Far Manager (64-bit)

最新版本 WizTree 4.02

WizTree 4.02

WizTree 4.02
遠程管理器 64 位是一個用於管理 Windows 操作系統中的文件和檔案的程序。遠程管理器以文本模式工作,並為執行大部分必要操作提供簡單直觀的界面:
查看文件和目錄; 編輯,複製和重命名文件; 和其他許多行動。遠程管理器具有多語言,易於配置的界面。通過使用顏色突出顯示和排序組,文件系統導航變得更容易.

Far Manager 64 位的功能被外部 DLL 模塊大大擴展,插件(通過一組特殊的接口(Plugins API)實現的)。例如:歸檔支持,FTP 客戶端,臨時面板和網絡瀏覽器都是作為插件包含在 Far.


檔案版本 WizTree 4.02

檔案名稱 wiztree_4_02_setup.exe
系統 Windows XP64 / Vista64 / Windows 7 64 / Windows 8 64 / Windows 10 64
軟體類型 開源軟體
作者 Far Group
官網 http://www.farmanager.com/
更新日期 2021-09-20

What's new in this version:

Treemap now displays file and folder names for large files and folders:
- Double click on a folder or file in the treemap to "zoom" the treemap into that folder. Use new ".." and "" buttons on treemap to unzoom one level or to reset the treemap to the root. You can also select "Zoom in Treemap" and "Zoom out treemap" from the file or folder context menu (right click menu)
- File and folder name display can be toggled via "Options->Show File and Folder Names in Treemap"
- The "explore folder" option will now automatically select the file in Windows explorer if a file was selected

New search terms added to file search for files or folders only:
- Type in =folder or =folders in search to display folders only
- Type in =file or =files in search to display files only

new file length and path length search terms added:
- Use "namelen" and "pathlen" to search by file name length and path length

e.g. to find files with path length (includes file name) greater than 255:
- pathlen>255

to find file names with exactly 1 character:
- namelen=1

new export command line parameters:
To export "percent of parent" data, include the parameter:
- /exportpercentofparent=1

To set the maximum folder depth to be exported, include the parameter:
- /exportmaxdepth=n
- Where n is the maximum folder depth

e.g. to export the root folders and files only:
- /exportmaxdepth=1
- A max depth of 0 means unlimited (default)

Gradient in treemap can be now disabled by editing the WizTree3.ini file and setting:
- GradientEnabled=0

WizTree 4.02 相關參考資料
Download Portable WizTree 4.02 - Softpedia

What's new in Portable WizTree 4.02: Treemap now displays file and folder names for large files and folders: Double click on a folder or file in the treemap ...


Download WizTree 4.02 - Softpedia

What's new in WizTree 4.02: Treemap now displays file and folder names for large files and folders: Double click on a folder or file in the treemap to ...


WizTree - Download - CHIP

WizTree 4.02 Deutsch: Die Freeware WizTree schlüsselt Ihnen die Speicherplatzbelegung von Festplatten in einer übersichtlichen Baumstruktur auf.


WizTree 4.02 + Portable + Rus + Enterprise - rsload.NET

WizTree 4.02 + Portable + Rus + Enterprise - скачать программу последней версии для Windows 7 и 10 можно на сайте rsload.net бесплатно с ключом.


WizTree 4.02 - Download - COMPUTER BILD

WizTree 4.02 kostenlos in deutscher Version downloaden! Weitere virengeprüfte Software aus der Kategorie Tuning & System finden Sie bei computerbild.de!


WizTree 4.02 - MajorGeeks

WizTree 4.02 ... WizTree is a disk space analyzer for quickly scanning your entire hard drive and then shows you which files and folders are using the most disk ...


WizTree 4.02 Enterprise + Portable на русском - DIAKOV.NET

WizTree 4.02 Enterprise + Portable. WizTree - небольшая и полезная утилита для определения файлов и папок, которые занимают много пространства на жестком ...


WizTree 4.02 portable - Portable info PL

WizTree jest najszybszym na świecie, jak twierdzi producent, analizatorem miejsca na dysku. Skanuje dysk twardy i pokazuje, które pliki i foldery używają ...



WizTree 4.02 免安裝中文版– 硬碟空間分析工具. WizTree 是一款號稱世界上最快的硬碟佔用空間分析工具。用於快速掃描硬碟/網路硬碟/隨身碟/隨身硬碟,並顯示哪些檔案和 ...


軟體分享 - 中文化天地網

WizTree 4.02 免安裝中文版– 硬碟空間分析工具. WizTree 是一款號稱世界上最快的硬碟佔用空間分析工具。用於快速掃描硬碟/網路硬碟/隨身碟/隨身硬碟,並顯示哪些檔案和 ...
