DC++ 歷史版本列表 Page1

最新版本 DC++ 0.868

DC++ 歷史版本列表

直接連接允許您通過 Internet 共享文件,而不受限製或限制。客戶端是完全免費的廣告,並有一個不錯的,易於使用的界面。防火牆和路由器支持集成在一起,使用多集線器連接,自動連接和下載恢復等功能簡單方便.DC++ 是直連文件共享網絡的客戶端。直接連接網絡是一個分散的網絡,由用戶加入的單個服務器(集線器)組成,與該集線器上的其他成員共享文件。每個集線器由直接連接網絡的一個用戶單獨運行,並且可能對集線... DC++ 軟體介紹


What's new in this version:

- During the first run of a new DC++ release shipped with new default hublist servers the new addresses are automatically added
- to the existing setup (no manual reset/configuration needed anymore) (emtee)
- Revisit default hublists, add new working hublist servers; blacklist discontinued or inaccessible server addresses (emtee)
- Add function to reset the list of public hublist servers to current defaults (emtee)
- Update OpenSSL to version 1.1.1
- Use default ECC curve list since improvement in version OpenSSL 1.1 (cologic)
- Remove Coral CDN support, since it's stopped running (cologic)
- Documentation and translations updated as usual, thanks everyone



What's new in this version:

- This release fixes a serious issue that allows remote denial of service attacks (ability to freeze the client remotely by any user of the connected hubs). Besides the hardened security, version 0.866 also improves UPnP port mapping which might fix certain issues with the automatic connectivity setup.
- The details of the vulnerability will be disclosed as soon as 0.866 or any forthcoming DC++ release is marked as stable.
- Better handle chats with a lot of text and prevent a remote freeze case (poy)
- Update MiniUPnPc to version 2.0.20170509 - protocol and CVE-2017-8798 fixes
- MiniUPnPc: Fix a multicast TTL setting mistakenly set to 50 instead of 2 (poy)


What's new in this version:

Notable improvements:
- Better Windows 10 compatibility
- Download queue toolbar
- Better IPv6 connectivity
- More favorite hub settings
- Chat box improvements
- Hub connectivity status icons
- Hardened connection security



What's new in this version:

DC++ 0.682 released today and apart from some library updates it notably fixes an issue with the default Automatic connectivity setup. The automatic detection won’t work in certain cases where no automatic port mappers can be found so the final choice would be to settle in Passive mode.

For those who make use of the Automatic Connectivity Setup (should be the vast majority of users) the upgrade is highly recommended.


What's new in this version:

- Update to GCC 6.2 & boost 1.61
- Build with SSE2 support, Intel P4 / AMD A64 or newer CPU required to run 32-bit builds
- Update OpenSSL to version 1.0.2j
- Fix some connectivity settings not being loaded / saved
- Scroll through tabs via Ctrl+PageUp / Ctrl+PageDown


What's new in this version:

- Switch feasible http links to https
- Added support for a HTTP downloader in the plugin interface
- Added option to autostart DC++ when Windows starts
- Added toolbar to download queue
- Better security and certs related settings layout
- Add option to quick-check encrypted hubs in search frame
- Fix chat tab selection on Windows 10
- Improve IPv6 connectivity & add more settings
- Show list of available network interfaces for binding; add IPv6 binding setting
- Add setting for external IPv6 addresses to be used for specific favorite hubs and hub groups
- Drop Windows XP support, Vista is the minimum Windows version required to run DC++ from now
- Add system memory size information to the crashlog
- Add search options to right click menu in the notepad
- Fix /clear-command scrolling problem
- Added support to specify encoding in NMDC (favorite) hubs
- Add max extra slots option
- Add safeguarding for notification balloons
- Add connectivity status for hubs to the public hubs window
- Add whitelist of URIs that can be directly opened without prompt
- Show popup info text in text prompts
- Update OpenSSL to version 1.0.2h
- Improve KeyPrint checks
- Fix the KeyPrint check for hubs
- Fix issues with encrypted transfers
- Update MiniUPnP to version 2.0
- Scroll through tabs using the mouse wheel
- Invert extra mouse button effects on tabs to be more intuitive
- Installer: Update to NSIS 3
- Installer: Fix cut lines in the donation text
- Documentation and translations updated as usual, thanks everyone


What's new in this version:

- Prefer boost regex over std regex for the time being
- [NMDC] Disallow malicious search requests
- [NMDC] Block C-C connections to hubs
- Installer page regarding contributions / donations
- Update some links
- Update OpenSSL to version 1.0.2a
- Support only secp256r1/prime256v1/P-256 elliptic curve for ECDHE


What's new in this version:

- Enable TLS v1.1 and TLS v1.2-based ADCS connections
- Update OpenSSL to version 1.0.1k
- Fix DWT button rendering on WINE
- Fix "Require TLS ADC C-C connections"
- Add option to disable smart chat links - recommended on Wine
- Improve UTF-8 RFC-3629 compliance
- Remove deprecated Bitzi TTH lookup
- Update MiniUPnP to version 1.9
- Update the NAT-PMP library
- Update translations