
最新版本 GameMaker Studio 2.1.4 Build 285

GameMaker Studio 2.1.4 Build 285

GameMaker Studio 2.1.4 Build 285
Boostnote 是一個為程序員和 Web 開發人員設計的開源筆記應用程序。 Boostnote 被來自 190 多個國家和地區的許多程序員信賴.

在右下方有快速訪問鏈接,包括縮放,可以想像的每種類型的文檔,大小,縮進和上次更新。調整大小 Boostnote 稍微搞亂了這些快速鏈接的格式。菜單部分可以讓你決定你的存儲位置,定義熱鍵,並調整用戶界面.

Boostnote 可以讓你在現場預覽器中使用 Markdown 記事本,使用片段筆記,多個熱鍵,發現者彈出(類似於 OSX 的聚光燈) ,和乳膠支持。但請記住,Boostnote 不會與 Post-it 風格的應用程序或記事本更換混淆,因為它是面向程序員 / Web 開發人員,如上所述.

Boostnote 功能:
Boostnote 允許您快速,清晰地創建一個組織良好純文本文章您可以輕鬆記錄開發訣竅備忘錄,並在會議期間記筆記 Boostnote 認識超過 100 種語法突出顯示,使其完美編寫代碼


檔案版本 GameMaker Studio 2.1.4 Build 285

檔案名稱 GameMakerStudio-Installer-
檔案大小 177 MB
系統 Windows 7 64 / Windows 8 64 / Windows 10 64
軟體類型 開源軟體
作者 Maisin&Co
更新日期 2018-04-06

What's new in this version:

French, German and Spanish Language Support:
- Choose which language you would like to use during the installer, this choice will carry through into the IDE and the corresponding manual will be downloaded during the first run of the IDE
- If you want to change your language after install this is still possible via 'Preferences -> General Settings'

User login performance/stability fixes:
- The initial startup sequence for network connectivity checks and user-login has been improved, so you should no longer see long stalls during startup
- However, if you are still having issues please contact the Helpdesk for further support

Resource Tree improvements:
- Resource reordering is now easier and clearer to understand, thanks to a new visual indicator as you drag resources in the tree
- Further optimisations have been made for all tree views to improve the performance of the IDE when editing large projects

Per-configuration #macro support:
- Added the ability to override macro definitions in different configs using the syntax #macro CONFIGNAME:MACRONAME
- E.g, #macro MOVESPEED 10 could be overidden on the next line by #macro WINDOWS:MOVESPEED 12 or #macro GOOGLE:MOVESPEED 6

Misc IDE Changes:
- Android Options > 'Build Settings' now has a drop-down which populates with your current Android SDK installation information
- Added support for additional iOS splash screens for iPhones SE, 7, 8 and X

Known Issues:
- It should be fixed now, but if you still get Windows Defender giving false-positives and blocking runtime downloads in 2.1.4+, please tell the Helpdesk
- Explorer file dialogs can sometimes fail to open. This is a Windows 10 Creators Update issue and has been seen failing in other applications
- Runtime download/activation has been seen to crash the IDE occasionally during subsequent startup
- Dead instances of Window's RuntimeBroker application can block attempts to use the manual in the IDE - just get a white page

GameMaker Studio 2.1.4 Build 285 相關參考資料