
最新版本 install4j 8.0.5

install4j 8.0.5

install4j 8.0.5
CCleaner 是 Windows PC 的免費軟件系統優化,隱私和清潔工具。它從您的系統中刪除未使用的文件,允許 Windows 運行更快,釋放寶貴的硬盤空間。它也清除你的網上活動的痕跡,如你的互聯網歷史。另外它包含一個全功能的註冊表清潔。 CCleaner,清理臨時文件,優化& 使用世界領先的 PC 清潔器加速您的計算機。您可以從我們的網站點擊免費下載按鈕下載 CCleaner PC 離線安裝程序.

CCleaner 功能:

獲獎 PC 優化
受到數百萬的好評和廣受好評。 CCleaner 是世界上最受歡迎的 PC 優化工具之一。易於使用,一鍵清洗,所以初學者可以在幾秒鐘內優化他們的計算機,並為高級用戶提供先進的功能.

Faster 計算機
您的計算機運行緩慢?隨著年齡的增長,它會收集未使用的文件和設置,佔用硬盤空間,使其變得越來越慢。 CCleaner 清理這些文件,使其立即更快.

廣告商和網站使用您的計算機上的 cookie 在線跟踪您的行為。 CCleaner 刪除您的瀏覽器搜索歷史記錄和 Cookie,以便瀏覽您的任何互聯網瀏覽器都保持機密,您的身份保持匿名.

更少錯誤& 崩潰
隨著時間的推移,您的註冊表可能會變得混亂,導致崩潰的錯誤和損壞的設置。 CCleaner 已獲得專利的註冊表清除程序清除了這種混亂,使您的 PC 更加穩定.

許多程序在您啟動計算機時在後台無聲運行。 CCleaner 幫助你去工作,或者讓你停用不需要的程序來更快地播放.

也可用:下載 CCleaner 為 Mac


檔案版本 install4j 8.0.5

檔案名稱 install4j_windows-x64_7_0_12.exe
系統 Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10
軟體類型 免費軟體
作者 Piriform
更新日期 2020-03-16

What's new in this version:

New features:
- In development environments, the API runtime dependency now automatically provides the native libraries that are required by some API calls
- In development environments, the .install4j runtime directory can now be specified with the system property -Dinstall4j.runtimeDir. This allows all API calls to work, including those that require access to the config file, such as Variables.getCompilerVariable(...).
- Multiple timestamp signing services are now tried in the case of a failure. The default is now DigiCert with a fallback to GlobalSign. This can be changed on a per-project basis as explained in the documentation.

Bugs fixed:
- "Download file" action: If the digest file was created with an external tool that produces upper case letters, the check would fail
- "Execute SQL script" action: Regexp delimiters and compound delimiters with a line break like "; " did not work
- "Check for running processes" action: Prevent closing the process dialog with the window close button
- "Set the owner of files and directories" action: Leading and trailing spaces in the "owner" property were not trimmed and lead to an unhelpful error message
- The native log files of Windows installers was not deleted
- Fixed deadlock during auto-save or while saving the project when the floating license server connection was lost
- Fixed memory leak when running in-process installer applications multiple times
- When using the filter text field in the certificate selection dialogs, the wrong certificate was selected
- The check whether modules are used by launchers was not made for merged projects, so a non-modular runtime library could be generated leading to a runtime failure in a merged launcher
- Text mode overrides for bean properties did not work for elevated actions
- Installers could throw an LzmaException for large data files
- Arguments in .vmoptions files were not trimmed on macOS
- API: If a scheduled version has already been installed manually, return false for UpdateChecker.isUpdateScheduled()
- macOS: Command line executables could not use bundled JRE in macos folder archives due to notarization requirements
- macOS: The reported file sizes of notarized media files in updates.xml was wrong
- macOS: Fixed signing Java 9+ JRE bundles for macOS folder archives when the build runs on macOS or Linux
- Windows: The -manual command line option for selecting a JRE did not work as expected when the direct JRE download options was selected for the media file
- Windows: Could not use absolute locations for the Windows JRE search sequence when the build was not performed on a Windows machine
- Windows: PKCS11 code signing for multiple Windows media files could fail
- Linux: systemd service installation did not work correctly with rpm update
- Linux: Build would fail if non-ASCII characters were present in the install4j installation directory
- Linux: KillMode=process is now set in systemd files by default so additional processes started by a service will not be stopped. This is required for update downloaders that are started by a service.
- Linux: Installers running in console or unattended mode on Java 8u242+ throw an exception if no physical fonts are present on the system
- Linux: Menu entries did not work for installations with spaces in path
- Linux: File associations did not work with spaces in the installation path

install4j 8.0.5 相關參考資料