軟體下載 AWS SDK for Java 1.12.659

檔案名稱 aws-java-sdk-1.12.659.zip

AWS SDK for Java 1.12.659 軟體下載

檔案版本 AWS SDK for Java 1.12.659

檔案名稱 aws-java-sdk-1.12.659.zip
更新日期 2024-02-15
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AWS SDK for Java 1.12.659
Evernote 允許您在任何使用任何設備或平台找到最方便的信息捕獲信息,並使這個信息隨時隨地訪問和搜索。使用 Evernote 記錄筆記,創建待辦事項列表,剪輯整個網頁,管理密碼和錄製音頻。添加到 Evernote 的所有內容都將自動跨平台和設備同步,並進行搜索。 Evernote 甚至可以識別出照片和圖像中的印刷或手寫文字.寫印 從短名單到長篇研究,無論您的寫作形式如何,Evernote 讓... Evernote 軟體介紹
AWS SDK for Java 1.12.659 相關參考資料
Assessment (AWS SDK for Java - 1.12.659)

An entity that defines the scope of audit evidence collected by Audit Manager. An Audit Manager assessment is an implementation of an Audit Manager ...


AWS SDK for Java - 1.12.659


AwsClientBuilder (AWS SDK for Java - 1.12.659)

Sets the endpoint configuration (service endpoint & signing region) to be used for requests. If neither region withRegion(String) or endpoint configuration are ...


Image (AWS SDK for Java - 1.12.659)

An object that represents an Amazon ECR image. See Also: AWS API Documentation, Serialized Form. Constructor Summary. Constructors ...


ListDocumentsResult (AWS SDK for Java - 1.12.659)

AWS SDK for Java 1.x API Reference - 1.12.659. We announced the upcoming end-of-support for AWS SDK for Java (v1). We recommend that you migrate to AWS SDK ...


ReachabilityStatus (AWS SDK for Java - 1.12.659)

Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared. This method may be used to iterate over the constants as ...


ReviewInformation (AWS SDK for Java - 1.12.659)

Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together. setStatus. public void setStatus(String status). The current status of the ...


TableClassSummary (AWS SDK for Java - 1.12.659)

Parameters: tableClass - The table class of the specified table. Valid values are STANDARD and STANDARD_INFREQUENT_ACCESS . Returns: Returns a reference to ...
