軟體下載 Garmin BaseCamp 4.7.3

檔案名稱 BaseCamp_473.exe

Garmin BaseCamp 4.7.3 軟體下載

檔案版本 Garmin BaseCamp 4.7.3

檔案名稱 BaseCamp_473.exe
檔案大小 57.5 MB
更新日期 2020-10-03
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軟體介紹 & 更新資訊

Garmin BaseCamp 4.7.3
充分利用您的下一個戶外活動或重溫您所採取的行程。 Garmin BaseCamp 讓你計劃戶外活動,組織你的數據,並與他人分享你的冒險經歷。使用 Garmin BaseCamp 計劃你的下一個遠足,騎自行車,摩托車,駕駛或越野之旅。您可以查看地圖,計劃路線,並從您的計算機上標記航點和航跡,然後將其傳輸到您的設備.調查地形 BaseCamp 在您的計算機屏幕上以二維或三維方式顯示您的地形圖數據,包括... Garmin BaseCamp 軟體介紹

What's new in this version:

- Various stability and bug fixes

Garmin BaseCamp 4.7.3 相關參考資料
BaseCamp for Mac Legacy Version Updates ... - Garmin

BaseCamp is a 3D mapping application that allows you to transfer waypoints, tracks, and routes between your Mac and Garmin device and manage your data ...


BaseCamp for Mac Updates & Downloads - Garmin

BaseCamp is a 3D mapping application that allows you to transfer Garmin Custom Maps, BirdsEye Imagery, waypoints, tracks, and routes ...


BaseCamp Updates & Downloads - Garmin

BaseCamp software version 4.7.3. as of September 29, 2020. Download (60.30 MB). View installation instructions. Notes: System Requirements ...


Do NOT Update to Basecamp v 4.7.0! « Openmtbmap.org ...

Garmin released a new version of Basecamp - 4.7.0 - in order to remove many features that were not in accordance with the GDPR regulation. Actually it's not ...


Download Garmin BaseCamp 4.7.3 - Softpedia

Download Garmin BaseCamp - Provides an interface for viewing Garmin map products, as well as managing the corresponding geographic information or ...


Garmin BaseCamp 4.3 Download (Free) - BaseCamp.exe

The maps can be transferred to the Garmin GPS devices. BaseCamp lets you geotag photos, associating them with specific waypoints so you can ...


‎在Mac App Store 上的「Garmin BaseCamp」

Garmin® BaseCamp® provides an interface for viewing Garmin map products and managing geographic data. With BaseCamp, you can perform the following ...


下載BaseCamp | Garmin 台灣

檢視BirdsEye Satellite Imagery 地圖,並將資料傳輸至您的裝置(需要訂閱)。 建立和分享具有地理標記的照片。 檢視航線、航跡和冒險的播放。 調查地形. BaseCamp ...


使用Garmin BaseCamp 編輯航跡 - 老尉子的部落格

使用Garmin BaseCamp 編輯航跡 以前買Garmin 手持GPS登山設備時都會附MapSource光碟,內含軟體及圖資,軟體可用以和手持設備通訊,如 ...


如何安裝Garmin BaseCamp | Garmin 客戶服務支援中心

它可用於產品註冊、裝置更新、備份與檢視Garmin裝置所記錄的資料,以及更多用途。 下載並安裝最新版本的BaseCamp:. Windows Vista 64位元以上版本:. 前往 ...
