
最新版本 eMule 0.50a Beta 1

eMule 0.50a Beta 1

eMule 0.50a Beta 1
eMule 是一個非常流行的點對點客戶端,讓用戶輕鬆連接到 eDonkey2000 網絡,輕鬆共享多媒體文件和文件。由於其開放源代碼策略,許多開發人員能夠為項目做出貢獻,從而使每個版本的網絡更加高效。 “eMule”這個名字來源於一種叫“騾子”的動物,它與驢子有點類似。

第一版 eMule 於 2002 年 5 月上市,集成支持連接流行的 eDoney 和 Kad 網絡。這個應用程序在隨後的幾年變得非常流行,因為它能夠巧妙地管理用戶之間的連接,使文件傳輸更快,文件更安全,自動修復損壞,使用社區獎勵來獎勵最好的用戶,以及使用壓縮傳輸用戶節省帶寬。  另一個非常流行的功能是能夠預覽下載未完成的音頻和視頻文件。

eMule 的用戶界面相對比較簡單,大量的視覺提示關於  您目前的位置和簡單的方法來管理您的搜索和下載。應用程序提供了 7 個主要類別,用戶將花費大部分時間 - KDE 服務器列表,eDonkey 服務器列表,傳輸,搜索(它支持複雜的布爾查詢),共享文件,消息(你可以交友,交換消息和查看在線狀態),IRC 客戶端和統計。該應用程序底部專門列出當前傳輸,應用程序自定義選項可通過儀表板左上角的按鈕輕鬆訪問.

A 可用功能列表:
客戶端使用多個網絡創建一個可靠的網絡。 (ED2K,Source Exchange,Kad)Kad 現在處於開放的測試階段,eMule v0.42 可以啟用使用 Kad eMule 的隊列和信用系統有助於確保每個人都可以通過將那些上傳回的網絡。 eMule 是完全免費的。 eMule 也是完全免費的任何廣告軟件,間諜軟件,等。所有這些都是為了娛樂和知識,而不是為了錢。每個文件檢查下載時損壞,以確保無錯文件。 eMules 智能腐敗控制有助於加快對損壞部件的修正。自動優先級和源代碼管理允許您啟動許多下載,而不必監視它們。預覽功能允許您在視頻和檔案完成之前查看。對於視頻預覽,建議使用非常流行的視頻局域網客戶端。 eMule 功能 webservices 和一個網絡服務器,讓您可以快速訪問和從互聯網。您可以為您的下載創建類別來組織它們。要找到所需的文件,eMule 提供了廣泛的搜索可能性,包括:服務器(本地和全球),基於 Web(Jigle 和 Filedonkey)和 Kad(Still in Alpha)。 eMule 還允許您使用非常複雜的布爾搜索,使搜索更加靈活。使用消息傳遞和朋友系統,您可以將消息發送給其他客戶端並將其添加為朋友。在你的朋友列表中,你總是可以看到一個朋友是否在線。隨著 IRC 客戶端的內置,您可以與全球其他下載者和聊天者聊天。注:該應用程序不是積極開發.


檔案版本 eMule 0.50a Beta 1

檔案名稱 eMule0.50a_BETA1-Installer.exe
檔案大小 3.23 MB
系統 Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8
軟體類型 開源軟體
作者 eMule Project
官網 http://www.emule-project.net/
更新日期 2010-03-12

What's new in this version:

eMule 0.50a BETA1
- Mar, 8. 2010 -
.: Fixed a bug which caused the "Add files to download in paused mode" otpion to not work properly in all cases
.: Fixed a visual glitch on taksbar notifiers when using the Aero theme [gureedo]

- Mar, 3. 2010 -
.: Added Windows 7 taskbar goodies:
- global progress bar in the eMule taskbar button, progress colors: green when downloading, red when a download is errorous, yellow otherwise
- Taskbar Buttons: when hovering over the eMule taskbar button (connect/disconnect/throttle/unthrottle/open preferences)
- Overlay icon: Overlay icon on the eMule taskbar button indicating active up- and downloads (disabled by default, enable by ini entry "ShowUpDownIconInTaskbar=1"). 

- Mar, 1. 2010 -
.: Tweaked uploadcode to significantly increase the possible uploadspeed per slot especially on LANs, making eMule more suitable for those
.: The number of maximal open upload slots has been decreased to 100
.: Fixed a bug which caused the "Add files to download in paused mode" otpion to not work properly in all cases

- Feb, 28. 2010 -
.: Fixed a problem with the sharedfiles list when deleting a shared files [dolphinX]
.: Fixed minor possible memory/ressource leak in the archive recovery and ipfilter [dolphinX]
.: Fixed possible problem when wrong incoming directory due to categories in certain cases [dolphinX]

- Feb, 19. 2010 -
.: Fixed a bug in Kad which would not enforce the search tolerance in certain cases
.: Changed Kad to work better in small LANs. If Kad detects it is running on a LAN (only LAN IPs in the routing table), it will assume beeing open and not behind a NAT/Router without trying to verfiy (which would fail in a small LAN),
and also doesn't enforces several security features like flood detection for LAN IPs. Now even a small Kad LAN of 2 nodes works well without any setup issues
(To create such a Kad LAN, make sure all clients have Options->Extended->"Filter server and client LAN IPS" disabled, delete the existing nodes.dat if necessary, go to the Kad dialog and enter the IP+Port of one other client (which is either connected or in connecting mode for Kad) to the bootstrap box - done)

- Jan, 25. 2010 -
.: The connection wizzard is no longer shown after finishing the first start wizzard (it's deprecated)
.: The first start wizzard is only shown on first starts and no longer after updates

- Jan, 21. 2010 -
.: Added a new graph to the Kad window, which lets you watch each Kad lookup in detail. For non-Devs this is just for fun, you don't need to worry about anything shown there. A detailed explanation of the graph can be found in the onlinehelp.
.: Added "Automatically show active searches" option to the context menu of the new graph which lets it switch to active lookups automatically (instead having to select it in the list). Now you can watch Kad working for hours without a click! :)

- Jan, 12. 2010 -
.: Added a new dockable toolbar to the transfer dialog. The buttons resemble the context menu options, but making them accessible easier and faster. The toolbar can be removed by right clicking on it and shown again by selecting context menue option of the downloadlist

- Jan, 10. 2010 -
.: The context menu in of the downloadlist allows now directly assign a file to a new category (instead of having to create it separately first)
.: The "Unassign" category context menu entry is now only available if a file actually has a category

- Dec, 7. 2009 -
.: Fixed missing setting saving after automatic adapting incoming folders of categories due to changed main incoming folder
.: Fixed a bug with overwriting the nodes.dat on times we actually don't want to write it [Nissenice]
.: Added a quick intermediate fix to make certain Kad lookups more reliable, improving the (search/source-) results in some cases [based on research from http://www-users.cs.umn.edu/~hopper/kad.pdf]

- Nov, 28. 2009 -
.: Switched the eMule fileidentifiers from ED2k-Hash + Size to ED2k-Hash + AICH-Hash + Size. This means eMule is now using two hashing algorithms combined (based on MD4 and SHA1) to verify if a received part (and eventually the comlete files) is not corrupt
This change is necessary due to weaknesses in the MD4 algorithm and enables eMule to make sure to never complete a corrupt files for the next decade
All changes are backwards compatible, so no clients or files will be exluded from the network
.: AICH part hashsets are build out of existing AICH recovery hashsets, no rehashing is done
.: AICH verification is enabled when using an ed2k link with included AICH hash, or when searching and downloading a file from Kad when certain requirements are met (this will only start to work once the majority of nodes update)
.: The AICH hash can be seen in the search results list for kad searches if available
.: ed2k links can no longer be created without the AICH Hash, except if it is not available. ed2k links without AICH hash are considered deprecated, but are still accepted by eMule for now

- Nov, 15. 2009 -
.: The shared files list now shows files in root directories properly [dolphinX]
.: Fixed a bug with determining if the filesystem can handle large files when using categories [dolphinX]
.: Added preferences.ini-only option "KeepUnavailableFixedSharedDirs" ("eMule"-Section) which lets eMule keep shared directories on fixed drives even if they are not found anymore
.: Fixed minor memleak on kad searches [tHeWiZaRdOfDoS]
- Oct, 13. 2009 -
.: Added preferences.ini-only option "ForceSpeedsToKB" ("eMule"-Section), which will make eMule display all speed values in KB/s (instead of B/s to TB/s depending on the speed)

- Aug, 7. 2009 -
.: The shared files dialog has now a tab selector, letting you choose to view the statistics,(reduced versions of) the content, ed2k-link or metadata info for the selected file(s)
.: The statistics page on in the shared files dialog also has the following new entries: Popularity rank (ranking all your shared files based on Requests), On Queue (clients on queue for the selected file) and Uploading (current bandwidth used to upload the selected file)
.: The new tabs in the shared files dialog can be closed or restored by an arrow button on the right side

- Aug, 3. 2009 -
.: Fixed possible resource leaks in ZIP file decompression [tHeWiZaRdOfDoS]
.: Fixed sorting bug in Shared Files window [moloko+]

- Aug, 2. 2009 -
.: Fixed bug with downloading files via the built-in webserver [Stulle]
.: Fixed double/single click behaviour in search results window [tHeWiZaRdOfDoS]
.: Fixed bug in user hash validation [ilmira]
.: Fixed bug with space characters in ED2K URLs [moloko+]

- Jul, 25. 2009 -
.: Fixed a bug which made search tabs in certain cases invisible after you closed one

- Jul, 20. 2009 -
.: Cleand up options dialog a bit:
The following settings have been removed and are now preferences.ini-only: "BeepOnError", "DontRecreateStatGraphsOnResize", "UpdateQueueListPref", "MessageFromValidSourcesOnly" (Section "eMule") and "EnabledDeprecated" (section "PeerCache")
.: The exit conformation messagebox has now a "Don't ask me again" option
.: Added "Pause on when preview possible" option to the downloadlist context menu. Only visible when "advanced mode controls" is enabled

- Jul, 09. 2009 -
.: Improved storing AICH hashsets after a download has finished - should be much faster now if you share many files
.: Sparse files are available on Windows7 again, Vista stays the only version were they are disabled

- Jun, 12. 2009 -
.: Added basic checks and user warnings for wrong operator usage (like using OR on the first keyword) in Kad. Earlier version just delivered wrong/incomplete results in such cases.

- Jun, 10. 2009 -
.: Fixed a bug in Kad with setting the proper searchkeywords when searching for exact phrases with quotes
.: Fixed a bug with rearranging quoted keywords on kad searches

- Jun, 2. 2009 -
.: Kad1 is no longer supported and we will no longer answer or request any packets from Kad1 nodes (the last eMule Kad1 version was release about 4 years ago)

- Mar - May 2009 -
.: eMule Summer of Non-Code

eMule 0.50a Beta 1 相關參考資料
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Download eMule 0.50a for Windows

2010年4月7日 — eMule 0.50a · File Size: 3.23 MB · Date Released: Apr 7, 2010 · Works on: Windows 95 / Windows 98 / Windows Me / Windows 2000 / Windows XP / ...


Download eMule 0.50b Beta 1

Thank you for downloading eMule 0.50b Beta 1. Your program is downloading. If download doesn't start please click here to start download manually!


eMule 0.50a 免安裝版

eMule · 軟體版本: 0.50a 免安裝版 · 軟體分類: 192網路相關 (檔案分享) · 語言介面: 英文 · 作業系統: Windows(10以下) · 軟體性質: 免費軟體 · 使用限制: 非商業使用 · 檔案大小 ...


eMule 0.50a 免安裝版: 軟體王2024

eMule(電子騾) 是以eDonkey2000 網路為基礎的新型P2P 檔案分享工具,不但提供了所有eDonkey 的標準功能,還有更方便的檔案搜尋、更快速的檔案下載,以及許多額外的功能 ...


eMule 0.50b Beta 1 免安裝中文版- 驢子下載

檔案下載/分享工具– eMule,2002年05月13日一個叫Merkur的人不滿驢子(eDonkey2000)的設計,召集了一伙人生了這隻變種的電子騾,沒想到牠老爹驢子在2006年被美國唱片 ...


eMule 0.50b Beta 1(eMule 0.50b 官方测试版发布)

2015年3月22日 — 在0.50a Final 正式版发布接近5年后,eMule 官方团队终于于2015年3月20日下午(UTC)在官方论坛和SourceForge.net 上发布了eMule 0.50b Beta 1 ...


eMule官方 - eMule Fans 电骡爱好者

在0.50a Final 正式版发布接近5年后,eMule 官方团队终于于2015年3月20日下午(UTC)在官方论坛和SourceForge.net 上发布了eMule 0.50b Beta 1 即0.50b 第一个公开官方测试 ...


Installer v0.50a Downloads

This application installs or updates eMule by a setup routine interactively, containing all language files. Binaries v0.50a Downloads: 307,033 | All Versions: ...


电骡宝典发布- eMule 0.50a 帮助文档- 网络应用

此帮助文档来源于:eMule官方网站的简体中文帮助,主要由几位eMuleFans网友在自己的业余时间完成,汇滴成海,聚沙成丘,主要内容为eMule官方英文帮助翻译, ...
