EmEditor Professional (32-bit)

最新版本 R-Drive Image 7.1 Build 7105

R-Drive Image 7.1 Build 7105

R-Drive Image 7.1 Build 7105
EmEditor Professional 是一個快速,輕量級,但可擴展,易於使用的 Windows 文本編輯器。原生的 64 位和 32 位構建都可用! EmEditor Professional 支持強大的宏,Unicode 和非常大的文件。 Emurasoft 的永恆使命是實現我們的客戶 ' 通過同情和專業知識傾聽他們的需求。我們非常重視及時的客戶支持,並且很榮幸能夠擁有包括大型企業,教育機構,歐盟機構,日本國家部委和世界各國政府在內的傑出用戶。 EmEditor 已經贏得了 24 個國際獎項,其中包括最佳應用類別中的共享軟件行業獎。用於 Windows 的 EmEditor 文本編輯器也獲得了 Microsoft 的 Windows 10 認證.

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A Programmer
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EmEditor 允許你寫文本非常快。  EmEditor 可以快速啟動,只要您打開 EmEditor 窗口,就可以開始輸入。片段插件允許您插入經常使用的文本。 Word Complete 插件可幫助您在輸入時完成單詞。 “大綱”功能允許您顯示文本的大綱。 Word Count 插件不僅可以計算單詞,還可以計算任何指定的字符或單詞...

A 數據庫管理員
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A Server Administrator
Server 日誌文件往往非常大。  EmEditor 可以打開非常大的文件,並且大文件控制器允許您僅打開指定部分,例如文件的最後部分。靈活的搜索功能允許您搜索特定的術語。您還可以使用書籤功能,以便您可以收集符合特定條件的行,例如包含錯誤關鍵字或網址的行。然後,你可以提取這些行到一個新的文件...

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注意:30 天試用版.


檔案版本 R-Drive Image 7.1 Build 7105

檔案名稱 RDriveImage7.exe
系統 Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10
軟體類型 未分類
作者 Emurasoft, Inc.
官網 https://www.emeditor.com/
更新日期 2023-04-06

What's new in this version:

R-Drive Image 7.1 Build 7105
- R-Drive Image couldn't open its old image files (the arc extension)
- The "Existing partition table is invalid" error message appeared for external USB disks if their enclosures returned altered disk sizes
- Information entered on the Backup options tab was not preserved between different image creation acts
- Some cosmetic bugs have been fixed

R-Drive Image 7.1 Build 7103
R-Drive Image Windows version:
- On the Check Image action, if the user selected an image with rotation and All images in rotation, and then came back and selected another image without rotation, the To check field would still show All images in rotation. Now this field will show This image only.

R-Drive Image GUI Linux-based startup version:
- The Refresh button may have not worked correctly

R-Drive Image TUI version:
- The Image Options panel had unnecessary Password/Confirm password fields when creating differential/incremental images

R-Drive Image GUI WIndowsPE startup version:
- This startup version started in the demo mode didn't show its version and build numbers

R-Drive Image 7.1 Build 7102
- Change log not available for this version

R-Drive Image 7.0 Build 7010
New features:
- A new Linux kernel 6.1.4 in the startup version

- A corrupted file system may have been created when a partition was moved to the right when the new partition overlapped the old one

R-Drive Image 7.0 Build 7009
- R-Drive Image may have incorrectly process the system partition when the Expand/Shrink partition to whole disk option is selected
- R-Drive Image may have incorrectly deleted incremental/differential files when their backup quota exceeded

R-Drive Image 7.0 Build 7008
- R-Drive Image may haven't worked in Windows 2000/XP
- File time stamps weren't shown in local time formats
- Task status could not be changed when the task couldn't be renamed due to incorrect new task names

R-Drive Image 7.0 Build 7007
- It was impossible to create a mail message with program logs if the mail program was already running
- It was impossible to save any file to a folder which was a symlink to another folder
- It was impossible to create an image of the system partition
- Sometimes, the program may have frozen during partition creation on an empty hard drive
- The startup version: sometimes the program didn't show the content of a selected image on the Select the destination for the new image panel

R-Drive Image 7.0 Build 7006
New features:
- The startup version is based now on the Linux kernel with support for the CPU x2-apic feature

- Passwords in scripts are now encrypted

- When a user clicked a disk or folder on the Select the destination for the new image panel, the program moved to the next stage instead of opening the object
- The .rdr image files remained visible even when the default extension was changed to .vmdk
- File sorting didn't work when the user clicked column headers in Detail View
- File's time modification stamps were shown incorrectly
- The program may have frozen when a large .zip file was in a disk root
- The built-in Partition manager could not initialize a disk if it contained invalid traces of a previous partition table
- The built-in Partition manager could not create a partition on an empty flash drive
- The program may have crashed in some cases during image creation
- The program scheduler tried to save task options that weren't supported by system's scheduler. For example, Repeat task every and Delay task for up to are not supported in Windows 2000
- Partitions on the target disk may have appeared twice after disk copy/restore operations
- The startup version showed a file system even when it had been already wiped
- Some cosmetic bugs have been fixed

R-Drive Image 7.0 Build 7005
- Color contrast is improved in the TUI Startup version

- Files in rotation schemes were not correctly deleted if the Image split size parameter was used
- Sometimes it was impossible to restore data from images
- Several cosmetic bugfixes

R-Drive Image 7.0 Build 7004
- R-Drive Image installs now its startup loader on the Windows system partition when there's not enough space on the active partition
- When a path to a folder is entered on the image creation/restore/check panels, R-Drive Image opens that folder and shows its content

- R-Drive Image may have thrown an incorrect message about an UEFI system when it was impossible to install its startup loader on a pure BIOS system
- All files on the last disk (rather than only selected ones) were included into the image when files on multiple disks were selected for image creation
- When the Connect as Virtual Drive file shortcut command was executed on an image containing only files, R-Drive Image tried to mount this image, which was impossible. Fixed. The program now throws a warning message that This image contains no partitions that can be connected to the system.
- Several cosmetic and localization bugs have been fixed

R-Drive Image 7.0 Build 7003
- Default task names become connected now with their action types
- R-Drive Image changes the paths to network drives to the UNC format in tasks if the tasks are created for other users
- The Disk signature collision panel immediately appears when copying a hard drive with a system disk to another hard drive

- A source disk remained marked when it was dragged from the sources to targets, and the Copy options window was closed
- Count/size data may have disappeared when moving from a selected folder when creating an image from files
- A script that created differential or incremental images running the GUI or command string may have resulted in different results
- When copying a hard drive with a system disk to another drive a warning Unable to mount the volume may have appeared
- An incorrect progress text was shown while executing a script from a command line
- It was impossible to cancel a restore or copy operation from a shortcut menu

R-Drive Image 7.0 Build 7002
- Display of free space for an image has been improved
- Command names in the Create task menu have been made clearer

- No files appeared selected when a newly created task to create images from individual files was opened to edit
- R-Drive Image may have frozen when a partition, which was set to copy to empty space, was resized
- If two partitions were created and a disk letter was selected for the second partition, it was possible to selected the same disk letter for the first partition
- The last slash was missing in the suggested path on the Not enough free space message, which may have resulted in an invalid path
- It was impossible to move an object selected to copy/restore to the place of a deleted partition
- There was a residual outlining on a double-clicked source object
- R-Drive Image may have frozen when Wipe HDD or Clear HDD commands were executed in the Partition Manager or the Restore Image action
- It was impossible to perform operations on individual partitions during setting a Copy whole HDD action

R-Drive Image 7.0 Build 7001
New features:
- A new, completely redesigned wizard interface with improved graphical controls, drag and drop object manipulations, and visual source and target binding
- A partition manager that allows the user to delete, wipe, create, and re-size partitions and logical disks
- Image creation from individual files, not only from disk objects
- Disk wiping. The entire disk can be wiped using simple or advanced wiping algorithms. This feature is very useful for disk cleaning before disposal.
- Advanced and versatile logs accessible directly from the user interface.
- Advanced file filtering to make search for files and marking them easier. File filters can be created directly on a R-Drive Image panel or set/edited manually (Batch mode).
- Support for rotation schemes (a further development of backup sets). A rotation scheme is a set of files (usually a file for a full image of an object and a number of its incremental/differential backups) which R-Drive Image treats as one unit. Rotation schemes are used to flexibly control the parameters of complex backup tasks. R-Drive Image supports predefined and custom rotation schemes. Custom rotation schemes are available in the Corporate, Technician, and Commercial licenses.
- Support for the VMDK file type, a popular virtual machine disk format (only in Corporate, Technician, and Commercial Licenses)

- Support for APFS sealed volumes in macOS BigSur has been added
- Support for ReFS 3.7 (Windows server 2022) has been added
- The OpenSSL used in the built-in mailer has been updated to the 1.0.2 version

- ExFAT partitions may have been copied incorrectly
- FAT32 Bitlockers to go couldn't be detected
- S.M.A.R.T. attributes for Intel NVME devices were determined incorrectly
- The task finish time parameter was omitted in email reports
- The size of virtual free space that occupied the entire uninitialized drive may have been determined incorrectly
- If GPT partition table copies had the same offset/size but different GPT Guids, the partitions were duplicated two times
- The resulting partitions and volumes weren't immediately combined into equals when ReFS partitions were copied/restored
- An unnecessary direct volume may have appeared for a single formatted partition which end coincided with the drive's end
- The mount driver may have loaded incorrectly under Windows XP/2003

R-Drive Image 6.3 Build 6309
- R-Drive Image could not open incremental images with the total number of disks is larger than 4096 in all sessions

R-Drive Image 6.3 Build 6308
- A hard drive can now be raw-copied to a larger hard drive

- Mail were not sent correctly from scripts
- Connected images of dynamic disks partitions failed to open
- When Build 6307 ran a script that created correct backup sets with earlier builds, it could not find old full images and always started with creating a new full image

R-Drive Image 6.3 Build 6307
- Change log not available for this version

R-Drive Image 6.3 Build 6306
- A Windows setup which startup disk was converted from GPT/UEFI to LDM/GPT can now be restored from its image, remaining bootable
- The number of cases when a warning message that the disk needs formatting during disk copy/restore operations appears is greatly reduced

- Execution of scheduler tasks may have interrupted when the laptop changed its power from AC to its battery
- None other disk copy methods could be selected if the Copy Dynamic Disk method was selected on the Disk Copy panel but R-Drive Image failed to create a disk copy task
- Old drivers DrvSnSht.sys, DrvSnSht64.sys, R-ImageDisk.sys, R-ImageDisk64.sys conflicted with the core isolation feature. Now R-Drive Image doesn't load them and removes them starting from Windows 10 April 2018 Update (build 17134).

R-Drive Image 6.3 Build 6304
In the command-line version:
- Error messages have become more informative
- Partition expansion to the maximum size and shrinking to the minimum size during disk copy have been added
- Partitions and free spaces can be specified separately
- APFS volumes can be directly specified within their APFS container

- Memory may have leaked in the GUI version during setting a scheduler task
- Only one partition was imaged when several partition were specified for imaging when the commands from Version 6.2 were used

R-Drive Image 6.3 Build 6303
- The Startup Media Device Selection panel now shows the labels and sizes of connected bootable USB devices
- If two versions of R-Drive Image are simultaneously installed into separate folders, Scheduler now shows tasks from the both version

- If a UEFI bootable partition was mounted to a disk letter through a link of an object of the DeviceHarddisk0Partition1 type (using a non-standard tool like Mount ESP), its volume may have been duplicated, and two volumes may have been created, instead of a single real one. Fixed.
- APFS partitions may have been restored incorrectly if the command-line version was used. Fixed.

R-Drive Image 6.3 Build 6302
- R-Drive Image shows now several APFS volumes in an APFS container proportionally to their size

- R-Drive Image may have created APFS volume images incorrectly
- R-Drive Image may have restored APFS volume images incorrectly
- R-Drive Image working under Windows may have created APFS useful-data-only images as sector-by-sector images

R-Drive Image 6.3 Build 6301
- Fixed: when the startup version created huge (>10 GB) images over the network (cifs) image data may have been corrupted

R-Drive Image 6.3 Build 6300
New Features:
- Support for the APFS file system has been added including the APFS Fusion Drive
- Automatic update of the device list for disk imaging/copying operations has been added
- Automatic update of the device list for boot / OEM media creation operations has been added
- When R-Drive Image runs out of available free space while creating an image, a new place can be pecified, and the image will be split accordingly
- Task progress for running tasks is shown in the scheduled task list
- A tooltip shows detailed information on selected task in the scheduled task list

- The Locked disk dialog box shows the list of processes and files that lock the disk
- Linux kernel 5.4.11 is used in the startup version

- R-Drive Image may have crashed when the last part of a multi-file image was selected and the Restore files or folders option was specified on the Restore Mode Selection panel
- Only the Mark All and Unmark All command were active on the right pane of the Select Files panel when folders and files were to be restored. The Mark and Unmark command were not active
- Strange object of 0B may have appeared on the target disk diagram when the raw method was used to restore the entire disk. Those objects disappeared after the Refresh command
- It may have been impossible to restore data from an image of a smaller disk to a larger disk. The Target partition/volume size is too big error message would appear
- The password may have been lost when the task was edited
- The -s=I: script command didn't make the partition active, although the script returned the successful result
- The entire disk could not be restored using the Realign partitions method. R-Drive Image returned the Specified volume size is too small error message when clicking the Next button on the Processing (Confirm operations) panel
- The minimum required partition size may have been calculated incorrectly. The Specified volume size is too small error message would appear if the new partition size was too close the the minimum possible
- If the paths to some image parts of a multi-part image were not specified, R-Drive Image showed that the user ignored some write errors, but the final message would be that Image restored successfully
- Files and folders may have been impossible to restore. When the files and folders were selected on the Select Files to Restore panel the Unable to prepare the operation error message was appeared upon clicking the Next button
- Only zeros were shown for the minimum and maximum partition sizes on the Restore / Copy Parameters panel
- When the Cancel button was clicked R-Drive Image continued performing its current operation until the Yes button was clicked on the Are you sure you want to stop current operation? dialog box
- R-Drive Image didn't immediately show many disk alterations performed outside the running program. They appeared only after clicking the Refresh button or program restart
- An encrypted bitlocker partition could not be successfully copied or restored. It couldn't open it from File Explorer, although R-Drive Image showed it as a successfully restored bitlocker partition
- Many internal and cosmetic bugs have been fixed

R-Drive Image 6.2 Build 6208
- Linux kernel 5.0.9 in the startup version

- R-Drive Image could not restore an image to an offline HDD
- R-Drive Image could not restore a GPT partition on a disk without a partition table

R-Drive Image 6.2 Build 6207
- A new option "Raw disk copy/restore" has been added on the OEM System Recovery Media Options panel. It enforces the raw disk restore method during data restoration.

- A GTP startup disk with a BIOS loader (Linux-style) may have failed to boot a computer. Fixed.

R-Drive Image 6.2 Build 6206
- R-Drive Image may have estimated the progress and remaining time incorrectly when restoring/copying CoreStorage partitions. Fixed.
- Copying (not recovering) of a CoreStorage partition was always performed in the sector-by-sector mode, even when the Useful information only option was selected. Fixed.

R-Drive Image 6.2 Build 6205
- The program help has been updated.

- HDD recovery from an image of LDM/LVM/ACS/AR/MDADM volume was not always possible. Fixed.

R-Drive Image 7.1 Build 7105 相關參考資料
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[系統工具] R-Drive Image 7.1 Build 7105 - Windows 軟體下載

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[系統工具] R-Drive Image 7.1 Build 7108 - Windows 軟體下載

2023年6月12日 — 、軟碟),以便用於還原系統磁區,可以將映像檔掛載為虛擬硬碟並取用其中的檔案,還可以將整顆硬碟直接複製到其他硬碟,而不需要花時間去掃描檔案結構。



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