FxSound Enhancer

最新版本 Gradle 7.6

Gradle 7.6

Gradle 7.6
FxSound Enhancer 自動恢復丟失的音質,為您提供高清音樂。享受高清晰度的聲音偶爾中斷和功能有限的訪問。兼容所有的 Windows PC 應用程序:蘋果音樂 - Spotify - Google Play 音樂 - Youtube - 潘多拉 - Soundcloud - Netflix 和 Steam! DFX 附帶的核心技術和音頻增強功能現在處於新的改進狀態 FxSound Enhancer.

Mediocre 揚聲器使平庸的體驗
平均質量的 PC 揚聲器使您很難充分享受您的音樂。你可以得到一個偉大的一對耳機或揚聲器系統,但他們往往昂貴.

如果您的揚聲器成本 20 或 $ 200 並不重要。 FxSound 允許您增加音樂上的低音,遠遠超出系統的最大能力.

3D 您的預算中的環繞音效
Fxsound 即使使用最便宜的一副耳機,也能帶給您無縫的 3D 環繞音效體驗.

FxSound 增強音質你的音樂瞬間。只要您的電腦上有音頻播放,FxSound 就會自動優化它,不會有任何播放延遲.

像 YouTube,Spotify 和 Pandora 等流媒體服務使用低質量的音樂,因為它可以節省帶寬和數據成本。使用 FxSound,您可以獲得高清聆聽體驗,而不管先前的歌曲質量有多糟糕.

FxSound 效果允許您調整音樂的低音,3D 環繞,保真度,氛圍和動態範圍。您還可以從專門為您喜愛的音樂流派設計的精選列表中進行選擇.

MP3 和流媒體音樂都經過高度壓縮以縮小音頻文件的大小。這樣可以節省 Apple,YouTube 和 Spotify 的費用,代價是會嚴重降低您的聆聽體驗。

什麼是 FxSound Enhancer?

6FxSound Enhancer 立即恢復在低質量音樂曲目中丟失的保真度,以提供豐富,清晰和蓬勃的聲音.

使用 FxSound 效果和 EQ ,您有提升音樂的低音,調整動態範圍等的工具.

DFX Audio Enhancer
我們的名字已經改變,但 DFX 附帶的卓越音質還沒有.

打開 FxSound 並立即聽到音質的差異.

FxSound 自動優化您的聆聽體驗。只需坐下來享受.

對於認真的發燒友,FxSound 為您提供了調整 FxSound 效果和 EQ 的工具,以滿足您的確切偏好.

注意:在免費版本中,可定制禮物不可用,不能最小化為系統托盤。 FxSound 一次僅限一台電腦。要一次在多台計算機上使用 FxSound,必須為每台計算機購買一份.8997423


檔案版本 Gradle 7.6

檔案名稱 gradle-7.6-all.zip
系統 Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10
軟體類型 未分類
作者 FxSound
官網 暫無資訊
更新日期 2022-11-26

What's new in this version:

- java.sourceSets.main.output.classesDirs no longer depends on the classes task in Gradle 7.6
- File system events ignored after file watcher error
- Issue with parallel project model building
- frequent StackOverflowError in execution plan
- Gradle-side API to power buildscan.background callbacks in configuration-cache compatible way
- java.lang.ClassCastException: class org.gradle.execution.plan.CompositeNodeGroup cannot be cast to class org.gradle.execution.plan.OrdinalGroup
- Custom ValueSource erroneously tracks files etc used in obtain() when ValueSource parameters are passed in
- Dependency verification - rollback key ring disambiguation
- Gradle 7.6 (UnsupportedOperationException -> PreResolvedResolvableArtifact.getModuleVersion)
- ConcurrentModificationException when excluding multi tasks from command line (-x) in a subproject with configureondemand
- Report @Input annotation misapplied to File/Directory-based properties as warnings
- Investigate regression on changes to artifact resolution
- Configuration cache fails when using includeBuild(".")
- `test-report-aggregation` docs are missing mention of `--continue` flag
- JacocoReportAggregationPlugin doesn't work with JvmTestSuitePlugin
- Gradle build package has snakeyaml dependency for plugins has a CVE with high base score
- 7.5.1 gradle version - java.lang.StackOverflowError at org.gradle.execution.plan.FinalizerGroup$FinalizesMembers.getFilteredSuccessorsFor(FinalizerGroup.java:297)
- 7.5: mustRunAfter(configuration) causes ActionNode cannot be cast to TaskNode
- Add deprecation logging to org.gradle.util.GradleVersion.getNextMajor()
- Deprecate `org.gradle.api.internal.artifacts.dsl.dependencies.DependencyFactory`
- Gradle distribution jar is not reproducible due to fastutil minification transform
- Report deprecations for deprecated members from the org.gradle.util package
- dependency resolution error should be thrown in the same way regardless of whether config caching is enabled or not
- "withVariantReselection" API broken
- JavaCompile and Test tasks silently ignore explicit executable if it does not exist
- --rerun fails on configuration cache hit
- Can't exclude composite build tasks
- Incremental compilation after failure issues when all classes are not removed
- Could not set system property in the new Checkstyle task and finally failed by NPE when using "ENTITY" feature in configuration files
- Toolchain probing cannot cope with warnings from java
- Include klib extension as KNOWN_ZIP_EXTENSIONS for java normalization
- NullPointerException when using convention mapping and a Property for the same name
- chore: move JUnit and TestNG "dummy" tests to textFixtures
- StackOverflowError in FinalizerGroup.isCanCancel when handling build failure
- Add support for JDK19
- Broken link to processResources on the Java Plugin doc page
- Cannot extract contents of Renjin 3.5 beta76 archive
- "Unable to make progress running work" redux
- Poor performance for fully up-to-date builds on machines with many CPU cores
- :incubationReport txt reporter broken on Kotlin function signatures spanning multiple lines
- Gradle does not recover from dependency resolution failures that happen while writing to the cache
- Introduce Strongly Typed Dependency Block
- Incremental Annotation Processing Issue when recompiling annotated source dependency
- Document behavior around `--` to differentiate between task options and Gradle command-line flags
- StackOverflowError thrown from internal Gradle code.
- Adding files to variants created from ComponentMetadataRules does not work when SNAPSHOT versions are used
- ProjectBuilder tests failing when exercising Kotlin multiplatform plugin
- Deprecate org.gradle.kotlin.dsl.precompiled.accessors.strict=false or unset
- Add docs and snippets for Sharing Configuration Between Test Suites
- can't view KDoc or source code of generated Kotlin dependency extensions in IDE
- Gradle init doesn't escape single quotes
- Upgrade Kotlin to 1.7.0 and maybe try out the K2 compiler?
- Artifact transforms execute before all dependencies are ready
- Add priority order for disambiguation rules to resolvableConfigurations report
- Composite builds fail when reusing configuration cache
- `Manifest.from(Object...)` does not support merging Manifest implementations
- Accept Provider for configuring testing framework versions
- `startScripts` relies on `chmod` being in the PATH.
- Stop computing a logging string that is not used
- Incorrect warning in "Working with files" documentation
- Typo in docs: version should be versionRef.
- Plugin variants are ignored when plugin is added as buildSrc common dependency
- Test task avoidance is not working since Gradle 7.4.x
- Buildscript jars are not keeping their original compression
- `CachingJvmMetadataDetector` caches metadata of invalid installations for the lifetime of the daemon, not build
- Instrument invokedynamic-based Groovy bytecode for configuration cache input detection
- IdentityTransform fails with FileNotFound after updating to 7.5-rc1
- Gradle should log empty javac arguments as quotes pair in debug mode
- Add https://pgp.mit.edu to the list of default key servers.
- Task buildNeeded and buildDependents resolve configuration too early
- Config cache exception on JDK 17: InaccessibleObjectException CopyOnWriteArrayList.writeObject
- @Classpath with @NormalizeLineEndings fails to capture differences in zip entries on JDK8
- Follow up for optimistic locking changes #20687
- Precompiled Kotlin script plugins are broken in explicit API mode
- Fix implicit command-line ordering test in AbstractIdeLifecycleIntegrationTest
- JVM 9+ No Way to Enable Remote Debugging
- Option to rerun only requested tasks
- InitBuild task should convert Maven `compile` scope to `api`, not `implementation`
- Documentation for how to access gradle.properties values in settings.gradle could be enhanced
- error during build: BuildOperationType.java unmappable character (0x9D) for encoding windows-1252
- No way to apply --no-daemon: current process arguments format bug
- Re-use Scala compiler between runs
- Implicit Dependency deprecation warning links to default "Authoring Tasks" in Build Scans
- DirectDependenciesMetadata removals "mutate" previously returned DirectDependencyMetadata instances, removeAll(Collection) is completely broken‼
- When using the jacoco report aggregation plugin, some classes are not clickable in the report.
- Incremental java compiler does not detect changes to classes used in type parameters in some cases
- `./gradlew projects` fails the second time with configuration cache enabled
- Update vulnerable and old dependencies in gradle distribution (7.4.2)
- "--offline" execution option should be considered as configuration input
- JaCoCo Report Aggregation Plugin uses JARs not class directories in allCodeCoverageReportClassDirectories configuration
- Support Java 19
- Version Catalogs documentation is outdated regards using values defined in Versions scope
- Consider removing the deprecation on catalog names
- publish using maven-publish resulting in shrinked pom.xml version
- Key exporting writes out duplicate keys
- Regression in primary task ordering
- Composite Builds Hierarchical Multirepo Sample - fails when following the instructions
- Gradle 7.4 regression in toolchain support, gradle reports `Invalid encoding name "UTF8"`
- JVM Test Suite Plugin for integrationTest, how to add all test dependencies to integrationTest task in multi module project
- `publish` task from `maven-publish` plugin should work with configuration cache
- Update DefaultJvmTestSuite and BuildInit to use JUnit 5 when applying useKotlinTest
- Improve TestLauncher interface
- VERSION_CATALOGS feature fails if any dir in project path starts with character "u": "illegal unicode escape"
- Upgrade embedded Kotlin to 1.7.10
- Improve outputContains output for integration testing
- Make compile tasks incremental after a failure
- Incremental cache lost after a compilation error when using Micronaut
- Throws TimeoutException during configuration (after 1 minute, Gradle Kotlin IO impl)
- Document where to find Options from tasks
- JavaToolchainService not available on JVM ecosystem projects
- gradleTestKit not available in test suite
- Named argument notation not supported for dependencies in test suite plugin
- Support "Zulu OpenJDK Discovery API" for auto provisioning toolchains
- Remove internal `org.gradle.kotlin.dsl.accessors` feature flag
- [Build Scans] Class-based Settings Plugin breaks build scans when using pluginManagement.includeBuild(...)
- Add a classifier property to the Distribution type
- Update bundled JUnit 5 launcher
- Precompiled Kotlin DSL scripts fix the JVM target to 8
- Allow setting a custom timeout for gradle wrapper download
- `dependencies` task is not compatible with the configuration cache
- Report the number of tasks scheduled for execution to TAPI clients
- Support serializable lambdas for up-to-date checks
- IBM JDK is detected but never selected
- DependencyHandler create method is missing configure with Action overload
- "properties" task is not configuration cache compatible
- Retry connection connection closed during resolution.
- Support auto-download of Java toolchains for more vendors than just AdoptOpenJDK
- Configuration cache - patterns are not serialized for the file tree
- TestLauncher TAPI improvements
- Gradle javaToolChains - output is misleading
- javaToolchains task provides insufficient error information
- gradle init should not create buildSrc but use included build logic builds
- Public API for deciding whether config caching is enabled
- No java incremental compile after compile failure - "unable to get source-classes mapping relationship from last compilation."
- Re-use compiler daemons between builds
- Improve test setup and documentation for Java & JVM projects
- Build script class names depend on the absolute path
-Ability to re-run selected tasks
-Task action implementation is not tracked when added via Task.doLast(String, Action)
-Add ability to specify "name" for task.onlyIf actions (and possibly others like upToDateWhen)
-Remove wrapper zip after unzipping
-Project.afterEvaluate execution order is not specified in documentation
- Regression in 7.6-rc-1 when using invalid Maven repository name
- Add extra entries to JavaVersion for future compatibility
- 7.6 RC1: UnsupportedNotationException for version catalog dependency bundle
- 7.6 RC1/2: UnsupportedNotationException for version catalog bundle dependency constraint
- "Unable to make progress running work" redux2
- "Unable to make progress running work" using 7.6-rc-3
- 7.6 RC3: DependencyAdder.invoke cannot be called with the arguments supplied

Gradle 7.6 相關參考資料
Could not find com.android.tools.build:gradle:7.6

2023年4月3日 — I could not see any gradle version 7.6 in distribution. gradle distribution snapshot. Can you change


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Gradle is a build tool with a focus on build automation and support for multi-language development.


Gradle 7.6 Release Notes

This release includes building and running code with Java 19, a flag to rerun tasks individually, a new strongly-typed dependencies block for JVM test suites, ...


Gradle 7.6.1 Release Notes

This release includes building and running code with Java 19, a flag to rerun tasks individually, a new strongly-typed dependencies block for JVM test suites, ...


Gradle 7.6.2 Release Notes

This release includes building and running code with Java 19, a flag to rerun tasks individually, a new strongly-typed dependencies block for JVM test suites, ...


Gradle 7.6.3 fails with plugins that use multi-release JAR files

2023年11月24日 — Current Behavior If I apply a plugin that uses H2 ('com.h2database:h2:2.2.224'), a multi-release JAR, the execution of the plugin fails.


Gradle 7.6.3 Release Notes

This release includes building and running code with Java 19, a flag to rerun tasks individually, a new strongly-typed dependencies block for JVM test suites, ...


Gradle 7.6.4 Release Notes

This release includes building and running code with Java 19, a flag to rerun tasks individually, a new strongly-typed dependencies block for JVM test suites, ...


Gradle | Releases

Here you can find binaries and reference documentation for current and past versions of Gradle. You can find the next release candidate or a bleeding edge ...


Releases · gradlegradle

2023年12月27日 — This is a patch release for 7.6. We recommend using 7.6.4 instead of 7.6. Read the Release Notes. Upgrade instructions. Switch your build to use ...
