最新版本 Node.js 12.8.1 (64-bit)

Node.js 12.8.1 (64-bit)

Node.js 12.8.1 (64-bit)
GIMP(GNU 圖像操作程序)是一個免費分發的軟件,適用於照片修飾,圖像合成和圖像創作等任務。這是一個功能強大的軟件,具有任何其他免費軟件產品中沒有的功能。它可以用作簡單的繪圖程序,專業品質的照片潤飾程序,在線批量處理系統,批量生產圖像渲染器或圖像格式轉換器。 GIMP 是模塊化的,可擴展的和可擴展的。它的目的是增加插件和擴展來做任何事情。先進的腳本界面允許從最簡單的任務到最複雜的圖像處理程序都可以輕鬆編寫腳本。

GIMP 功能:

每個任務需要不同的環境,並且 GIMP 允許您按照自己喜歡的方式自定義視圖和行為。從小部件主題開始,允許您將顏色,小部件間距和圖標大小更改為工具箱中的自定義工具集。界面被模塊化為所謂的碼頭,允許您將它們堆疊到標籤中,或者保持它們在自己的窗口中打開。按 Tab 鍵將隱藏切換.

使用 GIMP 可以輕鬆補償大量的數碼照片瑕疵。修復由透鏡傾斜引起的透視失真,只需在變換工具中選擇校正模式即可。使用功能強大的濾鏡可以消除鏡頭的桶形失真和漸暈,但只需一個簡單的界面.

GIMP 是高級照片修飾技術的理想選擇。使用克隆工具擺脫不必要的細節,或使用新的修復工具輕鬆修改小細節。使用透視克隆工具,就像使用正交克隆一樣輕鬆地克隆對象.

GIMP 包括對各種輸入設備的獨特支持。壓力和傾斜敏感的平板電腦,而且廣泛的 USB 或 MIDI 控制器。您可以將經常使用的操作綁定到設備事件,如旋轉 USB 滾輪或移動 MIDI 控制器的滑塊。在繪畫時更改畫筆的大小,角度或不透明度,將您喜歡的腳本綁定到按鈕上。加快您的工作流程!

文件格式支持從常見的 JPEG(JFIF),GIF,PNG,TIFF 到諸如多分辨率和多色彩深度的 Windows 圖標文件等特殊用途格式。該架構允許使用插件來擴展 GIMP 的格式功能。您可以在 GIMP 插件註冊表中找到一些罕見的格式支持.

為了節省磁盤空間,可以使用 ZIP,GZ 或 BZ2 等檔案擴展名保存任何格式,並且 GIMP 將透明地壓縮文件,而無需執行任何額外步驟。

也可用:下載 GIMP 為 Mac


檔案版本 Node.js 12.8.1 (64-bit)

檔案名稱 node-v12.8.1-x64.msi
檔案大小 17.4 MB
系統 Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10
軟體類型 開源軟體
作者 The GIMP Team
更新日期 2019-08-16

What's new in this version:

- “Data Dribble”: The attacker requests a large amount of data from a specified resource over multiple streams. They manipulate window size and stream priority to force the server to queue the data in 1-byte chunks. Depending on how efficiently this data is queued, this can consume excess CPU, memory, or both, potentially leading to a denial of service.
- “Ping Flood”: The attacker sends continual pings to an HTTP/2 peer, causing the peer to build an internal queue of responses. Depending on how efficiently this data is queued, this can consume excess CPU, memory, or both, potentially leading to a denial of service.
- “Resource Loop”: The attacker creates multiple request streams and continually shuffles the priority of the streams in a way that causes substantial churn to the priority tree. This can consume excess CPU, potentially leading to a denial of service.
- “Reset Flood”: The attacker opens a number of streams and sends an invalid request over each stream that should solicit a stream of RST_STREAM frames from the peer. Depending on how the peer queues the RST_STREAM frames, this can consume excess memory, CPU, or both, potentially leading to a denial of service.
- “Settings Flood”: The attacker sends a stream of SETTINGS frames to the peer. Since the RFC requires that the peer reply with one acknowledgement per SETTINGS frame, an empty SETTINGS frame is almost equivalent in behavior to a ping. Depending on how efficiently this data is queued, this can consume excess CPU, memory, or both, potentially leading to a denial of service.
- “0-Length Headers Leak”: The attacker sends a stream of headers with a 0-length header name and 0-length header value, optionally Huffman encoded into 1-byte or greater headers. Some implementations allocate memory for these headers and keep the allocation alive until the session dies. This can consume excess memory, potentially leading to a denial of service.
- “Internal Data Buffering”: The attacker opens the HTTP/2 window so the peer can send without constraint; however, they leave the TCP window closed so the peer cannot actually write (many of) the bytes on the wire. The attacker then sends a stream of requests for a large response object. Depending on how the servers queue the responses, this can consume excess memory, CPU, or both, potentially leading to a denial of service.
C- “Empty Frames Flood”: The attacker sends a stream of frames with an empty payload and without the end-of-stream flag. These frames can be DATA, HEADERS, CONTINUATION and/or PUSH_PROMISE. The peer spends time processing each frame disproportionate to attack bandwidth. This can consume excess CPU, potentially leading to a denial of service.

Node.js 12.8.1 (64-bit) 相關參考資料
64-bit - Node.js


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