Code Compare 歷史版本列表 Page1

最新版本 Code Compare 5.3.231

Code Compare 歷史版本列表

Code Compare 是一個免費的工具,旨在比較和合併不同的文件和文件夾。 Code Compare 集成了所有流行的源代碼控制系統:TFS,SVN,Git,Mercurial 和 Perforce。 Code Compare 作為獨立的文件比較工具和 Visual Studio 擴展出貨。免費版 Code Compare 使開發人員能夠執行與源代碼比較相關的大部分任務。Code Compar... Code Compare 軟體介紹

Code Compare 5.3.231 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

New async Code Compare package for VS 2015-2019:
- Now Code Compare is 35 percent more compact and loads faster not only in Visual Studio 2019 but also in Visual Studio 2017 and 2015, but we had to discontinue support for older versions of Visual Studio 2010-2013, which had been already outdated and their support slows down Code Compare development.

Support for PMA mode in VS 2019 for file comparison:
- Now you don't need to disable the option "Optimize rendering for screens with different pixel densities" in Visual Studio 2019 and a file comparison will be created as before. Also, we've fixed scaling of some dialogs in this mode. In general we continue to improve the scaling of our UI in the Visual Studio extension moving to modern technologies.

Online documentation:
- Instead of the obsolete offline documentation as a .chm file, we've implemented a more complete new online documentation, which is located on our global resource and will be actively updated and modernized

Support for 4-5K monitors and usability improved:
- Is this version, we've taken into account some commnets about the UI of monitors with hight DPI and updated button UI used for moving blocks in file comparison

Other improvements:
- Opening comparison when Visual Studio 2019 is run from the Quick Start window is fixed
- New tab size setting for standalone
- Shortcut duplicates of the standart editor for file comparison in Visual Studio are fixed
- Disabling syntax highlighting fixed
- Code Compare UI crashing on launch is fixed

Code Compare 5.2.170 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Opening comparison in VS 2019 is fixed when VS runs with quick start window

ILSpy 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fix crash while resolving .NET core references
- Respect language settings in display class transformation
- Use specialized generic types if a specialized variable is captured
- Stack overflow when decompiling a bool -> bool? conversion
- Expand using declarations setting was not saved

ILSpy 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- VSIX: Fixes for reference assemblies, type navigation
- PDBgen: Fix for sequence points generation
- Add support for null propagation on array access: arr?[i]
- Additional smaller fixes and improvements

Code Compare 5.2.166 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

New activation system with support for Customer Portal:
- Now when you activate a paid license, it will be added to your personal account at the Registered User's Area and is bound to your computer with a unique hardware identifier. To conveniently manage licenses, for product activation, we also use a computer name that will be displayed in your personal account next to Hardware

Integration with GitKraken in a standalone application:
- We supported opening comparison with GitKraken in Code Compare standalone application. You can learn more about Code Compare and Gitkraken integration by referring to our documentation

Possibility to check license expiration in the installer:
- To avoid any compatibility issues between a new product version and an existing expired license, we force a license check before an old version is uninstalled.

Other improvements:
- Drag-and-dropping of folder is fixed in the folder comparison
- Closing a comparison in Visual Studio with CRTL+W is fixed
- Opening a folder comparison with the enabled Hide empty folders option is fixed

ILSpy 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

New Language Features:
- C# 8.0: Nullable Reference Types
- C# 7.3: unmanaged generic constraint
- C# 7.3 Indexing movable fixed buffers: Fixed buffers can be indexed into without first being pinned
- Use Unsafe intrinsics to represent IL operations that cannot be expressed in C#
- C# 7.0 Generalized async return types
- C# 7.0 Local functions
- C# 7.0 Throw expressions

New Features:
- Decompile a set of assemblies to a solution
- New BAML Decompiler
- MSIX for Microsoft Store: @onovotny added build support (including Azure Pipelines)
- Generate VS Windows Forms Designer-compliant code if a method is identified as Windows Forms InitializeComponent
- Added new RemoveDeadStores option
- Added new AlwaysShowEnumMemberValues option

Decompiler Engine improvements and bugfixes:
- Improved stability of decompiler and disassembler on invalid metadata tokens
- Improved decompilation in case not all types/references are available
- Added switch-on-string pattern for empty string case
- Add support for ReadOnlySpan<T> initialization pattern
- Improved decompilation of ref readonly delegates and return types: improved decompilation of ref typed expressions, in particular ref/in extension methods and in parameters
- Improved support for Mono yield return state machines and closure types
- Improved decompilation of LINQ queries
- PDB generator now can emit "method stepping information" for async2

Improvements and bugfixes:
- Many minor bug and stability fixes
- Improved performance in ILInlining step
- VSIX: Fix issue of missing dependencies

UI Improvements:
- Avoid blocking the UI when waiting on assembly load while restoring the saved position in the treeview
- Support obfuscated names in treeview and search #1359
- Escape non-printable characters in IL view
- Rework C# decompiler options dialog (unify language settings panel)
- Make indentation of decompiled code configurable
- Chinese translation by @maikebing (#1299) screenshots
- Small improvements in search panel
- Show error message if an entity cannot be analyzed instead of crashing
- Improved linking in the decompiler view: method group / delegate references, the constructor of an attribute is reachable, by clicking on the open/close parenthesis, fixed fields are now properly linked
- Added matching bracket highlighting
- Updated to AvalonEdit 6.0 Preview

dotnet ilspycmd Tool:
- Add -d|-debuginfo option See Demo app
- Add -r|-referencepath option

Architectural Changes:
- We dropped support for all TFMs except netstandard2.0 #1416
- Reactivate many tests from old decompiler

Code Compare 5.1.183 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Deprecated API is removed for the VS 2019 Preview 1.0 and newer
- ArgumentException after applying transparent brush is fixed
- Parsing namespaces of VB.NET in structural comparison are fixed
- Scrollbar position of the left document is fixed

Code Compare 5.0.183 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Deprecated API is removed for the VS 2019 Preview 1.0 and newer
- ArgumentException after applying transparent brush is fixed
- Parsing namespaces of VB.NET in structural comparison are fixed
- Scrollbar position of the left document is fixed

Code Compare 5.0.156 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Code Compare now supports Visual Studio 2019

Other improvements:
- Fixed displaying of private classes in Difference Explorer for C# structure comparison
- Fixed BadImageFormatException on loading the System.Data assembly
- Minor UI improvements

RazorSQL 8.3.0 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Connection Wizard: Added a tree view for existing connection profiles for faster selection
- Connection Wizard: Added the ability to categorize connections inside sub-folders
- Added a columnEncryptionSetting configurable property for the MS SQL Server JDBC driver
- DynamoDB: Added the ability to scan for values inside of Map columns. See for syntax details
- Connection Process: Added the ability to associate a file to a connection profile. Whenever the connection profile is connected, the file will load in the SQL editor

- Salesforce: Updated API version to 45
- Execute procedure tool - if procedure returns a result set, results are now displayed in the query results tab of the main window
- Oracle: If DBMS Output is turned on, and query / statement does not return results but does return output, output is displayed in the query results section
- Added ability to call SQL Server / Sybase functions that return a table via the Call Procedure Tool
- Import Tool: Create Table from Import: If data values are decimal, will pre-populate decimal type with estimated precision and scale set on the create table window

Bug Fixes:
- MySQL and MariaDB: Column aliases not always appearing as column names in query results for queries that use aliases for the column names
- Initial screen size may be larger than current screen for multiple monitor machines having monitors with different resolutions