Crypto Notepad

最新版本 DBeaver 6.2.0

DBeaver 6.2.0

DBeaver 6.2.0
Crypto Notepad 是一個自由和簡單,記事本般的文本編輯器為您的 Windows PC 加密保存的文件,其中文件保存和加載與 AES 算法加密。 Crypto Notepad 是一個偉大的免費加密記事本軟件!主界面與默認的 Windows 記事本類似。對於打開 / 保存文件和其他操作,您可以使用菜單或工具欄.

第一次啟動後,您將看到一條消息,要求您從 MAC 地址取鹽,salt 用作第二個加密密鑰。你將能夠改變設置中的鹽。如果你想在另一台 PC 上解密你的文件,則需要使用相同的加密參數,這個參數也保存在 Crypto Notepad.settings 文件中,主鍵除外,沒有保存到任何地方.

Crypto Notepad 特性:
拖放支持檢測網址和郵件鏈接完全可定制的編輯器。能夠自定義顏色和字體能夠自定義加密的不同參數(哈希算法,密鑰大小,密碼迭代,salt)包括與應用程序擴展的默認 Windows 記事本關聯的所有功能輕鬆搜索內容注意:需要。 NET Framework.


檔案版本 DBeaver 6.2.0

檔案名稱 dbeaver-ce-6.2.0-x86_64-setup.exe
檔案大小 48.5 MB
系統 Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10
軟體類型 免費軟體
作者 Alexander Sigmanor
更新日期 2019-09-08

What's new in this version:

Data viewer:
- JSON highlighting/formatting was added
- Select/deselect rows with alt+click was improved
- Reference panel now supports virtual foreign keys
- "Set to default value" action was fixed (for timestamp columns)
- Dictionary read was fixed

- Table/schema diagram edit is now supported
- Virtual foreign keys support was added

Database navigator:
- Transactions tracking was improved (+now commit/rollback actions are always active)
- Cross-project connections copy-paste and drag-n-drop was fixed
- Navigator tree state save (and restore on restart) was added (thanks to loro2)
- Columns reordering was fixed
- Global filters configuration was fixed
- Connection permissions are now supported in connection type (prod, dev, test)

SQL editor:
- Query execution time logging was fixed
- Generate SQL dialog was improved (FQ names, copy to clipboard)
- Script selector panel UI was fixed
- Variables binding now can be skipped for a query/script
- JDBC fetch size now set for custom SQL queries
- Data export now reuses SQL editor connection
- Metadata editor: columns drop was fixed

SQL Server:
- NVARCHAR/NCHAR length calculation was fixed
- Column default value edit support was added
- DDL for TEXT/NTEXT data types was fixed

- Driver now uses URL template (by default)
- Column comments for new tables now saved properly
- SQL Server Data Warehouse support was added
- MySQL: bit stream data type support was fixed
- CockroachDB: table metadata read was fixed
- Apache Derby driver was upgraded
- Teradata: multiple resultsets support was added
- Test connection dialog was redesigned
- Driver libraries cache was fixed (re-download of Maven artifacts)
- Widows registry reading was fixed (Java 8 compatibility)
- Many other minor bugs were fixed

DBeaver 6.2.0 相關參考資料
DBeaver 6.2.0 Free Download for Mac | MacUpdate

DBeaver 6.2.0 - Open Source universal database manager. Download the latest versions of the best Mac apps at safe and trusted MacUpdate.

DBeaver Community | Free Universal Database Tool

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DBeaver Download (2019 Latest) for Windows 10, 8, 7

DBeaver 6.2.0 LATEST. Requirements: Windows XP64 / Vista64 / Windows 7 64 / Windows 8 64 / Windows 10 64. User Rating: Click to vote. Author / Product:.

DBeaver Mac 6.2.0 - Download - Mac Softpedia

What's new in DBeaver 6.2.0: Data export now reuses SQL editor connection; Metadata editor: columns drop was fixed; SQL Server Data Warehouse support ...

Download DBeaver 6.1.5 6.2.0 Early Acess - Softpedia

Download DBeaver. A robust and versatile database manager that comes in handy for DBAs who need to work with multiple tables, scripts, ...

Download DBeaver Portable 6.1.5 6.2.0 Early Access

Download DBeaver Portable. A portable database manager and SQL client that helps you to connect to the database you want, then manage ...

Download | DBeaver Community

Community Edition 6.2.0 ... EE version web site: ... Update site URL: (Multiplatform); Eclipse Marketplace direct ...

Download | DBeaver Community | Page 2

Community Edition 6.2.0 ... EE version web site: ... Update site URL: (Multiplatform); Eclipse Marketplace direct ...

Index of files6.2.0 - DBeaver

2 天前 - Index of /files/6.2.0/ ... 08-Sep-2019 20:37 54M dbeaver-ce-6.2.0-linux.gtk.x86_64.tar.gz 08-Sep-2019 20:37 52M dbeaver-ce-6.2.0-macos.dmg ...

Releases · dbeaverdbeaver · GitHub

... tool and SQL client. Contribute to dbeaver/dbeaver development by creating an account on GitHub. ... dbeaver-ce-6.2.0-macosx.cocoa.x86_64.tar.gz 52.7 MB.