軟體下載 Garmin BaseCamp 4.7.0

檔案名稱 BaseCamp_470.exe

Garmin BaseCamp 4.7.0 軟體下載

檔案版本 Garmin BaseCamp 4.7.0

檔案名稱 BaseCamp_470.exe
檔案大小 58.7 MB
更新日期 2018-09-10
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軟體介紹 & 更新資訊

Garmin BaseCamp 4.7.0
充分利用您的下一個戶外活動或重溫您所採取的行程。 Garmin BaseCamp 讓你計劃戶外活動,組織你的數據,並與他人分享你的冒險經歷。使用 Garmin BaseCamp 計劃你的下一個遠足,騎自行車,摩托車,駕駛或越野之旅。您可以查看地圖,計劃路線,並從您的計算機上標記航點和航跡,然後將其傳輸到您的設備.調查地形 BaseCamp 在您的計算機屏幕上以二維或三維方式顯示您的地形圖數據,包括... Garmin BaseCamp 軟體介紹

What's new in this version:

Garmin BaseCamp 4.7.0
- Change log not available for this version

Garmin BaseCamp 4.6.2
- Fixed an issue displaying route elevation graphs

Garmin BaseCamp 4.7.0 相關參考資料
BaseCamp 4.7.0 - Basecamp Mac - MacWindows Software - Garmin Forums

A dedicated community for Garmin users to ask questions, provide answers, and share ... The Apple Appstore just gave the update message for BaseCamp 4.7.0


BaseCamp for Mac Legacy Version Updates ... - Garmin

BaseCamp for Mac Legacy Version software version 4.7.0 ... tracks, and routes between your Mac and Garmin device and manage your data using topographic ...


BaseCamp for Mac Updates & Downloads - Garmin

Import, display and transfer Garmin Custom Maps to supported devices. Track Draw ... Users on older OS's should use BaseCamp 4.7.0 available here. 1024 MB ...


BaseCamp Updates & Downloads - Garmin

Changes made from version 4.7.0 to 4.7.1: Updated Help links ... Fixed an issue with BaseCamp prompting that old software updates are available. Fixed other ...


BaseCamp | 軟體支援| 產品資訊| Garmin | 台灣| 官方網站

BaseCamp是一套可讀取GPS主機內之地圖,方便使用者管理個人地圖、航點、航線與軌跡資訊的平台,用來規劃個人行程資訊,並將路線資訊傳送至Garmin導航機器 ...


Do NOT Update to Basecamp 4.7.0 – MapInstall 4.2.0 is broken!

Note however - Basecamp 4.8.4 only runs stable in english - translated version are very buggy! Garmin released a new version of Basecamp - 4.7.0 - in order to ...


Do NOT Update to Basecamp v 4.7.0! « Openmtbmap.org ...

Garmin released a new version of Basecamp - 4.7.0 - in order to remove many features that were not in accordance with the GDPR regulation. Actually it's not ...


Garmin BaseCamp 4.7.0 Free Download for Windows 10, 8 ...

You can even share your adventures with others by using this application. Garmin BaseCamp allows you to make the entire plan for your road ...



Garmin logo. 首頁 · 我的產品 · 下載中心 · 支援服務. 軟體下載 ... 發行日期. 軟體版本. 2019/11/25. 詳細內容▽BaseCamp 4.8.7版軟體更新下載(for MAC). 下載軟體 ...


使用Garmin BaseCamp 編輯航跡 - 老尉子的部落格

安裝軟體與圖資請參考這篇,只是把軟體改成BaseCamp: 使用Garmin MapSource 編輯航跡 建議下載4.7.0版,4.6版一直有bug,圖資使用到半途會 ...
