Calibre (64-bit)

最新版本 Plex Media Player

Plex Media Player

Plex Media Player
Calibre 64 位是一個管理您的電子書收藏的程序。它作為一個電子圖書館,還允許格式轉換,新聞提要到電子書轉換,以及電子書閱讀器同步功能和一個集成的電子書閱讀器。

Calibre 特點:

Calibre’ 用戶界面的設計盡可能簡單。主窗口中的大按鈕可以滿足您的大部分需求。直觀的標籤下總是清晰地顯示了大量的功能和選項。它的上下文菜單排列整齊,所以你正在尋找的東西幾乎找到了自己的東西。您的目標不會超過三次點擊。這是多年來根據用戶的口徑調整界面的結果。反饋。此外,你可以改變口徑的外觀和感覺的許多方面,並嘗試使用三個內置的庫視圖之一,使用封面,標題,標籤,作者,出版商等瀏覽您的書籍收藏.

Calibre 支持幾乎每一個電子閱讀器,並與每更新更多的設備兼容。您可以在幾秒鐘內將電子書從一台設備轉移到另一台設備,無線或電纜。而且你不需要任何額外的工具來做到這一點。口徑將發送最好的文件格式為您的設備轉換它,如果需要,自動.

Calibre 有一個內置的電子書閱讀器,可以顯示所有主要的電子書格式。它完全支持目錄,書籤,CSS,參考模式,打印,搜索,複製,多頁面視圖,嵌入式字體等等

從 web
Calibre 64bit 版下載新聞 / 雜誌可以確保你知道“經濟學人”,“紐約時報”,“紐約客”雜誌,“衛報”,BBC 新聞,國家地理,CNN,“華爾街日報”,“華盛頓郵報”,“大西洋”等數百個新聞來源自動向您的設備發送故事,科學美國人,有線雜誌,電報,福布斯,Ars Technica&

Calibre 帶有一個方便的網絡服務器來託管你的圖書館。在短短的幾分鐘內,您就可以安全地與任何您選擇的電子書籍分享所有(或部分)電子書籍,或使用您喜歡的任何設備從任何地方自行訪問。通過服務器,您可以使用瀏覽器在任何手機 / 平板電腦上讀取口徑庫中的圖書。它甚至可以離線工作.

對於你們中間的電子書書店,口徑有一個內置的編輯器,允許你編輯最流行的電子書格式,EPUB 和 Kindle 的電子書。編輯有許多複雜的功能,使編輯電子書的內部盡可能簡單和高效.

Satisfy 每個電子書的需要和獲得支持

也可以:下載口徑為 Mac


檔案版本 Plex Media Player

檔案名稱 PlexMediaPlayer-
檔案大小 97.6 MB
系統 Windows XP64 / Vista64 / Windows 7 64 / Windows 8 64 / Windows 10 64
軟體類型 開源軟體
作者 Kovid Goyal
更新日期 2018-06-15

What's new in this version:

Plex Media Player
- Change log not available for this version

Plex Media Player
- Restored ability to delete Watch Later/Recommended items
- Fixed Browse by Folder showing unwatched flags on folders
- Fixed cursor getting lost when navigating up to menu on Live TV Watch Now
- Fixed metadata being displayed behind episode thumbnail in some cases
- Fixed smooth scroll behaviour on some dashboard pages
- Fixed audio & subtitle preference changes not being reflected immediately on the preplay page
- Removed “Discover” and “Watch Now” buttons from Live TV Browse All"

Plex Media Player

- TV web-client updated to 3.54.2

- Removed non-functional Channel provider

Plex Media Player

Items added:
- Desktop web-client updated to 3.52.2
- Qt updated to 5.9.5
- Updated "(Un)Watched" text to "(Un)Played"

Items fixed:
- Restored ability to delete Watch Later/Recommended items
- Fixed several possible situations where focus could disappear
- Fixed an issue where shuffling a TV season would result in a play queue containing episodes from outside of that season
- Fixed an issue where the order in which items on a show page are focused could sometimes be inconsistent
- Ensured quality setting is respected when autoplaying next video
- Fixed HLS videos in Watch Later not playing in some cases
- Fixed some occurrences of "Repeat All" not repeating single video play queues
- Fixed Live TV type buttons cutoff in list view
- Fixed inconsistent queue behavior when playing season with no unwatched episodes
- Fixed music play queues not correctly restoring on app start
- Fixed an issue that prevented playing content from a Controller while the app is in the PIN entry screen

Plex Media Player
- Added Privacy Policy and Terms of Service viewing in settings
- Added quick links action buttons for type discovery pages
- (Xbox One) HDR support for Xbox One S and Xbox One
- (Xbox One) Automatic display mode switching to match video resolution and refresh rate
- Fixed the app not loading if was unavailable
- Fixed the version badge not updating after deleting a version
- Fixed missing videos in a photo library failing silently
- Fixed the OSD not hiding when resuming playback after the screensaver was shown
- (PMP) Fixed high CPU usage during music playback
- Fixed deleting of file with multiple versions
- Fix missing video titles on photo album pages
- Fix the rest of the episodes in the play queue after selecting play from the show level

Plex Media Player

Items added:
- Desktop web-client updated to 3.47.1
- Added automatic fallback to transcode if direct playing music fails
- Updated translations

Items fixed:
- Fixed an issue that prevented toggling between timed and untimed lyrics
- Fixed library lists sometimes not scrolling to the end correctly
- Fixed the dashboard type list sometimes not scrolling to the end correctly
- Don't show the library list if there are no libraries available
- Fixed a rare bug that could cause pointer-only UI elements to appear while not controlling the app with a pointer
- Fixed an issue with news tags sometimes appearing offscreen
- Fixed an issue where going to an empty recording schedule page would make the application unresponsive to input
- Fixed UI sounds

Plex Media Player
- Change log not available for this version

Plex Media Player
- Added scrolling to dashboard header type buttons when more than 5 buttons are visible
- Swapped the Record and Play buttons on Live TV item screens
- Desktop web-client updated to 3.41.2
- Fixed possible endless buffering at start of playback
- Fixed short movie/episode summary alignment
- Fixed version count not showing up on poster lists
- Fixed the recording schedule not displaying an empty message when no events are displayed
- Fixed the next airing wrapping to two lines on the recording priority page
- Selecting "Sign Out" after selecting "Switch User" from the app's home screen no longer shows homescreen content below the confirmation modal

Plex Media Player
- Desktop web-client updated to 3.37.2
- Added subtitle support for videos in the photo player
- Remember last active library when switching between dashboard types"
- Fixed the type dropdown showing collections for Live TV
- Fixed missing separator line for Online Content in libraries
- Fixed an issue with the player controls sometimes unexpectedly disappearing after changing playing item
- Fixed video restarting from offset when changing the audio or subtitle streams
- Fixed movie filters dropdown getting cut off on certain screen sizes
- Fixed an issue where it wasn't possible to close the player until the content finished loading
- Fixed the player remaining paused after changing an item in the play queue
- Fixed title getting cut off on Live TV preplay pages
- Fixed the player controls briefly appearing when closing the player
- Fixed seeking in Live TV playback in desktop mode
- Fixed a rare bug that could cause the app to become unresponsive to key input after signing in
- Fixed some issues with item actions for some older servers
- Fixed an issue that prevented using keyboard shortcuts to mark an item as unwatched

Plex Media Player
- Updated translations
- Fixed the titles for recently added TV shows
- Fixed the player sometimes not being able to play watch later/recommended videos
- Fixed bug that could cause app to fail to load
- Fixed cases where playback would error or fallback to a transcode near the end of a video
- Fixed issues with Apple IR remotes on High Sierra

Plex Media Player 相關參考資料