
官網 http://www.kurtzimmermann.com/hdcleanerext_en.html
更新日期 2020-02-08

What's new in this version:

- Project Manager improvements (show pretty paths in recent file list; fixed crash on unfolding deleted folder; use case-insensitive sorting)
- program starts little faster (Linux/Windows: by 10..20%)
- command line supports all params (-r -e -nh -z) for single instance mode too (thanks @dinkumoil)
- command line parameter -i, to read the contents of stdin (Unix only)
- command line parameter -ns, to disable loading saved session
- if mouse selecting was started, and mouse is moving over gutter, selecting must continue
- lexer Python: support Unicode ids, fix rules for hex/octal/binary numbers
- lexer JavaScript: support in code-tree functions like "name: function(...){}"
- lexer Markdown: support Unicode text
- lexer HTML: proper highlight few more attribs
- Addon Manager shows new dialog for "Download all" command
- HTML auto-completion must insert "<" char if called on empty place
- optimizations in Python API speed
- show Go To dialog on clicking statusbar first cell

- lexers removed to add-ons: Diff, Makefile, Pascal, Properties, Ruby
- plugin Sort: changed config file to settings/plugins.ini, [sort] section

- memory leak in TreeHelpers
- command line param -n was broken on Windows
- auto-completion was broken in PHP block (bad default of "autocomplete_html_lexers")
- command "settings: reload/apply config"
- commands didn't support paired file-tab: "save file", "save file as", "reopen file", "copy filename", "lexer properties"

CudaText 1.94.0 (64-bit) 相關參考資料
CudaText (64-bit) Download (2020 Latest) for Windows 10, 8, 7

Download CudaText (64-bit) for Windows PC from FileHorse. 100% Safe and Secure ✓ Free Download (32-bit/64-bit) Latest Version 2020.


CudaText - Home - UVviewsoft

CudaText Editor. ... Linux; x86, x64, arm, aarch64, 1.93.0 ... for Windows Python 3.6 (new); [plugin] Spell Checker now works on Windows 32 and 64 bit (upd)&nbsp;...


CudaText - Wikipedia

CudaText, from Bosnian-Croatian-Montenegrin-Serbian čuda is a free open source ... be downloaded and installed separately. On macOS the package including the 32-bit version is required. Also CudaText&...


CudaText API - Free Pascal wiki

CudaText Copy commands put text to usual clipboard + primary selection. CudaText ... &quot;param1&quot;: Int (64 bit) tag of column. &quot;param2&quot;: ... 1.0.320 (app 1.94.0).


CudaText for Mac - Free Download Version 1.93.0 | MacUpdate

CudaText 1.93.0 - Code editor with syntax highlight for lot of languages. ... for Free Pascal, and is available in both 32-bit and 64-bit versions,&nbsp;...


cudatext-win-x32- readmehistory.txt - Fossies

2 天前 - 1 Legend: 2 + added 3 - fixed 4 * changed 5 6 1.94.0 (2020/02) 7 8 + add: ... 64-bit&quot;; after installing one of them, and app restart, app will use&nbsp;...


Download CudaText 64-Bit - MajorGeeks

CudaText is a cross-platform text and code editor, with syntax highlight for 160+ languages. It features a lite interface with tabs and also has JSON config files&nbsp;...


Linux: Free open source software (misc) | Fossies Archive

CudaText-1.94.0.tar.gz (7 Feb 23:07, 5510465 Bytes) *NEW*. CudaText is ... databases. Java binaries (64-bit community edition)) ... Linux (x86 64-bit) binaries.
