Bitdefender Uninstall Tool 歷史版本列表 Page1

最新版本 Bitdefender Uninstall Tool for 2023 Editions

Bitdefender Uninstall Tool 歷史版本列表

Bitdefender Uninstall Tool 是從您的計算機上卸載 BitDefender 產品的最佳方法。將 BitDefender 卸載工具下載並保存到您選擇的位置。此工具可用於 32 位和 64 位操作系統。 下載完成後,轉到您下載並運行(雙擊)的位置; 幾秒鐘後,卸載工具界面將出現; 點擊卸載; 等待該工具顯示完成消息,然後重新啟動計算機. Bitdefender Uninstall Tool 軟體介紹

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Bitdefender Uninstall Tool for 2023 Editions 查看版本資訊


Bitdefender Uninstall Tool for 2022 Editions 查看版本資訊


3DP Chip 22.03.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- In some cases, some of 'Remind me after 1 month' word not displayed bug
- Remind me after 1 month' function bug
- Starred bug with driver of Video card

Newly added or support has been enhanced:
- A driver link in Q&A/Bug report now works more accurately
- You can close 3DP Chip window immediately with X button. (This function need some time when you execute the 3DP Chip.)

Driver date/version information has been added or updated:
- AMD motherboard chipset v4.03.03.431
- Intel motherboard chipset v10.1.19013.8304

Newly added product or support has been enhanced:
- Video card
- AMD Radeon Graphics
- AMD Radeon RX 6700S
- AMD Radeon Pro W6500M

DbVisualizer 13.0.2 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Docs - Users Guide: Update documentation regarding jsch and support for ed25519 and new algorithms
- Driver Manager: Show message when loading an already loaded artifact
- Suggest the jar extension type when Maven dependency specifies type pom

- Auto Completion: Auto completion popup in Windows highlights row at mouse position rather than the first entry in list
- DB Support: Error when viewing DDL of a view
- DB Support - Informix: Table Data Editor
- After upgrade to version 13 can no longer edit result set in Informix
- DB Support - MongoDB: Need to support Database URL for Mongo starting with mongodb:// in addition to jdbc:mongodb://
- DB Support - MySQL: Can not set auto increment in create table for MySQL with 8.0.x driver
- Driver Manager: The driver manager advisory pane at top should show next step suggestions in text rather than with icons
- General: Get app warning (red balloon) if clicking some links
- Occasional "Comparison method violates its general contract" error may be reported
- Grid Component: Reload or close of a grid with many rows (100K+), may be very slow if having an active filter or sort

DbVisualizer 13.0.1 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Make it possible using down button to focus the search all editors result list

- DB Support: DB2 LUW -  DB2 LUW: Comment on view problems
- DB Support: Oracle - DBMS Output is empty in rare situations
- DB Support: SingleStore
- Set back tick character as delimited identifier in SingleStore
- Driver Manager: java.lang.AbstractMethodError when using very old JDBC driver versions
- Deleting a user driver scrolls the list
- New/duplicated drivers are inserted last in list rather than by natural order
- General: Some settings may not be migrated properly at first start of 13.0 (e.g. tab colors)
- Grid Component: Occasional error when copy, export, open in spreadsheet, etc. in grids
- SQL History: Column sort in Tools->SQL History doesn't work for other columns than timestamp

DbVisualizer 13.0 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

New Features:
- DB Support: Elasticsearch - Add support for Elasticsearch
- DB Support: MongoDB - Add basic support for MongoDB and BSON data viewer
- DB Support: Presto - Add support for Presto
- DB Support: Trino - Add support for Trino
- Driver Manager - Improve the driver management to support download drivers from Maven, version selection and more
- Installation/Update Installation - Add an installer for Apple Silicon, M1
- SQL Commander - A new feature to search across all open commander
- SQL Editor - windows

- Connection Setup - Allow copying the actual database URL from the link
- Connection Setup Driver Manager - Add possibilities to set overridden driver properties centrally
- Driver properties with pre-defined list of values should be promoted in a drop-down
- Connection Setup SSH - Add support for ssh-agent with SSH Tunnel
- DB Support: Exasol - Add "certificate Fingerprint" for Exasol connections
- DB Support: Google BigQuery - Add driver entry for Google BigQuery
- DB Support: Greenplum
- DB Support: H2
- DB Support: Netezza
- DB Support: PostgreSQL
- DB Support: Redshift
- DB Support: Snowflake
- DB Support: Yellowbrick - Add "Rename Schema" in PostgreSQL
- DB Support: Oracle - Copying a scheduler job can only be created in connection user's schema
- DB Support: PostgreSQL - Add "CASCADE" to Truncate
- DB Support: SingleStore - Create driver entry and database type for SingleStore
- DB Support: Snowflake - Improve support for authenticator=externalbrowser
- Database Objects Tree - Give the option (or by default) to color visited table names
- Driver Manager - Dynamic OS specific libs should be loaded from driver jar files rather than setting java.library.path
- Filtering/Filter Sets - The Database Objects Filters editor should show and allow editing the label1 attribute for DataNodes
- Grid Component - Add a "Reset Grid" action to remove any current quick filters, column filters, sorting, and selection
- Installation/Update Installation - Should be possible to change the location of included user.vmoptions referenced in dbvis.vmoptions
- Installation/Update Installation Web - Remove the UNIX installers, replaced by Linux installers
- Performance/Stability - Increase the default value for -Xmx from 768m to 2048m
- SQL Commander - Reload of file should preserve current selection, scrolling, and caret position
- SSH - Support openssh config behavior to handle append, prepend and removal of algorithms
- Scripts - Open multiple script files at once

- Driver Manager: Unknown driver properties sent to database

DbVisualizer 12.1.9 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


DbVisualizer 12.1.8 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Cell Viewer/Editor:
SQL Editor:
- Selection highlight remains after moving cursor

DbVisualizer 12.1.7 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Cell Viewer/Editor
- Highlight Selection Matches is sticky
- Grid Component
- Copy Selection as IN clause gives exception
- Problem with negative number presentation as the minus sign may be a hyphen-minus in some locales