Construct 2

最新版本 BriskBard 1.7.1

BriskBard 1.7.1

BriskBard 1.7.1
Construct 2 是一款專門為 2D 遊戲設計的功能強大的開創性的 HTML5 遊戲創作者。它允許任何人建立遊戲 - 無需編碼!使用 Construct 2 進入遊戲創作的世界。以有趣和引人入勝的方式教授編程原則。製作遊戲而不必學習困難的語言。快速創建模型和原型,或使用它作為編碼的更快的替代.

Construct 2 特點:

Quick& Easy
讓你的工作在幾個小時甚至幾天而不是幾個星期和幾個月的時間裡生活。使用 Construct 2 製作遊戲是一件小事:只需拖放物體,添加行為,使所有事情都隨著事件而活躍起來!通過快速輕鬆掌握 Ribbon 界面,您可以清楚地訪問各種工具讓任何人都可以跳入遊戲開發,而不需要以前的遊戲開發知識.


行為作為預先打包的函數,您可以分配給對象並在需要時重複使用。它們提供了一種即時添加對像功能的方法,加快了開發速度並提高了生產力。它們包括 8 個方向,平台和汽車的動作; 先進的功能,如物理和尋路; 和有用的實用程序,如淡入淡出,閃光,包裝,引腳和拖動& 下降。大多數行為可以與事件一起復制,但這樣做只是耗時更長。這就是為什麼行為可以成為很好的時間保存者,而不需要進一步限制什麼是可能的。

Instant Preview
In Construct 2 你可以在任何時候立即預覽你的遊戲。沒有必要等待編譯或其他耗時的過程。在按下按鈕時,您可以在瀏覽器窗口中運行遊戲,並準備好進行測試。這樣可以進行快速原型設計和迭代開發,從而可以在整個創建過程中進行測試,從而更輕鬆地檢測和糾正問題。通過這種方式,遊戲創作變得更加直觀,特別是對於初學者來說更是如此.

使用 C2 的混合模式,效果和粒子系統讓您的遊戲從美好到華麗。有 70 多種基於 WebGL 的像素著色器效果可以扭曲,扭曲,混合,模糊,蒙版,重新著色等等。您可以將這些添加到對象,圖層和佈局以實現快速特效,並將它們疊加起來以創建令人難以置信的結果。您甚至可以在編輯器中實時查看所有應用程序!

使用單個項目在各種平台上發布您的遊戲。沒有必要維護多個代碼庫。通過使用 Construct 2 的基於 HTML5 的引擎,您可以導出到大多數主要平台。通過發佈到您自己的網站,Chrome 網上應用店,Facebook,Kongregate,NewGrounds,Firefox Marketplace 或使用我們的 Scirra Arcade 分享您的作品,輕鬆訪問網站。通過使用 Node-Webkit 包裝將您的遊戲導出到桌面 PC,Mac 和 Linux 應用程序。另外發佈到 Windows 8 商店或作為本機 Windows Phone 8 應用程序.

Easy Extensibility
Construct 2 自帶 20 多個內置插件,20 多種行為和超過 70 種視覺效果。它們包括顯示文本和精靈,聲音和音樂播放,輸入,數據處理和存儲,粒子效果,運動預設,Photoshop 效果等等。如果您是高級用戶,仍然需要一些特定的功能,Construct 2 可以使用我們完整記錄的 Javascript SDK 創建自己的插件和行為。您也可以使用 GLSL 著色器語言創建自己的視覺效果.



檔案版本 BriskBard 1.7.1

檔案名稱 BriskBard_Installer.exe
檔案大小 54.5 MB
系統 Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10
軟體類型 未分類
作者 Scirra Ltd.
更新日期 2019-04-29

What's new in this version:

BriskBard 1.7.1

- The Blink rendering engine has been upgraded to 74.0.3729.108
- Added new option to use an external download manager
- Added a context menu option to mute a web browser tab
- New options to import, export and edit image sets in the Change appearance section
- Now BriskBard can use visual stiles with high DPI monitors
- Added 3 new visual styles from
- Improved image quality in menus and treeviews
- Added new option to drag and drop browser links form the browser window to the bookmarks and address box
- Added Qwant to the available search engine options
- The Indy and SQLite components have been updated to the latest version

Bug fixes:
- Fixed a font issue in some dialogs with treeviews
- Fixed text color in web browser tabs using the Trident engine
- Fixed the flickering in the email configuration window
- The buttons in the message and article editors now work correctly

BriskBard 1.7.0

- The Blink rendering engine has been upgraded to 73.0.3683.75
- Now it's possible to customize all the user interface in BriskBard
- Added the "FatCow" image set used in buttons, menus, etc.
- Added tens of visual styles for the user interface controls
- Added the CONTROL + J keyboard shortcut to show the downloads window in the web browser tabs using the Blink engine
- The newsgroups servers list has been updated
- The ad blocker servers list has been updated
- The OpenSSL, Indy and SQLite components have been updated to the latest version

Bug fixes:
- The issue with scrolled tabs when you restore the main window has been fixed
- All the texts in the FTP connection window are now translated
- The email message editor now read the email configuration correctly
- Now the email and article viewer shows all the attached images
- The news aggregator now enables the buttons to add new subscriptions correctly
- The procedure to hide the mouse and user interface in the media player has been improved

BriskBard 1.6.9
- Change log not available for this version

BriskBard 1.6.8

New features:
- The Blink rendering engine has been upgraded to 70.0.3538.102
- Now BriskBard can save usernames and passwords from web pages that require authentication
- A new "Host configuration" manager has been added to the security section in the web browser settings
- Added several new options to clear the cache, cookies, navigation history and login information inside the "Clear private data" menu option
- The procedure to detect RSS feeds and favicon links has been improved
- The Indy and SQLite components have been updated to the latest version

Bug fixes:
- The delay opening MS Excel when BriskBard was running has been fixed

BriskBard 1.6.7
- Change log not available for this version

BriskBard 1.6.6

New features:
- The Blink rendering engine has been upgraded to 68.0.3440.84
- The strict site isolation option is now enabled by default in web browser tabs that use the Blink rendering engine
- Now it's possible to select the tabs by moving the mouse wheel when the pointer is over the tabs
- Added a configuration option to select the languages used by the spell checker in web browser tabs that use the Blink rendering engine
- Removed the configuration option to use an online service for the spell checker
- The Indy components have been updated to the latest version
- Opening and editing emails and Usenet articles have been improved
- Added a warning about large files when they are attached to emails or Usenet articles

Bug fixes:
- The message to import web bookmarks is no longer shown multiple times
- The mouse wheel can now be used to scroll bookmarks
- Users in Windows 10 can now use the mouse wheel to scroll the web browsing history panel
- Fixed the video playback flickering with the media player
- Now the attached JPG images in emails or Usenet articles have no white dots
- Fixed a rare bug in the application startup due to an incorrect CEF initialization
- Fixed the bug where the message editor was shown when the user right-clicked over an email or Usenet article
- Fixed a bug in the message editor that introduced line breaks incorrectly
- The image or contact photo in the message editor has the right size at all times
- The email editor now saves the destination address when you click on the save or send buttons while editing said address
- The email and Usenet article editor have been modified to add soft line breaks automatically when you reach the editor border

BriskBard 1.6.5

- BriskBard 1.6.5 includes the latest web rendering engine version that will make web developers happy thanks to the new APIs and tons of JavaScript and CSS support improvements, but regular Internet users will also be glad to know that this engine has more than 30 security fixes. As always, this BriskBard version includes some interface improvements and bug fixes reported by the users, in addition to the latest Indy and SQLite versions

These are the new features:
- The Blink rendering engine has been upgraded to 67.0.3396.62
- The Indy and SQLite components have been updated to the latest version
- Now favicons are used even when there none with the normal size
- Fixed a bug with some downloads that used encoded URLs
- Now the "Go to..." option in the context menu opens a new background tab

BriskBard 1.6.4
- Simplify your Internet navigation with the latest BriskBard version. Enjoy the new bookmark options and the new user interface features that will make your Internet experience even more comfortable

BriskBard 1.6.3
- Improve you Internet browsing experience with BriskBard 1.6.3 and enjoy the new configuration options, enhanced audio support and an even safer navigation

BriskBard 1.6.2
- The Blink rendering engine has been upgraded to 64.0.3282.119
- New "Site per process" security option in web browser tabs using the Blink engine
- Now you can use HTTP, SOCKS v4 and SOCKS v5 proxy servers in web browser tabs using the Blink engine
- New context menu options to duplicate tabs and reopen closed tabs
- New section in the web browser configuration window for all tab related settings
- New web browser settings option to open the same tabs the user was using when BriskBard was closed
- New web browser settings option to open a set of web pages on startup
- Added the enhanced video renderer (EVR) to the media player tabs
- SQLite has been updated to the latest version
- Fixed a bug downloading files with BLOB addresses used by

BriskBard 1.6.1

New features:
- The Blink rendering engine has been upgraded to 63.0.3239.109
- The Indy and OpenSSL components have been updated to the latest version
- The French language is now available in the user interface thanks to Christian
- There's a new option to show a Speed Dial when you open a new web browser tab
- Now it's possible to save a web page as a PNG image

Bug fixes:
- Improved responsiveness when you resize popup windows
- Now the settings are saved correctly

BriskBard 1.6.0

New features:
- The Blink rendering engine has been upgraded to 62.0.3202.75
- SQLite has been updated to the latest version
- Added a portable mode to run BriskBard from an external device without OS installation
- Now the web browser has a new private mode
- The keyboard shortcut Control+Shift+N has been activated to open new web browser tabs in private mode
- Added a context menu option to open web links in private mode
- The IRC-Hispano bookmarks have been updated

Bug fixes:
- The application initialization has been improved
- Fixed a bug reading the server information in popup windows
- Now the phishing threat updates will be disabled when the user disables the phishing protection in the configuration
- Fickering removed from the downloads window

BriskBard 1.7.1 相關參考資料
Blogs | BriskBard

BriskBard 1.7.1 is now available! Submitted by salvadordf on Sun, 04/28/2019 - 22:00. Download the latest BriskBard version with improved visual stiles, a new ...

BriskBard - BriskBard 1.7.1 is now available! Download ...

BriskBard 1.7.1 is now available! Download the latest BriskBard version with improved visual stiles, a new menu option to mute browser tabs and a new...

BriskBard 1.7.1 is now available!

Download the latest BriskBard version with improved visual stiles, a new menu option to mute browser tabs and a new setting to use any ...

BriskBard 1.7.1 is now available! - Pinterest

Apr 29, 2019 - Download the latest BriskBard version with improved visual stiles, a new menu option to mute browser tabs and a new setting to use any external ...

BriskBard 1.7.1 Released! - BriskBard and CEF4Delphi

BriskBard 1.7.1 Released! Enjoy the improved visual styles, the new option to use any external download manager and the context menu option to mute browser ...

BriskBard 1.7.1 軟體資訊介紹 | 電腦資訊007情報站

Construct 2軟體資訊介紹&下載,Construct 2 是一款專門為2D 遊戲設計的功能強大的開創性的HTML5 遊戲創作者。它允許任何人建立遊戲- 無需 ...

BriskBard's Blog

BriskBard 1.7.1 is now available! Submitted by salvadordf on Sun, 04/28/2019 - 22:00. Download the latest BriskBard version with improved ...

Download BriskBard 1.7.1 free - Sooftware

Home · Windows · Internet · Browsers · BriskBard. DOWNLOAD BriskBard 1.7.1. Download Now. [EXE] 54.46MB. Free hosted by Original ...

salvadordf's blog | BriskBard

BriskBard 1.7.1 is now available! Submitted by salvadordf on Sun, 04/28/2019 - 22:00. Download the latest BriskBard version with improved ...