軟體下載 Foobar2000 1.6.2

檔案名稱 foobar2000_v1.6.2.exe

Foobar2000 1.6.2 軟體下載

檔案版本 Foobar2000 1.6.2

檔案名稱 foobar2000_v1.6.2.exe
檔案大小 4.47 MB
更新日期 2020-10-23
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軟體介紹 & 更新資訊

Foobar2000 1.6.2
Foobar2000 是 Windows 操作系統的免費軟件和先進的功能強大的音頻播放器,兼有包括完全 Unicode 支持,ReplayGain 支持和原生支持幾種流行音頻格式在內的基本功能,以及對更經驗豐富的用戶有吸引力的高級服務而音樂專業人士只需要簡單的音頻播放。從 2002 年 12 月上市以來,由 Peter Pawlowski(全球知名音頻播放器 Winamp 的創造者 Nullsof... Foobar2000 軟體介紹

What's new in this version:

- HLS radio bug fixes
- Double clicking album covers in Default User Interface shows full-size picture
- Archive reader optimizations; much more efficient handling of uncompressed (store-mode) archives
- Drag-and-drop or copy-to-clipboard of large number of tracks no longer copies their plaintext titles
- Fixed unresponsive Album List when selecting lots of items. (beta 2)
- Added workarounds for wrong audio mix format reported by certain buggy soundcard drivers. (beta 3, beta 4)
- Added workaround for too quiet playback since removal of Windows Mixer volume slider synchronization in previous versions. (beta 4)
- Fixed crashing when attempting to read from 7-ziup archive that does not exist (beta 5)
- Increased playback queue length limit to 256 tracks (beta 5)
- Fixed incompatibilities with certain bluetooth headsets introduced in 1.6.1. (beta 7)
- Fixed incorrect handling of embedded pictures in Speex tags. (beta 7)
- Fixed incorrect info shown for IMA ADPCM in Matroska. (beta 7)
- Fixed no error message on failure to update embedded pictures if embedding of pictures is not supported for this file type. (beta 7)
- Removed nonsensical bit depth info shown with some Matroska files. (final)
- Cleaned up listed file types in various "import picture" dialogs. (final)
- Workaround for stuck process if attempting to update foobar2000 while running foobar2000 is busy. (final)

Foobar2000 1.6.2 相關參考資料
Download foobar2000

Read foobar2000 v1.6 release notes. You might have to suppress Microsoft SmartScreen warnings about the installer. To do so, click "more info" then "run ...


Download foobar2000 1.6.2 - Softpedia

All in all, Foobar2000 is a trustworthy application due to its rich feature design, as well as that it uses considerably little system resources to provide flawless quality ...



foobar2000 is an advanced freeware audio player for the Windows platform. Latest news. 2020-10-22. foobar2000 v1.6.2 has been released. Download... 2020-09 ...


foobar2000 1.6.1 1.6.2 Beta 7 Free Download - VideoHelp

Foobar2000 is an advanced audio player for the Windows platform. Some of the basic features include full unicode support, ReplayGain support and native ...


foobar2000 1.6.2 Free Download - Codecs.com

2020年10月16日 — In conclusion, foobar2000 has all the features of a reliable and convenient audio player. It renders almost any format of audio files at a high- ...


foobar2000 1.6.2 Free Download for Windows 10, 8 and 7 ...

Foobar2000 hides behind one of the simpler interfaces of an audio player, some advanced state of the art technology. In time, you will find it necessary for any ...


foobar2000 1.6.2 免安裝英文版(1.3.17 免安裝中文版)- 音質 ...

Foobar2000 是一款免費的的音樂播放器軟體,開發者為波蘭人Piotr Pawłowski(英文名Peter Pawlowski,原Winamp 開發公司Nullsoft 成員)。 除了播放之外, ...


foobar2000 1.6.2 正式版发布- 媒体播放器 ... - cnBeta.COM

19 小時前 — foobar2000是一款Windows平台下的高级音频播放器,包含了一些播放增益支持、低内存占用等基本特色以及内置支持一些流行的音频格式,支持 ...


foobar2000 1.6.2 正式版发布|foobar2000_新浪科技_新浪网

19 小時前 — 原标题:foobar2000 1.6.2 正式版发布来源:cnBeta.COM. foobar2000是一款Windows 平台下的高级音频播放器,包含了一些播放增益支持、低 ...
