GOG Galaxy 歷史版本列表 Page7

最新版本 Adlice Diag 2.13.4

GOG Galaxy 歷史版本列表

GOG Galaxy 是為 PC 設計的遊戲客戶端,方便購買,玩遊戲和更新遊戲,以及在遊戲平台之間的在線遊戲,GOG Galaxy 也是建立在選擇性的腦海,並相信你應該擁有你所購買的遊戲。通用雲保存,遊戲中的覆蓋,帶寬限制,截圖截圖,桌面通知等等... GOG Galaxy 將 GOG.com 體驗提升到現代水準,因為它提供了全新的功能和標準.GOG Galaxy 特點:Install& ... GOG Galaxy 軟體介紹

Studio 3T 2022.4.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Date Tags - Easily build find or aggregate queries that match for certain dates or date ranges
- Saving SQL Mappings - Save and load configurations of any SQL Migration task to or from a file

- Table View - Improved custom column ordering and made it an option alongside alphabetic or natural ordering
- Connection Manager - Studio 3T now prevents deleting connections that are still open on the Connection Tree
- Auto Completion - Autocompletion will now offer proposals appropriate to the connected MongoDB server's capabilites
- Aggregation Editor - Added support for changing the order of stages via drag and drop directly on the Pipeline tab
- Auto Completion - Allow proposals to overwrite any matching code snippet after the cursor position
- IntelliShell - Script editors will now retain focus when a query is run, to allow to directly continue editing
- Migration to/from SQL - Improved performance of getting tables from particular Oracle instances
- Tasks - Parallel executions of the same task will now be prevented with an adequate error message

- General - Database and Collection names now update correctly for views and undocked aggregation tabs
- General - Fixed issues when editing global and connection specifc IntelliShell preferences for the "mongorc.js" file
- General - The "Change target collection" dialog will now reliably show the "Remove Database" button on Ubuntu
- Table View - The specified custom column order for a collection will now be passed reliably to subsequent result tabs
- Collection Tab - Fixed an issue that would prevent deleting or editing documents that have an "_id" with the value "null"
- Collection Tab - Fixed an issue that, after renaming a field, would still show a column with the original field name
- Collection Tab - The projection field now retains its value when toggling the show/hide option
- Collection Tab - Fixed an issue that where multiline content was not pasted correctly into the query field
- Bookmark Manager - The first line of the bookmark overview is now correctly aligned
- GridFS Tab - Fixed an issue that did not release a lock on a file being uploaded to a GridFS bucket
- Index Tab - Index creation errors and validation messages are displayed at the right time
- CSV Import - Fixed an issue with the data type detection not working for CSV fields
- CSV Export - Improved application robustness when opening the Aggregation Editor from the query of a CSV Export
- Copy/Paste Index - Fixed a crash that could occur when pasting an index to a server and then disconnecting it
- Copy/Paste Collections - Fixed a crash that could occur when copying and pasting multiple databases at once
- Reschema - Fixed an issue where a vertical scrollbar would not correctly appear on the Reschema Target table on Ubuntu
- Data Masking - Fixed an issue on Data Masking tabs that prompted users twice to save their unsaved changes
- Data Masking - Data Masking tabs now correctly reflect when the configuration has changed by appending one * to the title
- Data Masking - Fixed an issue that could lead to a crash when closing a connection that was previously used by Data Masking
- Data Masking - Fixed a crash that could occur when opening a Data Masking tab while having a selection of multiple collections
- Visual Query Builder - Fixed an issue on macOS where clicking the Plus button would create two field rules, not one
- Visual Query Builder - Fixed a rare crash that could occur with the Visual Query Builder's split view
- IntelliShell - Fixed a crash when running a query with an empty collection name through Query Assist
- IntelliShell - The shell no longer hangs when dealing with the result of a "getShardDistribution()" command
- IntelliShell - Fixed a crash that could occur when renaming undocked IntelliShell tabs
- IntelliShell - Removed incorrect formatting options from the context menu of the "Raw Shell Output" tab
- Atlas/AWS Authentication - Use of session tokens now works with a correctly formed auth request

Duet Display 查看版本資訊


Studio 3T 2022.3.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- New: Studio 3T Free - A new, fully free edition of Studio 3T that includes all essential features
- Fixed: Index Tab - Fixed an issue where fields would be removed from the overview when editing the index JSON
- Fixed: Intellishell - A race condition with shell startup and the user typing into the shell's editor has been resolved

Adlice Diag 2.5.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Updated to core 6.3.3:
- Fixed potential memory leak in zip module
- Fixed issue in cloudscanner where empty batches were sent for analysis
- MalPE mitigation: Unknown cloud files are no longer considered malicious
- Command scanner is now able to retrieve current process directory and use it for path resolution

- New dashboard page
- Added setting to revert full scan performance
- Fixed a potential deadlock when changing theme

Duet Display 查看版本資訊


Studio 3T 2022.2.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Full native support on macOS for Apple Silicon systems with a new installer available on our download page
- Collection Tab - Added support for additional options on find queries, like setting "Allow disk use" or a collation

- General - Upgraded to the latest MongoDB Java driver of version 4.4.1, which supports MongoDB 5.2
- Aggregation Editor - Added stage operator "$setWindowFields", which was introduced with MongoDB 5.0
- Exports - Exports to another collection now export to a new collection in the same database by default
- Connection Tree - The connection tree will now automatically refresh after a database has been copied and pasted
- General - File choosers now behave consistently across platforms, remembering the path to the last folder opened
- SQL Imports - Reporting on SQL Imports is now more readable in the Operations Pane
- General - Typing performance in editors with code-folding support has been improved in cases of complex documents
- Migration to SQL - Enhanced table management when dropping tables during a migration
- IntelliShell Improvements to Windows Dark mode handling in autocompletion popups

- Server Status Charts - an issue that prevented Studio 3T from closing correctly on Ubuntu
- Connection Tree - Users and Roles no longer duplicate themselves when the tree is refreshed
- Aggregation Editor - a crash which could occur when an invalid query was entered and formatted in the stage editor
- JSON View - Selecting documents for Edit, Copy or Remove now selects the correct documents when using code folding
- Data Compare & Sync - a crash that could occur when selecting "Show Documents" in the Compare/Sync "Multiple Matches" tab
- Stored Functions - a crash which could occur when saving a stored function
- IntelliShell - When the selected mongo shell is not executable, an improved error message is now displayed
- Value Search - JSON view modes now behave correctly when using "Open in Collection"

Duet Display 查看版本資訊


GOG Galaxy 查看版本資訊


ProtonVPN 1.25.2 查看版本資訊


DesktopCal 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fix the bug, synchronization data will be lost under the condition of bad network