
最新版本 Gradle 7.0.1

Gradle 7.0.1

Gradle 7.0.1
Blisk 是一個基於鉻的瀏覽器,用於 web 開發的基本工具。將其用於同時構建和測試您的網站的桌面和移動版本。 Blisk 使開發人員能夠同時在多個設備上編碼,預覽其更改!

4 使用原因 Blisk:

以光速發展!現在您不需要一直刷新頁面,搜索並滾動到所需的元素。 Blisk 從根本上節省了開發和測試的時間。瀏覽器將使你的生產力達到 200%。所以你可以把你的工作快兩倍,把時間花在那些對你真正重要的事情上。或者有一杯咖啡,放鬆.

Code 像一個超級開發商。 Blisk 瀏覽器使編寫跨設備兼容代碼和監視代碼中的錯誤。因此,您的代碼將適用於任何設備,並且無處不在.

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檔案版本 Gradle 7.0.1

系統 Windows 7 64 / Windows 8 64 / Windows 10 64
軟體類型 免費軟體
作者 Blisk Team
更新日期 2021-05-11

What's new in this version:

This fixes several issues reported against 7.0:
- Another file system watching crash within Alpine Linux Docker container
- Disable file system watching on musl libc/Alpine Linux
- Gradle fails with a NullPointerException when using --profile
- Gradle 7 File Watching in Alpine Docker container leads to JVM Crash
- Upgrade native platform to 0.22-milestone-14
- Prepare BuildProfile earlier than beforeSettings
- Change ConventionReportTask @since annotation from 7.0 to 6.9 in 7.0.1
- Fix file system watching crash with Alpine Linux running in Docker container
- Gradle Checkstyle tasks fail when the configuration directory is missing
- Broken link in Copy error message when upgrading to Gradle 7.0
- Version Catalogs: Specify "lib" in documentation
- Update documentation for change in behavior when resolving dependencies for custom configurations that extend removed configurations
- Version Catalogs: Silent failure parsing libs.versions.toml file
- Document corner case around configuration removal
- Version catalog fixes
- Fix regression with config_loc existence
- Fix broken link for DSL reference
- DirectoryNotEmptyException on Windows with file watching enabled in Tooling API or TestKit tests
- Report plugin context for validation problems
- Only run the testkit fs watching tests on Gradle 7
- Gradle 7.0 w/ Java 11 non-module projects generates broken class-/modulepath for Eclipse
- Use FQCN in validation error messages
- Disable file system watching for builds started by testkit on Windows
- Add modules to Eclipse classpath only if project is modular
- Gradle fails to start when Java Home directory is removed from a previous daemon
- Display plugin in validation messages
- File system watching is disabled when watcher thread quits unexpectedly
- Check that the Java home for the potential compatible daemon still exists
- Gradle builds on Windows with unavailable mapped remote file systems produce an error message on success
- Fail gracefully when filesystems can't be listed
- Gradle generates a <project-root>/.gradle/configuration-cache/ file regardless of the value of --project-cache-dir
- Backport --project-cache-dir configuration cache fix to 7.0.1
- Add more logging around starting and stopping file system watching
- Return same SnapshotHierarchy when nothing was invalidated
- Add ApiClassExtractor to configuration hash of AbiExtractingClasspathResourceHasher (Bugfix 7.0.1)
- Generated Gradle API JAR is different and causes cache misses

Gradle 7.0.1 相關參考資料
Gradle 7.0.1 Release Notes - Gradle User Manual

Switch your build to use Gradle 7.0.1 by updating your wrapper: ./gradlew ... For Java, Groovy, Kotlin and Android compatibility, see the full compatibility notes.

Gradle 7.0 Release Notes - Gradle User Manual

For Java, Groovy, Kotlin and Android compatibility, see the full compatibility notes​. ... [#17159] - [7.0.1] build fails with musl libc (again); [#17139] - Gradle 7 fails ...

Gradle 7.0-milestone-1 Release Notes - Gradle User Manual

For Java, Groovy, Kotlin and Android compatibility, see the full compatibility notes​. ... [#17159] - [7.0.1] build fails with musl libc (again); [#17099] - Another file ...

Gradle 7.0-rc-1 Release Notes - Gradle User Manual

For Java, Groovy, Kotlin and Android compatibility, see the full compatibility notes​. ... [#17159] - [7.0.1] build fails with musl libc (again); [#17099] - Another file ...

Gradle 7.0.2 Release Notes - Gradle User Manual

For Java, Groovy, Kotlin and Android compatibility, see the full compatibility notes​. ... been fixed in Gradle 7.0.2. [#17159] - [7.0.1] build fails with musl libc (again) ...

Upgrading your build from Gradle 6.x to the latest

You can pull these dependencies into your build like any other external dependency. Building Gradle plugins with Groovy 3. Plugins built with Gradle 7.0 will now ...

Releases - Gradle

Find binaries and reference documentation for current and past versions of Gradle.

Installation - Gradle

Install the Gradle build tool on Linux, macOS or Windows, either manually or using a package manager like SDKMAN! or Homebrew.

Releases · gradlegradle · GitHub

1 instead of 7.0. Upgrade Instructions. Switch your build to use Gradle 7.0.1 by updating your wrapper: ./gradlew wrapper --gradle-version= ...

Gradle Distributions

... 10-May-2021 18:20 +0200 64.00B · gradle-7.0.1-​ 10-May-2021 18:19 +0200 39.45M · ...