
最新版本 Git for Windows 2.36.1 (64-bit)

Git for Windows 2.36.1 (64-bit)

Git for Windows 2.36.1 (64-bit)
記錄一切(遊戲 + 電腦屏幕),並保存為 AVI,MP4 文件。 Bandicam 是最好的遊戲,視頻和桌面屏幕錄製軟件。您可以錄製 WOW,Minecraft,iTunes,YouTube,PowerPoint,網絡攝像頭,Skype,視頻聊天,流媒體視頻和桌面屏幕沒有滯後。下載 Bandicam Windows 的離線安裝程序安裝 Windows.

Bandicam 在錄製時壓縮視頻,並使用更低的 CPU / GPU / RAM 使用率,並完全支持 Nvidia NVENC / CUDA,Intel Quick Sync 視頻和 AMD APP 的硬件加速 h.264 編碼器可以高速錄製視頻,壓縮比高,質量好。因此,它有較少的滯後,你可以保存你的硬盤和 CPU。 Bandicam 在“DirectX / OpenGL 窗口”模式下激活時在屏幕的角落顯示 FPS 編號。它還可以以高達 3840x2160 的分辨率錄製高質量的視頻(可以製作 2160P UHD 視頻),並且您的網絡攝像頭流將被同時錄製並與遊戲 / 屏幕錄製合併(畫中畫,Video-in-Video )。另外,Bandicam 支持實時繪圖功能,讓用戶在錄製電腦屏幕的同時畫線,框或高亮。您可以將錄製的文件上傳到 YouTube 而無需轉換,因為錄製的文件尺寸比其他軟件(1/5〜1/20 視頻尺寸)小得多。

Bandicam 支持 AVI 2.0,只要本地硬盤有可用空間(超過 24 小時錄製可能),最大文件大小是無限的。此外,Bandicam 在桌面錄製模式下,支持鼠標光標的實時高亮和鼠標點擊效果,這是競爭軟件所缺乏的一個特點。當這些鼠標效果與簡單的麥克風錄音結合使用時,Bandicam PC 離線安裝程序是製作教程的理想屏幕錄像機。

Bandicam 的主要特點:
Bandicam 遊戲錄像機可以錄製 DirectX / OpenGL 程序,如 Fraps(Fraps Alternative,Better than Fraps®)錄製的文件大小比其他軟件小得多(Bandicam 在錄製時壓縮視頻)您可以將錄製的文件上傳到 YouTube 而無需轉換(可以製作 720p / 1080p 全高清視頻)您可以在 24 小時內錄製而不會停止(可以使用自動完成錄製功能)您可以以高達 3840 x 2160 的分辨率錄製 4K 超高清視頻您將體驗到比其他遊戲捕捉軟件(使用更低的 CPU / GPU / 硬盤)更少的延遲注意:免費嘗試,功能有限。輸出文件上的水印。 10 分鐘錄音限制.


檔案版本 Git for Windows 2.36.1 (64-bit)

檔案名稱 Git-2.36.1-64-bit.exe
系統 Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10
軟體類型 未分類
作者 Bandicam Company
更新日期 2022-05-10

What's new in this version:

New Features:
- Comes with Git v2.36.1
- On newer Windows versions, Git now assumes a Win32 Console with full color capabilities. This helps e.g. when NeoVIM is configured as Git's editor.
- Comes with OpenSSH v9.0p1
- When git clean fails due to long paths, Git now advises the user to set core.longPaths
- Comes with cURL v7.83.0
- Git Credential Manager's binaries are no longer installed in the same location as core Git's own dashed programs. This separates more clearly the core Git executables from the Git executables provided by third-parties
- Comes with Git Credential Manager Core v2.0.696
- Comes with OpenSSL v1.1.1o
- Comes with patch level 4 of the MSYS2 runtime (Git for Windows flavor) based on Cygwin 3.3.4

- A regression introduced in Git for Windows v2.36.0 where GPG in 32-bit versions simply would not work was fixed
- The proxy-lookup helper only reported the first letter of the proxy, which was fixed
- The installer now verifies that .NET Framework 4.7.2 is available before offering Git Credential Manager (GCM) as an option (because it is required for GCM to work)
- A bug introduced into v2.36.0 where shell scripts failed to run on some network shares with the error "Too many levels of symbolic links" was fixed

Git for Windows 2.36.1 (64-bit) 相關參考資料
at master · waylaugit-for-win

39.0) version of Git for Windows, was released on 2022-12-21. (2022-12-21). 64-bit Git for Windows Setup : ...

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Download for Windows. Click here to download the latest (2.43.0) 32-bit version of Git for Windows. This is the most recent maintained build.

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Git for Windows. 国内直接从官网下载比较困难

The latest (v2.39.0) version of Git for Windows, was released on 2022-12-21. (2022-12-21). 64-bit Git for Windows Setup : ...

Git-2.36.1 For Win 原创

2021年5月25日 — 文章浏览阅读371次。链接:提取码:wk06_git for windows 2.36.1.