
最新版本 Rank Tracker 8.23.17

Rank Tracker 8.23.17

Rank Tracker 8.23.17
保持你的 Windows PC 清潔,並像 CleanMyPC 一樣運行。它掃描你的整個計算機清理垃圾文件,加快你的電腦,並提高其性能。 CleanMyPC 不僅僅是個人電腦清潔劑 - mdash; 它是一個關心您的計算機的重要工具.

CleanMyPC 功能:

一個好的 PC 清理使所有差異
當你使用你的電腦,它堆積了所有類型的垃圾:緩存,日誌文件,什麼不是。這個垃圾吞噬了你的磁盤空間,拖累了你電腦的性能。 CleanMyPC 確切地知道在哪裡找到無用的文件,以及哪些是安全刪除。點擊幾下鼠標而你又重新回到了一個快速,乾淨的 PC 上.

讓 Windows 註冊表雜亂無章
想像一下,在一個裝滿垃圾的壁櫥裡找東西。可能需要你幾個小時。這與 Windows 註冊表是如何協同工作的:當它過時的條目混亂時,您的軟件和操作系統無法在那裡找到正確的數據。 CleanMyPC 保持您的電腦上的註冊表乾淨,以確保您的計算機速度.

大多數 Windows 應用程序帶有自己的卸載程序— 除非他們並不總是刪除整個程序,並留下無用的緩存文件或工具欄。 CleanMyPC 擦拭一個程序的每一個痕跡,即使是通常被忽視的殘羹剩飯。因為當你想從你的電腦上消失的東西,你想它真的走了.

Windows 啟動贏得不再讓你失望
永遠讓你的電腦啟動?這是因為與 Windows 一起加載的自動運行程序。減輕您的系統上的負載,而無需翻閱設置:CleanMyPC 顯示您在一個列表中自動運行項目,所以只需點擊一下即可。有沒有更簡單的方法來加快 PC 啟動.

關於擴展 610235896 為什麼使用工具欄和擴展你的 PC 上額外的負載,你甚至不使用? CleanMyPC 保持附加內容易於到達,所以你可以迅速發現你不需要的,並把它們關閉。

你知道其他人可以恢復你刪除的文件嗎?除非你安全地刪除它們,當然。 CleanMyPC 撕碎你的文件,使他們無法恢復,所以你可以確定敏感數據不見了.

CleanMyPC 掃描你的所有瀏覽器收集你的在線活動的痕跡在一個地方。無需挖掘瀏覽器設置來清理 cookie 或登錄數據:只需點擊一個按鈕來擦除整個在線歷史記錄 clean.

即使您從未使用休眠模式,也有一個存儲會話快照的文件如果你這樣做 - — 並在您的磁盤上佔用千兆字節。手動禁用它可能會很麻煩,但是 CleanMyPC 使得這個超級簡單.

注意:只會在演示版本中清除系統中 500MB 的垃圾。需要.NET Framework.


檔案版本 Rank Tracker 8.23.17

檔案大小 166 MB
系統 Windows 7 / Windows 7 64 / Windows 8 / Windows 8 64 / Windows 10 / Windows 10 64
軟體類型 未分類
作者 MacPaw Inc.
更新日期 2018-08-10

What's new in this version:

Rank Tracker 8.23.17
- A few minor issues have been fixed

Rank Tracker 8.23.16
- New type of video results is now supported by Rank Tracker for the SERP features. An issue has been fixed in Rank Tracker: URLs with encoded symbols are now properly displayed in the project

Rank Tracker 8.23.15
- Rank Tracker has been adjusted to the new Google Ads interface and Google Search Console verification mechanism

Rank Tracker 8.23.14
- Miscellaneous: A new 'Found In' column has been added to the Keyword Sandbox module: it contains the names of the methods where new keyword ideas have been collected from. The 'Tags' column is now synchronized across all Keyword Research modules

Rank Tracker 8.23.13
- Change log not available for this version

Rank Tracker 8.23.12
- A few minor bugs have been fixed

Rank Tracker 8.23.11
- The problem of counting keyword difficulty for the project domain has been fixed

Rank Tracker 8.23.10
- A new search engine has been added, the problem with calculating keyword difficulty in the Keyword Research Module has been fixed

Rank Tracker 8.23.9
- A few minor bugs have been fixed

Rank Tracker 8.23.8
- The algorithm for connecting to Google Adwords account has been updated in Rank Tracker

Rank Tracker 8.23.7
- The problem with calculating organic total visits has been fixed in Rank Tracker. Optimized the process of connecting GA profiles with multiple accounts.   

Rank Tracker 8.23.6
- Change log not available for this version

Rank Tracker 8.23.5
- Images has been added to the list of supported search engines

Rank Tracker 8.23.4
- A few minor bugs have been fixed

Rank Tracker 8.23.3
- The problem of country selection in Google Adwords Keyword Planner Tool and a few other bugs have been fixed

Rank Tracker 8.23.2
- A few minor bugs have been fixed

Rank Tracker 8.23
- Discover the keywords a website is already ranking for with the help of a new Ranking Keywords method

Rank Tracker 8.22.9
- A few minor bugs have been fixed

Rank Tracker 8.22.8
- A few minor bugs have been fixed

Rank Tracker 8.22.7
- The whois library for checking domain age has been updated
- Fixed the issue of Yandex Direct results being collected together with organic rankings

Rank Tracker 8.22.6
- A few minor bugs have been fixed

Rank Tracker 8.22.5
- The problem of blurred interface on retina displays has been fixed

Rank Tracker 8.22.4
- A few minor bugs have been fixed

Rank Tracker 8.22.3
- A few minor bugs have been fixed

Rank Tracker 8.22.2
- A few minor bugs have been fixed

Rank Tracker 8.22.1
- A few minor bugs have been fixed

Rank Tracker 8.22
- Solved the problem with calculating average cost per click value

Rank Tracker 8.21.7
- The issue related to collecting search volume via Google Forecast has been fixed

Rank Tracker 8.21.6
- The fix for new Google Adwords Keyword Planner interface has been implemented

Rank Tracker 8.21.5
- A few minor bugs have been fixed

Rank Tracker 8.21.4
- A few minor bugs have been fixed

Rank Tracker 8.21.3
- Fixed the problem with collecting URLs from Google Top Stories into Keyword Difficulty results

Rank Tracker 8.21.2
- Fixed the bug that caused collecting wrong number of competitors for the 'Keyword Difficulty' tab

Rank Tracker 8.21.1
- A few minor bugs have been fixed

Rank Tracker 8.21
- Fixed the issue with incorrect visibility graph results for project competitors

Rank Tracker 8.20.5
- Fixed duplicated entries for the Keyword Map module, the issue with the filters for Yandex Regions has been fixed

Rank Tracker 8.20.4
- Fixed the problem with Rank Tracker modal windows on MacOS that opened under the main window

Rank Tracker 8.20.3
- Improved UI for minimized interface view and for screens with low resolution and some other minor bugs have been fixed

Rank Tracker 8.20.2
- The time filter from the Keyword Research module has been fixed

Rank Tracker 8.20.1
- New Rank Tracker version with improved memory utilization algorithm for 64-bit Windows machines

Rank Tracker 8.20
- Several bugs have been fixed and UX improvements implemented in Rank Tracker

Rank Tracker 8.23.17 相關參考資料
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