Blender (64-bit)

最新版本 Blender 3.6.2 (64-bit)

Blender 3.6.2 (64-bit)

Blender 3.6.2 (64-bit)
攪拌機 64 位是一個免費的,開源的 3D 動畫套件軟件。它支持整個 3D 管道 - 建模,索具,動畫,模擬,渲染,合成和運動跟踪,甚至是視頻編輯和遊戲創建。

高級用戶使用 Blender 的 Python 腳本 API 來定制應用程序並編寫專用工具。通常這些都包含在 Blender 的未來版本中。 Blender 非常適合從統一管道和響應式開發流程中受益的個人和小型工作室。

Blender 64 位是跨平台的,在 Linux,Windows 和 Macintosh 電腦上的運行效果也同樣出色。它的界面使用 OpenGL 來提供一致的體驗。 Blender 沒有價格標籤,但你可以投資,參與,並幫助推進一個強大的協作工具:Blender 是你自己的 3D 軟件。

Blender 主要特點:

Photorealistic Rendering
Blender 現在擁有一個強大的新的無偏差渲染引擎,逼真的渲染效果.

Fast Modelling
Blender 的全面的建模工具,使您的模型創建,轉換和編輯變得輕而易舉.

Blender 的新渲染引擎材料的可能性是無窮無盡的。

快速 Rigging
將模型轉換為 poseable 字符從未如此簡單!

無論是簡單的關鍵幀還是複雜的步行循環,Blender 都可以讓藝術家將他們的靜物變成令人印象深刻的動畫.

體驗塑造有機主體的樂趣使用 Blender 的內置雕刻功能設置.

Fast UV Unwrapping
很容易在 Blender 中展開網格,並使用圖像紋理或直接在模型上繪製自己的圖像.

完全 Compositor
Blender 帶有一個完全成熟的合成器。更多的出口到第三方程序,你可以做到這一切,不用離開程序。

無論你需要一個搖搖欲墜的建築,雨,火,煙,流體,布或破壞,Blender 提供了非常好看的結果

Game Creation
Included in Blender is 一個完整的遊戲引擎,允許您在 Blender 內部創建一個全功能的 3D 遊戲。

Blender 現在包括生產準備好的相機和對象跟踪。允許您導入未加工的素材,跟踪素材,遮罩區域並查看相機運動在您的 3d 場景中。消除了在程序之間切換的需要.

Blender 擁有大量的愛好者和開發人員,Blender 帶有大量的擴展,您可以輕鬆打開或關閉.

新手和高級用戶將喜歡定制他們的佈局完全。從簡單地分割他們的視口,到用 python 腳本完全定制它,攪拌器為你工作.

Blender 帶有許多不同程序的導入 / 導出支持。圖像:JPEG,JPEG2000,PNG,TARGA,OpenEXR,DPX,Cineon,Radiance HDR,SGI Iris,TIFF。視頻:AVI,MPEG 和 Quicktime(在 OSX 上)。 3D:3D Studio(3DS)COLLADA DAE Filmbox FBX Autodesk DXF Wavefront OBJ DirectX x Lightwave LWO 運動捕捉 BVH SVG 斯坦福 PLY STL ,VRML,VRML97,X3D.

也可用:下載 Blender for Mac


檔案版本 Blender 3.6.2 (64-bit)

檔案名稱 blender-3.6.2-windows-x64.msi
系統 Windows 7 64 / Windows 8 64 / Windows 10 64
軟體類型 開源軟體
作者 Blender Foundation
更新日期 2023-08-17

What's new in this version:

- UILayout.template_node_view() doesn’t render UI properly
- Accent Grave / Tilde key on Apple macOS not working
- Regression: Using Grease Pencil Sculpt Grab Tool on a Stroke affected by Subdivide Modifier will Crash Blender
- Blender 3.6 immediately crashes loading a GN hair model created in 3.5
- Mesh Deform Modifier Vertex Count Error
- Graphics Tablet Lag when in Texture Paint mode in Blender 3.0
- LibOverride: Fix RNA handling of object parent-related properties
- LibOverride: Reset object-parenting related properties in resync process
- LibOverride: Cleanup: Split log into dedicated output for resync code
- LibOverride: Fix ‘resync enforce’ not working on RNA collections of IDs
- LibOverride: RNA Apply code: Work around potential duplicates in names of RNA collections of IDs
- Fix (unreported) missing ‘need resync’ detection in overrides of overrides
- LibOverride: Extend unittest to cover more advanced/complex cases
- LibOverride: Remove an override property when it has no operations
- LibOverride: Fix persistent override property in some RNA pointer cases
- LibOverride: Fix RNA API to access liboverride operation’s flag
- Fix (unreported) incorrect behavior of liboverride hierarchy fixing code
- Window autofocus misbehaves
- Regression: Pressing multiple modifier keys at the same time locks mouse click
- Switching open windows ignores held modifiers on WIN32
- Docs: Fix layout of bpy.types.Object Python API documents
- Spreadsheet does not update during/after playing animation
- Windows + Intel Arc A770: Crashes if modifying the object after rendering image in rendered view mode
- Animation: Fcurve Channel color band alignment
- Geometry Nodes: Float Curve input limits are not working unless “reset view” is used
- Appended text looses user (even if used in the Text Editor) after reload
- deps_builder: Update USD repo and hash
- Regression: Speaker ignoring of the starting position in NLA track
- `use spatial splits` does not display point cloud correctly on video card
- Regression: Deadlock on render start
- Fix #109417: Cycles HIP RT crash with multi device rendering
- Snaping in solid mode (Xray 1.0) doesnt snap to “occluded” geometry
- no way to properly initialize for driver in material
- How to Handle Forward Compatibility
- Fix (unreported) minor bug in RNA/Liboverride apply code
- blender 3.6.1 crashes on start with wayland
- Regression: Gizmo stuck in place when I playback my animation
- Fix #110615: missing GL dev packages in
- Regression: Loading a VSE .blend file created in older version into 3.6.0 loses information about video/audio clip cut lengths
- vse separate image after import not working
- Keyframes on values of linked data
- Fix (unreported) missing handling of ViewLayer IDProperties in foreach_id code
- Fix (unreported) collection ‘readfile’ expand incorrect assertion
- Export_3ds: Fixed camera & spotlight target calculation
- glTF exporter: fix missing animation hook parameter
- Export_3ds: Fixed mismatched sign in target calculation
- Import_3ds: Fixed mismatched sign in target calculation
- (Sun Position) – “North” indicator will not hide
- Extra objects: Fix TypeError when torus knot added
- Regression: Normal Edit modifier screws up UVs
- Vertex weight slider not functional in a smooth way (weightpaint mode, editmode is fine)
- Make Line Tool Crashes Blender When Object Has Subdivision Surface Modifier
- Keyframes on values of linked data
- new gaussian smooth creates jagged keys
- Graphic glitches while editing curves – Apple M2

Blender 3.6.2 (64-bit) 相關參考資料
3.6 LTS —

2023年6月27日 — Blender Foundation and the online developers community proudly present Blender 3.6 LTS! The last long-term support release of the 3.x series.

Blender 3.6 LTS —

Versions. Blender 3.6.9 LTS – February 20, 2024. Download. Linux · macOS – Intel · macOS – Apple Silicon · Windows – Installer · Windows – Portable (.zip) ...

Blender 3.6.2 软件正式版免费下载

2023年8月18日 — Win 64位安装包:Blender-3.6.2-windows-x64.msi. Win 64位压缩包 Mac Intel芯片:Blender-3.6.2-macos-x64.dmg. Mac ...

Blender 64 bit 3.6.2

2023年8月17日 — Blender 64 bit 3.6.2 ; Download: Download Blender 64 bit 3.6.2 ·


blender-3.6.2-windows-x64.msi, 306.0 MB, 2023-08-17 15:50. blender-3.6.2-windows-x64.msix, 390.2 MB, 2023-08-17 15:51., 365.2 MB ...

Download Blender (64bit) 3.6.2

Blender (64bit), Blender (64bit) Powerful open-source 3D creation software for artists and designers.

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2023年8月18日 — Blender (64bit) Powerful open-source 3D creation software for artists and designers.

Download —

Featuring Cycles Light Linking, new Principled BSDF shader, better Color Management, Geometry Nodes repeat zone, and so much more. New in Blender 4.0 · See all ...

Index of blenderreleaseBlender3.6

blender-3.6.2-windows-x64.msi, 2023-08-17 03:50, 306M, Blender. [ ], blender-3.6.2-windows-x64.msix, 2023-08-17 03:51, 390M, Blender. [ ], blender-3.6.2-windows ...

Silent Installation of Blender (x64) (3.6.2)

Software Installation Guide ; Platform, Windows ; Vendor, Blender ; Architecture, 64-bit ; Download Path, blender-3.6.2-windows-x64.msi ; Silent Installation Switch ...