軟體下載 ProPresenter 7.6.1

檔案名稱 ProPresenter7.6.1_117833997-Setup.exe

ProPresenter 7.6.1 軟體下載

檔案版本 ProPresenter 7.6.1

檔案名稱 ProPresenter7.6.1_117833997-Setup.exe
更新日期 2021-08-06
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軟體介紹 & 更新資訊

ProPresenter 7.6.1
GPU- Z 應用程序被設計成一個輕量級的工具,會給你所有關於你的視頻卡和 GPU 的信息。 GPU- Z 支持 NVIDIA 和 ATI 卡,顯示適配器,GPU 和顯示信息,超頻,默認時鐘,3D 時鐘(如果可用)和結果驗證。下載 GPU- Z 離線安裝程序設置!GPU- Z 主要功能: 支持 NVIDIA,ATI 和 Intel 圖形設備顯示適配器,GPU 和顯示信息顯示超頻,默認時鐘和 3D ... GPU-Z 軟體介紹

What's new in this version:

- Adds support for editing multiple text ranges
- Improves the group name matching with Planning Center sequences

- a crash that can occur with when using the “replace line returns” option with some text links
- a bug that causes delete and backspace to not respond in the reflow editor
- a bug that causes selected effects to not show the translated effect name
- a bug that causes macros to not sync
- an issue with media bin items not showing the missing media indicator
- an issue with system clock text links showing format options that do not match the local system’s format preferences
- an issue that prevents elapsed timers from starting with negative values
- Fix a bug that prevents capitalization from being preserved during copy/paste
- a bug that causes search results to return as empty if numbers are part of the query
- an issue that prevents triggering of the next slide build when a go to next timer is active
- a bug that prevents message actions from transferring correct between Mac and Windows
- an issue with timer actions being lost when importing a presentation on Mac that was created on Windows
- an issue with stage actions showing "No Change" instead of the appropriate stage layout
- a bug that prevents importing of groups between Mac and Windows
- a bug that causes capitalization settings to not be saved in slide notes
- an issue with hot keys not showing in the reflow editor
- an issue with the action dialog not showing when adding prop action from action palette
- an issue that prevents image import for images being dragged from a web browser
- a hang that happens when an invalid url is used for a web fill
- an issue with the roundness value popup not showing for a rounded rectangle
- an issue with the incorrect slide being triggered when switching between playlist items
- a bug that prevents dropping a folder in media bin not allowed
- an issue where clicking unlock all elements in the editor does not unlock all of the elements
- an issue where template guidelines are visible after applying a template, even if the visibility disabled
- an issue where video/audio continues to play during a scrub
- an issue where the paragraph spacing is not changing by the expected amount

ProPresenter 7.6.1 相關參考資料
Download ProPresenter 7.6.1 Build 117833997 - Softpedia

2021年8月5日 — Download ProPresenter - Create versatile presentations with tools worthy of a true filming studio, adding effects, videos and texts in order ...


ProPresenter 7.6.1 (117833997) Crack + License X6486 ...

ProPresenter 7.6.1 Crack + License Key Free Download [2021]. ProPresenter Crack is a powerful and easy-to-use software. It is amazing.


ProPresenter 7.6.1 (117833997) Free Download - FileCR

2021年8月5日 — Free Download ProPresenter 7 full version standalone offline installer for Windows is a cross-platform (Mac and Windows) presentation ...


ProPresenter 7.6.1 (117833997) with Crack Download - HaxPC

ProPresenter. A cross-platform (Mac and Windows) presentation & production application for live events. It seamlessly displays lyrics, slides, and media, ...


ProPresenter 7.6.1 Build 117833997 Free Download 2021 ...

2021年8月6日 — A powerful application that lets you easily create professional looking presentations. ProPresenter is a modern piece of software that ...


ProPresenter 7.6.1 Crack + 2021 Activator Keygen Free ...

ProPresenter 7.6.1. Crack + 2021 Activator Keygen Free Download is The name of powerful software in the professional field of multimedia.


ProPresenter 7.6.1 x64 7.4.2 macOS – Downloadly

2021年8月5日 — ProPresenter is the name of Renewed Vision Groups application software for displaying live video for use in schools, lectures, concerts, ...


ProPresenter Presentation Software | Worship Software | Live ...

ProPresenter is a cross-platform (Mac and Windows) presentation & production application for live events. It seamlessly displays lyrics, slides, and media, ...


ProPresenter Release Notes | Renewed Vision

... now menu will show verse ranges and not just the first verse; Fixes a crash that can occur when importing a file to ProPresenter with multiple libraries ...


ProPresenter下载- ProPresenter 7.6.1 破解版- 微当下载

2021年8月6日 — ProPresenter是一款屏幕分屏软件,支持双屏的专业演示工具,能够方便双屏用户进行双屏演示,比如,一个大屏幕显示歌词,而舞台上在现场演唱歌曲。
