TinyButStrong Error in field [var.version...]: the key 'version' does not exist or is not set in VarRef. (VarRef seems refers to $GLOBALS) This message can be cancelled using parameter 'noerr'.

TinyButStrong Error in field [var.version...]: the key 'version' does not exist or is not set in VarRef. (VarRef seems refers to $GLOBALS) This message can be cancelled using parameter 'noerr'.
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Eclipse 是一個開放源代碼 IDE 包,其項目專注於構建可擴展的開發平台,運行時和應用程序框架,用於在整個軟件生命週期內構建,部署和管理軟件。  這個偉大的軟件包由 Eclipse 基金會構建,為來自世界各地的開發人員提供真正的跨平台集成開發環境,用於構建各種形狀和大小的基於 Java 的應用程序。除了 Java 之外,Eclipse 還可以完美地管理許多流行的編程語言,比如 C,... Eclipse 軟體介紹

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AWS SDK for Java 1.12.428 查看版本資訊


EA Desktop App 查看版本資訊


Eclipse SDK 4.27 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

New features in the Platform and Equinox:
Views, Dialogs and Toolbar:
- Open Resource dialog now defaults to "substring" search

New features for Java developers:
Eclipse compiler for Java (ECJ):
- ECJ separated from JDT Core

- Launch JUnit tests in subpackages

Java Editor:
- New code mining preference
- Javadoc inline @return

JDT Developers:
- Four new views added to SDK

New APIs in the Platform and Equinox:
Platform Changes:
- Persistence and migration of perspectives

Element 1.11.25 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Element 1.11.25 (64-bit)
- Remove experimental PWA support for Firefox and Safari
- Only allow to start a DM with one email if encryption by default is enabled
- DM rooms are now encrypted if encryption by default is enabled and only inviting a single email address. Any action in the result DM room will be blocked until the other has joined.
- Reduce bottom margin of ReplyChain on compact modern layout
- Support for v2 of MSC3903
- When starting a DM, existing rooms with pending third-party invites will be reused.
- Polls push rules: synchronise poll rules with message rules
- New verification request toast button labels
- Remove padding around integration manager iframe
- Fix block code styling in rich text editor
- Poll history: fetch more poll history
- Sort short/exact emoji matches before longer incomplete matches
- Poll history: detail screen
- Provide a more detailed error message than "No known servers"
- Say when a call was answered from a different device
- Widget permissions customizations using module api
- Fix copy button icon overlapping with copyable text
- Support joining non-peekable rooms via the module API
- The "new login" toast does now display the same device information as in the settings. "No" does now open the device settings. "Yes, it was me" dismisses the toast.
- Do not prompt for a password when doing a „reset all“ after login

- Fix incorrect copy in space creation flow
- Fix space settings dialog having rogue title tooltip
- Show spinner when starting a DM from the user profile (right panel)
- Reduce height of toggle on expanded view source event
- Pillify http and non-prefixed matrix.to links
- Fix some features not being configurable via features
- Fix starting a DM from the right panel in some cases
- Align info EventTile and normal EventTile on IRC layout
- Fix blowout of waveform of the voice message player on narrow UI
- Fix the hidden view source toggle on IRC layout
- Fix buttons on the room header being compressed due to long room name
- Use the room avatar as a placeholder in calls
- Fix calls showing as 'connecting' after hangup
- Prevent multiple Jitsi calls started at the same time
- Make localization keys compatible with agglutinative and/or SOV type languages

Element 1.11.24 (64-bit)
- Drop support for Windows 7
- Remove experimental PWA support for Firefox and Safari
- Fix block code styling in rich text editor
- Poll history: fetch more poll history
- Sort short/exact emoji matches before longer incomplete matches
- Poll history: detail screen
- Provide a more detailed error message than "No known servers"
- Say when a call was answered from a different device
- Widget permissions customizations using module api
- Fix copy button icon overlapping with copyable text
- Support joining non-peekable rooms via the module API
- The "new login" toast does now display the same device information as in the settings. "No" does now open the device settings. "Yes, it was me" dismisses the toast.
- Do not prompt for a password when doing a „reset all“ after login
- Display "The sender has blocked you from receiving this message" error message instead of "Unable to decrypt message"
- Polls: show warning about undecryptable relations
- Poll history: fetch last 30 days of polls
- Poll history - ended polls list items
- Remove threads labs flag and the ability to disable threads
- Show a success dialog after setting up the key backup
- Release Sign in with QR out of labs
- Hide indent button in rte
- Add option to find own location in map views
- Render poll end events in timeline

- Use the room avatar as a placeholder in calls
- Fix calls showing as 'connecting' after hangup
- Stop access token overflowing the box
- Prevent multiple Jitsi calls started at the same time
- Make localization keys compatible with agglutinative and/or SOV type languages
- Add link to next file in the export
- Ended poll tiles: add ended the poll message
- Fix accidentally inverted condition for room ordering
- Re-focus the composer on dialogue quit
- Try to resolve emails before creating a DM
- Disable poll response loading test
- Fix email lookup in invite dialog
- Remove duplicate white space characters from translation keys
- Fix the caption of new sessions manager on Labs settings page for localization
- Prevent start another DM with a user if one already exists
- Remove white space characters before the horizontal ellipsis
- Fix Selectable Text on 'Delete All' and 'Retry All' Buttons
- Correctly Identify emoticons
- Remove a redundant white space

Element 1.11.23 (64-bit)
- Description of QR code sign in labs feature
- Add option to find own location in map views
- Render poll end events in timeline
- Indicate unread messages in tab title
- Open message in editing mode when keyboard up is pressed (RTE)
- Hide superseded rooms from the room list using dynamic room predecessors
- Support MSC3946 in RoomListStore
- Auto focus security key field
- use Poll model with relations API in poll rendering
- Support MSC3946 in the RoomCreate tile
- Update labs flag description for RTE
- Change ul list style to disc when editing message
- Improved click detection within PiP windows
- Add RTE keyboard navigation in editing
- Paragraph integration for rich text editor
- Add indentation increasing/decreasing to RTE
- Add ignore user confirmation dialog
- Use monospace font for room, message IDs in View Source modal
- Implement MSC3946 for AdvancedRoomSettingsTab
- Implementation of MSC3824 to make the client OIDC-aware
- Improves a11y for avatar uploads
- Add support for [token authenticated registration](https

- Jitsi requests 'requires_client' capability if auth token is provided
- Remove duplicate white space characters from translation keys
- Fix the caption of new sessions manager on Labs settings page for localization
- Prevent start another DM with a user if one already exists
- Remove white space characters before the horizontal ellipsis
- Fix Selectable Text on 'Delete All' and 'Retry All' Buttons
- Correctly Identify emoticons
- Should open new 1:1 chat room after leaving the old one
- Remove a redundant white space
- Fix a crash when removing persistent widgets (updated)
- Fix wrongly grouping 3pid invites into a single repeated transition
- Fix scrollbar colliding with checkbox in add to space section
- Add a whitespace character after 'broadcast?'
- Seekbar in broadcast PiP view is now updated when switching between different broadcasts
- Add border to "reject" button on room preview card for clickable area indication. It fixes #22623
- Element-R: fix rageshages
- Fix markdown paragraph display in timeline
- Prevent the remaining broadcast time from being exceeded
- Fix cursor position when new line is created by pressing enter (RTE)
- Ensure room is actually in space hierarchy when resolving its latest version
- Fix new line for inline code
- Member avatars without canvas
- Apply more general fix for base avatar regressions
- Replace list, code block and quote icons by new icons
- fix regional emojis converted to flags
- resolved emoji description text overflowing issue
- Fix MessageEditHistoryDialog crashing on complex input
- Unify unread notification state determination
- Fix layout and visual regressions around default avatars
- Fix useUnreadNotifications exploding with falsey room, like in notif panel
- Fix "[object Promise]" appearing in HTML exports
- changing the color of message time stamp
- Fix link creation with backward selection
- Misaligned reply preview in thread composer #23396

Element 1.11.22 (64-bit)
- Fixed: Bump version number to fix problems upgrading from v1.11.21-rc.1

Element 1.11.21 (64-bit)
- Move pin drop out of labs
- Quotes for rte
- Show the room name in the room header during calls
- Add code blocks to rich text editor
- Add new style for inline code
- Add disabled button state to rich text editor
- Change the rageshake "app" for auto-rageshakes
- Device manager - tweak settings display
- Add list functionality to rich text editor

- Fix RTE focus behaviour in threads
- #22204 Issue: Centered File info in lightbox
- Fix seekbar position for zero length audio
- Allow thread panel to be closed after being opened from notification
- Only highlight focused menu item if focus is supposed to be visible
- Prevent call durations from breaking onto multiple lines
- Tweak call lobby buttons to more closely match designs
- Do not show a broadcast as live immediately after the recording has stopped
- Clear the RTE before sending a message
- Fix {enter} press in RTE
- Fix the problem that the password reset email has to be confirmed twice
- replace .at() with array.length-1
- Fix broken threads list timestamp layout
- Disable multiple messages when {enter} is pressed multiple times
- Fix logout devices when resetting the password
- Fix: Poll replies overflow when not enough space
- State event updates are not forwarded to the widget from invitation room
- Fix error when viewing source of redacted events
- Replace outdated css attribute
- Clear isLogin theme override when user is no longer viewing login screens
- Fix reply action in message context menu notif & file panels
- Fix issue where thread dropdown would not show up correctly
- Fix unexpected composer growing
- Fix misaligned timestamps for thread roots which are emotes

Element 1.11.20 (64-bit)
- (Part 2) of prevent crash on older browsers (replace .at() with array.length-1)

Element 1.11.19 (64-bit)
- Fix crash on browsers that don't support Array.at

Element 1.11.18 (64-bit)
- Correctly handle limited sync responses by resetting the thread timeline

Element 1.11.17 (64-bit)
- Add inline code formatting to rich text editor
- Add emoji handling for plain text mode of the new rich text editor
- Overlay virtual room call events into main timeline
- Adds a new section under "Room Settings" > "Roles & Permissions" which adds the possibility to multiselect users from this room and grant them more permissions
- Add emoji handling for rich text mode
- Add setting to hide bold notifications
- Further password reset flow enhancements
- Snooze the bulk unverified sessions reminder on dismiss
- Honor advanced audio processing settings when recording voice messages
- Improve the visual balance of bubble layout
- Add config setting to disable bulk unverified sessions nag
- Only display bulk unverified sessions nag when current sessions is verified
- Separate labs and betas more clearly
- Show user an error if we fail to create a DM for verification

- Prevent unnecessary m.direct updates
- Fix checkForPreJoinUISI for thread roots
- Load RTE components only when RTE labs is enabled
- Fix issue where thread panel did not update correctly
- Remove async call to get virtual room from room load
- Check each thread for unread messages.
- Device manage - handle sessions that don't support encryption
- Fix hover state for formatting buttons (Rich text editor) (fix /issues/23832)
- Don't allow group calls to be unterminated
- Fix replies to emotes not showing as inline
- Update copy of 'Change layout' button to match Element Call
- Fix call splitbrains when switching between rooms
- bugfix: fix an issue where the Notifier would incorrectly fire for non-timeline events
- Fix power selector being wrongly disabled for admins themselves
- Show day counts in call durations

Element 1.11.16 (64-bit)
- Further improve replies
- Enable users to join group calls from multiple devices
- Fix(visual): make cursor a pointer for summaries
- Add placeholder for rich text editor
- Consolidate public room search experience
- New password reset flow
- Device manager - add tooltip to device details toggle
- Sliding sync: add lazy-loading member support
- Limit formatting bar offset to top of composer

- Fix issues around up arrow event edit shortcut
- Fix search not being cleared when clicking on a result
- Fix screensharing in 1:1 calls
- Fix the background color flashing when joining a call
- Fix the size of the 'Private space' icon
- Fix reply editing in rich text editor (https
- Fix thread list jumping back down while scrolling
- Fix regression with TimelinePanel props updates not taking effect
- Fix form tooltip positioning
- Extract Search handling from RoomView into its own Component
- Fix call splitbrains when switching between rooms
- [Backport staging] Fix replies to emotes not showing as inline

Element 1.11.15 (64-bit)
- Make clear notifications work with threads
- Change "None" to "Off" in notification options
- Advanced audio processing settings
- Add way to create a user notice via config.json
- Improve design of the rich text editor
- Enable user to zoom beyond image size
- Fix: Move "Leave Space" option to the bottom of space context menu

- Make build scripts work on NixOS
- Fix integration manager get_open_id_token action and add E2E tests
- Fix links being mangled by markdown processing
- Fix: inline links selecting radio button
- Fix wrong error message in registration when phone number threepid is in use
- Fix missing avatar for show current profiles
- Fix read receipts trickling down correctly
- Resilience fix for homeserver without thread notification support
- Don't switch to the home page needlessly after leaving a room
- Differentiate download and decryption errors when showing images
- Close context menu when a modal is opened to prevent user getting stuck
- Fix TimelineReset handling when no room associated
- Always use current profile on thread events
- Fix ThreadView tests not using thread flag
- Handle deletion of m.call events
- Fix incorrect notification count after leaving a room with notifications

Element 1.11.14 (64-bit)
- Loading threads with server-side assistance
- Make thread replies trigger a room list re-ordering
- Device manager - add extra details to device security
- Add plain text mode to the wysiwyg composer
- Sliding Sync: improve sort order, show subspace rooms, better tombstoned room handling
- Device manager - add learn more popups to filtered sessions [email protected]
- Show thread notification if thread timeline is closed
- Add message editing to wysiwyg composer
- Device manager - confirm sign out of other sessions
- Automatically request logs from other users in a call when submitting logs
- Add thread notification with server assistance (MSC3773)
- Support for login + E2EE set up with QR
- Allow pressing Enter to send messages in new composer

- Fix regressions around media uploads failing and causing soft crashes
- Fix /myroomavatar slash command
- Fix config.json failing to load for Jitsi wrapper in non-root deployment
- Fix NotificationBadge unsent color
- Fix room list sorted by recent on app startup
- Reset custom power selector when blurred on empty
- Reinstate timeline/redaction callbacks when updating notification state
- Only render NotificationBadge when needed
- Fix embedded Element Call screen sharing
- Send Content-Type: application/json header for integration manager /register API
- Fix joining calls without audio or video inputs
- Ensure spaces in the spotlight dialog have rounded square avatars
- Only show mini avatar uploader in room intro when no avatar yet exists
- Fix threads fallback incorrectly targets root event
- Align video call icon with banner text
- Set relations helper when creating event tile context menu
- Device manager - put client/browser device metadata in correct section
- Update the room unread notification counter when the server changes the value without any related read receipt

Element 1.11.13 (64-bit)
- Fix default behavior of Room.getBlacklistUnverifiedDevices
- Catch server versions API call exception when starting the client
- Fix authedRequest including Authorization: Bearer undefined for password resets

Element 1.11.12 (64-bit)
- Fix config.json failing to load for Jitsi wrapper in non-root deployment

Element 1.11.10 (64-bit)
- Fixed: Use correct default for notification silencing

Element 1.11.9 (64-bit)
- Legacy Piwik config.json option piwik.policy_url is deprecated in favour of privacy_policy_url. Support will be removed in the next release

- Device manager - select all devices
- New group call experience: Call tiles
- Add Shift key to FormatQuote keyboard shortcut
- Device manager - sign out of multiple sessions
- Display push toggle for web sessions (MSC3890)
- Add device notifications enabled switch
- Implement push notification toggle in device detail
- New group call experience: Starting and ending calls
- New group call experience: Room header call buttons
- Make device ID copyable in device list
- Use display name instead of user ID when rendering power events
- Read receipts for threads

- Use the correct sender key when checking shared secret
- Fix device selection in pre-join screen for Element Call video rooms
- Don't render a 1px high room topic if the room topic is empty
- Don't show feedback prompts when that UIFeature is disabled
- Fix soft crash around unknown room pills
- Fix spaces feedback prompt wrongly showing when feedback is disabled
- Fix tile soft crash in ReplyInThreadButton

Element 1.11.8 (64-bit)
- Fixed: Bump IDB crypto store version

Element 1.11.3 (64-bit)
- Improve auth aria attributes and semantics
- Device manager - New device tile info design
- Device manager generic settings subsection component
- Migrate the hidden read receipts flag to new "send read receipts" option
- Live location sharing - share location at most every 5 seconds
- Increase max length of voice messages to 15m
- Move pin drop out of labs
- Start DM on first message
- Remove "Add Space" button from RoomListHeader when user cannot create spaces
- The Welcome Home Screen: Dedicated Download Apps Dialog
- The Welcome Home Screen: "Submit Feedback" pane
- New User Onboarding Task List
- Add support for disabling spell checking
- Live location share - leave maximised map open when beacons expire

- Some slash-commands (/myroomnick) have temporarily been disabled before the first message in a DM is sent
- Use stable reference for active tab in tabbedView
- Fix pillification sometimes doubling up
- Fix highlights not being applied to plaintext messages
- Fix dismissing edit composer when change was undone
- 1-to-1 DM rooms with bots now act like DM rooms instead of multi-user-rooms before
- Apply inline start padding to selected lines on modern layout only
- Peek into world-readable rooms from spotlight
- Use default styling on nested numbered lists due to MD being sensitive
- Fix replying using chat effect commands

Element 1.11.2 (64-bit)
- Live location share - focus on user location on list item click
- Live location sharing - don't trigger unread counts for beacon location events
- Support for sending voice messages as replies and in threads
- Add Reply in thread button to the right-click message context-menu
- Starred_Messages_Feature_Contd_II/Outreachy
- Use "frequently used emojis" for autocompletion in composer
- Improve clickability of view source event toggle button
- Improve clickability of "collapse" link button on bubble layout
- Starred_Messages_Feature/Outreachy
- Implement Use Case Selection screen
- Live location share - handle insufficient permissions in location sharing
- Improve _FilePanel.scss
- Improve spotlight accessibility by adding context menus

- Replace mask-images with svg components in MessageActionBar
- Unbreak in-app permalink tooltips
- Show a back button when viewing a space member
- Align the right edge of info tile lines with normal ones on IRC layout
- Prevent email verification from overriding existing sessions
- Fix wrong buttons being used when exploring public rooms
- Re-add padding to generic event list summary on IRC layout
- Joining federated rooms via the spotlight search should no longer cause a "No known servers" error

Element 1.11.1 (64-bit)
- Enable URL tooltips on hover for Element Desktop
- Hide screenshare button in video rooms on Desktop
- Add a developer command to reset Megolm and Olm sessions
- add spaces to TileErrorBoundary
- Location sharing - add localised strings to map
- Added trim to ignore whitespaces in email check
- Improve _GenericEventListSummary.scss
- Live location share - tiles without tile server (PSG-591)
- Add option to display tooltip on link hover
- Support a module API surface for custom functionality
- Adjust encryption copy when creating a video room
- Add bidirectonal isolation for pills
- Delabs `Show current avatar and name for users in message history`
- Live location share - open latest location in map site
- Improve LinkPreviewWidget
- Render HTML topics in rooms on space home
- Hide timestamp on event tiles being edited on every layout
- Introduce new copy icon
- Allow finding group DMs by members in spotlight
- Live location share - explicitly stop beacons replaced beacons
- Remove unpin from widget kebab menu
- Live location share - redact related locations on beacon redaction
- Live location share - disallow message pinning

Element 1.11.0 (64-bit)
- Remove Piwik support

- Document how to configure a custom home.html
- Move New Search Experience out of beta
- Switch video rooms to spotlight layout when in PiP mode
- Live location sharing - render message deleted tile for redacted beacons
- Improve view source dialog style
- Improve integration manager dialog style
- Implement MSC3827: Filtering of /publicRooms by room type
- Show chat panel when opening a video room with unread messages
- Live location share - forward latest location
- Allow integration managers to validate user identity after opening
- Create a common header on right panel cards on BaseCard
- Integrate searching public rooms and people into the new search experience
- Bring back waveform for voice messages and retain seeking
- Improve colors in settings
- Keep draft in composer when a slash command syntax errors
- Release video rooms as a beta feature
- Clarify logout key backup warning dialog
- Slightly improve the look of the Message edits dialog
- Add support for MD / HTML in room topics
- Live location share - link to timeline tile from share warning
- Improve composer visiblity
- Makes the avatar of the user menu non-draggable
- Improve widget buttons behaviour and layout
- Use AccessibleButton for 'Reset All' link button on SetupEncryptionBody
- Adjust message timestamp position on TimelineCard in non-bubble layouts
- Use AccessibleButton for 'In reply to' link button on ReplyChain
- Live location share - enable reply and react to tiles
- Change dash to em dash issues fixed

- Reduce video rooms log spam
- Connect to Jitsi unmuted by default
- Work around a Jitsi bug with display name encoding
- Make invite dialogue fixed height
- Correct issue with tab order in new search experience.
- Clicking location replies now redirects to the replied event instead of opening the map
- Keep clicks on pills within the app
- Don't overlap tile bubbles with timestamps in modern layout
- Connect to Jitsi unmuted by default
- Maximize width value of display name on TimelineCard with IRC/modern layout
- Align the avatar and the display name on TimelineCard
- Remove inline margin from reactions row on IRC layout
- Align "From a thread" on search result panel on IRC layout
- Display description of E2E advanced panel as subsection text
- Remove inline end margin from images on file panel
- Disable option to Quote when we don't have sufficient permissions
- Add padding to font scaling loader for message bubble layout
- Set 100% max-width to display name on reply tiles
- Fix alignment of pill letter
- Move the beta pill to the right side and display the pill on video room only
- Stop using absolute property to place beta pill on RoomPreviewCard
- Make the pill text single line
- Hide overflow of public room description on spotlight dialog result
- Fix position of message action bar on the info tile on TimelineCard in message bubble layout
- Remove inline start margin from display name on reply tiles on TimelineCard
- Improve homeserver dropdown dialog styling
- Fix crash when drawing blurHash for portrait videos PSB-139
- Fix grid blowout on pinned event tiles
- Fix temporary sync errors if there's weird settings stored in account data
- Fix reactions row overflow and gap between reactions
- Fix issues with the Create new room button in Spotlight
- Remove margin from E2E icon between avatar and hidden event
- Fix waveform on a message bubble
- Location sharing maps are now loaded after reconnection
- Update the avatar mask so it doesn’t cut off spaces’ avatars anymore
- Add a bit of safety around timestamp handling for threads
- Remove top margin from event tile on a narrow viewport
- Fix keyboard shortcuts on settings tab being wrapped
- Add try-catch around blurhash loading
- Prevent new composer from overflowing from non-breakable text
- Use common subheading on sidebar user settings tab
- Fix clickable area of advanced toggle on appearance user settings tab
- Disable redacting reactions if we don't have sufficient permissions
- Update the live timeline when the JS SDK resets it
- Fix flex blowout on image reply
- Enable background color on hover for chat panel and thread panel
- Fix #20026: send read marker as soon as we change it
- Allow AppTiles to shrink as much as necessary
- Make widgets in video rooms immutable again
- Use MessageActionBar style declarations on pinned message card
- Expire video member events after 1 hour
- Name lists on invite dialog
- Live location share - show loading UI for beacons with start timestamp in the future
- Fix scroll jump issue with the composer
- Fix the incorrect nesting of download button on MessageActionBar
- Revert link color change in composer
- Fix 'Logout' inline link on the splash screen
- Fix disappearing widget poput button when changing the widget layout
- Reduce gutter with the new read receipt UI
- Add ellipsis effect to hidden beacon status
- Make the pill on the basic message composer compatible with display name in RTL languages
- Prevent the banner text from being selected, replacing the spacing values with the variable
- Ensure the first device on a newly-registered account gets cross-signed properly
- Hide live location option in threads composer
- Make sure MessageTimestamp is not hidden by EventTile_line on TimelineCard
- Make PiP motion smoother and react to window resizes correctly
- Prevent Invite and DevTools dialogs from being cut off
- Squish event bubble tiles less
- Use random widget IDs for video rooms
- Fix read avatars overflow from the right chat panel with a maximized widget on bubble message layout
- Fix CallView crash

Element 1.10.15 (64-bit)
- Fix missing element desktop preferences

Element 1.10.14 (64-bit)
- Make Lao translation available
- Option to disable hardware acceleration on Element Desktop
- Configure custom home.html via .well-known/matrix/client["io.element.embedded_pages"]["home_url"] for all your element-web/desktop users
- Live location sharing - open location in OpenStreetMap
- Show a dialog when Jitsi encounters an error
- Add support for setting the avatar_url of widgets by integration managers
- Add an option to ignore (block) a user when reporting their events
- Add the option to disable hardware acceleration
- Slightly better presentation of read receipts to screen reader users
- Add jump to related event context menu item
- Add public room directory hook

- Stop Jitsi if we time out while connecting to a video room
- Remove inline margin from UTD error message inside a reply tile on ThreadView
- Move unread notification dots of the threads list to the expected position
- Prevent overflow of grid items on a bubble with UTD generally.
- Create 'Unable To Decrypt' grid layout for hidden events on a bubble layout
- Fix - AccessibleButton does not set disabled attribute
- Fix font not resetting when logging out
- Fix local aliases section of room settings not working for some homeservers
- Align EventTile_line with display name on message bubble
- Convert references to direct chat -> direct message
- Improve combining diacritics for U+20D0 to U+20F0 in Chrome
- Make the empty thread panel fill BaseCard
- Fix edge case around composer handling gendered facepalm emoji
- Fix a grid blowout due to nowrap displayName on a bubble with UTD
- Apply the same max-width to image tile on the thread timeline as message bubble
- Fix dropdown button size for picture-in-picture CallView
- Live location sharing - fix square border for image-less avatar (PSF-1052)
- Stop connecting to a video room if the widget messaging disappears
- Fix file button and audio player overflowing from message bubble
- Don't show broken composer format bar when selection is whitespace
- Fix media upload http 413 handling
- Fix emoji picker for editing thread responses. Fixes matrix-org/element-web-rageshakes#13129
- Map attribution while sharing live location is now visible
- Fix info tile overlapping the time stamp on TimelineCard
- Fix position of wide images on IRC / modern layout
- Fix other user's displayName being wrapped on the bubble message layout
- Set spacing declarations to elements in mx_EventTile_mediaLine
- Fix wide image overflowing from the thumbnail container
- Fix styles of "Show all" link button on ReactionsRow
- Automatically log in after registration
- Fix offline status in window title not working reliably
- Align input area with event body's first letter in a thread on IRC/modern layout
- Fix crash on null idp for SSO buttons
- Don't open the regular browser or our context menu on right-clicking the Options button in the message action bar
- Show notifications even when Element is focused
- Remove padding from the buttons on edit message composer of a event tile on a thread
- ensure metaspace changes correctly notify listeners
- Hide image banner on stickers, they have a tooltip already
- Adjust EditMessageComposer style declarations

Element 1.10.12 (64-bit)
- Made the location map change the cursor to a pointer so it looks like it's clickable (https
- Implement improved spacing for the thread list and timeline  
- LLS: expose way to enable live sharing labs flag from location dialog
- Fix source text boxes in View Source modal should have full width  
- Read Receipts: never show +1, if it’s just 4, show all of them
- Add opt-in analytics to onboarding tasks
- Allow user to control if they are signed out of all devices when changing password - Implement new Read Receipt design
- Stick connected video rooms to the top of the room list
- LLS: fix jumpy maximised map
- Persist audio and video mute state in video rooms
- Forcefully disconnect from video rooms on logout and tab close
- Add local echo of connected devices in video rooms
- Improve text of account deactivation dialog
- Live location sharing: own live beacon status on maximised view
- Show a lobby screen in video rooms
- Settings toggle to disable Composer Markdown
- Cache localStorage objects for SettingsStore
- Bring View Source back from behind developer mode

- Fix Jitsi Meet getting wedged at startup in some cases.
- Fix camera getting muted when disconnecting from a video room.
- Fix race conditions around threads
- Fix reading of cached room device setting values
- Fix issue with dispatch happening mid-dispatch due to js-sdk emit
- Match MSC behaviour for threads when disabled (thread-aware mode)
- Specify position of DisambiguatedProfile inside a thread on bubble message layout  
- Location sharing: do not trackuserlocation in location picker
- fix text and map indent in thread view
- Live location sharing: don't group beacon info with room creation summary
- Don't linkify code blocks - read receipts: improve tooltips to show names of users
- Fix poll overflowing a reply tile on bubble message layout  
- Fix text link buttons on UserInfo panel  
- Clear local storage settings handler cache on logout
- Fix jump to bottom button being always displayed in non-overflowing timelines
- fix timeline search with empty text box should do nothing  
- Fixes "space panel kebab menu is rendered out of view on sub spaces"
- Add margin to the location map inside ThreadView  
- Patch: "Reloading the registration page should warn about data loss"
- Live location sharing: fix safari timestamps pt 2
- Fix issue with thread notification state ignoring initial events
- Fix event text overflow on bubble message layout  
- Disable the message action bar when hovering over the 1px border between threads on the list  
- correctly align read receipts to state events in bubble layout
- Fix issue with underfilled timelines when barren of content
- Fix baseline misalignment of thread panel summary by deduplication
- Fix editing of non-html replies
- Read Receipts "Fall from the Sky"
- Make read receipts handle nullable roomMembers correctly
- Don't form continuations on either side of a thread root
- Fix centering issue with sticker placeholder and #6449.
- Disable download option on
- Fix infinite loop when pinning/unpinning persistent widgets
- Tweak ReadReceiptGroup to better handle disambiguation
- stop the bottom edge of buttons getting clipped in devtools
- Fix issue with threads timelines with few events cropping events
- Changed font-weight to 400 to support light weight font
- Fix issue with thread panel not updating when it loads on first render
- fix: "Mention highlight and cursor hover highlight has different corner radius"
- Fix regression around haveRendererForEvent for hidden events and #21725.
- Fix regression around the room list treeview keyboard a11y
- Remove float property to let the margin between events appear on bubble message layout  
- Fix race in Registration between server change and flows fetch
- fix rainbow breaks compound emojis  
- Fix RightPanelStore handling first room on app launch wrong
- Fix UnknownBody error message unalignment  
- Use -webkit-line-clamp for the room header topic overflow  
- Fix issue with ServerInfo crashing the modal
- Fixes around threads beta in degraded mode

Element 1.10.11 (64-bit)
- Handle forced disconnects from Jitsi
- Improve performance of switching to rooms with lots of servers and ACLs
- Avoid a reflow when setting caret position on an empty composer
- Add message right-click context menu as a labs feature
- Live location sharing - basic maximised beacon map
- Live location sharing - render users own beacons in timeline
- Improve Threads beta around degraded mode
- Live location sharing - beacon in timeline happy path
- Add copy button to View Source screen
- Add heart effect
- Update new room icon

- Fix: "Code formatting button does not escape backticks"
- Fix beta indicator dot causing excessive CPU usage
- Fix overlapping timestamps on empty messages
- Fix power selector not showing up in user info when state_default undefined
- Avoid looking up settings during timeline rendering
- Fix a soft crash with video rooms
- Fixes call tiles overflow
- Fix a bug with emoji autocomplete sorting where adding the final ":" would cause the emoji with the typed shortcode to no longer be at the top of the autocomplete list
- Fix image preview sizing for edge cases
- Refactor SecurityRoomSettingsTab and remove unused state  Fixes matrix-org/element-web-rageshakes#12002
- Don't show the prompt to enable desktop notifications immediately after registration
- Stop tracking threads if threads support is disabled
- Fix some issues with threads rendering
- Fix threads rendering issue in Safari
- Fix space panel width change on hovering over space item
- Hide the reply in thread button in deployments where beta is forcibly disabled
- Prevent soft crash around room list header context menu when space changes  Fixes matrix-org/element-web-rageshakes#11416, matrix-org/element-web-rageshakes#11692, matrix-org/element-web-rageshakes#11739, matrix-org/element-web-rageshakes#11772, matrix-org/element-web-rageshakes#11891 matrix-org/element-web-rageshakes#11858 and matrix-org/element-web-rageshakes#11456.
- When selecting reply in thread on a thread response open existing thread
- Handle thread bundled relationships coming from the server via MSC3666
- Fix: Avatar preview does not update when same file is selected repeatedly
- Fix a bug where user gets a warning when changing powerlevel from Admin to custom level (100)
- Use a consistent alignment for all text items in a list
- Fixes button labels being collapsed per a character in CJK languages
- Fix: Remove jittery timeline scrolling after jumping to an event
- Fix regression of edits showing up in the timeline with hidden events shown
- Fix reporting events not working
- Make Jitsi widgets in video rooms immutable
- Fix: Ensure links to events scroll the correct events into view

Element 1.10.10 (64-bit)
- Handle forced disconnects from Jitsi
- Improve performance of switching to rooms with lots of servers and ACLs
- Avoid a reflow when setting caret position on an empty composer
- Add message right-click context menu as a labs feature
- Live location sharing - basic maximised beacon map
- Live location sharing - render users own beacons in timeline
- Improve Threads beta around degraded mode
- Live location sharing - beacon in timeline happy path
- Add copy button to View Source screen
- Add heart effect
- Update new room icon

- Fix: "Code formatting button does not escape backticks"
- Fix beta indicator dot causing excessive CPU usage
- Fix overlapping timestamps on empty messages
- Fix power selector not showing up in user info when state_default undefined
- Avoid looking up settings during timeline rendering
- Fix a soft crash with video rooms
- Fixes call tiles overflow
- Fix a bug with emoji autocomplete sorting where adding the final ":" would cause the emoji with the typed shortcode to no longer be at the top of the autocomplete list
- Fix image preview sizing for edge cases
- Refactor SecurityRoomSettingsTab and remove unused state Fixes matrix-org/element-web-rageshakes#12002.
- Don't show the prompt to enable desktop notifications immediately after registration
- Stop tracking threads if threads support is disabled
- Fix some issues with threads rendering
- Fix threads rendering issue in Safari
- Fix space panel width change on hovering over space item
- Hide the reply in thread button in deployments where beta is forcibly disabled
- Prevent soft crash around room list header context menu when space changes Fixes matrix-org/element-web-rageshakes#11416, matrix-org/element-web-rageshakes#11692, matrix-org/element-web-rageshakes#11739, matrix-org/element-web-rageshakes#11772, matrix-org/element-web-rageshakes#11891 matrix-org/element-web-rageshakes#11858 and matrix-org/element-web-rageshakes#11456.
- When selecting reply in thread on a thread response open existing thread
- Handle thread bundled relationships coming from the server via MSC3666
- Fix: Avatar preview does not update when same file is selected repeatedly
- Fix a bug where user gets a warning when changing powerlevel from Admin to custom level (100)
- Use a consistent alignment for all text items in a list
- Fixes button labels being collapsed per a character in CJK languages
- Fix: Remove jittery timeline scrolling after jumping to an event
- Fix regression of edits showing up in the timeline with hidden events shown
- Fix reporting events not working
- Make Jitsi widgets in video rooms immutable
- Fix: Ensure links to events scroll the correct events into view

Element 1.10.9 (64-bit)
- Release threads as a beta feature
- More video rooms design updates
- Update video rooms to new design specs
- Live Location Sharing - left panel warning with error
- Live location sharing - Stop publishing location to beacons with consecutive errors
- Live location sharing: allow retry when stop sharing fails
- Allow voice messages to be scrubbed in the timeline
- Live location sharing - stop sharing to beacons in rooms you left
- Allow sending and thumbnailing AVIF images
- Live location sharing - handle geolocation errors
- Show voice room participants when not connected
- Add margins between labs sections
- Live location sharing - send geolocation beacon events - happy path
- Add support for Animated (A)PNG
- Don't form continuations from thread roots
- Improve handling of animated GIF and WEBP images
- Wire up file preview for video files
- When showing thread, always auto-focus its composer
- Live location sharing - refresh beacon expiry in room
- Use styled mxids in member list v2
- Delete groups (legacy communities system)
- Add a prototype of voice rooms in labs

- Avoid flashing the Jitsi prejoin screen at the user before skipping it
- Fix editing

      tags with a non-1 start attribute

      - Fix URL previews being enabled when room first created

      - Don't use m.call for Jitsi video rooms

      - Scale emoji with size of surrounding text

      - Make "Jump to date" translatable

      - Normalize call buttons

      - Show room preview bar with maximised widgets

      - Update more strings to not wrongly mention room when it is/could be a space and

      - Fix issue with redacting via edit composer flow causing stuck editStates

      - Fix some image/video scroll jumps

      - Fix "react error on share dialog"

      - Fix disambiguated profile in threads in bubble layout

      - Responsive BetaCard on Labs

      - Display button as inline in room directory dialog

      - Null guard TimelinePanel unmount edge

      - Fix beta pill label breaking

      - Strip relations when forwarding

      - Don't try (and fail) to show replies for redacted events

      - Fix 3pid member info for space member list

      - Set max-width to user context menu

      - Fix issue with falsey hrefs being sent in events

      - Make video sizing consistent with images

      Element 1.10.7 (64-bit)

      Security fixes:

      - Fix a bug where URL previews could be enabled in right panel timelines when they should not have been


      - Add a config.json option to skip the built-in Jitsi welcome screen

      - Add unexposed account setting for hiding poll creation

      - Allow pinning polls

      - Make trailing : into a setting

      - Location sharing > back button

      - use LocationAssetType

      - Location share type UI

      - Add a few more UIComponent flags, and ensure they are used in existing code

      - Add support for overriding strings in the app

      - Add support for redirecting to external pages after logout

      - Expose redaction power level in room settings

      - Update and expand ways to access pinned messages

      - Add slash command to switch to a room's virtual room


      - Remove Lojban translation.

      - Merge pull request from GHSA-qmf4-7w7j-vf23

      - Add another null guard for member

      - Fix room account settings

      - Fix missing summary text for pinned message changes

      - Pass room to getRoomTombstone to avoid racing with setState

      - Hide composer and call buttons when the room is tombstoned

      - Fix bad ternary statement in autocomplete user pill insertions

      - Fix sending locations into threads and fix i18n

      - Fix location map attribution rendering over message action bar

      - Fix wrongly asserting that PushRule::conditions is non-null

      - Fix account & room settings race condition

      - Fix bug with some space selections not being applied

      - Revert "replace all require(.svg) with esm import"

      - Hide unpinnable pinned messages in more cases

      - Fix room list being laggy while scrolling ????

      - Make pinned messages more reliably reflect edits

      - Improve accessibility of the BetaPill

      - Autofocus correct composer after sending reaction

      - Consider polls as message events for rendering redactions

      - Prevent event tiles being shrunk/collapsed by flexbox

      - Fix ExportDialog title on export cancellation

      - Mandate use of js-sdk/src/matrix import over js-sdk/src

      - Fix backspace not working in the invite dialog

      - Fix right panel soft crashes due to missing room prop

      - fix color of location share caret

      - Wrap all EventTiles with a TileErrorBoundary and guard parsePermalink

      - Fix changing space sometimes bouncing to the wrong space

      - Ensure EventListSummary key does not change during backpagination - Fix positioning of the thread context menu

      - Inject sender into pinned messages

      - Tweak info message padding in right panel timeline

      - Fix another freeze on room switch

      - Fix out of memory error when failing to acquire location

      - Fix edge case in context menu chevron positioning

      - Fix composer format buttons on WebKit

      - manage voicerecording state when deleting or sending a voice message

      - Fix bug with useRoomHierarchy tight-looping loadMore on error

      - Fix upload button & shortcut not working for narrow composer mode

      - Fix emoji insertion in thread composer going to the main composer

      - Try harder to keep context menus inside the window

      - Fix edge case around event list summary layout

      - Fix event list summary 1 hidden message pluralisation

      - Fix vanishing recently viewed menu

      - Fix freeze on room switch

      - Check 'useSystemTheme' in quick settings theme switcher

      - Fix 'my threads' filtering to include participated threads

      - Remove log line to try to fix freeze on answering VoIP call

      - Support social login & password on soft logout page

      - Fix missing padding on server picker

      - Throttle RoomState.members handlers

      - Only show joined/invited in search dialog

      - Don't pillify code blocks

      - Fix keyboard shortcut icons on macOS

      Element 1.10.6 (64-bit)

      - Fix some crashes in the right panel

      Element 1.10.5 (64-bit)


      - This release contains a significant update to the Japanese translations


      - Support "closed" polls whose votes are not visible until they are ended

      - Focus trap in poll creation dialog

      - Add labs flag: Show only current profile on historical messages

      - Keep unsent voice messages in memory until they are deleted or sent

      - A link to #/dm in a custom home.html will open the "Direct Messages" dialog

      - set icon-button-color to be configurable via quaternary-content variable

      - Allow editing polls

      - Abstract spotlight to allow non-room results too  matrix-org/element-web-rageshakes#10766, matrix-org/element-web-rageshakes#10777, matrix-org/element-web-rageshakes#10767 matrix-org/element-web-rageshakes#10760 and matrix-org/element-web-rageshakes#10752.

      - Display '(edited)' next to edited polls

      - Use the resize observer polyfill consistently Fixes matrix-org/element-web-rageshakes#10700.

      - Consolidate, simplify and improve copied tooltips

      - Suggest @room when @channel, @everyone, or @here is typed in composer

      - Add customisation point to disable space creation

      - Consolidate RedactionGrouper and HiddenEventGrouper into MELS

      - Unify widget header actions with those in right panel

      - Improve new search dialog context text for exactly 2 parent spaces


      - Fix command key missing in keyboard shortcuts tab

      - [Release] Tweak info message padding in right panel timeline

      - [Release] Fix edge case around event list summary layout

      - Wire up CallEventGroupers for Search Results

      - Fix edge case around event list summary layout

      - Fix misalignment with Event List Summaries

      - Fix non-customizable keybindings not working as expected and matrix-org/element-web-rageshakes#10830

      - Fix accessibility around the room list treeview and new search beta Fixes matrix-org/element-web-rageshakes#10873

      - Inhibit tooltip on timeline pill avatars, the whole pill has its own

      - Fix virtual / native room mapping on call transfers

      - Fix ScrollPanel data-scrollbar not responding to window resizing

      - add cursor: pointer to actionable poll options

      - Tear down AppTile using lifecycle tracking

      - Fix layout inconsistencies with the room search minimized button

      - Fix space panel notification badge behaviour and metrics

      - Fix left panel widgets causing app crashes (again)

      - Fix right panel data flow

      - set mask-size for icons

      - Fix room create tile not showing up with hidden events shown

      - Fix delayed badge update for mentions in encrypted rooms

      - Fix add existing space not showing any spaces

      - Fix edge cases around event list summaries with hidden events and redactions #21050 and #21055.

      - Improve styling of edge case devtools state keys



Eclipse SDK 4.26 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


GhostVolt 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Turkish and Greek languages added
- Google Drive integration (GhostVolt Solo only)
- You can now restore backup files directly within GhostVolt
- New audit events added for GhostVolt Business (Add Folder and Share Folder)
- Updated Admin Dashboard
- You can now cancel importing files and folders
- Update GhostVolt Start theme and fixed minor issues
- Updated all 3rd party controls for security fixes
- Fixed a bug which caused the Admin dashboard to crash after an upgrade
- The usual UI and minor bug fixing

- A potential security flaw has been identified where an attacker could theoretically login to GhostVolt without valid credentials (a user substitution attack). Critically, although unauthorised access is granted, the attacker does not have access to of your data, including files and notes.

Additionally, this update includes:
- New setting to automatically check and alert you if your GhostVolt login password has been breached
- Updated login window to include a link to view your password hint
- Fixed a bug where encrypted Blender files where not opening correctly
- The usual UI and minor bug fixing

- Add an extra layer of protection to your repository with two-factor authentication
- Manage your audit history with new audit settings, including the ability to delete your history, view all audit records across all assets
- Audit history now includes the ability to visualise as a line graph. Useful for spotting trends.
- File statistic report now include the ability to filter by audit type and number of records
- New audit events when users run reports, purges audit history etc
- Fixed a number of bugs where users were given access to areas of GhostVolt without the correct permissions
- The usual UI and minor bug fixing

- Fixed a bug introduced in version 1.31.18 where switching your color theme from light to dark crashed the GV each and every time you logged in

- We’ve added a new option to exclude all secure note clipboard operations from landing on the Window Clipboard history. See why here
- You can now add tables to your secure notes
- The usual minor tweaks and fixes

- GhostVolt will now automatically clear your clipboard when a Secure note content is copied. Includes new admin option and ability to manually clear the clipboard via the taskbar.
- Added Print to File time line reports (Business only)
- New audit event when searching file contents (Business only)
- Better performance when searching folders for files or file Tags
- Fixed a bug where global file search was not finding files in your root repository folder
- Fixed a bug when refreshing your repository whilst searching the App would become unresponsive
- Fixed a bug when searching file contents and an automatic logout event occurs. In this scenario, GhostVolt would become unresponsive.
- Fixed a bug when moving your repository and GhostVolt does not find an additional disk to move to

- Fixed a bug where exporting your files from the repository root folder would fail
- Support for repositories stored on removable or virtual disks when their disk letter changes
- Minor UI changes including the ability to minimise the logon window and adjustments to Secure Notes

- You can now view your entire GhostVolt longin history when using GhostVolt Solo
- Updating Secure note to include hyperlinks, printing to PDF, highlight text, better formatting and minor UI fixes
- Bug fix: When connected to OneDrive, It was not possible to retrieve your password hint
- Minor UI and bug fixes

- Quick fix: Fixed a bug when editing a file and GV would always show the Open With window
- Minor UI and bug fixes

- We've taken the first step in our journey to make GhostVolt Solo fully cloud aware. First stop, Microsoft OneDrive. With this version, you'll be able to fully utilise the power of OneDrive to backup and sync your protected files across your Windows based computers.

- We’ve included a new utility to move your GhostVolt repository to a new location
- Quickly view your file history events with file statistic graphs
- Updated audit trail report so audit categories are easier to find and searchable
- Audit trial timeline performance improvements for big datasets
- You can now filter your audit timeline by users
- Fixed a bug when loading file timelines with a large amount of data. The progress indicator failed to show correctly which made the timeline appeared to hang.
- Minor UI changes

- GhostVolt Solo now includes file comments
- Minor update to how Master keys are generated
- Added addition security checks when backing-up your GV encryption keys
- Minor UI and Tour fixes

- You can now share your GhostVolt encrypted files with any other GhostVolt user. Simply drag your shared encrypted files into GhostVolt, enter your shared password and that’s it!
- Better duplicate file handling when attempting to add the same file to a folder more than one
- Fixed a bug when deleting folders and GhostVolt would not allow you create a new folder with the same name as those you just deleted
- Fixed a bug when deleting multiple files and occasionally GhostVolt we blow up
- Minor UI and Tour fixes

- Your encrypted files can now have their contents searched for words, patrial words or phrases
- Bug fix: Global filename/Tag searching caused a crash when attempting to download the files to your local computer
- General bug fixing

- Security enhancements and fixes including better file corruption detection
- Due to customer requests, we’ve reintroduced the ability to explicitly open a file for viewing only
- We’ve renamed Add Files and Add Folders [from Windows Explorer] to Import Files and Import folders
- Enhanced the File Open to allow greater control of your currently open files
- Faster response times for file statuses when you’re finished editing or viewing a file
- Fixed Bug : When dragging mixed files and folders from Windows explorer into your repository not all files were included
- Fixed Bug: When attempting to import a file to your GV repository when the file is currently open the wrong message was displayed
- Fixed a bug when attempting to open a file for Edit and the file does not open
- General bug fixing

- Share files directly to your OneDrive account
- You can now choose which App to edit and View your files with the new ‘Open with’ feature
- We’ve updated file tagging so you can add Tags to multiple selected files
- You can now share and download folders (including sub-folders and all contained files) directly from Folder Explorer
- When editing a file, the file status shown is now 'Editing' rather than 'locked'
- We now speak Italian, German and French
- Filenames are now encrypted. Note: Only available for new files which are added to your reposiotry. You'll still be able to see the original filename in your GhostVolt
- Fixed a bug where global search did not work correctly when your GhostVolt repository was not located on Drive 'C'
- General bug fixing

- Fixed an issue when running GhostVolt solo and some GhostVolt business features were showing on the main toolbar
- Fixed a number of UI bugs when taking a tour of the App
- GhostVolt now speaks Spanish – GhostVolt agora fala espanhol
- GhostVolt now speaks Portuguese - GhostVolt agora fala português
- General bug fixing

- [Important] Fixed a bug where it was no longer possible to delete files from your GhostVolt File Explorer
- Fixed a bug when taking a file tour where it was not possible to navigate beyond step 12

- Security enhancements and bug fixes
- Light theme
- UI improvements
- General bug fixing

- New Feature We’ve added a fully featured Secure Notes platform to GhostVolt
- The Tag system has been fully updated to include Access Rights, New Tag Editor, Global searching, plus much more
- Added additional security checks when deleting or resetting Team member accounts
- Creating new Team members UI has been refreshed
- Folder explorer breadcrumb control is now fully interactive
- Updated Share Files UI and included the ability to share to a Zip file
- GhostVolt Reader has been Retired. We now use GhostVolt Start for reading shared files
- As usual, we've improved the UI and fixed a number of minor issues

- Productivity You can now minimise GhostVolt to your system tray for quick access. Perfect for those who use the App throughout the day and don’t want to continually login.
- Performance: We’ve updated our encryption library which should see speed improvements of up to 10%
- Privacy Previously, when your team members were denied access to a folder, they were still show the folder in a disabled state with a locked icon. Now, non-accessible folders are completely hidden from those whom do not have access.
- Team access Adding user access rights for File comments and File Tags
- Privacy Previously, when your team members were denied access to a folder, they were still show the folder in a disabled state with a locked icon. Now, non-accessible folders are completely hidden from those whom do not have access.
- Improvements to the audit report management
- You can now toggle password visibility when typing passwords
- As usual, we've improved the UI and fixed a number of minor issues

- ProductivityYou can now minimise GhostVolt to your system tray for quick access. Perfect for those who use the App throughout the day and don’t want to continually login
- PerformanceWe’ve updated our encryption library which should see speed improvements of up to 10%
- Privacy Previously, when your team members were denied access to a folder, they were still show the folder in a disabled state with a locked icon. Now, non-accessible folders are completely hidden from those whom do not have access.
- fixes Minor UI and bug Fixes

- You can now add 'Tags' to your files for better organisation and searching
- Minor UI and bug Fixes

- You can now add encrypted notes, comments and conversations to your files
- All settings, repository statistics and options are now presented in a single Admin Dashboard
- New feature to opt-out of automatic updates
- Minor UI and bug Fixes

- Improved Backups: You can now choose to unlock all files within your backups
- Retired ‘Clone Repo’ as the new Backup feature caters for all your backup and cloning scenarios
- New repository ‘Dashboard’ where you can view all details and statuses of your repository in a single screen
- Renamed the ribbon tabs from ‘Home’, ‘Administrator’ and ‘Users’ to ‘File Manager’, ‘Admin’ and ‘Team’ respectively
- Improved User access rights window so you now see detailed information on each available feature when hovering your mouse
- Updated User searches to include email addresses and be case insensitive
- Updated User view context menus to be aware of the current selection
- Fixed a bug where you could not set new User access rights for changing Master Keys
- Minor UI and bug fixes

- You can now preview your documents directly from GhostVolt file explorer
- GhostVolt file explorer now displays file type icons which are sortable
- GhostVolt now scales correctly on monitors set to 200 DPI
- Updated UI for accessibility particularly those with low vison
- Updated GhostVolt file monitor to detect when files have not been correctly closed on your local computer
- Smarter File Explorer context menus. Rather than showing you all available options, your context menu now shows only the relevant actions based on your current selection
- Minor UI update to Folder Explorer – Pinned and locked folders now show an icon with hover information
- Fixed a bug: Resetting a user account loses access to folder which they previously had access to
- Fixed a bug: During a Cut and paste operation, the paste was delayed
- Minor UI and bug Fixes

- You can now drag files and folders from Windows Explorer directly into GhostVolt
- Fixed a bug when resetting your account password and access to previously available folders was lost
- Fixed a crash bug when searching your GhostVolt history
- Fixed a crash bug when attempting to open Network Discovery on 4k monitors
- Minor UI and bug Fixes

- Improvements to Network browser. Your network browser can now detect all attached computers on your network
- Updated user interface. GhostVolt no longer uses Windows standard grey message windows
- Minor bug fixes

- Updated security engine which includes perfromance improvments
- Added 'Add file' and 'Add folder' to your project folders context menu
- GhostVolt now uses the .Net framework version 4.7.1
- Simplified on-boarding wizard
- Created new ‘First steps’ guide when opening the App for the first time
- Minor bug fixes for the interactive tours
- The App now shows an indicator when an update is available
- Improved toolbar feedback when selecting files and folders
- Fixed a bug which was preventing users from resetting their login password

- Fixed a bug where user were unable to select (and view) deleted folders from their GhostVolt folder view
- Fixed a bug where users were unable to add files and folders to the root ‘Repository’ folder
- Minor UI improvements

- Pin your most frequently used folders with the new ‘Quick access’ feature
- Improved accessibility by adding shortcut keys to all buttons and commands
- Fixed a bug when attempting to resize the filename column with double click which resulted the width being changed AND GhostVolt attempted to open the selected file
- Improved information when searching your users
- Minor UI improvements

- Added global search which allows you to search your entire GhostVolt for any file or folder
- When performing a local folder filter, your search term is now highlighted in your search results
- Minor UI tweaks and bugs fixes

- Added ‘Breadcrumb’ toolbar to help navigate your project folders
- Added Cut and Paste to your project for Files
- Select all/none/invert added for convenient document selection
- Additional audit points added for moving files
- Access restrictions added to context menus

- For this update we’ve concentrated on making the UI a little slicker including better feedback when hovering your mouse over your GhostVolts file and folder views and a number of minor UI issues

- Improved performance when loading GhostVolt with a large amount of folders.
- Improved performance when creating and editing Users
- Improved speed when adding a large amount of folders to GhostVolt
- Add a new icon to status bar to indicate GhostVolt is busy performing background tasks
- Minor bug fixes

- Adding Excel and PDF support to your Document Access report
- Improved design for Document access report window
- Because monitoring stale user accounts is very important we’ve added Last login date to your user control window
- Minor UI fixes

- Added new report for reporting on what files a user has write access to
- Further security enhancements
- Minor UI and bug fixes

- Fixed a bug where users could not validate their user account via email
- Minor UI changes

- Fixed a bug where access to Key Rotation was denied to all users

- Security enhancements including authentication hardening e.g. tighter controls on who can access certain server functions
- Fixed a bug where new users were not able to activate their account during the first attempt
- Minor UI improvements and bug fixes

- New report window, take a look here
- You can now export your reporting data to Excel*
- Filter your reports by audit type
- Clean-up your reporting folder right from your reporting Window
- Additional audit data point added to your audit trail
- Cleaned-up User report tables
- Fixed a bug where PDF record details were being truncated
- General bug fixing

- Bug Fix: Occasionally when low network speeds have been detected GhostVolt was dropping the connection to the server. This version updates the timeout period to reduce such occurrences. Add checks to Have I Been Pwned when entering passwords

Nicepage 5.1.5 查看版本資訊


Steganos Privacy Suite 22.3.3 查看版本資訊


Studio 3T 2022.10.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- General - Code and JSON editors are now automatically completing brackets and quotes

- Visual Query Builder - Tweak position of automatic tooltips so that they are not blocking input fields
- Aliases - Reduce delay before showing tooltips on tabs in cases where these do not show collection or database aliases
- Aliases - Make it easier to see name clashes when creating a new alias for a connection or database
- IntelliShell - Made the limit for automatically generated result tabs configurable
- IntelliShell - Both Aliases and Notes are now available with auto completion proposals on the IntelliShell
- IntelliShell - Limit errors shown at once on IntelliShell editors to 100, showing a notification when there are more
- Data Masking - Aliases for collections are now also shown for the mapping tree on Data Masking configurations
- Tasks - Added the action to Rename a task to the toolbar of the Tasks view
- Tasks - Added the option to change the order of tasks, by simply dragging and dropping them in the Tasks view
- Aggregation Editor - The stage input/output pane can now be collapsed in order to maximize the stage editor's space
- General - Added a new Advanced option to set the connection pool size, useful in cases where big connection pools cause problems
- Connection Manager - Stop adding "- imported on ..." to imported connection names and include a numeric suffix when names already exist
- Exports - Make it easier to add a new database or collection when choosing the target of an export

- General - Fixed an issue where, occasionally, duplicated tabs could immediately close
- General - On Ubuntu, the Match Case checkbox now renders correctly in light mode
- General - On Ubuntu, the Target Collection selection on Ubuntu now selects the relevant connection
- Collections - Capped Collection settings in Create Collections are again correctly enabled for 5.0.6 and earlier MongoDB servers
- Collection Tab - Studio 3T is now more resilient to badly formatted queries on the clipboard being pasted
- IntelliShell - Syntax coloring on the script editor now shows back-ticked template literals as strings
- IntelliShell - Completion proposals on mongosh stop showing the deprecated/removed "save()" function
- IntelliShell - Now bundling the native mongosh executable for M1/M2 macs, so that Rosetta is no longer needed
- User Copying - Copying users on the same server could mistakenly offer to resolve issues by creating a role
- User Copying - Copying users between different servers could fail to resolve issues if the user's role did not exist on the target server
- Exports - Index Hints are now applied correctly when an Aggregation is used for export
- CSV Import - CSV Imports no longer leave a lock on imported files
- CSV Export - Export CSV now defaults to using Windows or Unix end of line characters according to the operating system
- Imports and Exports - Export tasks now also save a find query's options
- Mongodump/Mongorestore - Exports using mongodump and imports using mongorestore now correctly work with Atlas serverless instances
- Search In - Upper case field names are now correctly matched in the Search In ... feature
- Reschema - Renaming fields in Reschema shows as a modification on the tab