Eclipse (64-bit)

最新版本 Eclipse SDK 4.4.2 (64-bit)

Eclipse SDK 4.4.2 (64-bit)

Eclipse SDK 4.4.2 (64-bit)
Eclipse 64 位包含的工具使開發人員可以在多語言,多平台和多供應商環境中自由選擇。 Eclipse 提供了一個基於插件的框架,可以更容易地創建,集成和使用軟件工具,從而節省時間和金錢。通過協作和開發核心集成技術,工俱生產者可以利用平台重用,專注於核心競爭力來創造新的開發技術。下載用於 PC 的 Eclipse Offline Installer 安裝程序 64bit。 Eclipse 平台是用 Java 語言編寫的,附帶了大量的插件構建工具包和示例。這些項目可以在概念上被組織成七個不同的“支柱”或類別:
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檔案版本 Eclipse SDK 4.4.2 (64-bit)

檔案大小 196.91 MB
系統 Windows XP64 / Vista64 / Windows 7 64 / Windows 8 64
軟體類型 免費軟體
作者 The Eclipse Foundation
更新日期 2015-03-02

What's new in this version:

- 416480 Error in bytecode generated by ECJ compiler leads to IncompatibleClassChangeError
- 422810 Incorrect ambiguous call error
- 422832 Class file triggers StackOverflowError when creating type hierarchy
- 428845 eclipse compiler does not flag ambiguous method call in some cases
- 430425 Type mismatch: cannot convert from StyleConverter to StyleConverter
- 430572 CCE on hovering over 'super' in lambda expression
- 430656 Content assist does not work for method reference argument
- 430667 no proposals around lambda as a field
- 432110 nested lambda type incorrectly inferred vs javac
- 432977 Incorrect 'type is not visible' compiler error
- 433458 Eclipse accepts lambda expression with potentially uninitialized arguments
- 433588 ECJ compiles an ambiguous call in the presence of an unrelated unused method.
- 434326 Slow compilation of test cases with a significant amount of generics
- 434483 Type inference not picked up with method reference
- 435219 No proposals for some closure cases
- 435348 NPE in JDT Core during AST creation
- 435682 content assist not working inside lambda expression
- 436139 Hierarchy search involving lambda and anonymous class do not find the anonymous class
- 437973 Missing implementation of JLS Third Bullet - Part 2 (Varargs & Overload)
- 438471 Java 1.8 functional interface rejected if it extends an interface which overrides another interface's method
- 438923 nested type is inappropriately considered "indirectly referenced"
- 438945 NullPointerException InferenceContext18.checkExpression in java 8 with generics, primitives, and overloading
- 438952 StackOverflowError at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.SingleTypeReference.traverse(
- 439431 AIOOBE in ClassFile#dumpTargetTypeContents()
- 439515 ECJ reports error at method reference to overloaded instance method
- 440731 Hover, F3 doesn't work for method reference in method invocation of overloaded method
- 441734 Generic method with nested parameterized type argument fails on method reference
- 441907 Eclipse 4.4.x compiler generics bugs with streams and lambdas
- 441929 @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") not accepted on local variable
- 441983 Gerrit job test failures due to missing dependency on both versions of o.e.jdt.annotation
- 442416 $deserializeLambda$ missing cases for nested lambdas
- 442418 $deserializeLambda$ off-by-one error when deserializing the captured arguments of a lambda that also capture this
- 442452 Bogus error: The interface Comparable cannot be implemented more than once with different arguments
- 442755 NPE at ProblemHandler.handle
- 442983 NPE in Scope.findDefaultAbstractMethod
- 443456 $NON-NLS$ in lambda statement used as argument does not work
- 443854 u205f should not be a valid Java Identifier Part
- 444665 Internal compiler error: java.lang.NullPointerException at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.problem.ProblemReporter.invalidMethod
- 444772 NullPointerException in ReferenceExpression.shouldGenerateImplicitLambda
- 444773 NullPointerException in LambdaExpression.analyseCode
- 444803 Exception in thread "main" java.lang.VerifyError: Bad local variable type
- 445147 java.lang.StackOverflowError with annotation-based null analysis enabled and recursive types
- 445630 java.lang.ClassCastException: org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.UnresolvedReferenceBinding cannot be cast to org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.SourceTypeBinding
- 445669 java.lang.IllegalStateException at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.UnresolvedReferenceBinding.clone(
- 446317 java.lang.VerifyError: Bad type on operand stack with Lambdas and.or inner classes
- 446715 org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.TypeSystem.cacheDerivedType(
- 446765 Completion does not work with both lambdas and anonymous classes in the picture
- 447062 lambda as a class member - IllegalArgumentException
- 447119 method references lost generic type information (4.4 -> 4.4.1 regression)
- 447774 Auto complete does not work when using lambdas with cast
- 448112 Compiler crash (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException at StackMapFrame.addStackItem()) with unused variable
- 448556 Invalid compiler error about effectively final variable outside the context of a lambda.
- 449063 Bring back generic signatures for Lambda Expressions
- 449410 Eclipse java compiler does not detect a bad return type in lambda expression
- 449453 Lambda deserialization fails with ClassCastException
- 449467 Invalid lambda deserialization with anonymous class
- 450684 Javadoc URL that redirects from http to https yields: Unknown javadoc format for
- 450930 ECJ reports error at method reference to overloaded instance method
- 451289 AttachedJavadocTests.test025 failed
- 451650 Exception: Java Model Status [Unknown javadoc format for %class%
- 452780 Internal compiler error: arrayIndexOutOfBounds
- 453117 Eclipse Cannot Handle Method References for BiFunction
- 453475 Contradictory null annotations (4.5 M3 edition)
- 456395 can't compile the Java8 code
- 457007 VerifyError
- 458071 Comparator error in M20150121-0900
- 459145 Eclipse compiler - method reference not applicable (works with javac)
- 459254 Error during AST creation: AIndexOutOfBounds 400 (@NonNull analysis)
- 457871 Java compiler CPU time regression compared to 4.2.2 Debug:
- 442500 Breakpoints are not hit if there is an alternate stratum
- 450841 Update default URLs for attached Javadoc for JREs to https Text:
- 444897 ICU bug: Double clicking doesn't select the Korean word I clicked on in text editors. UI:
- 434941 Sort members has different behavior in eclipse 4.4
- 444823 Overriding default method results in Exception
- 434195 Very long build times after plugin manifest update
- 443114 extension editor no longer shows custom icons Platform:
- 455542 Antui Performance test throw java.lang.IllegalMonitorStateException
- 457725 AntRunner#start(...) does not call IApplicationContext#applicationRunning() Debug:
- 444362 NPE IN LaunchPerspectivePreferencePage Doc:
- 444046 Broken link on ref-globalizationprefs.htm
- 458954 Touch ISV doc to force Javadoc regeneration for 4.4.2 Releng:
- 290883 Add links to XML test results
- 387066 Remove Red X's (and the few green checkmarks) from main DL page
- 407775 "org.eclipse.rcp.configuration_root.cocoa.macosx.x86(_64)" p2 IU does not delete eclipse symlink during uninstall
- 437486 Add JSch 0.1.51 to Platform
- 443353 Increase (and better check) feature versions
- 443475 Avoid starting "unit tests" from "test machine builds"
- 444392 Update Jetty prereq to 8.1.16.v20140903
- 447617 Keep the branding plug-in version consistent with the feature version
- 448426 set up Hudson jobs performance tests of M-builds
- 451347 Issues with Maintenance Build publication - static files not copied into place
- 452566 overall test status always show's "green", even though obvious failures
- 453677 add httpcomponents client 4.3.6 for ECF, p2, and Orbit for Luna SR2
- 453758 react to changes in Tycho 0.22 that allows configuration for resolution
- 454567 Eclipse version for build M20141205-1400 says 4.4.1
- 455160 increment rcp feature in maintenance to 4.4.2
- 456849 Add version 52.1.1 ICU4J for Luna SR2 release
- 457071 Inconsistencies in org.eclipes.rcp.configuration for Mac OS X platform
- 457171 adopt and adjust to new jasper.glassfish bundle from Orbit
- 457379 Use Luna SR2 compiler to produce Luna SR2
- 457381 Use (near) Eclipse 442 repo to build Eclipse 442
- 457766 Mac 32 bit missing from DL page
- 457767 "computeUpdateURL.php" is incorrect for maintenance RCs
- 457856 Inconsistencies in org.eclipes.rcp.configuration for Mac OS X platform - missing ppc64le
- 458048 Update ECF for Luna SR2 and M5
- 458051 Update prereqs for Luna SR2 - EMF
- 458080 Delta pack inadvertently removed from 4.4.2 DL page
- 458680 Declare Luna SR2 RC2
- 458953 Update copyright date of product and features where needed
- 459159 Comparator error in rcp.config in M20150204-0900
- 459183 Declare Luna SR2 RC3
- 459926 org.eclipse.sdk.ide product in 4.4.2RC3 still says 4.4.1
- 460650 Suggest to 'archive' (at least) 4.3.2 (and it's Java 8 patch) Runtime:
- 392794 Hang saving workspace on exit while saving workbench state SWT:
- 342145 Embedded IE11 browser shows webpages in Quirks(IE5)-Mode
- 371326 "Widget is disposed" in combination with accessibility
- 422371 Eclipse crashes with EXC_BAD_ACCESS (SIGSEGV) in Tree.drawInteriorWithFrame_inView
- 426062 RCP application menu not shown when launched from Eclipse on OS X 10.9
- 433275 Caret gets lost
- 433486 Can't open FileDialog on OS X 10.9
- 443230 needs manual updates (was: comparator error)
- 444143 Selected Item color is overriden when setBackgroundColor is called for Tree and Table
- 446534 Table.tree with column headers visible has issues on OS X 10.10 Yosemite
- 451886 NPE in FileDialog.panel_shouldShowFilename
- 453827 DND does not work on Group composite
- 454622 Work around missing Device#getSystemFont() in #getFontList(..) and FontDialog
- 458640 SWT should increase bundle version in Luna SR2 to 3.103.2.qualifier
- 458868 Open Implementation and Open Declaration broken in M5 Text:
- 434901 catch Content Assist exceptions to protect navigation keys
- 441827 TextViewer.ViewerState.restore method loses caret position UI:
- 409081 BIDI 4.2.2 : Welcome Page isn't correctly mirrored
- 413410 Lots of Keybinding conflicts occurred on official CDT Eclipse Kepler 4.3
- 429308 Make workspace selection dialog visible in the task manager of the OS
- 432498 Fast views get created on start-up
- 432686 show toolbar does not take effect if workspace is started with hidden toolbar
- 435274 Leak of ActionContributionItem every time New.Import context menu item is made visible
- 435300 Narrowing an empty Outline view lowers the "An outline is not available" label
- 435421 Active Part is incorrect and does not have focus on a restart
- 435847 Reset Java Perspective is not getting the Package Explorer back
- 436116 NPE when opening Internal Web Browser View on Ubuntu 12.04
- 439988 Activities should allow default enablement to be controlled by product definition
- 443350 No theme applied by default on Windows 8.x, Vista, XP
- 443514 Tooltips of parts are not translated in PartStack
- 443845 Console tab flickers when not active
- 446965 EditorInputPropertyTester called for IEditorPart with IEditorInput set
- 448561 LocaleChangeServiceImpl does not process MWindow#sharedElements
- 449188 Empty perspective after restarting Eclipse with open Welcome page
- 453857 CTabFolder layouts content too often . too many of them
- 458141 ProgressManagerUtil.getDefaultParent() does not honor splash shell -> new shell hidden behind splash screen User Assistance:
- 450171 Don't use SSL anymore to avoid POODLE attack
- 457396 Build of "webapp" fails due to changes in org.apache.jasper.glassfish

Eclipse SDK 4.4.2 (64-bit) 相關參考資料
Archives | The Eclipse Foundation

The Eclipse Foundation - home to a global community, the Eclipse IDE, Jakarta EE and over 415 open source projects, including runtimes, ...

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Download Eclipse SDK 4.25 (64-bit)Eclipse SDK 4.4.2 (32-bit) from Direct link. Name: Eclipse SDK 4.25 (64-bit). Description: Eclipse SDK 4.4.2 (32-bit).

Downloading Eclipse SDK 4.4.2 (64-bit) from

Eclipse SDK 64-bit includes tools made to give developers the freedom of choice in a multi-language, multi-platform, and multi-vendor environment.

Eclipse 4.4.2 Release Build - Eclipse Project Downloads

Eclipse p2 Repository · Eclipse SDK · Tests and Testing Framework · Example Plug-ins · RCP Runtime Binary · RCP SDK · Delta Pack · Platform Runtime Binary ...

Eclipse Project

Eclipse p2 Repository · Eclipse SDK · JUnit Plugin Tests and Automated Testing Framework · Example Plug-ins · RCP Runtime Binary · RCP SDK · Delta Pack ·

Eclipse Project Release Notes 4.4

2014年6月5日 — ia64 64-bit, HP-UX Java 6u20, GTK+ 2. IBM AIX ... Eclipse SDK 4.4 APIs would ensure compliance with Eclipse SDK 4.3 APIs. ... Plug-ins for Eclipse ...

Eclipse SDK 4.4.2 (64-bit) Download

2015年3月2日 — Download Eclipse SDK 4.4.2 (64-bit) for Windows PC from FileHorse. 100% Safe and Secure ✓ Free Download 64-bit Software Version.

Eclipse SDK error

2015年6月23日 — Eclipse SDK error ... Design Studio 1.5, Eclipse IDE Mars 64-bit, Java SDK 7 64-bit, Windows 7 64-bit ... Version: Luna Service Release 2 (4.4.2).

Eclipse Standard 4.4 | Eclipse Packages

2014年6月24日 — Standard Eclipse package suited for Java and plug-in development plus adding new plugins; already includes Git, Marketplace Client, source code ...

EclipseInstallation - Eclipsepedia

2023年12月7日 — The latest release of Eclipse requires a 64-bit JVM, and does not support a 32-bit JVM. ... Current releases of Eclipse require Java 17 JRE/JDK or ...