Avocode (64-bit)

最新版本 Avocode 2.23.0 (64-bit)

Avocode 2.23.0 (64-bit)

Avocode 2.23.0 (64-bit)
打開 PSD& 使用 Avocode 64 位在 Windows PC 上進行草圖設計。生成 CSS,Swift& XML 直接從圖層中導出圖像,顏色,字體,樣式,大小和尺寸。邀請您的團隊成員,輕鬆管理用戶權限。任何數量的人都可以同時檢查相同的設計。通過評論給出精確的設計反饋,並在發生變化時得到通知。將設計修訂保持在一起並組織到項目中。將任何 Photoshop 和 Sketch 源文件上傳到一個安全的地方,整個團隊都可以訪問,打開並全天候下載。免費為 Windows PC 64 位下載 Avocode

Avocode 功能:

打開.psd& .sketch without Photoshop& Sketch
Avocode 自己渲染 Photoshop 和 Sketch 設計。因此,您可以打開並檢查您上傳到 Avocode 的任何設計。在任何操作系統上,無需設計人員的工具.

導出 CSS,Swift,Android& React 從 design
生成簡潔的 CSS,Less,Sass,Less,SCSS,手寫筆,Swift,Android,& JS 代碼中的 CSS,包括圖層和字體樣式,px,pt 和 dp 中的單位以及 HEX,UIcolor 或 HEX8 中的顏色,最大為 @ 4x 或 xxxhdpi 分辨率
選擇一個圖層,多個圖層或設計的一個切片並將其導出作為圖像。為各種分辨率添加更多的變體。你甚至可以升級和導出矢量形狀,以適應任何桌面,iOS 或 Android 屏幕.

Handpicked#BADA55 colors
手動複製顏色和轉換它們... 這是昨天。只需選擇一種顏色,顏色代碼將立即添加到您的剪貼板中,因此您可以將其粘貼到需要的位置.

將文本圖層導出為純文本,圖像或 html 代碼 6122 8688 當您選擇文本圖層時,可以將其導出為圖像,複製純文本或複制 HTML 標籤的文本。 STYLES 面板將顯示您的所有內容,如 font-family,font-weight 和 font-size.



讓您的開發人員在 Avocode 中自行提取所有設計規格。您可以邀請需要檢查設計的團隊成員,也可以與僅需要評論的人員共享公共鏈接。通過插件

Sync .psd 和.sketch 您可以從字面上留在 Photoshop 或 Sketch 應用程序上傳設計或修訂到 Avocode。安裝我們的插件,點擊同步,設計將突然出現在您的 Avocode 雲中.


通過 Slack 通知您的團隊的進展情況
當您的團隊配對,上傳設計,添加修訂版本時,通過電子郵件或專用 Slack 渠道通知您,或寫評論。您還可以跟踪 Avocode 應用程序中的活動欄的進度.


將設計上傳到 Avocode 雲,與您的團隊同步版本和設計設置(規模,平台,單位) 。讓您的團隊成員盡可能多地訪問,檢查和下載最新的設計修訂版本 24 / 7.

Re-design。 Avocode 作為所有設計版本的最新版本庫。您可以簡單地將修訂彼此堆疊起來,然後以可視方式並排比較它們.

第二次將您的設計上載到 Avocode 雲,您的團隊就可以訪問了。您在 Avocode 上傳的所有內容都使用 SSL 證書進行加密,因此您的設計將保持您的真實身份.

Avocode 可以讓您在多個項目中工作


檔案版本 Avocode 2.23.0 (64-bit)

檔案名稱 Avocode Setup 2.23.0.exe
檔案大小 73.5 MB
系統 Windows 7 64 / Windows 8 64 / Windows 10 64
軟體類型 未分類
作者 Avocode, Inc.
官網 https://avocode.com/
更新日期 2018-04-12

What's new in this version:

Avocode 2.23.0 (64-bit)

New features:
Direct and cross-platform Adobe XD file import:
- Thanks to the Monroe rendering we're now able to directly import and render layered Adobe XD files on Windows, Linux or macOS - even if you don 't have Adobe XD app installed on your machine. To import an XD file, just drag & drop it on any platform either to the Avocode desktop app or at app.avocode.com. Once you do, everyone in your team with access to this design will be able to preview it, inspect, hide, or export all layers and comment. Learn more.

Upload a missing font file:
- In case you imported a design which contains a font-file that is not in our database of open-source fonts, please make sure you own the license to this font and import it as a TTF file via our customer support in-app chat. Learn more.

Bug fixes:
- We fixed a problem with exporting multiple slice layers
- We fixed a bug when removing the last artboard

Avocode 2.22.1 (64-bit)
- We fixed a problem with missing texts in Adobe XD designs
- Measure tool can be now activated by holding ALT as usual
- We removed quotes around numbers in CSS in JS and React Native style templates
- If you experienced an issue when you were trying to downgrade your subscription, we deeply apologize. Now it should work as expected

Avocode 2.22.0 (64-bit)

New features:
Figma integration:
- Starting now, you can import Figma design frames to Avocode! The integration works both from Figma web and desktop app and always launches Avocode web app so you can assign designs to a particular project. Then you can inspect layer styles, measure, pick colors, generate code styles, export design slices and comment. Toggling and exporting layers will be available later on

Guest users:
- The Guest user team role is perfect for clients, colleagues, and stakeholders who only need to access specific projects, open designs and comment. You can invite up to 5 (Company plan) or unlimited number (Enterprise plan purchased after April 4th, 2018) of Guest users at no extra charge

Subfolders in projects:
- If you're in the Company or the Enterprise plan you can create an unlimited number of folders inside projects, to organize and sort your designs better. Specify the platform, code language and the export path for each folder

- New shortcuts for creating projects and subfolders
- To create a new project or new subfolder (only in the Company or Enterprise plan) press CMD + SHIFT + N (macOS) or CTRL + ALT + N (Windows or Linux) or SHIFT + N (on the web)

Photoshop artboards view:
- In our 2.19 update, we have introduced the artboard view of Photoshop files in the Inspect mode. Now the correct view of PSD artboards is also coming to the Comment mode

Bug fixes:
- In this update, we've fixed an issue with syncing XD design named with special characters, an issue with pagination on the Windows desktop app, and a problem with design loading

Avocode 2.21.0 (64-bit)
New features:
- New design loading state: We have redesigned the design loading state, to show you a design preview as soon as possible
- Code language settings for projects: We've added feature to set default code language per project. Just create a new project (or edit project settings of an existing one), click Advanced settings and select the code language you prefer

- We’ve improved design assets and metadata downloading to make design loading and rendering more reliable

Bug fixes:
- Once you click on updates in the Activity sidebar (new comment, new design version, etc.) you should be now always redirected to the respective design (not the 404 error page)

Avocode 2.20.1 (64-bit)

- Your designs in projects now load faster
- We've improved the search API, so you should find designs faster

Bug fixes:
- Desktop App preferences now remain exactly as you have set them even if you relaunch the app
- We’ve fixed a bug in the Comment mode which displayed Annotation dots over comment boxes. When you open a comment now, you should not see the Annotation dots below

Avocode 2.20.0 (64-bit)

New features:
Mentions in comments:
- We added a heavily requested feature to enable you to mention other teammates in comments. To mention someone from your team, just use the @ symbol in any annotation or general comment and start writing the name of the person you want to mention.

Desktop app splash screen:
- There is a new playful loading state of the desktop app.

Faster Design view:
- We have deployed a new version of our design view codebase, and the result is smooth panning, zooming and scaling.

New Sketch plugin 48.2.8:
- We’ve updated our Sketch plugin, and design upload is now up to 2x faster. This update also results in better UX, since the transition between Sketch upload and assigning the design to an Avocode project is immediate.
- Also, if you ever need to edit the Sketch design, you are now able to download the source file from Avocode (works only with files synced to Avocode 2.20 and higher).

Bug fixes:
- We have fixed the transparent background in Sketch and Adobe XD files. We're now displaying a white background in areas that are transparent instead of the usual grey squares
- We've also fixed other minor GitHub issues

Avocode 2.19.2 (64-bit)
- If your computer doesn't support WebGL you can still inspect designs in the Lite mode
- If the design rendering crashes because of WebGL on your computer, we’ll inform you what to do next. We hope to resolve this issue better soon and the solution is currently in development
- We’ve fixed a memory requirements issue which appeared while opening designs on the desktop
- We’ve also fixed the inability to open design if it’s opening has failed before

Avocode 2.19.1 (64-bit)
Bug fixes:
- If you switched of the new Monroe rendering in the App preferences you might have experienced issues with hiding layer groups in the legacy rendering #1853. It's now fixed
- We’ve also fixed an inconsistency in displaying hidden layer. That means when the designer hid a layer in the original source file it will stay hidden when you open the design in Avocode

Avocode 2.19.0 (64-bit)
New features:
Fully featured Inspect mode for Adobe XD files:
- Two weeks ago, when we released the Adobe XD CC integration, we promised you a fully-featured Inspect mode for .xd files really soon. Today's the day. From now on, you can toggle, rename, scale and export single or multiple layers as PNG, SVG, JPEG, or WebP

Photoshop Artboards:
- We're finally releasing a heavily requested feature: View artboards in the same order they have been in the original file

New design tiles in the Project manager:
- Projects now showcase a design preview and design tiles indicate offline access

New Activity sidebar in the Project manager:
- See a feed of recently added files, new versions, and comments for both designs and projects

Faster web app loading:
- Designs and projects also load much faster due to asynchronous and continuous asset download

Faster design opening:
- We're downloading much less bitmaps than in the previous version of our rendering

Better accuracy of design rendering:
- Effects on clipping masks (e.g. stroke) or blending modes on layer fills are now rendered correctly. If you experience some trouble with design rendering, you can turn the Monroe rendering off in the App preferences

Refined image export:
- We fixed export of layers with clipping masks, blending modes on layer fills, and group layer effects

Fixed Color profile:
- Picked colors now exactly match the color codes displayed in the code panel

Bug fixes:
- We've fixed bug with special characters #1835 and incorrect selection of layers #1837 in Adobe XD files
- We've sped up the initial rendering of large designs
- We've fixed selection of rotated and flipped objects

Avocode 2.18.2 (64-bit)
Bug fixes:
- Unfortunately, some people have experienced a problem with logging in since the last update. We have promptly fixed it, and everything should be fully operational by now. Please update your Avocode app to fix this on your side
- We have also fixed the issue with auto update of the Windows desktop app caused by the Electron core. Please download our latest update to fix this issue on your side
- If you’re struggling with the auto update, you should see an overlay with a link to download Avocode in a ZIP file

Avocode 2.18.0 (64-bit)
New features:
Adobe XD CC integration:
- We’re so excited to be among the first tools that integrate with Adobe XD. This update enables you to directly upload XD documents via the Avocode macOS desktop app (if you have the latest version of Adobe XD CC app installed on your machine). Windows and Linux support is coming soon. How to import XD files in 3 different ways?
- You’ll be able to inspect layer styles, measure, pick colors, generate code styles and export design slices. Toggling and exporting layers will be available soon. Here's everything you need to know about the XD integration

Bug fixes:
- We’ve fixed a bug which appeared after the 2.17.2 version and sometimes froze the Sketch plugin during upload. Now it should work just fine

Avocode 2.17.3 (64-bit)
- We’ve added API retries for GET requests. You’ll notice this improvement if you have a slow internet connection

Bug fixes:
- We’ve fixed a few UI bugs in Comment mode
- We’ve fixed a Windows app issue regarding high DPI screens

Avocode 2.17.2 (64-bit)
New features:
- Design Preview mode: There is now a new Design view mode called Preview. You can access it from the Comment mode (via a button in the right bottom corner) or via a sharing link
- Sharing link privacy: We added privacy settings to sharing links. By default your sharing link is set as private, but you can always set if you want to generate a public link and where should it lead. A private link can lead to Inspect mode, Comment mode, and the new Preview mode. A public link can led to Comment mode or the Preview mode

- We added a new switcher to the Member permission settings so you could easily choose between All projects and Selected projects
- When you toggle sidebars or panels in Inspect mode and relaunch the app they will remain hidden. In other words - the state in which you left the app will be there when you come back
- On Windows and Linux you can now hide/show the window panel which takes a lot of the screen view space. Just go to the App preferences
- We added a Color preview (swatch) to Variables panel and modal and also in the Styles panel for drop shadows and borders (stroke)
- When you export a screenshot fo the whole design (even when it has a transparent background) the background is set as white

Bug fixes:
- We fixed the Version sidebar in the Inspect mode. Now when you want to upload a new version of a PSD file, everything should look and feel normal
- When switching to All projects in the Project Manager search query is applied correctly
- Expired users are now able to access public links
- We fixed the problem when latest design metadata were not downloaded for stored designs

Avocode 2.17.1 (64-bit)
New features:
- Immediate project sync
- Deleting or adding new projects in the Avocode web app is now immediately reflected in the desktop app and vice versa
- Excluding Pages and Artboards from Sketch plugin sync
- You can exclude Pages or Artboards from syncing to Avocode by renaming them - just add _ at the beginning of the _Page or _Artboard name. This workflow should speed things up when you’re syncing bigger Sketch files
- E-mail verification
- From now on, we’ll kindly ask you to verify your e-mail address after sign up, to increase the safety of your account

- If you hide a layer and then export it, it will be visible in the Exported asset. But when you hide a layer in a group and then export the group or a selection of layers, the hidden layer will not be visible in the exported asset
- Version Slider in the Comment now works even on Public sharing links, i.e., when someone who is not from your team receives a public link, he can not only see the design and comment but also switch between versions
- Search View closes when you open a design in the Comment mode

Bug fixes:
- We got rid of the loading state flicking when opening a design

Avocode 2.17.0 (64-bit)
New features:
- Version Slider in the Comment mode
- Do you have multiple design versions of a PS design file or a Sketch artboard? Now you can go back and forth between versions in the Comment mode by using a simple slider.
- Move design files between projects
- Select a design file in the Project manager, click on the cogwheel, hit Move to … and select a different Project. Right now it’s only possible to move only one design file at a time.

Bug fixes:
- Rotated bounds are now clipped properly on layers with a clipping mask

Avocode 2.16.6 (64-bit)
Bug fixes:
- The selection of layers should work as expected and layer bounds should be displayed correctly

Avocode 2.16.5 (64-bit)
- We have updated our internal app independent data format which includes multiple rendering fixes. This also improved our image export, so we're now able to export Sketch vector shape with a Motion blur effect to SVG
- We've improved the performance of loading projects and designs, therefore you can search and browse through them faster
- Improved Sketch app detection to correctly install the plugin

Bug fixes:
- When you're syncing Sketch artboards and your Avocode app is turned off, it will be launched once you hit sync or CMD+J shortcut
- Project and design tiles in the Project Manager should load and be displayed well

Avocode 2.16.4 (64-bit)
- Some users have been experiencing problems with starting Avocode desktop app. We've fixed it and the app should launch seamlessly on all Operating Systems

Avocode 2.16.3 (64-bit)
Bug fixes:
- If you happen to upload a design with layers that are not located within artboards, we'll list them in the layer panel but also notify you that it cannot be displayed. In such case, please edit your design source file
- We've fixed UTF-8 character encoding. When you click on a text layer - no matter the character alphabet, its content should be displayed properly in the sidebar and copied to your clipboard

Avocode 2.16.1 (64-bit)
More stable design upload:
- The design upload is more stable and noticeably faster. You can now share designs instantly after upload. Just click on the upload success notification to copy a sharing link to your clipboard

Smarter Sketch design renaming:
- Renaming Artboards and Pages just got smarter. When you rename something in Sketch, it will be renamed automatically in Avocode

Avocode 2.16.0 (64-bit)
New features:
- Synced Variables and Replacement rules
- All Variables and Replacement rules are now synced across all designs within one project. The sync is team-wide which means that all team members on all devices will see your changes and also can change what you have set.

Editing Comments:
- It is now possible to edit Annotations and General comments. Its creator can edit any comment down the thread.

- New Sketch plugin shortcut: CMD + J
- With the introduction of Sketch 47, we had to change our shortcut for uploading selected artboards via Avocode Sketch plugin from CMD + E to CMD + J. Additionally the shortcut for uploading all artboards is also altered from CMD + ALT + E to CMD + ALT + J.

Avocode 2.15.5 (64-bit)
Faster project loading:
- We have improved the API pagination process — so it sends out smaller server request asynchronously instead of sending a big one at once. On average this change has sped up the process from 13s to 700ms for teams with hundreds of projects and thousands of designs.

More precise SVG export:
- We have built a whole new technology to export design vector shapes as SVG images more accurately. We have built a whole new technology to export design vector shapes as SVG images more acurately, including SVG export from layer groups

Bug fixes:
- We've fixed a few bugs in our internal app independent design format which should result in more precise design rendering
- We've changed the desktop app auto-update, so you can always use the newest and the best Avocode version

Avocode 2.15.4 (64-bit)
Bug fixes:
- You should be able to toggle tabs in the Inspect and Comment mode without any problem (to hide/show both sidebars hit TAB)
- We've also fixed minor issues in the Billing section

Avocode 2.15.3 (64-bit)
- We've successfully fixed a bug on our servers which was causing syncing problems

Avocode 2.15.1 (64-bit)
Bug fixes:
- Your team's Contratrotrs should be able to open any design in the Inspect mode just fine
- We've also fixed a few minor issues for redirecting and improved general flow in Billing

Avocode 2.15.0 (64-bit)
Avocode web app:
- We've finally released Avocode web app out of Beta. It's just as powerful as Avocode desktop app, only more than 2x faster. It works in most modern browsers (best experience is assured in Chrome v 43. and higher). Read more about the differences between web and desktop app

More precise SVG export:
- We have built a whole new technology to export vector shapes as SVG images. We tested it against the Sketch export and here are the results

Optimized PNG export assets:
- We have implemented a new PNG optimization method, which minifies images even slightly better than TinyPNG. You can disable it in the App preferences

New code export options:
- Code generated from Photoshop text layers now finally also contains letter-spacing. There is also a new code language in the code settings called Styled-components. It's a special CSS in JS component syntax to style React and React Native app

Better Sketch file organization:
- Each Sketch file now behaves like a folder within your project. When you open a Sketch file, you can either display all artboards or switch between Pages

Sharing links with design preview:
- When you share design previews with clients and colleagues, they should know what they're clicking on. Therefore public links now contain automatically generated design previews

New Team settings:
- There is a brand new UI of Team settings so you could easily manage billing, invite new team members, change roles and project permissions, change your account e-mail or set e-mail where you want us to send your invoices

Project manager UI adjustments:
- Along with the new Sketch file organization, there are a few subtle changes in the top bar of the Project manager. We have also redesigned empty state in new projects so that you could upload designs more easily

Avocode 2.14.8 (64-bit)
- Faster Sketch plugin perfomance
- Fixed Sketch plugin installation for older systems
- Avocode app now always redirects you to a project, where you are uploading Sketch files. For example, if you have opened a project in the Project manager, then you start uploading a Sketch artboard and assign it to a different or a new project, you will be automatically redirected to this project

Avocode 2.14.7 (64-bit)
- We're bringing you another more reliable version of our Sketch plugin for uploading designs
- Layers should be synced correctly even when they contain Overrides from older versions of Sketch
- Symbols are now synced more reliably. We will continue to improve this feature in upcoming updates soon
- We fixed focus in login modal inputs

Avocode 2.14.6 (64-bit)
New Features:
- Now you can scale your design at xxxhdpi and also export vectors shapes at xxxhdpi (parallel for @4x) for Android projects

Bug fixes:
- Some Sketch designs might have frozen your Sketch app during upload. This should be fixed now
- We're now displaying Sketch files even when they contain corrupted layers
- We've fixed a minor Avocode app UI problems in certain environments
- Symbols should be now syncing correctly so you can always open them once your Sketch file is synced

Avocode 2.14.5 (64-bit)
We have improved the UX for uploading a large amount of Sketch Artboards:
- We automatically sync all nested symbols that are contained in artboards
- The total number of uploading designs now doesn’t include symbols
- There is only one sound notification for all artboards from a Sketch file

We fixed the installation of Sketch plugin and its updates:
- Syncing from Sketch app to Avocode should work for everyone
- Latest Sketch plugin can be manually reinstalled from Help menu

Bug fixes:
- We fixed couple of UX problems and Github issues

Avocode 2.14.4 (64-bit)
- We fixed minor issues which occasionally occurred while syncing a design with the new Sketch plugin. Please make sure to check out this article, which explains its full functionality
- The installation of the desktop app for Debian-like Linux distributions should work now without any problems

Avocode 2.14.3 (64-bit)
New and faster Sketch plugin (43.0.0):
- We're introducing a whole new Sketch plugin for uploading designs
- It is bundled with the Avocode app, and it will be installed automatically with it
- It doesn't freeze your Sketch app during design upload
- You can now sync artboards via a simple shortcut. Either CMD+E to upload selected artboards, or CMD+ALT+E to upload all artboards within the Sketch file
- If you want, you can still download the DEPRECATED old version of the plugin. However, the Avocode app update for macOS (2.14.3 and later) will overwrite the old plugin

New features:
- There is a new subtle sound for a successful design upload
- We added a new onboarding modal, so you always know how to add a new Sketch or Photoshop design

Bug fixes:
- We have fixed a couple of minor UI bugs and Github issues #1455, #1333, #859, #960.

Avocode 2.14.2 (64-bit)
- New features: We added font-weight property for Sketch designs in Styles panel
- Improvements: You can now view RECENTLY OPENED designs in an open project in the Project Manager. If you didn't open any designs in a project yet, no designs will appear in this view. However, you can still upload designs directly in this view. Note that the RECENTLY OPENED projects and designs sync only locally per user, not for the entire team.
- Bug fixes: We fixed a few minor bugs from Sentry

Avocode 2.23.0 (64-bit) 相關參考資料
Avocode (64-bit) Download (2020 Latest) for Windows 10, 8, 7

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Avocode 2.23.0 (64-bit) for Windows 軟體資訊交流 - winXmac軟體社群

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Avocode 2.23.0 (64-bit) 檔案下載 Avocode Setup 2.23.0.exe ...

Avocode 2.23.0 (64-bit) 軟體版本Avocode Setup 2.23.0.exe 檔案下載,打開PSD& 使用Avocode 64 位在Windows PC 上進行草圖設計。


Avocode 2.23.0 (64-bit) 軟體下載 Download :: 軟體兄弟

打開PSD& 使用Avocode 64 位在Windows PC 上進行草圖設計。生成CSS,Swift& XML 直接從圖層中導出圖像,顏色,字體,樣式,大小和尺寸。邀請您 ...


Avocode 2.23.0 (64-bit) 軟體檔案下載 - winXmac軟體社群

Avocode 2.23.0 (64-bit) 軟體檔案Avocode Setup 2.23.0.exe 下載,打開PSD& 使用Avocode 64 位在Windows PC 上進行草圖設計。


Avocode 2.24.0 (64-bit) 檔案下載 Avocode Setup 2.24.0.exe ...

Avocode 2.24.0 (64-bit) 軟體版本Avocode Setup 2.24.0.exe 檔案下載,打開PSD& 使用Avocode 64 位在Windows PC 上進行草圖設計。


Avocode 2.26.2 (64-bit) Download for Windows Change Log ...

Avocode 2.23.0 (64-bit) New features: Direct and cross-platform Adobe XD file import: - Thanks to the Monroe rendering we're now able to ...


Changelog - Live Since 2015 | Avocode

Explore what's new and make sure your Avocode desktop app is up to date, so you can get ... We're excited to introduce you the last bit of the Avocode 3 update - the Light theme! ... You can n...


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打開PSD& 使用Avocode 64 位在Windows PC 上進行草圖設計。生成CSS,Swift& XML 直接從圖層中導出... Avocode 2.23.0 (64-bit) 軟體下載Download ...
