Glary Utilities

最新版本 Icecream Video Editor 2.06

Icecream Video Editor 2.06

Icecream Video Editor 2.06
Glary Utilities 是一個偉大的系統優化器,為 PC 性能優化提供一站式解決方案。它提供了 Windows 註冊表清理,磁盤清理,內存優化,啟動管理器,軌道橡皮擦,系統控制,文件管理,系統還原,性能加速器和許多其他驚人的多功能工具。有了這個幫手,您可以修復註冊表錯誤,消除雜亂,釋放磁盤空間,優化互聯網速度,保護機密文件,恢復刪除的文件,檢查軟件更新和優化您的系統。

Glary Utilities 提供了一個自動的,所有功能於一身的 PC 護理服務,包括徹底掃描像無效註冊表,不必要的啟動項目,臨時文件,Internet 歷史和間諜軟件的問題。只需點擊一下鼠標,就可以避免任何 PC 問題。

Glary Utilities 提供市場上最安全,最有效的註冊表工具,用於清理註冊表並修復註冊表錯誤。它通過刪除無效的註冊表項和臨時文件釋放更多的空間。它的進程和啟動管理器讓你直觀地查看正在運行的進程。它可以刪除瀏覽器加載項來加速上網速度,分析磁盤空間使用情況並找出重複的文件。此外,Glary Utilities 允許用戶批量卸載軟件。它也可以檢查更新,並保持最新的程序。 Glary Utilities 免費下載 Windows PC 的最新版本。這是 Glary.

的完全離線設置安裝程序這個新版本有一個更直觀的界面。在這個版本中有更多的模塊,包括 Windows 註冊表,磁盤空間,系統調整,反惡意軟件,隱私,系統控制,系統狀態,硬盤,驅動程序,文件管理和程序。在每個模塊下面,有更詳細的功能分類。用戶可以選擇特定的項目來輕鬆解決問題,而不是一個接一個尋找合適的工具。這個新版本包括 20 多個系統工具。此外,這個版本可以掃描和分析您的電腦問題比以前更徹底,更快。

查看 Glary Utilities 所提供的信息:
磁盤清理器 - 從磁盤中刪除垃圾數據並恢復磁盤空間。註冊表清理 - 掃描並清理您的註冊表,以提高系統的性能。快捷方式定影劑 - 更正您的開始菜單& 桌面快捷方式。啟動管理器 - 管理在啟動時自動運行的程序。內存優化器 - 在後台監控和優化可用內存。軌跡橡皮擦 - 刪除所有的痕跡,證據,餅乾,互聯網歷史和更多。文件粉碎機 - 永久刪除文件,以便沒有人可以恢復它們。 Internet Explorer 助手 - 管理 Internet Explorer 加載項並恢復被劫持的設置。磁盤分析 - 獲取所需文件和文件夾的詳細信息。重複文件搜索 - 搜索空間浪費和錯誤生成重複的文件。清空文件夾查找器 - 查找並刪除窗口中的空文件夾。卸載管理器 - 完全卸載您不再需要的程序。


檔案版本 Icecream Video Editor 2.06

檔案名稱 video_editor_setup.exe
檔案大小 62.3 MB
系統 Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10
軟體類型 免費軟體
作者 Glarysoft Ltd.
更新日期 2020-05-18

What's new in this version:

Icecream Video Editor 2.06
- 'Startup' crash fix

Icecream Video Editor 2.05
- Few crash fixes

Icecream Video Editor 2.03
- New fancy transitions
- New cool text effects added
- "Split scene" button added
- "Motion" mode for photo scenes added
- Audio "Offset" feature added
- Color picker for text effects
- Multiselection for Filters/Effects added
- Export video as mp3 option added
- Volume up to 400% of original audio
- Transition preview feature added
- Export preview added
- Audio sync problems solved
- Disappearing transitions nuisance avoided
- M4V support added
- Multiple formats incompatibility problem solved
- 50+ more small UI improvements and bug fixes
- Licensing changes

Icecream Video Editor 1.56
- UI: Chinese language fixed

Icecream Video Editor 1.55
- Chinese language added

Icecream Video Editor 1.54
- Turkish language added

Icecream Video Editor 1.53
- Freezing frame additional fix

Icecream Video Editor 1.52
- Freezing frame bug fixed
- Add fade in/out for original audio of scenes
- Video library preview fix for auto rotation in Windows 7

Icecream Video Editor 1.50
- Added media auto rotation improvements
- Windows 7 better UI compatibility
- Change player's sound volume with mouse wheel
- Multiple other UI and bug fixes and improvements

Icecream Video Editor 1.48
- Dropbox integration fixed

Icecream Video Editor 1.47
- Scene text added to scenes' and projects' thumbnails
- Change project name quickly from window title
- Gradients added to Colors Library
- HiDPI player fix
- Memory usage major improvements
- Filters for color slides added
- Windows 7 installer fix
- Multiple minor UI and bug fixes

Icecream Video Editor 1.42
- Major stability improvements
- Videos animated preview in Library
- Audio device handling improved
- Other minor bug fixes and UI improvements

Icecream Video Editor 1.36
- Other UI minior fixes

Icecream Video Editor 1.35
- Stability improved
- x64 version added

Icecream Video Editor 1.31
- Timeline major bugfixes
- Different encodings better support
- Debug system upgrade

Icecream Video Editor 1.30
- Few crash fixes
- Occasional initial freeze on start fixed

Icecream Video Editor 1.29
- Minor audio fix

Icecream Video Editor 1.28
- Project loading and drop to timeline speeds increased
- Text size and text animation speed settings added
- Multiple crash fixes
- Text+transition combo fix
- 'Phantom transitions' fix
- Debugging system improved

Icecream Video Editor 1.26
- Grayscale images export and few other crash fixes
- Timeline major fixes and improvements
- Export estimation time fixed

Icecream Video Editor 1.21
- Installer fixed: webm codecs
- Few crashes fixed
- Other minor improvements

Icecream Video Editor 1.20
- Official version release of Icecream Video Editor

Icecream Video Editor 2.06 相關參考資料
App Windows - Icecream Video Editor PRO 2.06 Multilingual ...

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You have requested (68.8 MB). Super fast download speed. Normal download speed ...

Download Video Editor - Icecream Apps

Product: Icecream Video Editor System: Windows 10, 8, 7. License: FREE. Click here, if the download doesn't start automatically.. Languages: Products.

Icecream Video Editor - Download - CHIP

Icecream Video Editor 2.06 Deutsch: Mit dem "Icecream Video Editor" fällt der Einstig in das Bearbeiten und Erstellen von Videoclips einfach.

Icecream Video Editor 2.06 Crack Free Download [2020]

4 小時前 - Icecream Video Editor 2.06 Crack is an outclass video editor software that is used to edit videos. This software is quick and gives excellent ...

Icecream Video Editor PRO 2.06 with Crack (Latest) - AbbasPC

7 小時前 - Icecream Video Editor PRO Crack : is an easy-to-use video editing software application for Windows that enables you to edit videos and create.

Video Editor: Edit Videos Fast and Free - Icecream Apps

Video editor is available on Windows 10, 8.1, 8 and 7. Free Download Upgrade to PRO. Version: 2.06 - 05/18/2020 (change log).