Google Chrome (64-bit)

最新版本 OBS Studio 22.0.2 (64-bit)

OBS Studio 22.0.2 (64-bit)

OBS Studio 22.0.2 (64-bit)
谷歌瀏覽器 64 位是一個瀏覽器,結合了最小的設計和先進的技術,使網絡更快,更安全,更容易。一切都使用一個框 - 輸入地址欄,並獲得搜索和網頁的建議。您的熱門網站的縮略圖,讓您立即以任何新標籤閃電般的速度訪問您最喜愛的網頁。桌面快捷方式允許您直接從桌面啟動您最喜愛的 Web 應用程序。谷歌 Chrome 64 位離線 PC 安裝程序被超過一半的在線用戶使用,它很可能會在其他瀏覽器中迅速獲得動力.



Type less
厭倦用相同的信息一次又一次地填寫 Web 表單?自動填充功能讓您只需點擊一下即可完成表格。而且它也可以在各種設備上工作 - — 所以你可以跳過所有的小屏幕輸入。

Chrome 將您打開的標籤,書籤和最近的搜索從您的電腦帶到您的手機或平板電腦,反之亦然。這樣,你的所有設備上都有你的網頁。只需登錄您的其他設備即可開始同步。下載谷歌瀏覽器離線安裝程序設置!

體驗更智能的 web
當您使用 Chrome 64 位瀏覽器時,獲得最好的谷歌瀏覽器。 Chrome 和 Google 攜手合作,為您帶來更多相關的 Google 產品相關建議和功能,包括 Google 語音搜索和 Google 即時。

使 Chrome 瀏覽器成為您的朋友
瀏覽 Chrome 主題,應用和擴展程序的方式。通過書籤和開始頁面直接訪問您喜歡的網頁目的地。設置 Chrome 之後,您的自定義內容將在所有設備上保持同步.

也提供:下載 Google Chrome for Mac


檔案版本 OBS Studio 22.0.2 (64-bit)

檔案名稱 OBS-Studio-22.0.2-Full-Installer-x64.exe
系統 Windows 7 64 / Windows 8 64 / Windows 10 64
軟體類型 免費軟體
作者 Google
更新日期 2018-08-31

What's new in this version:

- Fixed a bug where the program could sometimes mistakenly use a different server than the one selected
- Fixed a bug where copying and pasting sources would not paste the transform
- Fixed a bug where using a custom server with authentication would no longer work
- Fixed a bug on macOS where the browser source would not update properly
- Fixed a bug on macOS where leaving the browser source interaction window could cause a crash
- Fixed a bug on macOS where the lock icons in the source list would disappear under the scrollbar if the scrollbar was visible
- Fixed a case where the multiview could crash on certain Linux desktop environments
- Fixed a potential crash on startup that could happen under rare circumstances
- Fixed a few cases where the "Start Streaming" and/or "Stop Streaming" hotkeys could mysteriously disappear from the hotkeys section of the settings window
- Fixed a bug where the filters window would show the preview very squished
- Fixed a bug where the browser source sometimes wouldn't paint properly
- The "Make projectors always on top" option now also properly applies to windowed projectors as well
- When using Windows 7, the browser source's hardware acceleration is now disabled by default due to potential incompatibilities with older drivers
- When using Intel video adapters with the program, the browser source's hardware acceleration is now disabled by default due to incompatibilities with many Intel integrated video adapters
- Removed the "Beta" warning from the Auto-Configuration tool

OBS Studio 22.0.2 (64-bit) 相關參考資料