
最新版本 Wing IDE 101

Wing IDE 101

Wing IDE 101
Freeplane 是一個免費和開源的軟件應用程序,支持思想,分享信息,並在工作中,在學校和家裡完成的事情。該軟件可以用於思維導圖和分析心靈地圖中包含的信息。 Freeplane 在安裝了 Java 的當前版本的任何操作系統上運行。它可以運行在本地或可移動存儲,如 USB 驅動器。

Freeplane 產品特點:
注意與可自由定位,不連接的節點(貼吧); 將想法(節點)排序成由線(邊)連接的層次結構; 用元數據(屬性)和样式類型(系統樣式,用戶定義樣式,級別樣式)對節點進行分類; 用可視容器(雲)和 accolade(摘要節點)對節點進行分組; 連接節點與動態鏈接,空閒線(連接器)和標籤; 根據層級和內容(條件樣式,自動邊緣顏色,水平樣式)自動設置樣式節點(包括氣泡,顏色,邊緣類型等); 內容(文本,科學公式,計算,圖標,圖像和超鏈接)和演示區域(核心,細節,註釋,屬性,圖像和工具提示)通過隱藏內容(折疊分支,過濾,滾動細節和在工具提示中隱藏擴展)來改變視圖,查找,滾動和導航; 任務與日曆和提醒; 使用 DES 加密對整個地圖和單個節點進行密碼保護; 易於使用內聯和對話框編輯器,面向對象的主菜單,上下文菜單,多語言支持,拼寫檢查器,屬性面板,拖放拖放功能,熱鍵,用於批量執行的選項,發布,共享和可選偏好; 即使沒有精確匹配(例如“setup”=“set up”或“flie”=“file”),也可以在文本中查找搜索詞。在節點底下支持 LaTeX 公式通過附加組件和自製腳本輕鬆擴展功能; 與 Docear 學術文獻套裝整合; 通過 Wiki 和論壇提供廣泛的支持; 並以思維導圖的形式提供教程和文檔。注意:Freeplane 可以在任何安裝了 Java 運行時環境的操作系統上運行。

也可用:下載 Freeplane 為 Mac


檔案版本 Wing IDE 101

檔案名稱 wing-101-
系統 Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10
軟體類型 開源軟體
作者 Freeplane Team
更新日期 2019-10-09

What's new in this version:

- Add a How-To for using Wing with Docker
- Allow disabling code warnings from the tooltip displayed over the editor
- Add preliminary support for macOS 10.15 (Catalina)
- Support code folding in JSON files
- Support optional word wrapping for output in the Testing tool
- Add a preference to send debugger keep-alive messages for environments that close
- inactive connections (disabled by default)

- Show debugger data values in tooltips when hovering over a name, even if tooltips
- are disabled for the rest of the UI
- Run test files in the order that they are displayed in the Testing tool
- Only show test files that exist after a project is opened

Bug Fixes:
- Fix analysis of class attributes
- Fix analysis of augmented assigment statements
- Avoid spurious super(). undefined attribute warnings
- Avoid spurious from __future__ import name warnings
- Avoid the potential for reformatting a file for PEP 8 after the debugger has started
- Fix display of non-ascii text in OS Commands when using a pseudo-tty
- Fix failure to get the last part of output from a process run in the OS Commands tool
- with pseudo-tty enabled
- Fix failure to convert encoding of text sent to an OS Command running in a pseudo-tty
- Terminate OS Commands when remote agent connection is lost
- Set the default file type correctly in Windows file dialogs
- Fix dragging 2+ files in the Project tool
- Clear test output and exceptions when results are explicitly cleared
- Allow disabling warnings shown when editing the active remote host configuration
- Don't fail to start the debugger if sys.breakpointhook is missing when the debugger
- initializes in python 3.7+
- Don't display an icon to disable a warning when there is no warning to disable
- Fix removing underlines from warnings and errors when some lines are modified
- Don't insert -> if typing - after a space in a def's argument list
- Avoid segfaults in the debugger when inspecting certain Cython functions
- Fix problems with the use of tools in separate windows
- Allow the scripting API to set breakpoints in non-existent files
- Show tooltip with a correctly sized window when the last tip shown was wider
- Don't show tooltips for the top toolbar when tooltips are disabled

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