軟體下載 Eclipse SDK 4.6.2 (32-bit)

檔案名稱 eclipse-SDK-4.6.2-win32.zip

Eclipse SDK 4.6.2 (32-bit) 軟體下載

檔案版本 Eclipse SDK 4.6.2 (32-bit)

檔案名稱 eclipse-SDK-4.6.2-win32.zip
檔案大小 208 MB
更新日期 2016-12-21
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軟體介紹 & 更新資訊

Eclipse SDK 4.6.2 (32-bit)
Eclipse 包含的工具可以讓開發人員在多語言,多平台和多廠商環境中自由選擇。 Eclipse 提供了一個基於插件的框架,可以更容易地創建,集成和使用軟件工具,從而節省時間和金錢。通過協作和開發核心集成技術,工俱生產者可以利用平台重用,專注於核心競爭力來創造新的開發技術。 Eclipse 平台是用 Java 語言編寫的,附帶了大量的插件構建工具包和示例。這些項目可以在概念上被組織成七個不同的“支... Eclipse (32-bit) 軟體介紹

What's new in this version:

New and Noteworthy:
- Configure left and right sides in Compare editors (new in 4.6.2):
- Compare editors now offer a button Swap Left and Right View. The direction of comparison is preserved between invocations of the Compare editor and can also be changed in the Compare/Patch preference page.

- Validate launch configuration activated by default (new in 4.6.2):
- When you create a new Eclipse Application launch configuration, PDE will now by default enable the option to Validate Plug-ins automatically prior to launching. This helps you to identify missing plug-in dependencies before the actual start of the application and makes it easier for new plug-in and RCP developers to identify common problems. You can disable this validation in the launch configuration dialog, on the Plug-ins tab.

Platform Developers:
Stable sorting in viewers based on ViewerComparator (new in 4.6.2):
- The org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ViewerComparator now ignores decorations from a DecoratingLabelProvider during its sorting. For example, if the EGit team provider is used, it prepends "> " for changed files. This additional "> " is now ignored.
- The goal of this change is to eliminate java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Comparison method violates its general contract! that could occur when label decorations were updated in the background.
- For now, you can disable this fix by setting the system property eclipse.disable.fix.for.bug364735 to true. This temporary system property is planned to be removed unless issues with the new sorting are discovered.

Eclipse SDK 4.6.2 (32-bit) 相關參考資料
4.6 - Eclipse Project Downloads

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4.6.2 - Eclipse Project Downloads

Eclipse 4.6.2 Release Build: 4.6.2. This page provides access to the various deliverables of Eclipse Platform build along with is logs and tests.


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2 Release 4.6.2. Thanks for ... eclipse.product=org.eclipse.sdk.ide osgi ... The OS can be 64-bit but there are two different builds for Eclipse 64 bit and 32 bit.


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