Crypto Notepad

最新版本 KeePassXC 2.4.2 (64-bit)

KeePassXC 2.4.2 (64-bit)

KeePassXC 2.4.2 (64-bit)
Crypto Notepad 是一個自由和簡單,記事本般的文本編輯器為您的 Windows PC 加密保存的文件,其中文件保存和加載與 AES 算法加密。 Crypto Notepad 是一個偉大的免費加密記事本軟件!主界面與默認的 Windows 記事本類似。對於打開 / 保存文件和其他操作,您可以使用菜單或工具欄.

第一次啟動後,您將看到一條消息,要求您從 MAC 地址取鹽,salt 用作第二個加密密鑰。你將能夠改變設置中的鹽。如果你想在另一台 PC 上解密你的文件,則需要使用相同的加密參數,這個參數也保存在 Crypto Notepad.settings 文件中,主鍵除外,沒有保存到任何地方.

Crypto Notepad 特性:
拖放支持檢測網址和郵件鏈接完全可定制的編輯器。能夠自定義顏色和字體能夠自定義加密的不同參數(哈希算法,密鑰大小,密碼迭代,salt)包括與應用程序擴展的默認 Windows 記事本關聯的所有功能輕鬆搜索內容注意:需要。 NET Framework.


檔案版本 KeePassXC 2.4.2 (64-bit)

檔案名稱 KeePassXC-2.4.2-Win64.msi
檔案大小 34.5 MB
系統 Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10
軟體類型 免費軟體
作者 Alexander Sigmanor
更新日期 2019-06-01

What's new in this version:

- Improve resilience against memory attacks - overwrite memory before free
- Prevent infinite save loop when location is unavailable
- Attempt to fix quitting application when shutdown or logout issued
- Support merging database custom data
- Fix opening URL's with non-http schemes
- Fix data loss due to not reading all database attachments if duplicates exist
- Fix entry context menu disabling when using keyboard navigation
- Fix behaviors when canceling an entry edit
- Fix processing of tray icon click and doubleclick
- Update group in preview widget when focused
- Prefer DuckDuckGo service over direct icon download (increases resolution)
- Remove apply button in application settings
- Use winqtdeploy on Windows to correct deployment issues
- Don't mark entry edit as modified when attribute selection changes
- Use console code page CP_UTF8 on Windows if supported
- Snap: Fix locking database with session lock
- Snap: Fix theming across Linux distributions
- Snap: Use SNAP_USER_COMMON and SNAP_USER_DATA directories
- KeeShare: Automatically enable WITH_XC_KEESHARE_SECURE if quazip is found
- macOS: Fix toolbar text when in dark mode
- macOS: Lock database on switching user
- macOS: Fix global Auto-Type when the database is locked
- Browser: Close popups when database is locked
- Browser: Add tests
- Browser: Don't create default group if custom group is enabled

KeePassXC 2.4.2 (64-bit) 相關參考資料
Blog - KeePassXC

We are happy to announce KeePassXC 2.4.2, the second maintenance release of the 2.4 series! ... Posted on Aug 23, 2018 - 21:32 CEST in category Releases.

Download - KeePassXC

OpenSUSE. OpenSUSE package; sudo zypper install keepassxc. Warning: Please do not download unofficial packages from sources you don't trust!

Downloads - KeePass

Supported operating systems: Windows Vista / 7 / 8 / 10 (each 32-bit and 64-bit), Mono (Linux, Mac OS X, BSD, ...). ... KeePassXC (for Linux / Mac OS X)

KeePassXC (32-bit) Download (2019 Latest) for Windows 10, 8, 7

Download KeePassXC (32-bit) for Windows PC from FileHorse. 100% Safe and Secure ✓ Free Download 32-bit Latest Version 2019.

KeePassXC 2.4.0 Released : KeePass - Reddit

They've fixed it in 2.4.1 and added a bit more safety net. ... I only see Win32/64 and AppImage downloads. ... For example, if I have 5 reddit accounts with the same password and I want keepassxc ...

KeePassXC 2.4.1 free download - Software reviews, downloads, news ...

KeePassXC 2.4.1: Keep your Internet passwords within one central ... OS X, Windows 10, Windows 7 (32 bit), Windows 7 (64 bit), Windows 8, ...

KeePassXC 2.4.1 free download for Mac | MacUpdate

KeePassXC 2.4.1 - Community fork of KeePassX. Download the latest versions of the ... Intel, 64-bit processor; OS X 10.10 or later. Screenshot 1 for KeePassXC.

KeePassXC 2.4.1 | Software Downloads | Techworld

KeePassXC 2.4.1 ... KeePassXC is the "Community Fork" of KeePass. ... Platforms: Windows XP,Windows Vista (32 bit),Windows 7 (32 bit) ...

KeePassXC Password Manager

KeePassXC can store your passwords safely and auto-type them into your ... the industry-standard AES (alias Rijndael) encryption algorithm using a 256 bit key.

Releases · keepassxrebootkeepassxc · GitHub

KeePassXC is a cross-platform community-driven port of the Windows application “Keepass Password ... 488 Bytes.