BitDefender Free Edition

最新版本 OBS Studio 22.0.2 (64-bit)

OBS Studio 22.0.2 (64-bit)

OBS Studio 22.0.2 (64-bit)
Bitdefender 免費版的設計使您能夠盡情享受您的電腦,而不必擔心病毒和其他電子威脅。稱之為“人工智能”,因為它總能找到最好的方式讓您的系統在不需要特殊配置的情況下避開危險。更重要的是,不會放慢您的系統。 Bitdefender 免費版共享一些革命性的技術,使主要產品線,以超越主要競爭對手,如 AVG,Avast 或 Avira.

Bitdefender 反病毒免費版結合使用雲掃描和行為分析來檢測新的或未知的威脅,其他殺毒軟件錯過。 Bitdefender 使用專有技術,以及其他技術集成,以提供最大的強度與電子威脅.





通過分析應用程序在安全環境中的行為,主動檢測其他產品未知的未知威脅。如果沒有檢測到惡意行為,B-Have 會正常啟動程序。否則,它會自動隔離或刪除它.

防止詐騙,如信用卡網絡釣魚嘗試,BitDefender Antivirus Free Edition 掃描您從瀏覽器訪問的所有鏈接,並在他們被證明是不安全的時候將其阻止.

反 rootkit
Rootkits 是一個通常是惡意的隱形軟件類型,可以幫助黑客獲得對計算機的控制權。 Bitdefender Antivirus Free Edition 使用特殊的技術來檢測和阻止此類惡意軟件.

該技術一旦加載了所有關鍵服務,就會在引導時掃描系統。自動掃描是一款 Bitdefender 專有技術,專注於危險區域的病毒檢測工作.

還提供:下載 BitDefender for Mac


檔案版本 OBS Studio 22.0.2 (64-bit)

檔案名稱 OBS-Studio-22.0.2-Full-Installer-x64.exe
檔案大小 66.3 MB
系統 Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10
軟體類型 免費軟體
作者 BitDefender
更新日期 2018-08-31

What's new in this version:

- Fixed a bug where the program could sometimes mistakenly use a different server than the one selected
- Fixed a bug where copying and pasting sources would not paste the transform
- Fixed a bug where using a custom server with authentication would no longer work
- Fixed a bug on macOS where the browser source would not update properly
- Fixed a bug on macOS where leaving the browser source interaction window could cause a crash
- Fixed a bug on macOS where the lock icons in the source list would disappear under the scrollbar if the scrollbar was visible
- Fixed a case where the multiview could crash on certain Linux desktop environments
- Fixed a potential crash on startup that could happen under rare circumstances
- Fixed a few cases where the "Start Streaming" and/or "Stop Streaming" hotkeys could mysteriously disappear from the hotkeys section of the settings window
- Fixed a bug where the filters window would show the preview very squished
- Fixed a bug where the browser source sometimes wouldn't paint properly
- The "Make projectors always on top" option now also properly applies to windowed projectors as well
- When using Windows 7, the browser source's hardware acceleration is now disabled by default due to potential incompatibilities with older drivers
- When using Intel video adapters with the program, the browser source's hardware acceleration is now disabled by default due to incompatibilities with many Intel integrated video adapters
- Removed the "Beta" warning from the Auto-Configuration tool

OBS Studio 22.0.2 (64-bit) 相關參考資料