GOM Cam (64-bit)

最新版本 OCCT 7.0.0

OCCT 7.0.0

OCCT 7.0.0
通過幫助您直接錄製精彩視頻,GOM Cam 64 位為您節省了時間和精力。記錄您在 PC 屏幕上看到的內容。 GOM Cam 還會記錄來自 PC 的所有音頻輸出,讓您可以製作更多動態視頻。錄製您的電腦屏幕,網絡攝像頭視頻或遊戲,並在 YouTube,Google Drive 或 Facebook 上與其他人分享。您也可以在拍攝時通過在屏幕上繪圖來捕捉圖像和自定義捕捉.

直觀的用戶界面允許任何人輕鬆使用 GOM Cam。在 YouTube 或 Facebook 上分享你的視頻,讓更多的朋友可以享受你的創作。您也可以將視頻上傳到 Google 雲端硬盤或將您的文件附加到電子郵件和文檔中.

實時記錄所有內容。所有的功能,包括繪圖,放大 / 縮小錄製屏幕和效果設置,都是實時執行的。嘗試用 GOM Cam 製作更多的創意錄音。一旦你購買了許可證,GOM 凸輪 64 位是一個終身長的產品,並免費提供購買版本的微小更新。

GOM 凸輪特點:

記錄你的電腦屏幕上看到的東西。 GOM Cam 還會記錄來自 PC 的所有音頻輸出,讓您可以製作更多動態視頻。通過添加您的攝像頭飼料包括你的臉。使用繪圖功能來增強您的演講視頻與更豐富的內容。如果你發現有趣的東西,用 GOM Cam 記錄下來。您可以再次觀看或與朋友分享.

通過將攝像頭連接到您的 PC,您可以記錄通過您的設備捕獲的所有內容。如果您連接多個網絡攝像頭,則可以將各種圖像合併為一個視頻。您也可以使用任何您想要的圖像填充視頻背景,並使用色度鍵功能創建有趣的視頻。在旅途中,使用 GOM Cam 為您的家人和朋友創建特殊視頻信息。

記錄您在玩網絡遊戲或使用 Direct-X / Open GL 程序時在電腦屏幕上看到的內容。與朋友分享您的遊戲視頻或稍後再觀看您的遊戲。只需點擊你想要記錄的遊戲窗口。 GOM Cam 會自動檢查並通知您是否可以在該遊戲模式下進行錄製。 GOM Cam 以高質量記錄您的遊戲,並僅使用所需的最低 CPU .


放大 / 縮小
放大錄製屏幕最多 4 倍的清晰視頻和更清晰的細節.

添加在錄製過程中將多種攝像頭拍攝,圖像和文本添加到您的視頻中。使用 GOM 中的效果設置創建更多獨特的視頻 Cam.

Draw 下劃線,數字,圖章或箭頭。在錄製過程中為您的視頻或拍攝的圖像添加有趣的效果.


注意:免費版本將錄製時間限制為 10 分鐘,並嵌入水印進入視頻。需要.NET Framework.


檔案版本 OCCT 7.0.0

檔案名稱 OCCT7.0.0.exe
系統 Windows 7 64 / Windows 8 64 / Windows 10 64
軟體類型 未分類
作者 Gretech CorpGretech Corp
官網 http://cam.gomlab.com/
更新日期 2020-10-12

What's new in this version:

- Main : switched to HwInfo as my monitoring engine
- Main : the code preventing OCCT to be launched twice is now working again
- Main : code cleanups and numerous bugfixes
- Ui : occt's ui is now split in 3 areas : Stability (for testing, the old view), SysInfo for system information, and Monitoring for a full view on monitoring
- Ui : this moves forced me to remove the expander (as it does not apply to every UI component)
- Ui : fixed the window default size to better accomodate the UI changes
- Testing : occt now tracks and reports WHEA errors that occurs during tests
- 3d : enabled tests to be run on displays without any display attached
- Vram : added slider, similar to Memory test, for selecting the amount of memory to test
- Monitoring : revamped the system usage report in the testing area - now supports several GPU, and with clickable buttons
- Monitoring : added "Current" sensor category
- Monitoring : added "Other" sensor category (without graph, obviously) (That's a lot of info, be warned)
- Monitoring : added usage graphs for Intel iGPUs (Thanks Сергей & Mew ! )
- Settings : added flags to control the monitoring - Enable and disable them at will in case of issues !
- Report : modified the report size and reorganized it to accomdate the monitoring update
- Enterprise : revamped the test report to include all the new features (and fixed a few typos)
- Enterprise : added a switch for giving a set of rules to OCCT to choose which sensor is enabled or not (see the help page for OCCT Enterprise for additional information)
- Enterprise : fine-tuned the monitoring rule engine to allow for customization in the enterprise edition

OCCT 7.0.0 相關參考資料
Download OCCT - MajorGeeks

OCCT (OverClock Checking Tool) will let you benchmark, overclock, and monitor your system components. It comes with four built-in tests aimed at checking ...


Download OCCT 7.0.0 - Softpedia

This software is designed to help you monitor system hardware components and allow you to overclock them. It provides testing tools for the CPU (benchmark ...


OCCT 7.0.0 - MajorGeeks

OCCT (OverClock Checking Tool) will let you benchmark, overclock, and monitor your system components. It comes with four built-in tests aimed at checking ...


OCCT 7.0.0 - Warp2Search

22 小時前 — OCCT (OverClock Checking Tool) will let you benchmark, overclock, and monitor your system components.


OCCT 7.0.0 Free Download for Windows 10, 8 and 7 ...

If you want to test your computer's stability, OCCT (OverClock Checking Tool) is a good choice. You can efficiently use it to thoroughly check your computer ...


OCCT 7.0.0 Full Version Free Download - FileCR

Free Download OCCT 7.0.0 Full Version - Offline Installer for windows - An overclocking utility with multiple stress tests .


OCCT 7.0.0 軟體資訊介紹 | 電腦資訊007情報站

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OCCT : Free, all-in-one stability test & stress test for your PC

OCCT 7.0.0 introduced a 1-hour test limit ! Why ? To summarize, I am investing more and more money into OCCT, into licensing costs mostly ( HwInfo is the ...


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OverClock Checking Tool (OCCT) 7.0.0 Download - TechSpot

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