
最新版本 Krisp 1.44.6

Krisp 1.44.6

Krisp 1.44.6
CCleaner 是 Windows PC 的免費軟件系統優化,隱私和清潔工具。它從您的系統中刪除未使用的文件,允許 Windows 運行更快,釋放寶貴的硬盤空間。它也清除你的網上活動的痕跡,如你的互聯網歷史。另外它包含一個全功能的註冊表清潔。 CCleaner,清理臨時文件,優化& 使用世界領先的 PC 清潔器加速您的計算機。您可以從我們的網站點擊免費下載按鈕下載 CCleaner PC 離線安裝程序.

CCleaner 功能:

獲獎 PC 優化
受到數百萬的好評和廣受好評。 CCleaner 是世界上最受歡迎的 PC 優化工具之一。易於使用,一鍵清洗,所以初學者可以在幾秒鐘內優化他們的計算機,並為高級用戶提供先進的功能.

Faster 計算機
您的計算機運行緩慢?隨著年齡的增長,它會收集未使用的文件和設置,佔用硬盤空間,使其變得越來越慢。 CCleaner 清理這些文件,使其立即更快.

廣告商和網站使用您的計算機上的 cookie 在線跟踪您的行為。 CCleaner 刪除您的瀏覽器搜索歷史記錄和 Cookie,以便瀏覽您的任何互聯網瀏覽器都保持機密,您的身份保持匿名.

更少錯誤& 崩潰
隨著時間的推移,您的註冊表可能會變得混亂,導致崩潰的錯誤和損壞的設置。 CCleaner 已獲得專利的註冊表清除程序清除了這種混亂,使您的 PC 更加穩定.

許多程序在您啟動計算機時在後台無聲運行。 CCleaner 幫助你去工作,或者讓你停用不需要的程序來更快地播放.

也可用:下載 CCleaner 為 Mac


檔案版本 Krisp 1.44.6

檔案名稱 krisp-v1.44.6-x64.msi
系統 Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10
軟體類型 免費軟體
作者 Piriform
更新日期 2022-11-30

What's new in this version:

- This release allows the team admins to set a delay for the Krisp Speaker Noise Cancellation, brings updates to the Krisp update flows, and introduces more improvements and bug fixes for a better Krisp experience.

Configurable delay for Krisp Speaker Noise Cancellation:
- Now Business and Enterprise admins can configure a 5 to 30-second delay for Krisp Speaker Noise Cancellation at the start of each call. This will allow the users to hear the ringtones and sounds present in the other call participants’ environment at the beginning of the call before the noise starts to be canceled.
- The Krisp Speaker will be toggled OFF during the delay and automatically turned ON after that period.

Notification for new Krisp versions:
- After this release, you will get a pop-up notification whenever a new Krisp version is available. You will be able to update the app directly from the pop-up to make sure you get the latest features and improvements to have the best possible experience with Krisp.
- This also makes the update process much faster and smoother, ensuring your experience is not interrupted because of lengthy download and installation flow.

Share Krisp with others:
- You can easily share Krisp with others to help them get rid of background noise thus upgrading their call experience and having more productive and professional meetings.

Improvements and bug fixes:
- Now the Noise Cancellation modes will ensure you get the best possible noise cancellation quality no matter which option you select. In the meantime, the quality of your voice will be kept at the top level depending on the capacity of your microphone or your headset.
- The Noise Cancellation mode adjustments that happen during a call will be kept at the next call start to assure you get the best possible noise cancellation at any moment.
- The intensity of noise detected during the calls depicted in the Call Summary will now be categorized with more accuracy.
- Krisp will now consume less energy while assuring you are having noiseless calls.
- We fixed the cases when Noise Cancellation could stop when Windows falsely detected the microphone as muted on system level.
- We have also fixed the cases when the system list of playback devices accessed from the taskbar, as well as the microphone and speaker dropdown lists inside the Krisp app, would start flashing while using certain Bluetooth or USB devices.

Krisp 1.44.6 相關參考資料
Downloading Krisp 1.44.6 from

Krisp is your new friendly noise-canceling desktop app for Windows PC, which removes background noise during calls. It works bi-directionally, ...

Krisp Download

Download Krisp. Krisp is a very efficient application that was developed in order to help in situations where the quality of a voice call is lacking, ...

November 2022

Win 1.44.6 - Notification for new Krisp versions. This release allows the team admins to set a delay for the Krisp Speaker Noise Cancellation, brings updates ...

What's new at Krisp

1 天前 — Win 1.44.6 - Notification for new Krisp versions. This release allows the team admins to set a delay for the Krisp Speaker Noise Cancellation ...

What's new at Krisp - LaunchNotes

Win 1.44.6 - Notification for new Krisp versions · Win 1.43.5 - Bug fixes and improvements · Win 1.42.1 - Background Voice Cancellation · Win 1.40 - Krisp as ...

Win 1.44.6 - Notification for new Krisp versions

2022年11月29日 — Improvements and bug fixes. Now the Noise Cancellation modes will ensure you get the best possible noise cancellation quality no matter which ...