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最新版本 VMware vCenter Converter Standalone 6.2.0 Build 7348389

VMware vCenter Converter Standalone 6.2.0 Build 7348389

VMware vCenter Converter Standalone 6.2.0 Build 7348389
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也提供:下載 Google Chrome for Mac


檔案版本 VMware vCenter Converter Standalone 6.2.0 Build 7348389

檔案名稱 VMware-converter-en-6.2.0-7348398.exe
檔案大小 172.26 MB
系統 Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10
軟體類型 免費軟體
作者 Google
更新日期 2017-12-27

What's new in this version:

- Interoperability with vSphere 6.5 Update 1
- Support for additional guest operating systems: Windows Server 2016, Ubuntu 16.
- Converter Standalone 6.2 adds a new configuration option in converter-worker.xml for Linux migrations. You can provide a path for the temporary files of vmware-sysinfo to be extracted and executed. If the Linux policy does not allow running code from /tmp directory from a privileged user, you can uncomment and add proper directory in the tag in converter-worker.xml, and then restart the worker service.
- Note: This affects all future Linux conversions until the value is restored and the service is restarted again.
- With Converter Standalone 6.2 you can change the default destination provisioning disk type from thick to thin. You must open the converter-worker.xml file, change the value of the tag to 'true', and restart the worker service.
- Note: This affects all future conversions until the value is restored to 'false' and the service is restarted again.
- Note: Converter Standalone 6.2 does not support Virtual Hardware versions above 11. For selected hardware versions above 11, features are limited to the features in version 11.

VMware vCenter Converter Standalone 6.2.0 Build 7348389 相關參考資料