Canvas X

最新版本 IntelliJ IDEA 2020.2

IntelliJ IDEA 2020.2

IntelliJ IDEA 2020.2
Canvas X 是一個繪圖,成像和發布計算機軟件從 ACD 系統的 Windows PC!作為尋求溝通的工程師,小型企業主和技術圖形專業人員的最佳資源,Canvas X 2017 提供了一個多元化,功效驅動的設計環境。這個可靠的軟件支持 64 位操作系統,並能夠處理超過 100 萬個對象的文檔。迎合廣泛的專業人士— 從圖形設計師到地震學家— Canvas X 2017 對性能進行了微調,並以閃電般的速度通過項目進行分解.

以優化的啟動,加載和保存速度,Canvas X 2017 具有豐富的用戶體驗,為長期用戶的可訪問性和舒適性而精心打造。憑藉其獨特的一體化設計環境,Canvas X 2017 使得圖形元素和高端效果更加直接的結合在一起,得益於各種效率驅動的增強功能。輕鬆訪問常用功能,實現更流暢的工作流程,輕鬆計算,動態編輯等等。為了取得成就,方便和總體易用性而開發,Canvas X 2017 提出了許多 UI 改進,以允許流體對象編輯。



只需右鍵單擊並從上下文菜單中選擇一個選項即可添加和刪除 SpriteEffects。


Rely 在 Canvas X 為桌面立即計算對象的尺寸,甚至無需定義開始和結束點。為了清晰和美觀,移動或刪除測量值.

Shrewd Shuffling

享受動態更新對其對象所做更改的影子的輕鬆感。自定義對象的顯示效果,以何種角度,多麼模糊,以及使用什麼顏色。Windows PC 的跨平台靈活性
Canvas X 允許您跨操作系統工作,支持為 Mac 文件導入 Canvas Draw。

Into Your Own Hands
Canvas X 2017 現在支持觸摸屏選擇,繪畫,繪畫等功能,所以即使在旅途中也可以創建。另外,雙指放大和平移!

敏捷和 Able
在記錄時間結束!更快,更強大,Canvas X 2017 擁有優化的啟動,保存和加載文件的速度.

注意:30 天試用版.


檔案版本 IntelliJ IDEA 2020.2

檔案名稱 ideaIC-2020.2.exe
檔案大小 574 MB
系統 Windows 7 / Windows 7 64 / Windows 8 / Windows 8 64 / Windows 10 / Windows 10 64
軟體類型 未分類
作者 ACD Systems Inc
更新日期 2020-07-29

What's new in this version:

No subsystem:
- Enable "Smart command handling"

Build. Built-in (JPS):
- JPS javac compiler is not working properly with generated class from a javac plugin

Core. Installation:
- Patches for the IDE with 32-bit JDK are not applied

Core. Quick Documentation:
- view psi structure editor should disable in-editor doc rendering

Frameworks. Quarkus:
- Quarkus: Config: invalid highlighting for quoted map keys with dots

Java. Decompiler:
- In decompiled sources, only keywords and values are highlighted

JavaX. AppServers. Tomcat:
- "On frame deactivation: Update resources" does not work on Windows 10

User Interface. Embedded Browser (JCEF):
- two JBCefBrowser instances can mix JBCefJSQuery

Version Control. Git:
- Can't type properly in new Rebase dialog
- New rebase dialog incorrectly uses "--onto" value twice

Version Control. GitHub:
- Login to GitHub dialog doesn't shown when performing remote operations after revoking access on github site
- Github: incorrect results on attempt to login on performing remote operations after personal token revoking
- GitHub Pull Requests tool window shows error when using GitHub Enterprise Server 2.20.10

- Can't expand an object in a Debugger Console

- Rework intention: 'Expand optional chaining and nullish coalescing to explicit checks'

DB Refactoring:
- Submit changes alter procedure

IntelliJ IDEA 2020.2 相關參考資料
Early Access Program (EAP) - IntelliJ IDEA - JetBrains

This page lists pre-release builds of IntelliJ IDEA 2020.2, the next major update planned for July 2020. Both Community and Ultimate Edition EAP builds can be ...

IDEA 2020.2 latest builds - IntelliJ IDEA - Confluence

IntelliJ IDEA 2020.2 is new massive update of the IDE to be released at Summer 2020. Download IntelliJ IDEA 2020.2. IntelliJ IDEA 2020.2 (build 202.6397.94), ...


IntelliJ IDEA 2020.2 Early Access Program Is Starting! – IntelliJ ...

With the upcoming IntelliJ IDEA 2020.2, you'll be able to browse, assign, manage, and even merge pull requests, view the timeline and in-line ...

IntelliJ IDEA 2020.2 Goes Beta! – IntelliJ IDEA Blog | JetBrains

And more. Watch our new video about these and many other features for a quick overview of the upcoming ...

IntelliJ IDEA 2020.2 is released! – IntelliJ IDEA Blog | JetBrains

1 天前 - Java 15 will be out in September and IntelliJ IDEA 2020.2 is fully ready for it. We've updated our support for the Records feature, which is now ...

IntelliJ IDEA 2020.2 Release Candidate is Available – IntelliJ ...

6 天前 - IntelliJ IDEA 2020.2 is fast approaching. Soon your IDE will support Java 15, allow you to fully control GitHub pull requests, provide a set of new ...

IntelliJ IDEA 2020.2 | JetBrains Blog

Tag: #IntelliJ IDEA 2020.2. Product: Any. Any. Category:.

IntelliJ IDEA: The Java IDE for Professional Developers ...

IntelliJ IDEA 2020.2 has now reached the Beta milestone. All the major features have already been implemented, so this is the perfect time to download and try ...

What's New in IntelliJ IDEA - 2020.2 - JetBrains

IntelliJ IDEA 2020.2 lets you review and merge GitHub pull requests right from inside the IDE, quickly navigate between warnings and errors in a file with the ...