BurnAware Free

最新版本 SplitCam 10.5.28

SplitCam 10.5.28

SplitCam 10.5.28
BurnAware Free 是一個全功能和免費的刻錄軟件,以創建所有類型的 CD,DVD 和藍光光盤的家庭。家庭用戶可以輕鬆刻錄可啟動光盤,多區段光盤,高質量音頻 CD 和視頻 DVD,製作,複製和刻錄光盤映像。高級用戶將受益於 BurnAware 的高級選項,包括控制引導設置,UDF 分區和版本,ISO 級別和限制,會話選擇,曲目和光盤的 CD 文本,數據恢復以及直接複製。 BurnAware Free 下載最新版本的 Windows PC。它是完全離線設置安裝程序的 BurnAware.

最引人注目的功能之一是用戶界面– 清潔,有效,易於使用和多語言。另一個很大的好處是在燒錄時 CPU 利用率低,而且燒錄過程非常穩定。另外支持最新的操作系統– Windows 8.1 以及任何從 Windows XP 開始的 32 位和 64 位版本.

除了標準選項,BurnAware Free 還提供許多高級選項,如 BOOT 設置,UDF 分區和版本,ISO 等級和限制,會話選擇,CD-Text 跟踪和光盤,逐字節驗證,直接複製等等。

BurnAware 功能:
將您的文件刻錄到 CD,DVD 或藍光光盤追加或更新多區段光盤創建可啟動 CD 或 DVD 創建音頻 CD 和 MP3 光盤創建 DVD- 視頻光盤製作標准或啟動光盤映像將光盤複製到 ISO 映像複製 CD,DVD 或藍光光盤擦除或格式化可擦寫光盤檢查光盤的讀取錯誤從多區段或損壞的光盤中提取文件同時將 ISO 寫入多個刻錄機注意:演示版本.


檔案版本 SplitCam 10.5.28

檔案名稱 SplitCamSetup.msi
系統 Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10 / Windows XP64 / Vista64 / Windows 7 64 / Windows 8 64 / Windows 10 64
軟體類型 未分類
作者 Burnaware Technologies
官網 http://www.burnaware.com/
更新日期 2021-07-18

What's new in this version:

- Added scrolling tolltips. If a tooltip is too long to fit into standard size window, the text within automatically starts scrolling up.
- Added interact mode button into webbrowser layer bar. Use the 'interaction' mode for working with text in the browser layer.

- Hide control bar in browser layer when in interaction mode.
- Browser control bar icons updated.
- Effect names and parameters can now be translated in other languages. The translations will come with future updates.
- Renamed Skin Tone parameters
- Save program settings to file every time the Settings dialog is closed with the OK button. In earlier versions the settings were saved only on successful program exit.

- 'Auto select key color' state of the Chromakey effect was not saved with the project
- Sometimes video file sources stopped working when fast forwarded or rewinded. The problem was addressed in this version.
- Skin Toner effect didn't work in previous version
- Fixed Mirror and Flip effects

SplitCam 10.5.28 相關參考資料
Download SplitCam 10.5.28 - Softpedia

Download SplitCam - Stream your captured videos to various platforms, such as Twitch, Livestream or Ustream, and apply video effects to improve the viewing ...


SplitCam - Download - Kostenlos & schnell auf WinTotal.de

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SplitCam 10.5 Download (Free) - SplitCam.exe

2021年5月28日 — No specific info about version 10.5. Please visit the main page of SplitCam on Software Informer. Editorial review: Read a full review.


SplitCam 10.5.12 | Webcam Software | FileEagle.com

SplitCam 10.5.12 | Cool webcam effects for having more positive emotions during video calls with your friends!


SplitCam 10.5.28 - Download - Instalki.pl

SplitCamera jest darmowym sterownikiem pozwalającym na rozdzielenie strumienia video z pojedynczego źródła na wiele aplikacji.


SplitCam 10.5.28 Free Download - FreewareFiles.com ...

2008年2月26日 — SplitCam virtual video capture driver allows for connecting several applications to a single video capture source.


SplitCam 10.5.28 open source free download

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SplitCam Descargar (2021 Última versión) para Windows 10 ...

SplitCam es un potente software de transmisión de estudio de transmisión. Con SplitCam puedes transmitir directamente a Twitch.tv, Youtube, ...


SplitCam Download (2021 Latest) for Windows 10, 8, 7

SplitCam is powerful stream studio broadcaster software. With SplitCam you can stream directly to Twitch.tv, Youtube, Facebook and e.t.c. at the same time, ...
