軟體下載 GoodSync

檔案名稱 GoodSync-Setup.exe

GoodSync 軟體下載

檔案版本 GoodSync

檔案名稱 GoodSync-Setup.exe
更新日期 2024-02-09
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GoodSync 是一個簡單,安全,可靠的方式來自動同步和備份您的照片,MP3 和重要文件。備份和 / 或同步您的關鍵文件就像點擊一樣容易,也可以使用各種自動選項進行安排。真正的雙向文件同步可防止任何數據丟失。 GoodSync 可以用於通過本地網絡或 Internet 在桌面 PC 和筆記本電腦,家庭和辦公室計算機,計算機和可移動設備(USB Key,閃存驅動器,CDRW 光盤)之間同步數據。 ... GoodSync 軟體介紹

What's new in this version:

- Added MSI builds for GoodSync Server and Workstation
- New code signature certificate deployed
- Gs-Server + Certificates: Update gs-server TLS certificate, if it was generic or old format
- S3 Azure: Fixed adding intermediate folder, when it is missing in recursive listing
- GSTP client: CloneToConnect(): Fixed copy file messages did not have server coordinates
- GSTP client: Fixed file copy may freeze, if source file is reduced in size during Sync
- On File Change: Fixed handling of folder with tail '/' received from File Monitoring
- MS Graph FS: Fixed minor bugs related to createUploadSession
- MS Graph FS: Fixed MakeFolder() handling when OneDrive reports it as already existing
- pCloud FS: new file system for pCloud
- Explorer/Browse: Fixed 'No source files specified' when [Encrypt] is called on empty folder
- 2Go: Added V11-style icon for GoodSync 2Go
- Gs-Server: do not allow going to Sleep, if gs-server is executing transactions
- GsRunner Service: Allow empty password, as some may use it for faster service deployments
- GsRunner Service: Allow SYSTEM account, that works without Windows password
- GsRunner Service: Now GsRunner always runs Jobs of Windows user who set it up
- CC-Runner Job Stop: Fixed Job reporting did not work when Job was stopped from Control Center
- CC-Runner Settings: change them to reading from / writing to enterprise-runner.tix file
- CC-Runner: changes needed for Control Center Account Sync to work

- CC Runner: Fixed CC-runner did not run after Sleep followed by Wakeup
- CC Runner: Changes for new integration and Account Sync with Mediator
- Azure S3: GetInfo: Do not create folder marker /folder-path/ if it is missing
- Google Cloud FS: Fixed rules for new bucket names, they were wrong
- MS Graph: Download: Detect 'packages' such as OneNote and give a decent error
- MS Graph: Download: Allow omitted 'Content-Range' response header
- Explorer: Added check for Shutdown condition, so that GSE closes on AutoUpdate
- Explorer: Do not allow renames for folder that Cannot Move (Buckets in S3/Azure)
- Desktop Shortcuts: Do not re-register Desktop Shortcuts on AutoUpdate Install
- Fast 1Way mode: reset it when Job Direction is set to 2-way

- GS client: Certificate enforcement: allow server name not to match, until server generates certs on rename
- MS graph: Trigger cache rebuild if MS servers request it by resyncRequired, syncStateNotFound, etc
- Azure Blobs/Files: Fixed govt cloud server address check, so that manually specified gov server connect
- Edit Account Dialog: Redesign OAuth buttons to satisfy Google Sign-in requirements
- gs-server gs-runner: improved callbacks, so that these services exit faster on Sleep and Logoff

- MS Graph FS: New cached version that allows for On-File-Change monitoring and better request economy
- Google Cloud Storage: Added OAuth consent, used to be just Server Accounts
- Log Files: create log folder before setting log file name, sometimes it was out of sequence
- GSTP client: TLS Certificates are now enforced for Direct Servers, Forwarders and Storage
- GSTP client: Do not drop from Direct to Forwarder on non-network errors, such as certificate error
- GSTP client: separate checking of .goodsync certificates and traditional web site certs
- sib-ssl: Removed expired server certificates, added .goodsync certificate
- gs-server + Recursive listing: Fixed bugs that prevented GsDeleteEmptyFolders from working
- Dropbox FS: Recursive listing: Fixed Paths were returned incorrectly, affected GsDeleteEmptyFolders

- Google Cloud Storage FS: new file system for GCS, uses Service Accounts to authenticate
- Google Cloud Storage FS: Unlike S3-based GCS, preserves file mod time in customTime property
- Fast 1-way mode: Update GUI after Sync is finished in this mode (destination was not updated)
- gs-server + Recursive Listing: Fixed error in listing one folder was turning into terminal error
- File Copy functions: added more UserStop bailout checkpoints, to speed up reaction to User Stop
- SFTP: Added support for ETM (Encrypt-then-MAC) MACs such as '[email protected]'
- FTP: Parse 24-hour format in Windows FTP listings, used by Windows CE
- ICloud Photos: Fixed Zone tokens expire after 60 minutes, so renew them
- Edit Server Account dialog: localize all captions, reworked stuffing of the dialog
- Edit Server Account dialog: Moved Account Key, Account URL, Refresh Token to foldable Account Info
- Azure Blobs FS: always compute host, do not show it and do not allow user to change it
- iCloudDrive, Photos, B2, Mega FS: Do Not show server, as it is fixed, enforce correct server
- Browse Dialog / Explorer: New Folder Dialog: Restore checking new folder name per FS reqs
- Filters: fixed display of special characters such as [ ] in filers
- CC-Runner + Account Sync: CC-Runner now performs Account Sync to propagate changed Refresh Tokens
- CC-Runner: Slice long log submissions into 256-Kbyte chunks, to be sure they get thru
- Mediator and Jobs server: make them accessible via two different ISPs, for redundancy

- gs-server: Tell GS Client that it can do recursive listings, accumulate folder listings for that
- gs-server: Fixed rare crash in SMBD over GSTP when doing ListDirPaged
- S3: Store client side File Mod Time in x-amz-meta-gs-mod-t header, so that GS can get it
- S3: Add option to store File Mod Time in cache file gs-metadata._gs, so that Explorer can get it quickly
- S3: Fixed parsing of recursive listing when bucket name differs by case local and in S3
- S3: Some S3 clones cannot do recursive listings, tell user to turn Off Recursive listing option then
- Google Drive, Box, OneDrive and SharePoint: Remove Rollback of RefreshToken, not needed anymore
- iCloudPhotos FS: Fixed a crash related to the simultaneous execution of several Jobs
- GsExplorer: Fixed crash in cut a file or folder and paste it into another folder
- GsExplorer: Added Crash handler and set up main process as Interactive
- Do Not List Folders (Trust State File) option: Allow it in Enterprise Workstation, not just Server
- Business License Names: For uniformity, BsnsClnt -> Workstation, MidServe -> Server
- Business Installers: Change installer URLs to reflect new uniform naming scheme
- sib-socket: Speed up reconnects to IP names that translate into several IP addresses
- Account Web UI: Devices: Reduced verbosity, separated Browsers from Installed Devices
- Account Web UI: Reduced verbosity, separated Offline servers from Online servers

- gs-server: Tell GS Client that it can do recursive listings, accumulate folder listings for that
- S3: Store client side File Mod Time in x-amz-meta-gs-mod-t header, so that GS can get it
- S3: Add option to store File Mod Time in cache file gs-metadata._gs, so that Explorer can get it quickly
- S3: some S3 clones cannot do recursive listings, tell user to turn Off Recursive listing option then
- Google Drive, Box, OneDrive and SharePoint: Remove Rollback of RefreshToken, not needed anymore
- iCloudPhotos FS: Fixed a crash related to the simultaneous execution of several Jobs
- GsExplorer: Added Crash handler and set up main process as Interactive
- Do Not List Folders (Trust State File) option: Allow it in Enterprise Workstation, not just Server
- Business License Names: For uniformity, BsnsClnt -> Workstation, MidServe -> Server
- Business Installers: Change installer URLs to reflect new uniform naming scheme
- sib-socket: Speed up reconnects to IP names that translate into several IP addresses
- Account Web UI: Devices: Reduced verbosity, separated Browsers from Installed Devices
- Account Web UI: Reduced verbosity, separated Offline servers from Online servers

- Sync in Parallel: Change order of syncing to increase locality
- Sync in Parallel: Run operation Sync State on the main sync thread
- Cleanup: Delete Empty Folders: Speed up the process a lot, by using Recursive listings
- Sync Tree: Speed up sync tree node status updates, by using linear algorithm
- BackBlaze B2: DownloadFile: Download large files in 40-Mb chunks, with retries
- BackBlaze Azure S3 Dropbox: Report progress of upload of large files
- Google Photos: Save credentials locally encrypted, not Account Password encrypted
- S3 FS: Allow recursive listings for most of S3 variants, except .matrixstore.clou
- S3 FS: Added caching of File Mod Time in a per-bucket cache file, disabled for now
- Windows FS: Added Side options to do Encryption and Compression performed by NTFS/EFS
- Browse Dialog: When doing OAuth2 re-auth, as for Private/Default browsing option

- Sync in Parallel: Change order of syncing to increase locality
- Sync in Parallel: Run operation Sync State on the main sync thread
- Cleanup: Delete Empty Folders: Speed up the process a lot, by using Recursive listings
- Sync Tree: Speed up sync tree node status updates, by using linear algorithm
- BackBlaze B2: DownloadFile: Download large files in 40-Mb chunks, with retries
- BackBlaze Azure S3 Dropbox: Report progress of upload of large files
- Google Photos: Save credentials locally encrypted, not Account Password encrypted
- S3 FS: Allow recursive listings for most of S3 variants, except .matrixstore.clou
- S3 FS: Added caching of File Mod Time in a per-bucket cache file, disabled for now
- Windows FS: Added Side options to do Encryption and Compression performed by NTFS/EFS
- Browse Dialog: When doing OAuth2 re-auth, as for Private/Default browsing option

- Sync: Fixed rare crashes in folder completion
- Sync: Recover from MoveFile / MoveFolder ops that are incomplete, run them as CreateNew + DeleteOld
- SMB-Win FS: Fixed CloneConnect, so that sync worker threads are created faster
- SMB-Win FS: Stopped doing conversion of smb:// to smbd:// on MacOS, as it propagates to Windows
- CC-Runner: more support for new Jobs and Server Accounts propagation via Mediator

- Sync: Fixed completed files/folders were synced again if Sync clicked second time
- Analyze: Fixed lower-cased name lookup in sync tree, for some national characters
- Fast 1-way mode: do not GetInfo() for files after Sync, as there is no state file
- 1-way Sync + Re-Include Excluded files: fixed setting new generations
- Analyze Recursive: Fixed inserting folders that appear after files with different case
- Job Options: Added option 'Use Recursive ListDir in Analyze where available', On by default
- Job Options: Do Not List Folders (Trust State File) option; Allow it only in Server platform
- Windows GUI: Sync Tree: Swap Right Size and Right Date column order for symmetry
- DropBox MTP: Fixed MoveFolder did not work when only name case differs, for certain chars
- S3 Azure Backblaze: Added ListDirPaged() to these FSes, for more granular progress
- Backblaze: Simplified and speed up GetInfo() of one file/folder
- ICloud Photos: Added ability to work with Private (as opposed to Shared) photo library
- Browse Dialog: Fixed Browse Dlg was offering Portable path for some Fixed disks
- Explorer: Added direct/reverse sorting of these columns: Name, Size, Mod-Time
- Explorer: Do not hide Size and Mod-Time columns in double tree mode
- GsExplorer: Added Mod Time values to folders, used to be just file
- Gs-Server: Log Detailed reason of Txn error, in addition to HTTP-err-code reason
- gsync command line: Add /refresh-token=value argument to /sa-create

- Sync: New Fast 1-way mode that does not store State File, does not lock folders
- Sync: New walker that walks faster and does all file operations in one pass
- Sync Tree: Show (File) and (Folder) as side-specific, as they may differ
- Analyze: Fixed Embedded State Files were not read or saved
- Analyze: Hide option 'Do Not List Folders during analyze', except for Server version
- Analyze: Recover from holes in generation matching sequence
- Analyze: show indeterminate progress bar, when number of folders to scan is not known
- Server Setup: Nullify System password, if saving credentials in Non-Impersonation mode
- Keyboard Focus: when Analyze or Sync runs, set focus to Pause button, not Stop
- Browse Dialog: improved detection of Removable vs Fixed disks
- S3: do not do Recursive listing for non-Amazon S3 hosts, as it is unreliable
- S3: Fixed error: Two items are the same: '/' and ''
- S3: Do not prohibit binary chars in XML parser, as S3 allows them
- FTP: Fixed we did not parse PASV if ( was in 1st position
- Sib-SMB: Implemented paged listings
- Sib-SMB: Add Proper processing of NTSTATUS_USER_SESSION_DELETED (0xc0000203)
- Mediator: Fixed Account Sync did not work for TIC file of more than 512 Kb
- Account Web UI: Improved Subscriptions tab presentation
- Account Web UI: Added Updated Billing Info to Subscriptions tab
- Account Web UI: Improve explanation for SMTP errors

- Mirror Folder: Fixed Mirror Folder was not set, so History folder could not be created
- S3: Fixed marker in long listings could cause 'Bad Signature' error
- S3: Fixed mis-formtted marker in long listings can cause not listing all files
- gs-server + ListDir on SMB: Fixed long listing were causing 'Server is still computing response'
- gs-server + ListDirPaged: Use Page Size specified by caller, not default 8K
- Analyze Progress for Recursive Listings: make it more even and granular
- Account Sync + Program Options: Do not sync Compare Program and Mirror Folder
- Account Sync + Program Options: Show difference in Program Options

- Mirror Folder: Fixed Mirror Folder was not set, so History folder could not be created
- S3: Fixed marker in long listings could cause 'Bad Signature' error
- gs-server + ListDirPaged: Use Page Size specified by caller, not default 8K
- Analyze Progress for Recursive Listings: make it more even and granular
- Account Sync + Program Options: Do not sync Compare Program and Mirror Folder
- Account Sync: Fixed Account Sync Once did only Analyze, but not Sync

- S3, Azure, etc: Implemented Recursive Listings in file systems, to speed up Analyze
- Gs-Server: Assemble Recursive Listings and send then to client, to speed up Analyze
- Sib-SMB over GSTP: Made File monitoring work correctly
- GS-Server + Account Manager: Made gs-server pickup change in Server Accounts faster
- Analyze + Temp Folders: Improved designation of disregarded Temp Folders, esp between different OSes
- Mirror Folder: Allow it to contain %VAR%, such as '%AppData%LocalGoodSync'
- Mega FS + SetFileModTime: improved settings and reporting of FileModTime
- Program Options + Account Sync: Fixed Mirror Folder setting was propagating via Account Sync
- Program Options + CC Runner: warn user in GS GUI that CC Runner controls most Program Options
- Compare Files: If both file URLs are local, then compare them directly, without temp files
- Mediator: Added logging of events for Mediator Account transactions related to Sharing
- Mediator Web UI: Fixed downloading User File from WebUI did not work
- Mediator Web UI emailing: Provide human-readable explanation for SMTP errors

- Box.com FS: Now file upload sets file mod time correctly in file
- Box.com FS: They report file mod time in local TZ, so adjust it to UTC
- Google Cloud FS: Fixed GCP was downloading files as a whole, while it should do it in parts
- Sib-SMB: Fixed SMB2/3 negotiation with Tuxera SMB server
- Local Runner and CC Runner: Fixed propagation of Program Options to them
- Local Runner (Unattended Jobs): fixed some rare crashes on Job changes

- Azure Blobs FS: Added copying of File Mod Time on file upload (no state file needed)
- Azure Files FS: Added copying of File Mod Time on file upload (no state file needed)
- DropBox FS: Added copying of File Mod Time on file upload (no state file needed)
- Fixed Creation Time was not copied from Windows to Windows, even if option says to do it
- Sib-SMB: SMB-2 protocol: Fixed several smaller issues, including flow control
- Sib-SMB: SMB-1 protocol: fixed several bugs in Conveyors and flow control
- CC-runner: Fixed setting of logging options that could cause repeated restart of gs-server.

- SMB FS: Speed up download of files, using DRR (Deficit Round Robin) algorithm
- SMB FS: SMB-1 (CIFS): Fixed several bugs in new conveyerization
- CC-runner: Fixed setting of logging options that could cause repeated restart of gs-server

- SMB FS: Fixed Disconnected errors in large files download
- SMB FS: Fixed crashes related to new conveyerization code
- MEGA FS: Fixed MoveFile cache update for parallelism

- SMB FS: Fixed crashes related to new conveyerization code
- MEGA FS: Fixed MoveFile cache update for parallelism

- Sib-SMB FS: Huge upload/download speed up, due to implementation of Conveyerization
- Sib-SMB FS: Better negotiation, implemented flow control
- Parallel Workers: next pass wait on previous pass to finish, better diagnostics
- Parallel Workers + GSTP: Speed up cloning of Sessions, so Sync starts faster
- Gs-Server GSTP: Fixed accumulation of threads on ComputingResponse condition
- Gs-Server + File Monitoring: Let Sessions live for 3 min, to avoid frequent reconnects
- Azure Files FS: Implemented Set/Get File Mod Time
- Job Progress: Do not follow progress of ReadState, SaveState, and Upload Log in the tree progress
- Mediator: got a second entry, on independent ISP, to increase robustness

- AutoUpdate: new block-based download of installer file, with recovery after lost connection
- On File Change Monitoring: prevent crashes caused by disk drivers sending corrupt list of changes
- Parallel Workers: fixed rare crashes caused by increased parallelism of Sync
- Gs-Server + SMB: Again allow old style of smb:// URL inside gstps:// URL, for compatibility
- Gs-Server + SMB: When looking for credentials in Account Manager, use case-insentitive URL compare
- Gs-Server + SMB: If Impersonation Password is not specified then do not use such creds for SMB
- License and Platform: Renamed 'GS-V11' to 'GS-personal' everywhere

- Change log not available for this version

- Parallel Folder Create and File Delete passes: Do it in parallel, when Parallel Threads option is On
- Folder Create pass: now do it in width-first walker (not depth-first) to speed up folder creation
- Locking Sync Folders + NoGsData job side: sequentialize SaveStateFile/ReadStateFile, so they do not conflict
- On Folder Connect + File Monitoring: Fixed it sometimes stops working
- Move Mode + Parallel Threads: Fixed Empty Folders are not always deleted
- Recycle Bin or History Folder: Moving recycled files to _saved_ / _history_ can now be done in parallel
- File Op weight: Reduce weight of Sync State from 64 Kb to 4 Kb
- Logs: Do Not close GoodSync Global log at GsProfile folder, if user back it up with GoodSync
- S3: Removed extra escaping of URL in CopyObject inside file system, it was causing Not Found error
- Google Cloud: allow to specify no top bucket, as now GCP can list buckets
- Browse dlg: Do not allow to Encrypt/Compress Folders at the top of the File System (disks or buckets there)
- Mediator-WebUI: Fixed user with old unauthenticated browser devices sometimes were not allowed to login

- iCloud Photos File System: Fixed bugs in listing, downloading files from links older than 1 hour
- Recycle Bin + S3 Azure BackBlaze: Do not turn off saving files to Recycle Bin for FSes without Move
- MS Graph FS: Added support for paging in Drive lists, for very long drive lists
- Encrypted and Zip FS: Allow deletion of #cannot-decrypt-name# files and folders
- Browse Dialog: Do not allow iCloud Photos Root to be used as job side
- Explorer: Automatically encrypt/compress files that are being uploaded/pasted to known encrypted folder
- File Monitoring + First Analyze: Fixed rare crash
- On File Change + Filters: Fixed Empty Folder Exclusion ignores new files in previously empty folders
- gsync command line: Cleaned up Options, improved /help and Manual

- Weak Conflicts Auto-Resolve: Added auto resolution of Weak Conflicts (one of sides has no state)
- SyncLib: Improved matching of generations when their times are far apart
- SyncLib: If file mod time in the GS state file is out of range, replace it with null time
- SharePoint FS: Do not use CheckSums when comparing SharePoint to SharePoint
- S3 FS: Do not allow specifying bucket in Server field, it must appear in Initial Path field
- New Folder Dialog: Added fields to set Encrypted FS and Zip-Encrypted FS options
- Job Options: Combine all Conflict Resolution Options in one section
- Program Options: Added Account tab that has common GoodSync Account options and operations
- Program Options: Merged Security tab into Account tab
- Program Options: Added Server tab that contains GoodSync Server settings and commands
- Program Options: Disable Options that are not allowed for Limited (Standard) Windows user
- Filters in Options: Fixed in setting them , when the have characters < > and such
- Runner Setup: allow Email-based Windows Account UserId

- Browse/Explorer: Show Enter/Leave Encrypted/Compressed folder buttons on such folders
- Browse/Explorer: Show Enter/Leave folder button on the left of URL, was on the right
- Browse/Explorer: Show Properties on Named Bookmark
- System Tray icon: reduce its flickering, improve graphics
- SyncLib: Fixed wrong direction of CopyTime, after file reverted to its older version
- Attributes: Fixed problems in syncing newly added OS-independent Archive attribute
- FTP FS: Fixed parsing of MS-DOS FTP line with file name that contains
- Mega FS: Show nodes that cannot be decrypted, instead of returning terminal error
- Mega FS: skip nodes that have no keys at all gracefully, name them _cannot_decrypt_no_key_..
- WebDAV FS: Fixed Digest auth when qop is not specified
- WebDAV WinInet: Fixed error processing, when using WinInet HTTP layer
- ZipFileSys: Added fault tolerance to file names that cannot be decrypted, up to 3

- Amazon S3 FS: when creating a bucket, always do it on the main Region
- S3 Azure FS: Fixed download of files that are shorter than promised
- BackBlaze GoogleDr Box ICloud FS: Reconnect when download shorter file when promised
- Job Options: Empty Encr Folder: Do not delete Sync folder, instead of recreating it
- Azure FileApi FS: Chunk of large file upload was 512 KiB, change it to 4 Mib
- Azure S3 GoogleDrive MsGraph: Change large file chunk size from 5 Mib to 4 or 8 Mib
- Azure FS: Added Storage Class: hot (default) | cold | archive
- Azure FS: Change API from 2016-05-31 to 2020-02-10, so that we can get and set Access Tier
- Move Mode: Do Not allow Move Mode to be used together with 2-way Jobs, must be 1-way Job
- Browse + Windows: Show BusType such as USB or NVMe
- Job Options: Switch to new HTML-based dialog
- Job Options: Siber Options: Redo Encrypt/Compress Options to clarify them
- Browse/Explorer: Allow deletion of primary GSTP Server Accounts, they are recreated
- Browse/Explorer: Reject creating Server Accounts that is a complete duplicate of another account
- Zip+Encrypted FS: Now supports file name translation, useful for FS with short names (OneDrive)
- Zip+Encrypted FS: improved caching scheme, do other fixes

- DropBox FS: Added Parallel upload of large files, if Upload option in FS is On
- Azure FS: Speed up listing of the Container (Bucket), do not list inside items
- S3 FS: Fixed a bug in handling non-recognized non-Amazon storages
- MSgraph FS: Honor retry-after header value on throttling errors 429 and 503
- Google Drive FS: speed it up, by getting rid of unnecessary drive.changes.list API requests

- New Encrypted FS: New file system that performs Compression of File, Encryption of File Name and Body
- New Encrypted FS: ZipCrypto (compatible with most ZIP programs) and AES-256 (more secure)
- Left/Right Job Options: new Options for Compressed-Encrypted(ZIP) and Encrypted file system s
- BackBlaze and Dropbox FS: CheckSum: Upper-0case it to allow for correct compares
- S3 Cloudflare R2: Added branch for Cloudflare R2, it must use AWS4 auth
- S3: Upload of Large Files in Parallel Chunks: Add Content-MD5 header, if requested
- GSTP client: speed up initial connection when many clients are connecting in parallel
- Mediator: Virtual Servers that represent shares: Show them only if active
- GUI: Fixed 'jumping' rotating tray icon problem
- Browse and Explorer: Each tree has now its own URL address bar
- Browse and Explorer: Address Bar: Move Decrypt/Navigate button groups to the right

- iCloud Photos: Added new file system that allows syncing with Apple iCloud Photos
- Sync: Do not copy file mod time that is out of range (year 1970 and less or 2106 and more)
- Recycle DB: Delete temp file after loading/saving, it was not always deleted
- Browse/Explorer: rename Edit to Properties
- Browse/Explorer: OAuth: Added 'Redo Authorization' command to change OAuth
- Browse/Explorer: OAuth: added option to use Private (no browser context) option for OAuth
- OneDrive Office FS: Added Account Type to account info, filled when Authorization is done
- GoodSync Program Options: Fixed vertical scrolling in all HTML-based lists
- GoodSync Program Options: Fixed [Copy All] button did not work
- Password Reset and Password Change: Do not allow passwords longer than 128 chars.

- Copy of Shorter Files: Fixed download could loop, if Source file always increases in size
- Scripts Email: Allow Script Emails to be in the format: Name , not just Email
- Google Photos FS: Fixed cache management and error processing, so now large archives can be synced
- Box.com FS: Fixed large file (block) overwrite, it could produce error
- OneDrive Office365 FS: Change its name to 'OneDrive Office365 SharePoint' to add SharePoint
- CC Runner Installer: Added 'Server Account Password' setting
- CC Runner + Account Sync: Do Not sync Jobs and Server Accounts of CC Runner to Local GS Account
- Prog Options + gs-server: Fixed gs-server LogFolder did not change, if user set it to Empty
- Mediator Web UI: Improve 'Enter OTP' part of the Login page
- Custom Log Folder: fixed processing of tail '/' and of Network Disk Letter to be mounted

- Time Shifts: Do not detect Time Shifts for file systems where they cannot happen (such as S3)
- Backblaze B2: Compute chunk size for upload and download, to allow for files larger than 400 GB
- S3 FS: Added ForceStop, so that User Stop propagates faster
- Program Options: Added Mirror Folder option, so that location of Mirror Folder may be customized
- Allway Sync converter: fixed some rare crashes, misc UI improvements
- Gs-Server: Improved dropping failed connections sequence
- CC runner: Allow custom Log Folder and Log Level to be specified in Program Options
- CC runner: Logging: Do not log passwords submitted via command line
- CC runner: Log Folder: Substitute environment variables such as %TEMP% or %APPDATA%
- CC runner: Log Folder: Mount network shares, if they are used in Log Folder
- CC Runner + MidServe License: Fixed not allowing many connections in this combo
- Policies (Business Client): Added missing policies to goodsync.admin file, make them all work
- Program Options: more conversion to HTML-based GUI
- Mediator WebUI: /files: Fixed could not open folder with & in their name
- Mediator Web UI: Fixed Storage license was not always issued for the same period as GS license

- Time Shifts: Do not detect Time Shifts for file systems where they cannot happen (such as S3)
- Backblaze B2: Compute chunk size for upload and download, to allow for files larger than 400 GB
- S3 FS: Added ForceStop, so that User Stop propagates faster
- Program Options: Added Mirror Folder option, so that location of Mirror Folder may be customized
- Allway Sync converter: fixed some rare crashes, misc UI improvements
- Gs-Server: Improved dropping failed connections sequence
- CC runner: Allow custom Log Folder and Log Level to be specified in Program Options
- CC runner: Logging: Do not log passwords submitted via command line
- CC runner: Log Folder: Substitute environment variables such as %TEMP% or %APPDATA
- CC runner: Log Folder: Mount network shares, if they are used in Log Folder
- CC Runner + MidServe License: Fixed not allowing many connections in this combo
- Policies (Business Client): Added missing policies to goodsync.admin file, make them all work
- Program Options: more conversion to HTML-based GUI
- Mediator WebUI: /files: Fixed could not open folder with & in their name
- Mediator Web UI: Fixed Storage license was not always issued for the same period as GS license

- Program Options: internal rewrite, improve graphics
- Program Options: Fixed Log Folder setting was not saved
- iCloud FS: Accomodate 'Advanced Security' authentication
- iCloud FS: Fixed saving cookies did not always work
- Sync Tree: Item Properties: show more relevant info, such as Action, RunState
- Sib-SMB: Fixed/rewrote reconnecting to SMB server in case of network errors
- sib-SMB: CIFS/SMB-1 share listing: Fixed DCE/RPC PDU reassembly
- sib-socket: do not try to send to socket that is disconnected or in error state
- sib-ZIP: updated zlib library 1.2.13 that allows for encryption
- gs-server: Fixed This gs-server exceeded number of Unique Clients allowed by the current license
- One File FS: Make SaveToFile and LoadFromFile to be stoppable by user
- Account Sync: added syncing of Named Bookmarks, Unnamed Bookmarks
- Forwarders: PickupSessions: Fixed it did not always work for multiple sessions
- Localization: update Polish localization

- Add Share: Fixed crash in Add Share invoked from Windows Explorer context menu
- Allway Sync user migration: Add importing from user-selected XML file
- Command Line: more sanation of the arguments
- gs-server: Better processing of retry of a single transaction, fixed rare crashes
- Localization: Fixed EN typos, Updated IT and KR localizations
- Mediator: Send Email to User informing about New Device, even if OTP is turned Off
- Mediator: Added sending IP address Geo Location to New Device OTP emails
- Mediator: Email Verify: Increased Verify Code validity to 30 min

- Allway Sync user migration: Add importing from user-selected XML file
- Command Line: more sanation of the arguments
- gs-server: Better processing of retry of a single transaction, fixed rare crashes
- Localization: Fixed EN typos, Updated IT and KR localizations
- Mediator: Send Email to User informing about New Device, even if OTP is turned Off
- Mediator: Added sending IP address Geo Location to New Device OTP emails
- Mediator: Email Verify: Increased Verify Code validity to 30 min

- Dropbox FS: More fixes to new Refresh/Access Token management
- ICloud FS: New OTP dialog, add option to use Chinese iCloud servers
- Browse Dialog / Explorer: Fixed path expansion (%UserProfile%) in navigation
- Sib-SMB: Added support for NTLMv1 authentication in SMB1, used win Win2K servers
- Sharing: several user interface fixes
- Account Sync: The Winner can be changed manually per each shown item
- Mini-Progress dialog: Several user interface fixes
- sib-lib: user our own version if iconv now for most platforms
- Mediator Web UI: Email Verify: fixed several bugs
- Mediator Web UI: Password Reset: log resetting browser as authorized, email as verified
- Mediator Web UI: License Expiration: send email notification, log events
- Sharing: All source (Grantor) folder paths now start with '/', even for Windows
- Mediator Web UI: Add/Edit Share: More and better checks for user input
- Licenses + Storage: Now every bearer of GoodSync-V11 license also get 10Gb Storage license
- Started migration from AllwaySync to GoodSync

- Storage: Revised and clarified the 'Storage update from Licenses' procedure
- Storage: Stopped selling 10 GB storage, as it is included with GoodSync license
- Storage: properly declare its file system to be case-insensitive
- Storage + WD: Allow use of RealDisk paid storage with GS for WD free license
- Program Options: Shares: several UI fixes, improve usability
- Program Options: Added 'Storage' tab to view and request RealDisk Storage
- Share Via GoodSync in Windows Explorer: now can be switched off in Program Options
- Account Sync and Account Setup: Fixed jobs could be deleted when only Account password is changed
- Account Sync: new more graphical presentation of Job changes when doing manual Account Sync
- Sib-SMB: Do not fail the whole connection if SMB3 server reports no encryption support

- Windows Explorer: Added 'Share via GoodSync' context menu, to share this folder with other GS users
- Fixed 'Shared with me' and 'Shared by me' lists in Gs Explorer Options were never updated
- Sib-SMB: Added support for SMB3 transport encryption
- Sib-SMB: Fixed CIFS (SMB 1) connectivity with Samba 3.0.x servers
- S3, Azure, BackBlaze: Parallel Upload/Download or Large Files: improved Close() merge processing
- SyncJob + Scripts: Allow multiple emails separated by ; or
- GsExplorer/Browse Dialog: Fixed free space info not showing on servers

- Program Options: Added 'Shared by me' and 'Shared with me' tabs
- Program Options: Proxy: switch to radio-button choice of proxy type
- Program Options: Desktop Shortcuts: Fixed changing it did not work
- Program Options: Logs: put them into separate tab
- iCloudFileSys: Fixed bug in GetInfo, so that it returns NotFound
- iCloudFileSys: better caching, to fix crashes
- iCloudFileSys: miscellaneous fixes
- OAuth2 message: show email of existing Server Account, when asking for Auth
- File Monitoring: Do not log 'Change Skipped', it pollutes logs too much
- File Monitoring: Faster bailout when UserStop happens
- SMB FS: Implemented Smb-3 Encryption (SMB2_ENCRYPTION_CAPABILITIES)
- SMB FS: Implemented NEGOTIATE_CONTEXT parsing, to know server preferred encryption
- Uninstaller: redo in Sib-html, with better progress dialog
- Account Setup: Limit Server Name (ComputerId) length to 30 chars
- Account Setup: New Account: Limit Max Password length to 128 chars
- GSTP server: Serving for Browsers: improved locking to avoid crashes
- GSTP server: Fixed Sessions were getting stuck when Client switched Via Forwarder modes
- Job Options: Scripts: Email can now be specified in format 'First Last <[email protected]>'
- Job Options: Scripts: When sending alert Email, always convert it to rn line separators
- RealDisk Storage: started enforcement of Trial Limits and License expiration
- Mediator Web UI: Send Emails with HTML templates, to improve their appearance
- Mediator Web UI: Specify Recipient Full Name in emails that we send

- Mediator: Send Welcome Email when creating Account. If email cannot be sent, do not create Account
- Installer: Allow Install to proceed without Account, but request Account when GoodSync starts
- Account Email Verify: Can be done from device that is not logged in, Link expires in 10 min
- gstp-server: Fixed socket scope holding Session, addresses Reconnect problems
- gstp-server: Fixed killing old connections on a Session, when new connection comes in
- gstp-client: When Direct connection is dropped, try Direct once more, before going via Forwarder
- gstp-client: Fast Reconnect: Do not try them on Send/Recv, as it violates Conveyor semantics
- gstp-client: Call CopyFileAppend even on new files, as Retry makes them existing files on destination
- Desktop Shortcuts: do not delete/create them on version upgrade, as they lose position on Desktop
- Program Options: Save local-only Program Options to profile file 'prog-options-local.tix' not registry
- Program Options: Move Check New Versions and Install New Version options to Local Only from Syncable
- Program Options: Move Log Folder and Log Level options to Local Only from Syncable
- Logging: Fixed assignment and change of Log File prefix
- Scrips: Email: Allow Recipient to be in format 'FirstName LastName ' not just Email
- S3 Azure Backblaze: Fixed errors not reported in Upload and Download of Large Files
- S3 Wasabi: Use us-east-1 region for signing, even if actual region is smth else
- Azure Blob FS: ListDir: Ask for 1000-item pages, instead of 5000, to reduce size of received body
- Google Drive: no terminal error on NULL time (1970/01/01), just let it thru
- Account Manager: Fixed all Server Accounts that have non-empty home folder without leading slash
- SibSmb FS: Fixed 'Request Not Accepted (0xc00000d0)': wait with exponential back-off until it can accept
- GsExplorer/Browse Dialog: Replace the set of icons for actions with the icons with better icons
- Windows XP: Fixes several bugs that prevented GoodSync working on Windows XP

- gs-server: Improved Session management and cleanup, fixed rare crashes
- Job Options: Speed Limit: Increase number of zeros in Max from 5 to 7
- FTP Proxy Mode: Do not try to match IP address returned by PASV to proxy address
- Main GUI: Fixed centering and alignment of Import dialog
- Installer: Made install dialogs to have the same style as Account Setup dialogs
- Account Web UI: Password Reset: Log in after Password Reset, require Password Change
- Account Web UI: Email and Phone verification: Send the same Verification Code for 5 min
- Account Web UI: Email verification: Send link for user to click, instead of asking to enter code
- Account Web UI: Merge Accounts: Request Password of destination merged-into Account

- gs-server + File Monitoring: Fixed Changes may be lost, if Reconnect happened
- gs-server: Improved logging of transactions, made it less verbose
- Log Folder and Log Level: Fixed handling them, esp propagating to gs-server
- FTP + Program Options: Added FTP-specific proxy used only by FTP file system
- Client and Server: fixed some rare crashes and Asserts

- Account Setup: Request Proxy parameters in Account Setup, as Setup need Internet connection
- Proxy: Redo proxy integration to make it more simple, keep proxy properties in proxy.tix
- GS Start: Offer Account Setup, if we cannot decrypt saves Jobs or Options
- gs-server: Fixed 'Do not have SMB file system' error when coming to server from Browser
- Program Options: Separate SMTP and Proxy options into separate tabs
- Job Import dialog: improve presentation, make it 3-column table
- Browse + SMB: Show Old Win-SMB file system in all GoodSync platforms, but just Enterprise
- Sib-SMB: Improved identification of devices upon Network Discovery, in device listing
- gs-server: Fixed rare crashes on Session delete
- Improved Hard Assert reporting

- Account Setup: Request Proxy parameters in Account Setup, as Setup need Internet connection
- Proxy: Redo proxy integration to make it more simple, keep proxy properties in proxy.tix
- GS Start: Offer Account Setup, if we cannot decrypt saves Jobs or Options
- gs-server: Fixed 'Do not have SMB file system' error when coming to server from Browser
- Program Options: Separate SMTP and Proxy options into separate tabs
- Job Import dialog: improve presentation, make it 3-column table
- Browse + SMB: Show Old Win-SMB file system in all GoodSync platforms, but just Enterprise
- Sib-SMB: Improved identification of devices upon Network Discovery, in device listing
- gs-server: Fixed rare crashes on Session delete
- Improved Hard Assert reporting

- Account Setup: If Impersonation mode is prohibited by Install type, empty it out
- Account Setup: Do not show Cancel button on Finishing progress dialog, it cannot be canceled
- Browse/Explore: Fixed password entry/navigation sequence for servers that require password to list shares
- SFTP: Fixed RSA authentication with Pageant

- Account Setup: new Account Setup, more usable, complete redesign
- Account Setup: Request ComputerId on Serving Files page, not on Login page
- Account Setup: Enterprise: Separate Direct Addressing mode and Offline mode
- Account Setup: Impersonation option now appears only for Enterprise versions
- Account Switch: Fixed new Account can get Jobs from old one, if GS is Elevated
- Runner Setup: re-implement it as Sib-HTML dialog, improve usability
- Copy Progress: For big files (>= 1 Byte) log 2 messages: start (<) and finish (>)
- Apple iCloud: Added new file system for Apple iCloud online storage
- Box.com: Implement block uploads (for files >=20 MiB)
- S3: Fixed escaping of URL, when uploading parts of large files
- S3 and Azure: Always uses CanonicV4Escape on all URIs
- S3 Google Cloud: Fixed Copy/Move of files inside FS did not work if file name contains ( ) '
- S3: Allow parallel upload and download of large file chunks on non-Amazon S3 hosts
- Azure S3 DropBox WebDAV: Do not return OK but return error, if file/folder to be deleted is not found
- SFTP: Added ecdsa-sha2-nistp256, ecdsa-sha2-nistp384, ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 hostkey algorithms
- SFTP: Fix our order of preferred hostkey algorithms, this allows connecting to Wings server
- SMB: Added support for SetFolderModTime() to new Sib-SMB
- SMB: Fully separate Old Win-SMB (prefix smb:// or ) and New Sib-SMB (prefix smbd://)
- SMB + gs-server: gs-server smb:/ virtual folder uses New Sib-SMB or Old Win-SMB based on Program Option
- Gs-Server: Get back to keeping 10 last transactions memorized, as we might need them
- GsRunner + GsServer service: Do not try to start Gs-Server service from GsRunner service start
- GsServer Sessions: improved locking and dead session cleanup
- CC-Runner: fixed /cc-acct-passwd= and /sys-passwd= specified in command line were lost on elevation
- CC-Runner: Stopped using HttpConnectionPool in CC Runner, optimized reuse of HTTPS connections
- Explorer Download: Fixed download was not always retried on lossy connections (such as WiFi)
- SyncLib: Create _gsdata_ folders if they do not exist, not just on Analyze but On Sync too
- Main GUI Windows: Fix job direction button layout, so that Analyze button does not change its size
- Cryptography: improved randomness of random generator used to seed encryption

- SMB FS: Added support for DFS (Distributed File System) links in SMB 2 and 3
- SMB FS: Implement File Owner and ACL operations (Get/Set file owner and ACL)
- OpenSSL + Windows XP: Make GoodSync work again on Windows XP - adjust OpenSSL compile options
- Explorer: File Copy: Restore 'From' field value in detailed progress after connecting FSes
- GUI: Fixed job drag-and-drop job reordering (in 'Sort job names by alphabet' == Off)
- Sync in Control Center Runner: Improved log file name normalization

- S3: Do not use parallel upload/download of large file chunks on non-Amazon S3 hosts
- S3: Fixed bug that prevented files > 2 Gb from downloading
- S3: Pass Port and SSL flag to Parallel Part Uploader and Downloader
- Azure Files + Explorer: Allow creation of Shares in Azure Files file system
- GUI Analyze: Replaced Analyze animations with per-side analyze progress display
- GUI Analyze: Progress is shown with 'Running Pipe' when State File is not present
- GUI: Switch job side buttons, job direction button and job direction drop-down to SVG icons
- gs-server: Testing Forwarders: Test forwarder with TLS/SSL mode On
- Sib-TLS/SSL: Fixed memory leaks related to new OpenSSL 1.1.x

- Fixed crash that appeared in ver 11.11.3
- Jobs.tic: Reading Program Options: if we cannot decrypt SMTP or other creds, do not return terminal error
- GDocs: Do not allow uploading of files longer than 256 Mb

- Fixed crash that appeared in ver 11.11.3

- SyncJob: Fixed free space updates were performed too often
- FTP: Improved Data Connection start sequence, to speed up and address proxy issues
- FTP: Passive Mode: Added retries of entire PASV sequence, if we failed data connection
- SFTP: Improved our default preferred KEX (Key Exchange Algorithm) list
- Windows FS + Sym Link: Fixed creation of symbolic link by GS
- SyncLib: Fixed observed crash on NULL pointer in GsInitStats
- CC Runner + Attention: Turn 'More Changes than Threshold' message into Terminal Error
- Unattended + Attention: Turn 'More Changes than Threshold' message into Terminal Error
- Gs-Server: Local Account: do better normalization when setting it up
- Installer: Show PostInstall web page with instructions for new users too
- Gs-Server: Folder Grants: Speed up and improve integrity of Grant stuffing
- Gs-Server: Browsing Files: better connection management
- Gs-Server: Browsing Files: Improve Picture Thumbnails implementation
- Browse/Explorer: Server Accounts with Home Folder: do not hang it off Account node
- Mini-Progress Window: more improvements in showing Job Lists, fixed some bugs

- SMB FS: Added client for SMB v 3 protocol
- SMB FS: Implement sym link and junction traversal in all operations
- SMB FS: Fixed lookup problems on machines having multiple network interfaces
- SMB FS: Added support for LLMNR (Link-Local Multicast Name Resolution, RFC4795)
- SMB FS: Allow non-standard server port number (not 445)
- SMB FS: Use timeout value from SMB Server Account, not the default 20 sec
- SMB FS: Request signing is now disabled when logging in as anonymous user
- Files via Browser: Present file listing as HTML table
- Files via Browser: Show graphics file (.jpg .png .gif etc) thumbnails
- Files via Browser: More consistent generation of Session Id
- FTP + Proxy: Added handling of EPSV mode, as it now is a preferred mode
- SFTP FS: Fixed ed25519 host key verification failure
- SFTP FS: If server host key is different from cached host key, treat it as an error
- SFTP FS: Switch to using sshhostkey.txt file, not registry, to keep SSH Host Keys in Windows
- Edit Account dialog: Add 'Last Modified' read-only field, which shows Server account timestamp
- gs-server: Fixed ComputerId not present when user changes Server Account HomeFolder in Web UI
- MiniProgres Window: complete rewrite using tables, to make it consistent across platforms

- SMB: If drive letter of NetShare is already mounted then do not mount/unmount it again
- Sync Tree Visual: Fixed Analyze did not switch View Mode to Changes correctly
- Sync Tree Views: Fixed Sync Tree View did not switch correctly
- SFTP FS: Limit number of outgoing not-yet-authenticated connections to 3
- Delete Empty Folders: do not remove top folder, as we usually need it
- Delete Empty Folders: Fixed it was not working in non-Local FS
- Delete Folders Recursive: Fixed it did not delete folder with Links ti unknown in it
- GSTP client: retry transaction on 'Server is still computing response (Code 518)'
- Localization: Updated Polish localization
- gs-server: If we cannot find SMB credentials in Account Manager, use Impersonation creds
- gs-server: Local Account UserId: Allow these chars in OsUserId: . ! # ^ $ & ( ) ' ~ '
- Explorer Ver 10: Fixed navigation to bad/old unnamed bookmarks usually for old SMB
- Browse / Explorer: Several small fixes
- GoodSync ver 10 is now frozen and Ver 10.10.7 is the last in Ver 10 series

- GsExplorer: Allow 2-sided file op destination to be account root
- Browse/Explorer: Show [Decrypt Folder] button on address bar for 'potentially encrypted' folders
- Encrypted FS: Show decryption error if small number of file/folder names fail to decrypt
- Browse: Fixed rare crashes on Browse dialog close
- SMB FS: Change official FS names to shorter ones: Net Shares (Sib-SMB), Net Shares (Win-SMB)
- Gs-Server License Check: do it under lock, or else License may briefly disappear
- Ver 10: Browse Dlg: Do not attempt to turn top level smb:// account into per-server account
- GoodSync ver 10 is now frozen and Ver 10.10.7 is the last in Ver 10 series.

- OFC Incremental Analyze + Chained Jobs + new File in Folder: Fixed in this case new file did not propagate
- Job File Counters in Analyze+Sync: Fixed file counters could be reset when Sync of Job starts in Analyze+Sync
- Browse/Explorer: Show Decrypt Folder context menu command, if folder looks Encrypted by GoodSync
- Browse/Explorer: When leaving Encrypted folder, re-position onto its Not-Decrypted version
- Browse/Explorer: Scroll to wait indicator on expanding items
- Browse/Explorer: Ask for password on SMB/AFP accounts with server, if existing password does not work
- Browse/Explorer: Allow deletion of junk Server Accounts for file systems that cannot list servers
- Google TeamDrive FS: Fixed Delete File may not work if we do not have enough permissions to do that
- SMB-windows FS: Allow $ in URLs, as we can have something like smb://wsl$
- SMB-siber FS: Explicitly reject special servers WSL$, TSCLIENT and advise user to use SMB-windows
- Gs-Server + Locks: Fixed locking of Sessions and Users to avoid rare deadlocks and crashes
- Gs-Server License: When counting Users for max of 4, count only Non-Local users
- Ver 10: Allow changing UserId in Server Account
- Ver 10: Explorer: Open File: make it work for SMB-windows
- GoodSync ver 10 is now frozen and Ver 10.10.7 is the last in Ver 10 series

- SMB-like file systems: Use only UserId@Server accounts, get away from UserId@no-server Server Accounts
- BrowseDlg/Explorer: Convert old server-less SMB-like accounts to new UserId@Server accounts
- BrowseDlg/Explorer: Fixed scrolling to slow navigation did not work
- Explorer: If Program Options -> Request Account Password is On, request Password on start
- BrowseDlg/Explorer: Fixed some memory leaks
- Explorer: Fixed error on Copy Links, if destination does not exist
- Links + Elevation: Fixed Link Target contained '%20' when created with Elevation
- BrowseDlg/Explorer: Allow Files to have comments too, as Links to File show Target
- Links: Added support for APPEXECLINK Reparse Points
- gs-server + SMB letters: Lookup credentials in Account Manager for SMB letters too
- SMB: Show 'Windows Shares (Windows SMB Client)' old style file system, used for TSclient and Linux
- GUI: Right-side (per-group) Job List: Make column order persistent
- Progress: fixed progress overflow that may happens in file systems such as MTP
- Speed Limit + Conveyors: Do not use Conveyors when we have speed limit
- Sib-TLS: Speed up loading of certificates into our OpenSSL layer
- AllwaySync import: Implement account completion: retrieve missing data from online account
- Mediator: Account Sync Changes: Make the list shorter and more readable
- Mediator UI: Account Sync Reset: Added Jobs page that allow to reset encrypted stored Jobs

- Syncing with CheckSums: Log CheckSums when we are doing Verify CheckSum
- File Systems: fixed memory leak in file system allocation by Analyze
- GSTP client: Log correct Local IP addr of Client, when it changes
- Gs-Server: fixed rare crashes on Disconnect and Session Cleanup
- FTP + Proxy: Do not use HTTP proxy, use only Connect proxy
- Proxy: Fixed Proxy Settings were not used in GoodSync Account Setup
- FolderModTime: In 2-way sync, copy FolderModTime when GS creates folder
- Logging: Fixed slowdown caused by frequent use of Elevation
- Licensing: Store OsCompSerial in licensee too, as it is used in comparisons
- Gs-Server: Improved computation of Client that come in, for licensing
- Account Sync Changes: Show shorter and more concise List of Changes
- Mediator Web UI: Password Reset: Allow it only for Verified Emails

- Added AllwaySync to GoodSync job converter
- Explorer/Browse: Detect Encrypted folders and offer to enter password to decrypt them
- Explorer/Browse: Offer to save Decryption password of Encrypted folders, if it's good
- Explorer: Move [Decrypt Folder] button form top toolbar to folder context menu
- Explorer: Added Account Sync button to top toolbar
- Browse: Account Edit dialog: Do not retry connection when doing Test
- Filters: Add Copy and Paste buttons, process Ctrl+Ins and Shift-Ins
- Filters: Remove secret newlines and CR from incoming filters
- Include after Analyze: removed Re-filter, as it is too slow
- SFTP: better error massages, parse more formats
- gs-server Clean Sessions: Fixed it did not clean Session if cannot GetUser
- Proxy and Program Options: Added Test button to test Proxy settings
- Gs-Server + SMB: Gs-Server now will read Account Manager from GS client, when going to smb:/ folder
- gs-server: Improved Counting Clients for Licensing
- sib-url: new URL parse, do not allow UserId and Password in URL
- sib-socket: Added recognition and parsing of numeric IP v6 addresses with parts
- GsCopyFileAppend: Fixed rare errors 'SetFileLength: No such descriptor: 0'
- Encrypted FS: Download: Fixed rare decryption errors at file's end
- GsServer + SMB + Ver 10: Use old Windows-based SMB client for everything in ver 10
- Synclib Generations: Do not allow to have more than 65K generations, prune them at 32K
- Folder Grants + Caching: Speed up propagation of changes in Folder Grants to Gs-Server
- OST files + VSS: OST file are temporary and must not be backed up, as Windows does not snapshot them

- Local Elevation account: new Per-User encryption scheme for credentials to increase security
- Per Computer Licenses: Fixed they did not work after Per-User encryption changes
- Limited User: Now Limited Windows user cannot use Gs-Server and no Elevation too
- CC Runner: Fixed Local Elevation did not work in CC Runner, in case of AutoUpdate
- Server Accounts: Fixed sometimes they could not be decrypted, so user cannot start GS
- Proxy: Do not test Proxy settings when starting GoodSync, it leads to delays
- SibSmb + CC Runner: Make CC Runner use new SibSmb client by default (was Windows SMB)
- Snapshots: Fixed sometimes huge Snapshot was deleted while still being generated
- gs-server: fixed rare crashes
- Speed Limit and Pause: Fixed they did not work on direct Local to Local/SMB copy
- Account Sync: Added 'Declare Winner' command to force propagation of local credentials
- Sib-AFP: fixed SetFolderTime not implemented and other errors
- Enterprise: Added policy not to show password in Account Manager.

- Snapshots: Fixed 'Device Not Connected' error caused by premature removal of snapshot
- Gs-Server: Do not try to Logon for Impersonation, if system password is empty
- Account Setup: Preserve passwords that GS client cannot decrypt, needed for Non-Mediator users
- Installer: Force Restart of Gs-Server Service, if we added Main Account to replace Local Account
- Locking: fixed crashes and bugs in locking monitor
- SFTP FS: Fixed bugs in reading OpenSSH >= 7.8 private key format
- CC Runner: Do not show passwords and other credentials in logs

- GS Client: Implement Per-User encryption by Account Password for Jobs and Server Accounts
- GS Client: Implement Per-User encryption by OS for caching Account Password
- GS Server: Implement Per-User (System Account) encryption for Server User credentials
- GS Server: Do not return Impersonation errors as terminal errors, just log them
- Account Setup: Do it only in elevated mode, to be sure OS user is allowed to do it
- Account Setup: Server Setup is presented as Advanced option, On by default
- Elevated operations: Local Account has been discontinued, Main user acct is used for elevation
- GoodSync GUI: Added option: When GoodSync GUI starts, request Account Password
- File Upload + Monitoring: Do not stop file upload when source file changes, to be redone on next Sync
- SFTP FS + PuTTY: Added support for new PuTTY private key format (PuTTY-User-Key-File-3)
- SFTP FS + PuTTY: Made reading of OpenSSH (old) format work correctly
- SFTP FS: Made Private Key portable, by storing actual Private Key string, not just path to Pvt Key file
- AFP FS: fixed some bugs
- sib-lock: Improved detection of critical sections and mutexes that are locked for too long
- GS Server: Now it uses new SMBD:// file system when browsing smb:/ virtual sub-folder

- gs-server: Fixed massive and memory leak, related to storing txns in memory
- gs-server: Do not free file system on Disconnect, if transaction is still running
- Azure Files FS: Fixed 'Not Implemented' error when Moving file
- Storage Servers: Reject File Monitoring for Storage servers

- GSTP client: Fixed reconnect on Server Not Found errors did not always work
- GSTP client: Fixed longer Time To Reconnect option could be ignored by GSTP client
- GSTP client: GsCopyFileAppend: Fixed it was not reusing already uploaded file part
- GSTP client: Added doing Exponential Backoff on Error 515 (Forwarder Changed)
- GSTP server: Disconnect file system when Gs-Server loses connection, as it is easy to reconnect
- GSTP server: Fixed Gs-Server could drop socket connection on Server Error returned to client
- GSTP server: Much improved logging of transactions<

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Version News for Windows

* Added MSI builds for GoodSync Server and Workstation. * New code signature certificate deployed. * Gs-Server + Certificates: Update gs-server TLS certificate, ...


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