Comodo Internet Security

最新版本 Comodo Internet Security 7.0.315459 (32-bit)

Comodo Internet Security 7.0.315459 (32-bit)

Comodo Internet Security 7.0.315459 (32-bit)
Comodo Internet Security 是免費的,多層次的安全應用程序,提供從病毒,木馬,蠕蟲,緩衝區溢出,零日攻擊,間諜軟件和黑客的完整保護。 Comodo Internet Security 結合您的安全考慮,將功能強大的防病毒保護,企業級數據包過濾防火牆,高級主機入侵防護,應用程序控制和反間諜軟件結合在一個超強功能的應用程序中。下載 Comodo Internet Security 脫機安裝程序安裝!

最新版本的安全性和可用性看到了一個重大的飛躍,增加了基於雲的病毒掃描和無法識別的文件的行為分析 - 使 CIS 在檢測零日攻擊時無與倫比。在默認設置下,基於雲的病毒掃描程序將自動掃描未知和不可信的文件,然後在文件在雲服務器上進行行為分析的同時,將其運行在本地機器的沙箱中,以便不會修改或影響“真正的“系統。簡而言之,保護您 PC 的突破性方法意味著只有受信任的應用程序才能在您的計算機上運行。惡意軟件和不受信任的文件沒有得到任何重要的東西附近,你可以使用你的電腦沒有嘮叨警報中斷.

Comodo Internet Security 還具有友好的圖形用戶界面; 粒度配置選項; 容易理解和翔實的警報; 基於嚮導的可信區域檢測等等。 Comodo Internet Security 提供企業級的保護,可以使用開箱即用,即使是最沒有經驗的用戶也不必在安裝後處理複雜的配置問題。 Comodo Internet Security 可用於許多不同的語言,是免費的生活。下載 Comodo Internet Security 脫機安裝程序安裝!

免費的 Internet 安全包括:

跟踪並摧毀任何現有的惡意軟件隱藏在 PC.

檢測間諜軟件的威脅,並摧毀每個 infection.

反 rootkit
掃描,檢測& 刪除計算機上的 Rootkit.

Bot Protection
防止惡意軟件將您的 PC 變成殭屍.

Defense +

Auto Sandbox Technology™

Memory Firewall
Cutting 防止尖端的緩衝區溢出攻擊.


注意:30 天的試用版 Comodo Internet Security 臨。試用期過後,您可以享受免費版本的 Comodo Internet Security Premium.


檔案版本 Comodo Internet Security 7.0.315459 (32-bit)

檔案名稱 cispremium_installer_x86.exe
檔案大小 91.81 MB
系統 Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10
軟體類型 未分類
作者 Comodo Group, Inc
更新日期 2014-04-03

What's new in this version:

- Website Filtering - COMODO Firewall now inspects URLs and blocks malicious sites while allowing users to define various access rules
- Viruscope - A new dynamic behavior analysis feature that can inspect the real time behaviors of running programs and detect and reverse malicious activities
- Data Protection - New data security feature which makes important files completely invisible to programs running in the sandbox
- Multiple UI themes - Users are now able to choose between Modern, Classic and Tile based UI themes
- PrivDog - A new browser plugin which helps protect online privacy is bundled. Improved:
- Applications now run 700% faster inside sandbox and virtual desktop
- Usability of advanced configuration editor is improved significantly with new features such as contextual grid searching, keyboard shortcuts etc.
- More granular exclusions handling for automatically sandboxed applications Fixed:
Compared to 6.x, there are more than 200 bug fixes included in this release. Below are the selected few:
- Blue Screens on Windows 8.x
- Corrupted dialogs and memory leaks in user interface
- Hanging scans under certain conditions
- Task manager hangs while terminating certain jobs

Comodo Internet Security 7.0.315459 (32-bit) 相關參考資料
Comodo Internet Security 7.0.315459 download for Windows

2014年4月3日 — Download Comodo Internet Security 7.0.315459 free for Windows PC from ✓ Download 100% Free, Safe and Secure software.

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