軟體下載 dotConnect for SQLite Professional 5.17.1792

檔案名稱 dcsqlite.exe

dotConnect for SQLite Professional 5.17.1792 軟體下載

檔案版本 dotConnect for SQLite Professional 5.17.1792

檔案名稱 dcsqlite.exe
更新日期 2020-12-17
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dotConnect for SQLite Professional 5.17.1792
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What's new in this version:

dotConnect for SQLite Professional 5.17.1792
Entity Framework support:
- Entity Framework Core 5.0.1 is supported
- The bug with creating savepoints in EF Core 5 is fixed

dotConnect for SQLite Professional 5.17.1782
- Visual Studio 2019 version 16.9 Preview is supported
- The sqlite3.dll library that is included into the installation package is updated to version 3.34.0
- The bug with using URI format with file path in the Data Source connection string parameter is fixed
- The bug with updating projects that reference EF6 provider assembly via Upgrade Wizard is fixed

Entity Developer:
The new features are supported in Entity Framework 5.0:
- TPT inheritance
- Many-to-many associations
- The new types of properties IPAddress and PhysicalAddress
- The Model Refactoring functionality is supported for classes in EF Core Model
- The behavior is changed in a standalone Entity Developer: by default the Target Framework model property in EF Core Model is set to .NET 5 instead of .NET Framework
- The bug with saving non-default value of Target Framework model property in EF6 model modified with a standalone Entity Developer is fixed
- The bug with adding new arguments at the end of argument list instead of actual position in method signature by Update From Database Wizard is fixed

Entity Framework support:
- Entity Framework Core 5.0 is supported
- Entity Framework Core 3.1.10 is supported
- The behavior is changed: EF Core 3 assemblies available via NuGet package are compiled for .NET Standard 2.0 instead of .NET Standard 2.1
- The behavior is changed: EF Core 2 assemblies are no longer available via NuGet package but created in the provider installation folder
- The bug with using another context's connection in DbContextOptionsBuilder.UseSQLite(connection) in EF Core is fixed

dotConnect for SQLite Professional 5.16.1759
- The bug with Visual Studio 2019 integration, when both v16.7 RTM and v16.8 Preview are installed on the same computer, is fixed
- The bug with missing Name and Owner properties of the SQLiteConnection class in .NET Standard compliant assemblies is fixed

Entity Developer:
- The bug with reading templates from *.edps by console Entity Developer is fixed

Entity Framework support:
- Entity Framework Core 3.1.9 is supported
- The bug with invalid attempt to load the SQLite extension library 'mod_spatialite', when .UseNetTopologySuite() is not used, in EF Core is fixed

dotConnect for SQLite Professional 5.16.1739
- Visual Studio 2019 version 16.8 Preview is supported

Entity Developer:
- EF Core 3 spatial data types support is improved: in addition to Geometry and Geography, specific .NET NetTopologySuite types like GeographyPoint, GeographyLine are now available property types
- The default mapping for spatial data types in Server's Options is updated
- The bug with throwing "EntityProperty does not contain a definition for IsSpatialType", when custom template from previous versions is used, in EF Core Model is fixed
- The bug with applying On Delete Action=Cascade set in Association Editor to the Generate Database Script functionality in EF Core Model is fixed
- The bug with reading settings from *.edps by console Entity Developer is fixed

Entity Framework support:
- The bug with throwing System.NullReferenceException by the Code-First CreateDatabase() / Code-First Migrations functionality in EF Core is fixed

dotConnect for SQLite Professional 5.16.1730
- The sqlite3.dll library that is included into the installation package is updated to version 3.33.0
- The SendCallStack property is added to the Devart.Common.DbMonitor class for possibility to turn off resource-demanding logging of CallStack
- The Filter property is added to the Devart.Common.DbMonitor class for possibility to choose events being logged
- The Devart.Common.DbMonitor class is improved: now values of the DateTime parameters sent to the dbMonitor tool are supplemented with milliseconds
- The bug with updating projects in folders below the main project by Upgrade Wizard is fixed
- The bug with using Microsoft DataSet Wizard is fixed

Entity Developer:
- The error message in console Entity Developer is improved: now the text includes the list of all available templates if the specified name of template was incorrect
- The bug with saving a new model, which has never been saved before, after some time of work in a standalone Entity Developer is fixed
- The bug with generating mapping for the properties with Shadow=True in EF Core Model is fixed
- The bug with using spatial types inside complex types in EF Core Model is fixed

Entity Framework support:
- Support for spatial data types in EF Core 3 is implemented
- Entity Framework Core 3.1.8 is supported
- The new NuGet package Devart.Data.SQLite.EFCore.NetTopolosySuite with a .NET Standard 2.1 assembly, that is compatible with .NET Core 3, is added
- The new EntityEFCore3Devart.Data.SQLite.Entity.EFCore.NetTopolosySuite.dll assembly compiled with EF Core 3.1 and .NET Framework 4.6.1 is added
- The SQLiteFunctions class, which allows using SQLite-specific functions in LINQ to Entities, is supported in EF Core
- The SQLiteTextFunctions class, which allows using SQLite full-text search functionality in LINQ to Entities, is supported in EF Core

dotConnect for SQLite Professional 5.15.1696
- The bug with throwing System.NullReferenceException when opening *.edmx with invalid associations is fixed

dotConnect for SQLite Professional 5.15.1686
- The sqlite3.dll library that is included into the installation package is updated to version 3.32.3
- LinqConnect (formerly known as LINQ to SQLite)
- The "Could not find element type in model" bug when loading XML mapping in .NET Standard LinqConnect assemblies is fixed
- The bug with using enums via .NET Standard compliant assemblies is fixed

Entity Framework support:
- The bug with incorrect SQL generation when using .Substring() in a .Select() statement in EF Core 2 is fixed

dotConnect for SQLite Professional 5.15.1666
- Visual Studio 2019 version 16.7 Preview is supported
- The sqlite3.dll library that is included into the installation package is updated to version 3.32.2

Entity Developer:
- .NET 5 is added to the list of available Target Framework versions in Create Model Wizard and Model Settings in EF6, EF Core, LinqConnect models
- The new option "Execute procedures for result set detection" is added to Model Settings of EF Core Model to control obtaining metadata of a procedure or function result set
- The new option "Use NULL parameter values" is added to Model Settings of EF Core Model to specify whether NULL parameter values are used for stored procedure execution
- The new option "Add complex types to diagram" is added to Model Settings of EF Core Model to control behavior of Create Model Wizard and Update Model From Database Wizard
- The new option "Add new complex types to the current diagram" is added to Update Model From Database Wizard of EF Core Model
- The new Primitive Default Value Generation property is added to EF, EF Core templates to determine whether to generate initialization for a primitive property based on database DEFAULT column value
- The new property Collection Property Type is added to EF template "DbContext" and EF Core template "EF Core" to determine .NET type used as a property type for the Many end of associations
- The new property Collection Initialization Type is added to EF template "DbContext" and EF Core template "EF Core" to determine .NET type used for initialization of the Many end of association; if it is set to None, then no initialization is generated
- The new property "Nullable Reference Types" is added to C# templates of EF, EF Core models to specify whether C# 8 nullable reference types and non-nullable reference types must be generated
- The new partial method is added to the OnModelCreating(DbModelBuilder modelBuilder) method generated by DbContext template of EF model
- The EF Core model deserialization is improved: Entity Developer shows the full list of detected errors and tries to load the model with invalid elements or ignores such elements if their deserialization is not possible

Console Entity Developer improvements:
- Import of stored procedures and functions via Create-Model command is supported
- The new options --Procedures and --Functions are added to Create-Model command for filtering stored procedures and functions; by default all procedures/functions are imported
- The new option --Execute is added to Create-Model command for executing procedures/functions to get metadata from result set
- The asterisk symbol (*) is supported in --Tables and --Views parameters of Create-Model to include all objects
- The bug with opening connection via some supported providers is fixed
- The bug with enumerating values separated with comma and without whitespace in --Templates, --Schemas, --Tables parameters is fixed
- The DbProviderFactories registration is implemented in Create Model Wizard for EF6 models and .NET Framework provider assemblies
- The new property Target Framework is added to Create Model Wizard and Model Settings of EF6 models
- The compatibility issue with JetBrains ReSharper is fixed
- The behavior is changed: the definition of auto-implemented property is put now on the single line with
- C# DbContext template of Devart Entity Model when ImplementINotifyPropertyChanging=False and ImplementINotifyPropertyChanged=False and PropertyChangePartialMethods=False
- C# EF Core template of Devart EF Core Model when PropertyChangeNotifiers=False and PropertyChangePartialMethods=False
- The behavior for the new EF, EF Core models is changed: Primitive Default Value Generation is set to Literal now instead of LiteralOrExpression
- The behavior is changed: the names of system types are generated without "System." prefix now in EF Core models; for example, it is DateTime instead of System.DateTime
- The behavior is changed: only one confirmation for executing stored procedure is requested by Entity Developer when drag&drop-ing procedure from Database Explorer to Model Explorer or diagram surface
- The behavior is changed: now the EF Core template generates an additional partial class for the context class when "File Per Class" and "Generate Partial Class" are set to True
- The bug with detecting strings, being expressions, as string literals when generating initialization of string properties basing on database columns' default values in EF, EF Core models is fixed
- The bug with missing default value in the generated code basing on DEFAULT value in a database, when any of ImplementINotifyPropertyChanging, ImplementINotifyPropertyChanged, PropertyChangePartialMethods options of DbContext template in EF is turned on, is fixed
- The bug with code generation for zero-or-one to zero-or-one association in the EF6 model with the DbContext template (Fluent Mapping=True) is fixed
- The bug with generating .HasMany end of one-to-many association in EF Core Model is fixed
- The bug with generating TPH mapping in EF Core 3 model is fixed
- The bug with false appearing the "Table or view '...' has no primary key columns, and the entity key for the corresponding storage entity was calculated automatically from other fields." warning in the Error List window is fixed
- The bug with generating new Guid() with Primitive Default Value Generation=Literal in EF, EF Core models is fixed

LinqConnect (formerly known as LINQ to SQLite):
- The bug with materializing elements, the types of which are explicitly converted from non-nullable to nullable on the client side, is fixed
- The bug with incorrect detection of altered column comment in a many-to-many association join table by Update From Database Wizard is fixed

Entity Framework support:
- Entity Framework 6.4.4 is supported
- The translation of the DateTime.AddMinutes() method in LINQ query into SQL statement in EF Core is supported
- The bug with adding / subtracting DateTime and TimeSpan, DateTimeOffset and TimeSpan values in LINQ query in EF Core 3 is fixed
- The bug with SQL generation in EF Core 3, when enum values are used in CASE and COALESCE statements, is fixed
- The EF6 provider registration used with .NET Standard compliant assemblies is improved: the [DbConfigurationType(typeof(SQLiteEntityProviderServicesConfiguration))] attribute set for DbContext descendant allows now calling the DbContext constructor, that accepts a connection string, with no need to register a custom IDbConnectionFactory implementation

dotConnect for SQLite Professional 5.15.1612
LinqConnect (formerly known as LINQ to SQLite):
- The insert of the object, the type of which is an unmapped class inherited from a mapped class, is supported
- The bug with throwing System.NullReferenceException, when constructing the error saying that unmapped class is not supported, is fixed

Entity Developer:
- Command-line interface is implemented in a standalone Entity Developer
- The new property Context Name is added to Model Properties in EF Core Model
- The new property Target Framework is added to Model Properties in EF Core Model
- The provider registration is improved: requirement to put provider registration entry in the config file is not obligatory anymore
- Create Model Wizard is improved: now it allows installing multiple NuGet packages on the final step
- Model file tree in .NET Core / .NET Standard projects is improved: all generated code files and model files are nested under the same node in Solution Explorer

Entity Framework support:
- Entity Framework Core 3.1.3 is supported
- The .ToString() call for numbers, DateTime/DateTimeOffset properties and values in LINQ queries in EF Core is supported
- The call of Convert.ToString(value) in LINQ queries in EF Core is supported
- The bug with comparing milliseconds of DateTime properties is fixed

dotConnect for SQLite Professional 5.15.1583
- The SQLiteDataTable and SQLiteDataSet classes are supported in .NET Standard 2.0
- The behavior is changed: pool is automatically cleared when AppDomain is being closed

Entity Developer:
- The bug with returning multiple result sets in code generated by the EF Core template is fixed

Entity Framework support:
- Entity Framework Core 3.1.1 is supported
- The bug with using nullable enum properties with default mapping to integers in LINQ query in EF Core 3.1 is fixed
- The bug with using value converters detected automatically by .HasConversion() in EF Core 3 is fixed
- The bug with using NULL constant values in EF Core 3 is fixed
- The bug with using binary operators AND, OR in EF Core 3 is fixed
- The bug with setting a default value for DateTime and TimeSpan properties via EF Core Code-First Migrations is fixed

dotConnect for SQLite Professional 5.15.1541
- Visual Studio 2019 version 16.5 Preview is supported
- The bug with using Toolbox component SQLiteDataSource in web projects of Visual Studio 2013, 2015, 2017, 2019 is fixed
- The bug with enabling Devart DataSet Editor in Visual Studio 2017 and Visual Studio 2019 is fixed
- LinqConnect (formerly known as LINQ to SQLite)
- The bug with using Toolbox component DbLinqDataSource in web projects of Visual Studio 2013, 2015, 2017, 2019 is fixed
Entity Developer
- The bug with creating one-to-one association basing on an optional FK in EF Core Model is fixed
- The bug with code generation for oneOrZero-to-one and one-to-many associations based on an optional FK in EF Core Model is fixed
- The bug with generating a mapping for a unique constraint specified in owned type property of EF Core Model is fixed

Entity Framework support:
- Entity Framework 6.4 is supported
- Entity Framework Core 3.1 is supported
- The new EntityEFCore3Devart.Data.Oracle.Entity.EFCore.dll assembly compiled with EF Core 3.1 and .NET Framework 4.6.1 is added
- The config.DatabaseScript.ForeignKey.IndexCreation configuration option is supported in EF Core 1/EF Core 2/EF Core 3
- The bug with creating a unique constraint in the database via EF Core Code-First Migrations is fixed
- The bug with applying .ValueGeneratedOnAdd() to the string, guid, byte[] properties with .Key() and without .HasDefaultValueSql() in EF Core is fixed
- The bug with using bitwise operators And, Or, Xor with Int64 arguments in LINQ query is fixed
- The bug with detecting implicit database column type, when model mapping and migration mapping are different, via EF Core Code-First Migrations is fixed
- The bug with generating SQL when using explicit cast in LINQ queries in EF Core 1/EF Core 2 is fixed
- The bug with throwing the "Null TypeMapping in Sql Tree" error by methods in LINQ query in EF Core 3 is fixed

dotConnect for SQLite Professional 5.14.1519
- The "Optimize rendering for screens with different pixel densities" feature of Visual Studio 2019 is supported by Devart DataSet Editor

Entity Developer:
- The Self-Contained Entity Configuration property is added to VB.NET version of EF Core template
- The Entities Configuration Output property is added to VB.NET version of EF Core template
- The code generation for the class properties with Alternate Key=True by VB.NET version of EF Core template is supported in EF Core model
- The bug with code generation, when Raw SQL Query is initialized in class properties, in EF Core 3 model is fixed
- The bug with generating .HasNoKey(), when Self-Contained Entity Configuration is set to True in properties of EF Core template, in EF Core 3 model is fixed
- The bug with generating alternate keys, when Self-Contained Entity Configuration is set to True in C# version of EF Core template, in EF Core model is fixed

Entity Framework support:
- The SQL generation in case of config.QueryOptions.UseCSharpNullComparisonBehavior=true in EF1/EF4/EF5/EF6 is improved
- The bug with using Scaffold-DbContext in EF Core 3 is fixed
- The bug with the redundant empty ORDER BY clause in a subquery, when paging is used, in EF Core 3 is fixed
- The bug with using .Contains within .Select of LINQ query in EF Core 2 is fixed
- The bug with generating invalid SQL when calling members of owned type in EF Core 2 is fixed

dotConnect for SQLite Professional 5.14.1504
Entity Developer:
- The DbContext template is improved: precision and scale for database types are generated now in EF4/EF5/EF6 models when Fluent Mapping=True and Mapping Generation Strategy=UseAttributes
- The bug with throwing the EntityFrameworkCoreVersion error in Create Model Wizard in a standalone Entity Developer is fixed

Entity Framework support:
- Entity Framework Core 2.2.6 is supported

dotConnect for SQLite Professional 5.14.1499
- The sqlite3.dll library that is included into the installation package is updated to version 3.30.1
- The "Optimize rendering for screens with different pixel densities" feature of Visual Studio 2019 is supported by Devart DataSet Manager

Entity Developer:
The DbContext template is improved for using Entity Framework 6.3:
- The "Configuration Type Name" property, which specifies the descendant of DbConfiguration class that should be used for code-based configuration, is added
- The "Use DbConfigurationType Attribute" property, which determines whether to register the configuration type specified in the ConfigurationTypeName property of the DbConfigurationType attribute, is added
- The DbProviderFactories.RegisterFactory method is generated when UseDbConfigurationTypeAttribute=true and ConfigurationTypeName='%Default%'
- With UseDbConfigurationTypeAttribute=false, the static constructor for registering factory and the new partial method OnStaticConfigured are generated
- The "Optimize rendering for screens with different pixel densities" feature of Visual Studio 2019 is supported
- The compatibility issue with JetBrains ReSharper is fixed

Entity Framework support:
- Entity Framework Core 3.0 is supported
- Entity Framework 6.3 is supported
- The lock for Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore dependency is added to the NuGet package Devart.Data.SQLite.EFCore

dotConnect for SQLite Professional 5.13.1470
Entity Developer:
- Entity Framework 6.3 Preview 9 is supported for projects with target framework .NET Core 3 or .NET Standard 2.1
- The behaviour is changed: a plural form of names ending with "s" now has a longer version (for example, status -> statuses)
- The bug with applying the new Foreign Key's Delete Rule values SET DEFAULT and SET NULL by the Update Database From Model and Update Model From Database wizards is fixed (Entity Framework)
- The bug with copying a property with Primary Key=True / Entity Key=True to a complex type is fixed (Entity Framework)
- The bug with naming of a composing unique key by Create Model Wizard / Update From Database Wizard in EF Core is fixed (Entity Framework)
- The bug with invalid attempt to cast unsupported Visual Studio project to type 'VSLangProj.VSProject' is fixed

Entity Framework support:
- Entity Framework 6.3 Preview 9 is supported
- A new NuGet package Devart.Data.SQLite.EF6 with a .NET Standard 2.1 assembly, compatible with .NET Core 3, is added
- The bug with using the same database connection in several EF Core contexts is fixed
- The bug with applying a value converter to .Where expression with .Contains on nullable enum in EF Core 2 is fixed

dotConnect for SQLite Professional 5.12.1437
- The bug with throwing System.IndexOutOfRangeException when OracleParameter.Size=-1 is fixed

Entity Framework support:
- The bug with applying a value converter to a nullable column in EF Core 2 is fixed
- The bug with using the binary operator Add for the types 'System.String' and 'System.String' within LINQ query in EF Core 2 is fixed

dotConnect for SQLite Professional 5.12.1422
- The bug with throwing "Operation is not supported" by web providers, when the cookie is used, is fixed

Entity Developer:
- The ability to disable generation of the byte order mark (BOM) in the beginning of code files in a standalone Entity Developer is implemented
- The bug with design time copy/cut/paste functionality for entities is fixed
- The bug with invalid integer to enum conversion by a generated method, which is based on SQL query and returns a collection of entities, in EF Core 2 is fixed

Entity Framework support:
- The bug with applying a filter to the nullable property with implicit EnumToStringConverter via LINQ queries in EF Core 2 is fixed
- The bug with missing brackets around SELECT inside the generated CASE statement in EF Core 2 is fixed
- The bug with nullable parameters in EF Core 2 is fixed
- The bug with reopening connections in EF Core 2 is fixed
- The bug with incorrect exception message on opening connection, when ConnectionString is not set, by .NET Standard compliant assemblies is fixed

dotConnect for SQLite Professional 5.12.1402
- The sqlite3.dll library that is included into the installation package is updated to version 3.28.0
- Deprecated design-time Synchronous API calls are no longer used with Visual Studio 2019 and Visual Studio 2017

LinqConnect (formerly known as LINQ to MySQL):
- The bug with executing incorrect SQL request (cached during one of the previous calls), when a variable initialized with an empty collection participates in LINQ query, is fixed

Entity Framework support:
- Entity Framework Core 2.2.4 is supported
- The bug with closing database connection by context.Dispose() in the scope of a distributed transaction in EF Core 2 is fixed
- The bug with using a value converter, when the .NET data type remains the same, within the WHERE clause in EF Core 2 is fixed

dotConnect for SQLite Professional 5.12.1366
- Visual Studio 2019 is supported
- Entity Developer: the bug with processing DBNull returned by the function in EF Core is fixed
- Entity Framework support: the bug with using the "Generate Database from Model" wizard when working with Entity Framework 6 Tools is fixed

dotConnect for SQLite Professional 5.11.1357

- Visual Studio 2019 Release Candidate 4 is supported
- The sqlite3.dll library that is included into the installation package is updated to version 3.27.2
- The behavior is changed: reader.GetValue("text_column_with_nonstandard_typename") returns now the System.String object
- The bug with loss of changes, applied in different concurrent transactions, when journaling is not in the WAL mode, is fixed

LinqConnect (formerly known as LINQ to SQLite):
- The bug with using the System.Char argument as literal or variable in LINQ query is fixed

Entity Framework support:
- Entity Framework Core 2.2.3 is supported
- The SQL translation of the following method overloads, that accept the StringComparison argument and return bool, in the System.String class is supported in EF Core 2: Contains, StartsWith, EndsWith, Equals
- The bug with generating the COALESCE expression in EF Core is fixed

dotConnect for SQLite Professional 5.11.1328

- The sqlite3.dll library that is included into the installation package is updated to version 3.27.1

LinqConnect (formerly known as LINQ to SQLite):
- The bug with executing incorrect SQL request (cached during one of the previous calls), when .Contains() is invoked in the multithreaded application, is fixed

Entity Developer:
- The bug with generating fluent mapping for the one-to-one association by the DbContext template in EF4/EF5/EF6 is fixed

Entity Framework support:
- The translation of single-char literal into SQL statement in EF Core is supported
- The bug with throwing Devart.Common.LicenseException when using config.Workarounds.ProviderManifestToken in EF Core is fixed
- The bug with using a value converter for the property used in .Contains() in EF Core 2 is fixed
- The bug with translating String.IndexOf() into SQL statement in EF Core is fixed
- The bug with updating a null value of the concurrency check column with some non-null value in EF Core is fixed

dotConnect for Professional SQLite 5.11.1307
- The sqlite3.dll library that is included into the installation package is updated to version 3.26.0
- The bug with connecting to database with .NET Standard 1.3 compatible assemblies on .NET Framework 4.6.0 run-time is fixed

LinqConnect (formerly known as LINQ to SQLite):
- The new overload DataContext.Refresh(bool ignoreErrors, RefreshMode mode, object entity) is added for ignoring errors during refresh
- The existing overload DataContext.Refresh(RefreshMode mode, object entity) is improved: its check avoids the try to refresh the entity that is added to the context but not submitted to the database
- The type and text of the error generated by the DataContext.Refresh(RefreshMode mode, object entity) method, when the passed entity doesn't exist in database, is fixed

Entity Developer:
- The multiple select functionality in EF Core Model is improved: now it allows setting PrimaryKey, ValueGenerated, Concurrency for several properties simultaneously
- The bug with detecting order of columns in composite primary key with two or more columns by Update To Database and by Update From Database wizards in EF Core is fixed
- The bug with using ASP.NET Core Web Application (.NET Framework) and Azure Functions v1 (.NET Framework) projects in Visual Studio 2017 is fixed

Entity Framework support:
- Entity Framework Core 2.2.1 is supported
- The new extension method Database.IsSQLite() in EF Core 2 is implemented
- The bug with applying config.Workarounds.IgnoreSchemaName=true to the .ToTable() functionality in EF Core 2 is fixed
- The bugs with using the GuidToStringConverter, EnumToStringConverter, ValueConverter classes in EF Core 2 are fixed
- The bug with constructing the LIKE clause in EF Core 2 is fixed
- The bug with generating a subselect within the SELECT list in EF Core 2 is fixed
- The bug with applying an aggregate function to the result of a subselect in EF Core 2 is fixed

dotConnect for SQLite Professional 5.17.1792 相關參考資料
ADO.NET Data Provider for SQLite with Entity ... - Devart

dotConnect for SQLite is a high-performance ORM enabled data provider for ... dotConnect for SQLite was the first SQLite database provider to support . ... Very professional, clear licensing info, and...


dotConnect for SQLite - Editions - Devart

dotConnect for SQLite Editions. dotConnect for SQLite is available in two editions: Professional and Standard. The Standard Edition represents a fully-featured ...


dotConnect for SQLite - FAQ - Devart

What is the difference between the Standard and Professional editions? The free Standard Edition represents a fully-featured ADO.NET data provider with design ...


dotConnect for SQLite - History - Devart

New features in dotConnect for SQLite 5.17. The current build is 5.17.1792 from 17-Dec-2020. The sqlite3.dll library that is included into the installation package ...


dotConnect for SQLite Download (2020 Latest) for Windows ...

dotConnect for SQLite Professional 5.17.1792 LATEST. Requirements: Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10. User Rating: Click to vote.


dotConnect for SQLite History - Devart

5.17.1792 17-Dec-20. Entity Framework support. Entity Framework Core 5.0.1 is supported; The bug with creating savepoints in EF Core 5 is fixed. 5.17.1782 ...


dotConnect.Express.for.SQLite 5.17.1782 - NuGet Gallery

A free Express edition of dotConnect for SQLite, an enhanced database connectivity solution built over ADO.NET architecture and a development framework ...


Download dotConnect for SQLite - Devart

dotConnect for SQLite 5.17 Professional Trial. Note: This package supports whole feature set and works with .NET Framework 2.0 - 4.8 for 30-day trial period.


Download dotConnect for SQLite Professional 5.17.1792

dotConnect for SQLite Professional is an SQLite data provider that comes with ORM support and builds on ADO.NET technology, helping advanced users ...


Download dotConnect for SQLite Standard 5.17.1792

Download dotConnect for SQLite Standard - An enhanced ORM enabled data provider that builds on ADO.NET technology to present a complete solution for ...
