軟體下載 Garmin BaseCamp 4.7.4

檔案名稱 BaseCamp_474.exe

Garmin BaseCamp 4.7.4 軟體下載

檔案版本 Garmin BaseCamp 4.7.4

檔案名稱 BaseCamp_474.exe
更新日期 2021-05-20
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軟體介紹 & 更新資訊

Garmin BaseCamp 4.7.4
充分利用您的下一個戶外活動或重溫您所採取的行程。 Garmin BaseCamp 讓你計劃戶外活動,組織你的數據,並與他人分享你的冒險經歷。使用 Garmin BaseCamp 計劃你的下一個遠足,騎自行車,摩托車,駕駛或越野之旅。您可以查看地圖,計劃路線,並從您的計算機上標記航點和航跡,然後將其傳輸到您的設備.調查地形 BaseCamp 在您的計算機屏幕上以二維或三維方式顯示您的地形圖數據,包括... Garmin BaseCamp 軟體介紹

What's new in this version:

- Fixed zumo connection issue
- Various stability and bug fixes

Garmin BaseCamp 4.7.4 相關參考資料
BaseCamp for Mac Legacy Version Updates ... - Garmin

BaseCamp is a 3D mapping application that allows you to transfer waypoints, tracks, and routes between your Mac and Garmin device and manage your data ...


BaseCamp for Mac Updates & Downloads - Garmin

BaseCamp is a 3D mapping application that allows you to transfer Garmin Custom Maps, BirdsEye Imagery, waypoints, tracks, and routes between your Mac and ...


BaseCamp Updates & Downloads - Garmin

BaseCamp software version 4.7.4. as of May 19, 2021. Download (61.43 MB). View installation instructions. Notes: System Requirements ...


Do NOT Update to Basecamp 4.7.0 – MapInstall 4.2.0 is ...

ATTENTION - you need to first uninstall Garmin Basecamp, Garmin MapInstall, Garmin Express, and any other Garmin Software via Windows "Add or Remove ...


Do NOT Update to Basecamp v 4.7.0! « Openmtbmap.org ...

Now the problem is - Basecamp 4.7.0 also ships an updated version of Garmin MapInstall - and that version is broken in so far that it does not send any maps in .


Download Garmin BaseCamp 4.7.4 - Softpedia

Garmin BaseCamp is a useful tool for the users who plan routes and view maps on their computer. The program is designed to work with Garmin maps and can ...


Garmin BaseCamp 4.7 Download (Free) - BaseCamp.exe

Garmin BaseCamp for Mac OS X. Outdoor leisure or business activities such as travels, hiking, and such are better if they are well planned. This program is ...


Garmin BaseCamp Download (2021 Latest) for Windows 10, 8 ...

2020年10月3日 — Download Garmin BaseCamp for Windows PC from FileHorse. 100% Safe and Secure ✓ Free Download (32-bit/64-bit) Latest Version 2021.


下載BaseCamp | Garmin 台灣

檢視BirdsEye Satellite Imagery 地圖,並將資料傳輸至您的裝置(需要訂閱)。 建立和分享具有地理標記的照片。 檢視航線、航跡和冒險的播放。 調查地形. BaseCamp ...


使用Garmin BaseCamp 編輯航跡 - 老尉子的部落格

2018年10月15日 — 使用Garmin BaseCamp 編輯航跡 以前買Garmin 手持GPS登山設備時都會附MapSource光碟,內含軟體及圖資,軟體可用以和手持設備通訊,如 ...
